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OT: muscle testing

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Susie, I don't know if there is a book or video. I had been trying to use the

o-ring method, and tried to learn to do it with my husband pressing down on my

arm, and also tried pendulum. But didn't master it in any consistent way. A

nurse and fellow lymie showed me the finger method which has worked best for me.

I only use my right hand. Right middle finger curved a little bit so the tip of

it presses down on the finger nail of the index finger. I don't rest my arm on

anything, but sometimes I do touch the elbow to the frequency generator--like

today I put my left hand on my chest where I am having strong symptoms, and used

the right hand to muscle test while touching the frequency generator to check

various possible mycoplasma frequencies. I picked up the idea of counting by

rapid presses on my muscle testing from this website:

http://www.lymeprotocol.com. I also found some good frequencies on that site.

Yes, I use this testing method all the time to check supplements, foods, etc.

And I use the counting method as well, for example to figure out how many

charcoal to take for detox.

The homeopathics are mixed, diluted and then put through a filter. Then you

draw up 0.15 cc and squirt it under your tongue and hold it there for a few

minutes. The idea here is to tell my immune system: go after what is in this.

Then use the coil to assist the immune system by coiling whatever is the

strongest infection on a day to day basis.

I am thankful every day for my LLMD. The office was willing to order the lyme

kit for me. I found the information about the kit here:

http://www.lymeprotocol.com/advanced.html My LLMD is the one who suggested how

I could test the frequencies.

> >

> > I too am using muscle testing and finding it extremely valuable to test for

coil frequencies and amounts of treatment to do. I am feeling better and better

since I started to guide treatment this way.

> >

> > Also my LLMD is extremely pleased with my progress. He has taught me how to

make homopathics from blood and stool, and he says this will work along side my

coil treatments very nicely.

> >

> > The way I muscle test is not too difficult.

> >

> > I ground myself (grounding cord) and muscle test on my right hand by

pressing my middle finger down on top of the nail of the forefinger. It should

be reasonably difficult to press the finger down. Then I cross my ankles and

try again, it should be easy to press the finger down as crossing the ankles

" shorts " out the body's electrical energy temporarily. If there is a clear

distinction, I am ready to test.

> >

> > I bought a " lyme kit " of 8 vials that have energy imprints of all the lyme

varieties and co-infections. ($40 roughly). I hold each of these in turn in my

left hand and muscle test my right hand fingers. I have now learned to press

down on my forefinger in quick presses and count to ten to see if the vial will

weaken me. I often find that I will test ok on the first press--but weaken at a

3 or 4. If I go all the way to 10, I call that " strong " and I don't treat that

co-infection. I also sometimes touch the vial to different points of my body

and see if it weakens me there, like over the liver for example. If it weakens

my liver I treat it.

> >

> > Once I know which co-infection or set of co-infections are weakening me, I

hold that vial in my left hand as above, and dial in the frequency I want to

check in the frequency generator (without the coil turned on). The vial is

weakening my finger muscle strength, right? So then I touch another part of my

body (elbow? toe?) to the frequency generator and test again. I've also learned

to do quick presses on my finger and count up as high as it will go before it

weakens. This gives me a sense of how strong a positive frequency is.

> >

> > So for example, Bb vial weakens me totally. So I dial in 432 and touch the

generator, and now I can count to 210 before it weakens me. That is a very

strong positive response to this frequency.

> >

> > The final step is to ask, " how many minutes? " I do this while still holding

the vial and touching the generator, and by pressing my finger in rapid pushes

counting 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, etc. until my finger weakens. That's how many

minutes I run the coil for.

> >

> > I've even checked while I am coiling. So I have the coil going at 432 and

on the liver area. I say " more here? " and muscle test to see if I should keep

coiling more on the liver area. Once I get a weak response, I move the coil.

> >

> > Hope this helps someone. What I do NOT do is ask questions about the

future--like a psychic. This is not in tune with my personal faith beliefs.

The way I think of muscle testing is accessing the right brain information

because the right brain is always totally aware of the state of the body in all

its detail and complexity.

> >

> > Sherry

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