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light therapy combats fungal infections - [Medicalnewscommentaries] IMVA - The Secrets of Light - September 24, 2008

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From: Mark Sircus Ac., OMD <director@...>

Subject: [Medicalnewscommentaries] IMVA - The Secrets of Light - September 24,



Date: Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 3:55 PM

The Secrets of Light

International Medical Veritas Association


        Children later diagnosed with multiple sclerosis had far lower levels of

vitamin D than other youngsters, Canadian researchers reported last Friday in

studies showing more links between the " sunshine " vitamin and disease. These

were the first studies to show the effects in children, although others have

shown that adults who live in northern latitudes, who get less sun exposure, may

have a higher risk of MS. They also support a growing body of studies that link

low vitamin D levels with disease, including breast and colon cancer, heart

disease, diabetes and tuberculosis.[1]


     There are many reasons to study the Secrets of Light, the least being that

our lives literally depend on light. Without the sun and the background

radiation of the universe we simply would not exist. The above information about

vitamin D is just a tip off to the importance of sunlight. It also exposes once

again the terrorism of modern allopathic medicine whose dermatologists would

rather you block the sun with toxic sunscreens. Principles borrowed from the

field of transdermal medicine speak of the horror of putting anything toxic on

the skin. To block natural vitamin D production is to insure a continued stream

of increasing chronic diseases including cancer. 


      Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, a mentor to many in the natural medical field, is

one of the few who steps up to bat with healing work across all Five Levels of

Healing. Simply stated, the Five Levels of Healing maintain that we are much

more than just a physical body. We are surrounded and penetrated by subtle and

invisible energy bodies that work together to influence our overall health.

There is also the ancient healing principle of the five elements, water, air,

fire, earth and metal.


       In Chinese medical school it was never made clear what the metal element

really was but now we finally have seen that its mineral metals like magnesium,

iodine and selenium, which are all essential minerals we must supplement if we

want ourselves and our children to survive the age of toxicity. Modern medicine

has its head stuck in the sand; actually its intellectual resources are stuck in

concrete. There is a huge toxic buildup of mercury, other heavy metals and

thousands of chemicals in our bodies and even though that is a fact of life that

only a retarded doctor or medical scientist would deny we have them doing that

openly when they put down chelation of heavy metals or the value of organic

foods or even the power of a 30 day raw food diet.[2]


      This  dark age of medicine made itself clearly visible this past month

when the National Institute of Mental Health said that the study of the

treatment called chelation for autistic children has been abandoned. The agency

decided the money would be better used testing other potential therapies for

autism and related disorders. Again and again we see the medical industrial

complex display ignorance and ugliness but what can we expect from institutions

dedicated to poisoning the human race. Such people go as far as even suggesting

injecting a bit of mercury is good for our children defending the right to

inject it and place it in childrens’ mouths.



     This chapter deals with the fire element, with the sun and light and a

whole universe of reality that gets expressed through the transmission of energy

waves. It will go way over the heads of medical thinkers who can only think of

the money and power they attain from being card carrying members of the hugest

terror machine our world has ever known. The last thing in the world they want

to learn about and know are the secrets of light. But during great times of

stress like we are presently going through it is good to step into the direct

sunlight and soak up its life giving and healing rays.


Electronic waves communicate the regulatory functions of life.

 In fact, all organic life absorbs, emits and processes light.

Biophoton emission or spontaneous ultraweak light emission

has been observed from almost all living organisms,

 with intensities ranging from 10-19 to 10-16 W/cm2[3]


     Biophotons are extremely weak light emissions from living organisms, thus a

part of the electromagnetic radiation that organic cells emit. All living cells

of plants, animals and human beings emit biophotons which cannot be seen by the

naked eye but can be measured by special equipment. This light emission is an

expression of the functional state of the living organism and its measurement

therefore can be used to assess this state. Cancer cells and healthy cells of

the same type, for instance, can be discriminated by typical differences in

biophoton emission.



     According to the biophoton theory biophoton light is stored in the cells of

the organism - more precisely, in the DNA molecules of their nuclei - and a

dynamic web of light constantly released and absorbed by the DNA may connect

cell organelles, cells, tissues, and organs within the body and serve as the

organism's main communication network and as the principal regulating agent for

all life processes.


           Dr. Heinrich Kremer sees the origin of cancer differently than the

mainstream. He terms his new theory Cell Dyssmybiosis. According to Kremer

cancerous cells do not originate from DNA mutations, but from a functional

process that occurs in the mitochondrion (a cell organelle or " organ of the

cell " if you will). The mitochondrion makes energy for the body in the form of

ATP. We need lots of ATP to keep living. What is really interesting is the role

of electromagnetic energy (light) in the process. It appears that the complex

matrix of reactions that make ATP absorb light.


     The red blood cells' unique, remarkable role in oxygen and carbon dioxide

transport as well as their extremely high hemoglobin content (hundreds of

millions of hemoglobin molecules are packed into every RBC). Hemoglobin contains

the same porphyrin ring as chlorophyll, though chlorophyll’s is coordinated by a

magnesium atom instead of an atom of iron. Given chlorophyll’s role as the

light-processing molecule of plants, hemoglobin thus appears to be unusually

well equipped to absorb and process light.


Sunlight dominates the chemistry of the blood. People who do not get

sunlight do not have the same richness and redness of blood as do

 those who secure plenty of sunlight. There is not a tissue nor a function

 in the body that is not benefited by regular and judicious sun-bathing.


                             Herbert M. Shelton


           Fasting and Sun Bathing


     Dr. Max Bircher-Benner says, “Absorption and organization of sunlight, the

essence of life, takes place almost exclusively within the plants. The organs of

the plant are therefore a kind of biological accumulation of light. These are

the basis of what we call food, whence animal and human bodies derive their

substance and energy. The nutritional energy may thus be, termed organized

sunlight energy. Hence sunlight is the driving force of the cells of our body.”


     According to a leading researcher of biophotons, German biophysicist

Fritz-Albert Popp, light is constantly being absorbed and remitted by DNA

molecules within each cell's nucleus. These biophotons create a dynamic,

coherent web of light. The laser-like coherence of the biophoton field is a

significant attribute, making it a prime candidate for exchanging information in

a highly functional, efficient and cooperative fashion.


Magnesium is at the center of life’s ability to absorb light and

change its electromagnetic energy into organic chemical energy.


..     Cancer patients need light. According to a scientific article in " Health &

Diet Times " (June/July 1982 issue) written by Lee de Vries, MD, cancer cells

self-destruct within minutes after exposure to strong intense light. What

happens is that the cancerous PLANT cell changes its formaldehyde into a plant

sugar molecule giving off oxygen-ozone in the process and it is this element

combination of O2 and O3 which causes the disintegration of the cancer cell.


Cancer patients need light

 and they need magnesium.


     Low-level laser therapy, also termed photo-biostimulation, is simply

defined as light exciting or activating cells. The photons (light as it travels

in bundles) from most low-energy laser devices can penetrate deep into tissue,

about 3 inches , without causing heat or tissue damage. Once inside the cell,

the photons comprising the laser beam can trigger many cellular changes such as

the production of enzymes, protein substances vital for innumerable bio-chemical



     Laser light also stimulates the cells’ mitochondria. Mitochondria are tiny

biochemical engines that produce enzymes essential for cell function. In short,

low-level laser therapy appears to heal at a cellular level. It’s like shining a

ray of sunlight directly on injured cells inside the body and stimulating the

cells to return to normal function. Nearly 2000 different investigations from

over eighty countries about the effect of Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) on

humans and animals have been published in the medical literature.


     Even dentists use light in their work and have accidentally discovered that

the  blue curing light used to harden dental fillings also may stunt tumor

growth, Researchers at the  Medical College of Georgia say that their

blue-violet light produces free radicals that damage cell growth and increases

cell death. " One desirable feature we've observed with the blue light is that

non-cancerous cells appear unaffected at light doses that kill tumor cells, "

says Dr. Jill .[4]


     Twenty-five years ago Dr Ott investigated the background to a report

that children at a school in Illinois had five times the national rate of

leukemia.[5] He found that all the pupils who developed leukemia had been in two

particular classrooms. In these two rooms the teachers always kept the large

curtains completely drawn across the windows to reduce glare and distraction,

and to keep the children's attention on schoolwork. The indoor lighting was

therefore on all the time, and this was 'warm white' fluorescent. We know that

vitamin D is protective against cancer. But the sun is not recommended by

oncologists. Sunlight in large doses for long periods may cause skin cancer but

sunlight at rational dose levels protects from cancers and is more than useful

in any cancer treatment protocol.


    Dr. Damien Downing, in his book Daylight Robbery[6] says Russian scientists

have showed that animals exposed to the correct doses of sunlight were capable

of clearing a wide range of toxins out of their system considerably quicker than

animals reared away from the sun. The toxins that they studied included quartz

and coal dusts, toxic minerals such as lead, cadmium and mercury, liver poisons

such as carbon tetrachloride, and the neurotoxins which these days are so

heavily used worldwide as pesticides. They found that sunlight speeded up the

clearance of toxins from the body twice to as much as twenty times. The best

effect was obtained when sunlight exposure had started some time before exposure

to the toxin.


     The use of color and light in healing is actually quite old. The Priests of

ancient Egypt , Babylonia, and China used color or colored light in many of

their healing practices. Sunlight therapy was a common medical practice in

historic Greek, Chinese and Roman times for the relief of skin disorders such as

psoriasis. In the 1890s, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Neils Finsen reported that he

could heal skin lesions caused by smallpox and German measles by using red and

infrared-light treatments.


     The use of colored light in healing was banned by the Food and Drug

Administration (FDA) fifty years ago because it was thought to be nothing more

than medical quackery. But today, FDA approved phototherapy devices like the

Lumatron developed by Dr. Downing, are being used for the therapeutic

application of specific colors and frequencies of light to the body.


Photodynamic Therapy involves the use of

optical radiation in the cure of medical maladies.


    Photodynamic therapy uses tumor-killing drugs that are activated by light.

With skin cancer, first a cream is rubbed onto the affected area, then a light

shone onto the cancer for 20 minutes. This creates a form of oxygen which

destroys the tumor. The same technique can be used to treat cancers inside the

body, if the area can be accessed with an endoscope (a flexible tube) containing

a light.



Fibre optic cable carries light to the tumor site. Beams of light could be the

latest weapon for doctors fighting a tough-to-treat cancer which kills nine out

of ten patients. Photodynamic therapy, according to a research paper, increased

the expected lifespan of many of the 16 pancreatic cancer patients who underwent



      Now we find new evidence that light therapy combats fungal infections and

this is important when you consider that cancer is a late stage fungal infection

or is almost always accompanied by one. A newly discovered mechanism by which an

infectious fungus perceives light also plays an important role in its virulence,

according to Medical Institute investigators at Duke University

Medical Center . The findings suggest that changes in light following fungal

invasion of the human body may be an important and previously overlooked cue

that sparks infection, the researchers said. The discovery in the human pathogen

Cryptococcus neoformans further suggests that light therapy, in combination with

anti-fungal drug treatments, might offer an effective method to combat a variety

of fungal infections, particularly those of the skin or nails, said HHMI

investigator Dr. ph Heitman and Dr. B. Duke professors of molecular

genetics and

microbiology and medicine at Duke.



    " The genes required for light sensing, while not essential for virulence, do

contribute to the rapidity with which the fungus causes lethal infection in the

mammalian host, " Heitman said. " It is therefore conceivable that light could be

used as a therapy for fungal infections, particularly infections at the body

surface, such as those of skin or nails. " Laser therapy might also be possible

for certain fungal sinus infections, he added.


Non-small cell lung cancer is difficult to treat. Light therapy helps patients

with an

 advanced form lung cancer. A study found patients in whom the cancer had

 spread to the chest lived three to four times longer if they were given the



     Far Infrared Ray (FIR) or Heat Therapy is also useful to prevent, combat

and kill cancerous cells. Far Infrared Ray are waves of energy, totally

invisible to the naked eye, capable of penetrating deep into the human body,

where they gently elevate the body's surface temperature and activate major

bodily functions. Far Infrared promotes the killing of many pathogenic (disease

causing) bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.


     Far Infrared relieves nervous tension and relax autoneuro muscles thereby

helping the body make the most of its intended healing abilities. FIR reduces

soreness on nerve endings and muscle spasms, as muscle fibers are heated. Far

Infrared strengthens the Immune System by stimulating increased production of

white blood cells (leukocytes) by the bone marrow and killer T-cells by the



Far Infrared expands capillaries which stimulates increased

 blood flow, regeneration, circulation and oxygenation.


     Sun therapy is a form of natural FIR thermal therapy. Far Infrared Ray are

the invisible rays of natural sunlight that have the longest wavelength. The

cancerous cell has a weakness, heat. It will die if the temperature goes above

42C/107.6 F. Far Infrared treatment raises body temperature to 42 degrees C. Far

Infrared heat penetrates through the body and can kill existing cancerous cells.

Far Infrared heat enables capillaries to expand, thus enabling good circulation

and combating the existence of cancer cells.


Seven Levels of Intelligence

Coded to Color


     In reality a whole system – an entire framework and map of consciousness

can be created with a seven level model of multiple intelligence, which

correlates with the rainbow colors. From the three come the seven and a tapestry

is made in laying the seven perceptual color levels across the Five Levels of

Healing to create a multidimensional medical model. Several decades ago I

literally spent thousands of hours studying the science of epistemology and the

structure of mental perception and believe it or not it was color psychology

that unlocked the underlying structures and levels that the mind operates on.



     Color Psychology offers us the clearest key to understanding the mind and

how it functions and thus how it can be used. And yet because the antecedents of

this psychology are steeped in ancient knowledge, modern psychologists have

denied its importance. Dr. Max Luscher brought color Psychology into the modern

world over fifty years ago and his work was brought to fruition by Dr.

Hills in his work Nuclear Evolution. Actually the rainbow is at the

heart of everything and is a universal constant across the entire

electromagnetic spectrum and thus across all levels of life. We are rainbows and

our minds operate and resonate differently with each spectral color. In fact

each color shapes the function of each level of mental activity. To understand

our minds and personalities down to their very roots we must study the

foundation stones of the mind and how consciousness forms differently on each

level of mental perception. 



     Epistemology is the study of how we know and perceive things. If we do not

know how we know what we know we are in a position of relative ignorance or

walking in some virtual state of blindness; for nothing is perceived without our

perceptual apparatus, without our rainbow body. Perceptual psychology is crucial

to us simply because this is the knowledge that illustrates how we perceive, or

more importantly, misperceive ourselves, others, and the universe at large.

Everything that we know and think and experience is a result of some perception

that we make with our consciousness.


     Our Rainbow Body is in reality, the perceptual clothing our souls or beings

wear while inhabiting this planet called earth. It is very interesting to note

that the following map of human consciousness by Dr. Hills was

mirrored in detail by work at Harvard University on multiple levels of



Red Level of Awareness

Physical - reactive, aggressive manipulative

or practical and gets things done.


Orange Level of Awareness

Social and political dependence on one's culture,

or love of our fellow beings.


Yellow Level of Awareness

Intellectual and mechanical and separate thinking

or the penetrating light of insight.


Green Level of Awareness

Security and the obtaining of sufficient vital force,

or possessive love.


Blue Level of Awareness

Mental and conceptual idealism,

or devotion to higher authority.


Indigo Level of Awareness

Psychic and abstract intuitive faculty,

or cloud nine mentality.


Violet Level of Awareness

Imaginative perception of the cosmic order

or the seeking of hidden powers

 and the manipulation of the imaginations of others.


     Color Psychology is about how our personalities are structured and formed

around our conscious or unconscious absorption of light. Our vehicles of light

or " light body " are absorbing the cosmic light through the prism of the chakra

system. We absorb, mix, and eventually re-radiate out this light. This process

that is going on deep within us and makes us very much who and what we are.




In ancient times the Rainbow Bridge was a symbol for the

 territory we eventually had to cross in our spiritual evolution.


     The chakra system is the lung of our light body. The seven biological

chakras that our situated along the spine act like prisms to breakdown the

cosmic light into the spectrum colors. Usually each personality is breathing

fully on only one or two chakra levels so you might find one person

predominately intellectual, the next, an artist working on the violet or

imaginative level and so on. There are literally billions of combinations and

the most conscious person has opened all the chakras or levels of perception and

plays on them (the mind) like a conductor would on his orchestra. Our experience

in life is determined largely by the color levels that are functioning; which

chakra is most open, and which is most closed.




     Dr. Hills was my mentor and it was he who saved me from my own

arrogant ignorance. His thousand page books Nuclear Evolution and Rise of the

Phoenix explain the heart of the subjects above but what was most important

about his work was getting beyond the mind altogether. He was the one 25 years

ago that taught me that the heart was much more than just a pump.


     The point is that we are light, we eat it in the form of food, we absorb it

directly from the environment via the sun, and we process it not only on

physical levels (vitamin D production) but also other more subtle levels inside

the chakra system and in our astral bodies. The use of color and light in

healing and in cancer treatment is very important and should not be overlooked.

So step out into the sun today and realize its blessing in your heart, mind and

soul. It is possible to survive without the financial and medical madness that

is all around us today but it is not possible to survive for long without the

benefit of the sun.  


Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

Director International Medical Veritas Association


[1] http://www.reuters.com/article/healthNews/idUSN1952694120080919

[2] http://www.rawfor30days.com/?a=tr & cid=2312 Honest Representation of the

Healing Power of Raw Food 

[3] T. Amano1 , M. Kobayashi2, B. Devaraj2, M. Usa2 and H. Inaba2, 3(1)

Department of Urology, School of Medicine, Kanazawa University, 920 Kanazawa,


[4] http://www.naturalnews.com/024164.html

[5] Ott, , Health and Light, Pocket Books, New York , 1973.

[6] Daylight Robbery - The Importance of Sunlight to Health (Arrow Books 1998)

[7] http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/1871474.stm

[8] http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/2411629.stm


International Medical Veritas Association

Copyright 2008 All rights reserved.


Legal Notice: The Author specifically invokes the First Amendment rights of

freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. The information written is

published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the

First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America, and should

not in any way be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician or other

licensed health care practitioner. The statements contained herein have not been

evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed herein are not intended to

diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Images, text and logic are

copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and

no part of this essay may be reproduced except by written consent. ©2008 by Mark



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