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Re: I'm so upset-can I vent here?

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Hi Surella,

Yeah everyone in my family thought it was all in my head as well. I think i

actually heard that comment " its all in your head " . The only thing we can do is

keep sending them information on toxic mold. Educate them. Also there is one

video that is pretty convincing of the dangers of toxic mold. Its only 13

minutes long. You can see at at www.myspace.com/photoguys2003  its the video

that starts automatically. Please show this to your son and maybe this will

atleast introduce him to the real dangers of it. And If i were you i would

explain to them why their clothes will make you sick again.

Good luck with this one.


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That is a tough one. Being a 32 year old mom, daughter and daughter-

in-law, I'd have to say that the best approach would be to go to your

daughter in law, this may be the glue that binds you. Perhaps you

can explain that mold can cause her to have difficulty getting

pregnant, and or carrying a child. Although they may not be planning

on having children right now, they may in the future decide to, and

what would be worse than sabotaging the gift of having children by

living in an appartment that potentially could make them ill. All

you can really do is present her with the information, what she

(they) do with it is up to them. Your daughters have a point by

saying " let go " , you can't control anyone but yourself, even if you

know you're right. I think that is the worst feeling for a mom, to

know your child is in harms way and there is nothing you can do about

it. Until they have children of their own, they won't understand

completely. Good will to you and your family.

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Hi I just backchanneled you.

Anyway, don't let him use your washer and dryer. You can tell is

toxic, it will get on the clothes.

--- In , " surellabaer " <surellabaer@...>



> My son's new apartment is a moldy pit. I cannot believe he is going to

> live there with his new wife. It's in a basement and I visited and

> left so so upset. They are paying a fortune and it's such a toxic dump.

> I'm worried he is going to get really sick but because he never really

> believed I was " sick " he's just pooh poohing me. Even when he starts

> reacting he won;t believe me. And they have a year lease! Oh my god,

> if he gets sick i will never forgive him for being so stupid. And I

> adore my son but he's 27 and my daughters keep telling me, Ma, maybe

> it's time you just let go.

> Needless to say, I will NEVER be visiting and I am terrified that

> their clothing will stink when they come visit. I originally offered

> to let them use my washing machine and dryer but now I don't know-what

> if it gets mold spores in my dryer?

> This is a disaster I never expected.

> How do i handle this without becoming a bad mother-in-law? I don't

> think there's a way I can come out looking good here.

> This is so upsetting. This makes me so angry! I was feeling so much

> better but the stress of this has sent me back to where I was last

> year. I'm actually much angrier than I thought I would be-because it

> is clear my son has not heard or believed a word I've said. It really

> hurts to know your own child thinks you are nuts.

> Thanks for listening, Surella


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>Did your family actually watch this? Mine would never! The one and

only article my husband read about MCS was the one where a

psychologist says we're just crazy. Unbelievable.

I have my daughters and my mother, who hear me, everyone else can get

lost. I think I'm getting a little bitter :)

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As a starting point, you could let them know about this publication by the

University of Connecticut and give them the website address.  I suggested this

to another member of our group.  Since it was published by a university (the

University of Connecticut), maybe they will pay attention to it.  There are

checklists included in the back of the report.


“Guidance for Clinicians on the Recognition and Management of Health Effects

related to Mold Exposure and Moisture Indoors



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Maybe this sounds like a real bitch, but I would not let him visit, nor would I

let them use

the washer, or anything else I owned, or use to own.

I had an employee who moved into a moldy house, made fun of me until I refused

to let

her take any paperwork home with her, and refused any contract she wrote up,

unless she

stood outside and rewrote it, and would not let her in my office.

It is maddening when people don't believe you. It's even worse when people have


what it does to you.

Second delima, what do you do when he gets sick? Bad situation.

Have you thought about contacting the landlord yourself? Is there alternative

housing in

the area that you could secure for him so if the landlord threw him out he would

have a

place to go before everything he owns gets contaminated?

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About 2001 Senator Kennedy wrote an article about how our products are

more dangerous than cigarettes. Not sure if I read it here or the MCS

site. Does anyone have it. Also there was the REACH Project where Henry

Waxman gives a report about our products and how the EU Government

wanted to make their products safer but The Bush Administration wrote

to other countries telling them not to go along with it. They admit

problems with products but were afraid our economy would be ruined if

we regulate.

>http://oversight.house.gov/documents/20040817125807-75305.pdf Alot of

reading but very informative. If family is really interested.

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>I think you are MUCH stronger than me. I never would have been aboe

to work with a person who was being so stubborn. I fold

immediately-I'm very pathetic. But you are right about not letting

them use anything and probably not letting them in my house.

How sad.

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