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Re: Need feedback-fast!

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Michal, Sounds okay to me. I wonder why everything new though. Is

there some obvious reason why everything is new. Did they remodel

entire place? Anyway, I think if you put your Austin (?) air filter in

there ahead of time, it should absorb all that. That's what it's for,

meant for chemically sensitive. If filter is old and may be worn out,

you'd be looking at expense of a hew cartridge. Do you have one or two

w charcoal? What if you had to move out? What is there policy if

place doesn't work out for you?


> I have to move out of this place before the rains come, which gives

me maybe the rest of this month and Sept.

> There is invisible mold here and

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If you felt yourself go down with windows closed, that is a warning

sign. You wouldn't want to be sleeping there. Once you have lyme and

mold and MCS problems, you apparently have to be super careful. Can

you keep looking? When do the rains come?


> I have to move out of this place before the rains come, which gives

me maybe the rest of this month and Sept.

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Many of us, myself included, had never had a problem with reactions to

off-gassing, until our mold reaction experience sensitized us to the

chemicals that are off-gassed from new products and new construction

materials. Unfortunately, once we ARE sensitized to off-gassing, that

exposure has the power to make us just as sick as any exposure to mold.

I was recently made deathly ill from off-gassing from new T.V. sets. As

far as I know, we will never be able to tolerate future off-gassing,

just as we will never be able to tolerate future exposures to mold.

There is a theory that both reactions utilize the same internal body

reaction mechanisms within us. There are many health groups

dealing with " multiple chemical sensitivities " that you might want to

check out. I've looked at them, and I haven't seen any " cures "

mentioned. So, while I understand your urgency to get into a mold-free

environment, you might just be jumping from the frying pan into the

fire, if you move into a place that you already have experienced an off-

gassing reaction. It is not an easy decision. Good luck.




> I have to move out of this place before the rains come, which gives

me maybe the rest of this month and Sept.

> What do you all think? Is it more important to get out of the mold,

even if the chemicals in a place bother me? I'm worried I won't find

anything else and then the rains will come and I won't be able to

function again. Has anybody successfully been able to remediate



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Joe, I dont think I really agree with that theory. I believe that

there can be off-gassing/chemical releases from many things in your

moldy envitonment. there are than familys of chemicals and if you

become reactive to one you well react to all in that family. when

mold is decomposeing anything it well off gas what ever is there. I

also think molds well try to decompose just about anything, and molds

and mycotoxins can be in just about anything, some put there on

purpose, some just get there on their own. kind of like takeing a

certain medicine while being exposed to a toxic mold envitonment and

what thats doing to your system and how you may have a bad reaction

to the med's because of it and become reactive to that med. and any

other med's in that family or with the same chemical compounds

involved. the sinus route and olfaction and neuron detection,buildup

and tranmittion/receptor disfunctions plays a role in that route and

level of organ damage plays a role too, some may get brain fog, some

may have seizure symptoms, within a matter of a few milliseconds

there can be a major build up of neurons and there all detecting the

same chemical than wham, there going whereever because of

tranmitter/receptor disfunction. how bad it is really depends level

of damage. than there the trigiminal nerve which if damaged can cause

some pretty bad nerve responces to any chemical.that too being

dependant on dose and type of chemical. but really if you think about

all the chemicals that molds can be off gassing from something they

are decomposeing and becoming reactive to each one and their family

and on top of all that the myco's that might be in something, it's

endless. but with a certain level of olfaction,transmitter,receptor

and/or pathway damage you can have intence reactions, but there is

still somethings you wont react to. a reaction to something that you

dont like the smell and it affends you is not the same as haveing a

brain reaction to a smell. there are things that make me caugh and

cause my lungs to close up but doesn't cause a brain reaction and

visa-versa. it's really hard to try to disect exactly what might of

been in that breath you took. however I fell pretty possative that if

I hadn't been exposed in my second moldy home, what I would have

ended up being reactive to, would have been alot less. like says

he's only reactive to stachy, well there several myco's stachy can

put out. I have not dought that people can be exposed in a

environment where they only become reactive to a few types of

mycotoxins, I fell pretty strongly that thats were I'd have been

without my second exposure, plus a little specific organ damage and

some more overall that may have did some self healing had that been

it.their are people that get better after exposure and dont have all

the organ damage. and I dont believe thats due to any great wisdom on

their part.

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IMHP-go for the gas-leave the mold-I had a gassy trailer-scrub a dub

dub-vacumme the rugs and shampoo them with something green-don't sleep

in a room with the rugs-they will be the worst-keep all the windows

open-with a large exhaust fan blowing it out. A cleaning specialist

told me putting kefir on the walls would help offgas., butI did not try

it Things were much better after a total clean-but I still vent every

day. Please don't waste what little money you have on expensive air

cleaners-They do next to nothing-change the air & sit outside.


> What do you all think? Is it more important to get out of the mold,

even if the chemicals in a place bother me? I'm worried I won't find

anything else and then the rains will come and I won't be able to

function again. Has anybody successfully been able to remediate



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How about spreading baking soda on carpet and rubbing it into other

fabric things to absorb odor?


> IMHP-go for the gas-leave the mold-I had a gassy trailer-scrub a dub

> dub-vacumme

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>Regarding the off-gassing the short answer is no, I've never been

able to remdiate . The long answer, however, is yes: Fresh air and

time does alot!

I had to have my shower removed because of mold and we replaced it but

I can't use it because it's offgassing something awful. However, it's

been a half a year and it's definitely better. I'm hoping a year will

do it and I can use it again.

meanwhile, I keep the windows open i there 24/7 and did keep an air

purifier in there until my electricity bills went up like 200% so i

turned it off.

Offgassing is always a problem for me-I bought some nice shoes that

didnt smell in the store but when I got home my eyes started burning.

The shoes are now near an open window in another room.

I'd pick offgassing over mold any day!

> Many of us, myself included, had never had a problem with reactions to

> off-gassing, until our mold reaction experience sensitized us to the

> chemicals that are off-gassed from new products and new construction

> materials. Unfortunately, once we ARE sensitized to off-gassing, that

> exposure has the power to make us just as sick as any exposure to mold.

> I was recently made deathly ill from off-gassing from new T.V. sets.

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I really don't think that would work nearly as much as washing-after

washing maybe-and befor air fresheners, people used to p

ut a bowl of charcoal brikets and bakingsoda in a room to freshen


> How about spreading baking soda on carpet and rubbing it into other

> fabric things to absorb odor?



> >

> > IMHP-go for the gas-leave the mold-I had a gassy trailer-scrub a


> > dub-vacumme


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said the charcoal brickets don't work as they aren't activated,

that charcoal has to be activated to absorb.


> I really don't think that would work nearly as much as washing-after

> washing maybe-and befor air fresheners, people used to put a bowl of

charcoal brikets and bakingsoda in a room to freshen

> it.


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said that she heard of people using charcoal brickets for

absorbing odors in rooms, not swallowing it.

--- In , LiveSimply <quackadillian@...>



> Barbacue charcoal is NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION.



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charcoal briqets absorb lighter fluid and moisture out of the air.

haven't been bbqing for a long time but it seems they also absorb

smell ?

> >

> > I really don't think that would work nearly as much as washing-


> > washing maybe-and befor air fresheners, people used to put a bowl


> charcoal brikets and bakingsoda in a room to freshen

> > it.

> >


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