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Re: Symptoms, and how long does healing take?

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Hi Judy,


Not sure whats meds you have taken so far but I would highly suggest the whole

family getting on anti fungal medication as soon as possible. Cholesytramine is

also commonly prescribed medication by a great Doc (Shoemaker) that has plenty

of experience in treating for toxic mold exposure. Your body can not and will

not naturally dispose/rid itself of the toxins. You will def need medication.

Natural supplements are all great to take but since toxic mold is such a serious

health threat I would prefer and suggest pharmacology at this point.



From: Judy <riverwords@...>

Subject: [] Symptoms, and how long does healing take?

Date: Sunday, September 14, 2008, 5:53 PM

It's been about 6 wks since moving out of the (most likely) moldy house. I

have noticed a pretty big improvement in various symptoms. It's kind of

amazing. Certain symptoms still linger, though they've improved. I am hoping

for total healing. The " brain/nervous system " type symptoms seem to be the

most persistent-- still having some brain fog/concentration and motivation

problems, though these too have improved. It's interesting how only AFTER

the symptoms start to melt away, do you realize just HOW bad your symptoms

were, just how sick you were. Seeing the symptoms improve helps me to

confirm that, indeed, the house was a huge culprit in making us so sick;

this confirms it for me just about as much as any mold test could.

For those of you who've moved out of moldy places, have you experienced

total healing, and if so, how long did it take your body to heal? (I realize

that extent of healing, and how long healing takes, depends on many factors,

such as length of exposure, age/health status of person, types of mold,

etc.) What are/were the most difficult symptoms to kick--the brain and

nervous system ones?

What helps the most with the brain/nervous system issues? Fish oil,

antioxidants, nasal rinses (if yes, why does this help--because whatever you

put in your nose goes straight to your brain, and nasal rinses clean the air

that you're breathing thru your nose? does mold affect the brain because the

mold spores go into your nose and then take this path to your brain?), epsom

baths, flax oil, exercise, fresh air, deep breathing, ATTITUDE, other?

What type of drs are best to go to, for advice re: mold healing?

Naturopathic, regular MD, chiro, etc?

Did any of you find that mold threw off your ciradian rhythms--sleep/ wake

patterns and schedule? If so, did this resolve over time?

I get a little impatient/discourag ed at times, wanting to just be all better

NOW. I have to remind myself of the progress made in our health since

moving, that's it's just been 6 wks since we moved (and that it prob. takes

a while to heal after a 4-year exposure).

In addition to trying to get our health on track, I'm trying to rebuild our

household and lives--still dealing with the fallout of how the mold really

wreaked havoc on every area of our life. I'm sure you all know what I'm

talking about.

Do any of you deal with other people who treat you like you're imagining

your symptoms or overreacting? I find that it's bad enough to have gotten so

sick because of where we were living, but it's even worse when you get

little sympathy from other people and/or they act like you're making it all

up, give you funny looks, tell you that you're hypervigilant (you have to be

hypervigilant after toxic mold!), etc. I get so irritated with how ignorant

most people seem to be about toxic mold.

Tip: I discovered there's an essential oil that is pretty inexpensive (and

similar to a popular oil that people use for toxic mold)--it's Medieval Mix.

I've just started trying it for purifying the air. I got one of those

plug-in diffusers that has the disks where you put the essential oil. Also

got a lamp ring. These are all very economical, and I hope they work.

Thought I'd share the idea with anyone here who might want to try it.

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Thanks, Elias. We haven't taken meds for detox from the mold--just

various natural things, vitamin supplements, etc. Partly why we

haven't taken meds is because we haven't seen a doctor specifically

for the toxic mold, because I'm at a loss as to what doctor to see

for this (I understand that not many drs are really well versed re:

toxic mold healing?)

What type of doctor would you suggest? In addition, due to the

disaster that the mold has created, in many areas of our lives (I'm

sure I'm preachin' to the choir here), I have pretty limited money

for doctors, meds, etc. at this point. (I just had to spend a lot of

money on moving, etc.) I don't want to waste any limited money on a

dr who might not even be able to help us. I did speak with a

naturopathic dr's office here, and they told me he's familiar with

toxic mold. Also spoke with a practitioner in electrical acupuncture

who said she's familiar with successfully treating for toxic mold.

Seems like I read something the other day re: the down sides of

Cholesytramine...something about ill effects on bones? Do you know

about that? Can children take that med? Has anyone here taken

Cholesytramine, and if so, did it help? How long did you have to be

on it, was it expensive, what type of dr prescribes it, and how long

did it take for you to feel better once you started taking this med?

I have tried garlic, oregano oil, grapefruit seed extract,

probiotics, antioxidants, etc. to try to detox...but are you thinking

I need something more of a med to eradicate the mold?

Are you a dr? You sound pretty knowledgeable. Thanks!

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--- In , " Judy " <riverwords@...>


>Judy-I seem to have a totally different way than most of the people

responding. I haven't taken any drugs at all. I was so terrified of

putting stuff in my body that i went totally natural.

I drink chlorophyll made from alfalfa twice a day-its cleansing and

keeps the toxins flowing out of my body-made a huge difference for me.

I do a juice/raw food cleansing every 6 months or so which really

makes me feel better. I truly believe nutrition is key in this disease.

I am doing something called Jin Shin therapy which no one here will

tell you about. It's considered energy work, kind of acupuncture

without needles, and it saved my life. It took about a year but I am

so much better and I give my jin shin therapist all the

credit. Energy work gets your body's own energy to expel toxins-it

makes everything flow. I can't explain only to say IT WORKED!.

Meanwhile, even Oprah has recommended energy work (which is weird, I

know) so it's starting to become mainstream.

Please, please go to a Jin Shin website and see if this is something

you could do. It saved my life.

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actually the body can and will detox after exposure but you also have

to practice avoidance of further exposures to many toxins and

chemicals and it does depend on how bad your exposure was, organ and

system damage, ect. it's good to help the detox along. be careful

with antifungals, some are very toxic themselfs. a doctor that

understands and does the proper testing can deturmine if you need

antifungals or not.

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Are you following the mold diet? that helped me to detox more than I

think any supplements have. I also eat yogurt with active cultures

every day. I am seeing a Toxicologist/Immunologist who has me on

Itraconazole (anti-fungal), Zantac to boost the immune system to help

fight the fungus, and one supplement - Cat's Claw which also boosts

the immune system. He is very expensive and doesn't have contracts

with any insurances. My insurance only pays 30% after the deductible

and so far I've spent over $12,000 in the past 4 months on seeing him

with all the tests. I hope he can irradicate the fungus from me at

that price. I'm still super sensitive and feel sick all over again

for several days up to two weeks when I get exposed. I'm tired of

this and wish it would all go away.


--- In , " judybiz2002 " <riverwords@...>



> Thanks, Elias. We haven't taken meds for detox from the mold--just

> various natural things, vitamin supplements, etc. Partly why we

> haven't taken meds is because we haven't seen a doctor specifically

> for the toxic mold, because I'm at a loss as to what doctor to see

> for this (I understand that not many drs are really well versed re:

> toxic mold healing?)


> What type of doctor would you suggest? In addition, due to the

> disaster that the mold has created, in many areas of our lives (I'm

> sure I'm preachin' to the choir here), I have pretty limited money

> for doctors, meds, etc. at this point. (I just had to spend a lot of

> money on moving, etc.) I don't want to waste any limited money on a

> dr who might not even be able to help us. I did speak with a

> naturopathic dr's office here, and they told me he's familiar with

> toxic mold. Also spoke with a practitioner in electrical acupuncture

> who said she's familiar with successfully treating for toxic mold.


> Seems like I read something the other day re: the down sides of

> Cholesytramine...something about ill effects on bones? Do you know

> about that? Can children take that med? Has anyone here taken

> Cholesytramine, and if so, did it help? How long did you have to be

> on it, was it expensive, what type of dr prescribes it, and how long

> did it take for you to feel better once you started taking this med?


> I have tried garlic, oregano oil, grapefruit seed extract,

> probiotics, antioxidants, etc. to try to detox...but are you


> I need something more of a med to eradicate the mold?


> Are you a dr? You sound pretty knowledgeable. Thanks!


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I think that the healing process varies a lot from one person and

their experience to another.

I think the duration of your exposure makes a lot of difference. After

that bad initial exposure it doesn't take much.

Most people keep gettng re-exposed at a low level, their bodies go

into defense mode, and they just keep struggling.

Its very hard to avoid that. Even just the outdoor mold in the fall

can make a hypersensitized person really ill again. If you feel any

return of inflammation symptoms,

try to get away from whatever is causing it.

I think these re-exposures are cumulative. So, if you were sick, and

you feel like you are getting better, if I had one piece of advice it

would be don't get too comfortable. Watch out for re-exposure, it can

kick you back very far, very quickly.

Hang in there.

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Cholestyramine (that's the correct spelling) helped me a LOT.

I still have to take it not infrequently when my symptoms flare up

again. (typically, its

after Ive been exposed to something as simple as a pile of leaves or

even just when I get

inflammation and I don't know the source.. ) Actually, now that the

fall is almost here I really need

to ramp up my taking it again. I don't want to relapse into inflammation-land.

It can cause constipation but that is far preferable to getting sick.

I take Metamucil to reduce it.

Dr. Shoemaker has treated thousands of mold illness patients using

cholestyramine as first line therapy, sometimes in combination with

other drugs like Actos, I think. He has published a number of papers

on this therapy, and has spoken about it to the National Toxicology

Program meeting at the National Institute of Health last December.

He has a web site, http://biotoxin.info

The people on here who are taking antifungals are taking them for

mycoses, whch are fungal infections.

The two can occur at the same time, but they are different. Actually,

fungal infections in the sinuses are quite common. Infections of the

lungs or brain are far less common and actually quite dangerous. Many

people get various stomach bugs, some of which are fungal and they do

respond to antifungals. Talk to a good doctor!

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 10:57 PM, LiveSimply <quackadillian@...> wrote:

> I think that the healing process varies a lot from one person and

> their experience to another.

> I think the duration of your exposure makes a lot of difference. After

> that bad initial exposure it doesn't take much.


> Most people keep gettng re-exposed at a low level, their bodies go

> into defense mode, and they just keep struggling.


> Its very hard to avoid that. Even just the outdoor mold in the fall

> can make a hypersensitized person really ill again. If you feel any

> return of inflammation symptoms,

> try to get away from whatever is causing it.


> I think these re-exposures are cumulative. So, if you were sick, and

> you feel like you are getting better, if I had one piece of advice it

> would be don't get too comfortable. Watch out for re-exposure, it can

> kick you back very far, very quickly.


> Hang in there.


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Can't agree more with what you say about the CSM and I know what you mean

about the yard work. Last fall I was outside cutting some ivy and pulling weeds

and got very sick even while wearing a mask.

I take Mint Milk of Magnesia every night (just a teaspoon) which

works very well for the constipation. Tastes a lot better than the Metamucil.



Cholestyramine (that's the correct spelling) helped me a LOT.

I still have to take it not infrequently when my symptoms flare up

again. (typically, its

after Ive been exposed to something as simple as a pile of leaves or

even just when I get

inflammation and I don't know the source.. ) Actually, now that the

fall is almost here I really need

to ramp up my taking it again. I don't want to relapse into inflammation-to


It can cause constipation but that is far preferable to getting sick.

I take Metamucil to reduce it.

**************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog,

plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.


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Live, I think, he gives Actos for Lyme, not mold.

anyway, I'm haveing problems with the levicid,sorbitol,csm,treatment.:

( . I think it's maybe the sorbitol,possably do to lack of water in

my cells, some of it anyway. I think manely it's the

liver,stomach,bowel damage that I suffered and all the so called food

allergies,ect. I'm afraid it's just to hard on me. aslo may something

in there thats just not agreeing with me.? who knows, I'm still

suffering set backs from the trip plus a few extra added unavoidablr

exposures. inflammation city, scary to have that inflammation in the

breast so bad and gee, I stood far away from my house that day but

they were stirring it up. must have got more dose than I thought.

added,on top of trip, hope I it didn't push over that edge between

life and the big C. hope it's just the med's. or maybe some other

things getting to me, my smeller is not the best, neither is my

taster. add that to not see the best and it get's rather difficult.

I knew the trip was going to mean major setback plus being at this

time of year. why each dose caused me a nagging pain ib my sinuses

and forhead, I dont know, but that didn't happen the last time I took

it but for some reason I had a complete loss of balance. so anyway, I

well try it without the sorbitol but first I'm trying to get some

major vitamins in me. and I only have one dreaded moldy gene so my

exposure play the main role.

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well crap, the CSM has corn surup/fructose, no wonder. hope theres a

brand that doesn't. ??


> Live, I think, he gives Actos for Lyme, not mold.

> anyway, I'm haveing problems with the


> ( . I think it's maybe the sorbitol,possably do to lack of water in

> my cells, some of it anyway. I think manely it's the

> liver,stomach,bowel damage that I suffered and all the so called


> allergies,ect. I'm afraid it's just to hard on me. aslo may


> in there thats just not agreeing with me.? who knows, I'm still

> suffering set backs from the trip plus a few extra added unavoidablr

> exposures. inflammation city, scary to have that inflammation in the

> breast so bad and gee, I stood far away from my house that day but

> they were stirring it up. must have got more dose than I thought.

> added,on top of trip, hope I it didn't push over that edge between

> life and the big C. hope it's just the med's. or maybe some other

> things getting to me, my smeller is not the best, neither is my

> taster. add that to not see the best and it get's rather difficult.

> I knew the trip was going to mean major setback plus being at this

> time of year. why each dose caused me a nagging pain ib my sinuses

> and forhead, I dont know, but that didn't happen the last time I


> it but for some reason I had a complete loss of balance. so anyway,


> well try it without the sorbitol but first I'm trying to get some

> major vitamins in me. and I only have one dreaded moldy gene so my

> exposure play the main role.


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does anyone else have this severe problem with corn/corn products ?

I really felling pretty strongly that haveing fusarium in my blood

and the toxins it can produce are tied to this corn problem and some

other problems. any lets get real here, I'm a farm girl, I've been

around corn my while life. I've grown it, canned it, froze it and ate

it. noe after my exposure in the death trap house, I get severely ill

just getting close to a corn field after it's tassled. I have came

close to passing out from the smell of popcorn (but sometimes or

kinds worse than others). my other suposed food allergies have

mellowed out or went away but not this one. now theres a few well

known types of fungus in corn but most of them or well known to be in

other foods that I have tolerated. I bet that if I could really get

my thinking cap on here, that I could come very close to tracking

down the main culpret here, to a certain myco.

and I'm betting the corn fields to the south and west of this house

played a role in what was in it.

has anyone else had a severe problem with corn products?

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well, so does sorbitol. grrr. sorbitol intolerance- a

metabolisum disorder from liver damage.

> well crap, the CSM has corn surup/fructose, no wonder. hope theres


> brand that doesn't. ??


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well great, I'm screwed. ofcorse why would I possably think otherwise

after all the bs I've already been through.

I'm so glad I got to experience this latest set back, all for nothing!

gee, to think I could have saved my self the last month of misery by

just staying home in the first place. I'm really glad people dont

listen or read, exspecially those that are getting paid to do just

that. gee,all the know it alls that dont listen because they allready

think they know it all has just gotten on my last nerve. wtf, I may now

have cancer because of the severe inflammation I have suffered with for

the last month. and before any know it all's in this group jump into

the assumeing mode,let me clairify that I haven't named any names

conserning this screwup that I really didn't need. so dont go running

your mouth about something you dont have and wont get the facts on. so

dont assume anything cause once again, you might be wrong. there is no

place in this nightmare for assumeing anything. now I have a right to

blow my top because I just put myself through hell for nothing but more

hell, but I'm not putting the fault on any certion person at this point

so dont even go there. luckily, I have learned that if my bodys not

tolerateing something theres a reason and luckily that kept me from

takeing much because it was bothering me to much. now theres obviously

been some lack of communication, record wise or something, but I dont

know exactly where that fault lies, so dont anyone jump to conclusions.

and Im not putting down any protocol because it's pretty appeart to me

that not many have this problem with corn products like I do, that's

been obvious for some time. I am partly to blame because I failed to do

the usual research one should do before takeing anything. it's

becomeing pretty clear to me that my options are pretty limited. and

frankly I'm growing pretty weary of it all.

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I, as usual missed something, Jeanine whats going on. You seem frustrated and Im

concerned. Let me know if I can help. Write me privatly if you want. Hang in

there girl. Your always a breath of fresh air to me.



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Chelated magnesium will do the same for you and it is a more natural form than

Milk of Magnesia.


> I take Mint Milk of Magnesia every night (just a

> teaspoon) which

> works very well for the constipation.

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CSM depletes your body of 4 major vitamins. I can't remember all four, but AB &

D are

three. I search my inbox for the exact ones. Strange, the physicians who

prescribe CSM

do not typically suggest a supplement for this problem.


> Thanks, Elias. We haven't taken meds for detox from the mold--just

> various natural things, vitamin supplements, etc. Partly why we

> haven't taken meds is because we haven't seen a doctor specifically

> for the toxic mold, because I'm at a loss as to what doctor to see

> for this (I understand that not many drs are really well versed re:

> toxic mold healing?)


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Let me correct this statement. The Vitamins are ADEK

that CSM deplets rapidly.

> >

> > Thanks, Elias. We haven't taken meds for detox from the mold--just

> > various natural things, vitamin supplements, etc. Partly why we

> > haven't taken meds is because we haven't seen a doctor specifically

> > for the toxic mold, because I'm at a loss as to what doctor to see

> > for this (I understand that not many drs are really well versed re:

> > toxic mold healing?)

> >


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I was researching the use of magnesium, and I came across this item

that mentions cholestyramine. Since it is a constant topic of our

posts, I thought that we should all be aware of the below item. It's

from 1985, so it might not be the current medical thought on the



Watkins DW, Khalafi R, Cassidy MM, Vahouny GV. Alterations in

calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc metabolism by dietary

cholestyramine. Dig Dis Sci 1985 May;30(5):477-482.

Abstract: Cholestyramine is an effective drug for the reduction of

plasma cholesterol because of its ability to sequester intestinal

bile acids. Since metabolic alterations, including diminished

intestinal absorption of vitamin D and osteomalacia have been

reported with long-term use of this resin, the influence of

cholestyramine on dietary balance of four mineral elements has been

investigated. Wistar-strain rats were fed either a 2% cholestyramine

or control diet for one month. Dietary intakes and fecal and urinary

excretions of calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc were determined

using atomic absorption spectrophotometry during three, 3-day balance

periods. Cholestyramine-fed rats had a net negative balance for

calcium and a lower net positive balance for magnesium, iron, and

zinc than the controls. Other effects of cholestyramine were an

increased urinary excretion of calcium and magnesium, a decreased

urinary zinc, and an alkalinization of urine. Blood and tissue cation

content was unchanged except for a reduction in serum magnesium with

resin feeding. Alterations in calcium, magnesium, and zinc metabolism

might be explained by inadequate vitamin D absorption from the

intestine followed by an increased secretion of parathyroid hormone.

A diminished iron absorption due to resin binding could account for

the reported disturbance in iron balance.



> CSM depletes your body of 4 major vitamins. I can't remember all

four, but AB & D are

> three. I search my inbox for the exact ones. Strange, the

physicians who prescribe CSM

> do not typically suggest a supplement for this problem.

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