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Re:RESPONSE TO LA WEEKLY about Kramer Verdict

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Here's the article:


For Immediate Release

August 3, 1995



Metabolic gases emitted from molds and fungi growing

inside buildings may be a significant source of

airborne volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can

cause indoor air quality problems known collectively

as the " Sick Building Syndrome, " a new study suggests.

Indoor air quality problems have long been blamed on a

variety of causes, including emissions from

particleboard partitions, paints, carpets and cleaning

supplies. The new research suggests that control

measures prescribed for sick buildings may need to be

altered to address microbial problems as well as

building materials.

Dr. Charlene Bayer analyzes emissions from mold and

fungi in a study of the role they may play in causing

indoor air problems.

" As molds and fungi grow, they give off metabolic

gases that contain VOC emissions, " said Dr. Charlene

Bayer, principal research scientist and director of

the Georgia Institute of Technology's Indoor

Environment Research Program. " Some of the volatile

compounds that we are finding are primary solvents,

and we think some of the manufacturers are being

blamed for emissions from their products when the

emissions may actually be coming from the microbes.

Because the VOCs have usually been attributed to other

types of sources, the source control may be

incorrect. "

In research funded by the Georgia Environmental

Technology Consortium -- a division of the Georgia

Research Alliance -- Bayer and biologist Sidney Crow

at Georgia State University investigated a number of

" sick " buildings in the Southeast, collecting fungi

samples from buildings afflicted with microbial

contamination. The samples were allowed to grow in the

laboratory, and the VOCs released from the microbial

broths were collected and identified. These VOCs were

then compared to those detected in the ambient air

within the buildings.

" Many of the volatile compounds produced by the

cultured fungi are identical to those originating from

solvent-based building materials and cleaning

supplies, " Bayer explained. " These VOCs included

hexane, methylene chloride, benzene, and acetone. "

The microbial VOCs may contribute heavily to the

overall level of ambient VOCs in buildings, Bayer

says. In one building the researchers investigated,

for example, the microbial contamination was clearly

evident on the walls, the carpets, and other


" The concentration of hexane -- a solvent commonly

used in cleaning fluids, paints, and adhesives -- was

extremely high, " said Bayer, " but no source of the

hexane could be found. The microbiological

contamination could have been the source of the

hexane. "

Cladosporium, Penicillium, and Aspergillus are among

the host of commonly occurring microbes that can

infest homes, schools, and offices. Usually, the first

indication of their presence is a foul, musty odor.

When growth runs rampant, then the headaches, itchy

eyes, rashes, and respiratory problems begin.

Conditions favorable for microbial growth include heat

and moisture, says Bayer. In the Southeast's

semi-tropical climate, buildings are prime targets for

microbial contamination.

Molds and fungi are not particular about what they

eat. They will happily devour just about any organic

material, including the dirt and dust trapped within

ventilation systems. What can be done to lessen the

risk of microbial contamination? First of all, look

for ways to reduce the necessary nutrient base.

" Under ideal conditions, a building's ventilation

system should filter out both the microbes and the

dirt they feed upon, " added Bayer. " Unfortunately,

however, many homes, schools, and small office

buildings use cheap, throwaway filters in their

ventilation systems. "

Cheap furnace filters are merely " boulder catchers, "

Bayer notes. " They only catch the big stuff -- they

don't catch the fine dust particles and they don't

catch the microbes. So, they really don't do anything

to help human health. "

Bayer's advice: simply throw away the cheap filters

and replace them with more efficient, albeit more

expensive, filters.

But, the bigger the building, the bigger the problems

with ventilation systems become. In larger office

buildings, fiberglass-lined ductwork is often used for

noise control, says Bayer. The fibers tend to trap

dirt, and that provides a rich nutrient base for


" Add a little moisture, and you can have a mold garden

growing in your ductwork, " Bayer explained. " The

microbes grow and multiply, and then get blown all

over the building to infest other areas. "

Moisture control is extremely important in preventing

microbial contamination, says Bayer. When the humidity

goes up, microbial growth can skyrocket.

" Many buildings erected in the Southeast simply were

not designed to handle the heavy humidity loads we

have, particularly during our hot, muggy summers, "

Bayer noted. " And most building owners don't run their

ventilation systems continuously. "

Schools typically turn their systems off during the

summer months, and most office buildings cycle their

systems over nights and weekends, often resulting in

an unpleasant " Monday morning cocktail " for the

workers. Such intermittent operation allows the

humidity to increase and the molds to multiply.

Preventive maintenance involves proper filtration,

correct moisture control, and periodic cleaning of the

entire ventilation system -- including the humidifier

assembly on residential furnaces.

" Typical reservoir humidifiers are little mold

factories, " says Bayer. " They are just pools of

standing, stagnant water throughout much of the year

that allow mold to grow and infiltrate the ducts. They

should be cleaned regularly. "

A great deal of research remains to be done, including

identifying individual metabolic gases and their

respective odors, and acquiring a better understanding

of the microbes that are producing them. Once a

knowledge base is developed in these areas, the human

response to molds and fungi and the sources of

complaints in buildings can be better understood.

" Ultimately, we want to identify the microbial

contamination on the basis of the odors which are

present, " says Bayer. " That way, we will be able to

identify the source much more quickly and accurately,

and deal with the problem faster and more

effectively...before it becomes a major problem

requiring expensive remediation. "



Georgia Institute of Technology

75 Fifth Street, N.W., Suite 100

Atlanta, Georgia 30308


Toon (404-894-6986);

Internet: john.toon@...;

FAX: (404-894-4545)


Dr. Charlene Bayer (404-894-3825);

Internet: charlene.bayer@...

WRITER: E. Kloeppel

--- MNPearl@... wrote:

> Hi Dana,

> I saw your post on . Where did you

> find the information about

> these mold toxins giving off acetone etc? I knew

> that the gases were VOCs

> but didn't know someone had determined what

> chemicals they contain. Thanks!

> Jean



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Is this why hypersensitized people have trouble with the air in many

large buildings?

Is there any kind of program to replace these problematic ducts

now that this serious problem has been identified?

On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 2:57 PM, dana dana <gsgrl2000@...> wrote:

> Here's the article:


> http://gtresearchnews.gatech.edu/newsrelease/FUNGUS.html


.... cut here..

> But, the bigger the building, the bigger the problems

> with ventilation systems become. In larger office

> buildings, fiberglass-lined ductwork is often used for

> noise control, says Bayer. The fibers tend to trap

> dirt, and that provides a rich nutrient base for

> microbes.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Good question....

> > Here's the article:

> >

> > http://gtresearchnews.gatech.edu/newsrelease/FUNGUS.html

> >

> ... cut here..


> > But, the bigger the building, the bigger the problems

> > with ventilation systems become. In larger office

> > buildings, fiberglass-lined ductwork is often used for

> > noise control, says Bayer. The fibers tend to trap

> > dirt, and that provides a rich nutrient base for

> > microbes.

> >


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I was just thinking that the manufacturers had a clear duty to notify

their customers..They should replace the product too.. i.e a product


If they do this, in a regulatory system that works, the eventual cost

to them should end up being lower than simply paying off the

smattering of victims who can afford to sue.. The costs of the

hundreds of thousands of building owners and the perhaps millions of

inhabitants that run the risk of injury should also be considered, as

part of their risk cost/benefit analysis!

Here are some interesting examples of products that hurt people that

shows the weakness with relying on the honor system (as we do with

mold) or even weak Federal or state regulation.



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