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Re: 'Bubble' house doctor in trouble; Dr. Rea October 2008; silly title for the

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Texas has been after him for years. I think Dr. Rea does a fine job, however,


when he take the CS to extremes with his facilities, it leaves a person unable

to live in

normal environmental enviroments. check out his website.

it is like when you are a child. You must be able to handle normal

environmental elements

to survive.

Dr. Rea has a clinic where you can live in total {cleaniness " , but sacrafice the

reality of

every day existence.

I think they should leave him alone. I am a layperson who read his site,

inquired and

noticed the flaw of returning to normal living standards.

> >

> >

> > Didn't they (The Texas Medical Board) TRY to do this to him last year

> and

> > LOSE?

> >


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Why should " normal living standards " be abnormal?

Nobody can say that toxic poisons are normal- They are often xenobiotic,

they don't exist in nature. Or, like mold, they are never concentrated like

they are in WDBs, in composting facilities, etc. in nature. People get made

sick by high concentrations and time. They aren't going to be MADE sick by

walking in the woods in the fall. But ONCE THEY ARE SICK, things like fall

exposures can push people into relapses. That is why they can never live a

normal life again.

Just like the people who were babies in 1919 and were exposed to the flu

virus still have strong antibodies to that 1919 virus, so will we still have

strong antibodies to mold until we die. Thats why avoidance - at levels

higher than found in nature.. or cholestyramine and avoidance and perhaps

moving to an extremely arid climate (i.e. cleaner than most nature) will be

the only solutions (aside possibly from whole body irradiation and then bone

marrow transplants.. i.e. an immune system transplant)

We lived for millions of years without toxics. Its only in closed buildings

that people get megadoses high enough to hypersensitize them. Toxic

chemicals and closed buildings are not normal.

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I've heard this complaint, but once person feels better, he could

reenter regular life by gradually exposing himself or herself until

he could tolerate it, but gives the body a chance to heal. I think

it is reasonable, but wouldn't be something good to do forever. One

could argue effective or ineffective but traditional medical

community should live up to the standards it's supposed to of 'first

do no harm', which Dr Rae would far outshine him, as would all the

doctors would at least acknowledge and try to help victim heal from

toxic mold exposure, and other toxic exposures. I wish we could do

more to expose what the Texas Board and for that matter all of

traditional medical associations who are trying to bury this matter.

I know Sharon has done alot and other members of this group have put

a dent in this effort..thanks Sharon.


> Texas has been after him for years. I think Dr. Rea does a fine

job, however, sometimes

> when he take the CS to extremes with his facilities, it leaves a

person unable to live in

> normal environmental enviroments.

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Maybe this should be called the " Only if you think the way Live does group " You


people when you don't even understand their posts.

As far as I know, you are no medical professional, however, you are so closed

minded and

opinionated that you intimidate people from posting that really need help. You

act like

such a know it all and frankly, in my experience in dealing with people like

you, in actually

you don't know much at all.

You are just like the rest of us. We have all gotten sick and our lives are

changed forever.

Now, addressing your closed minded opinionated reply to my post.

First, do you know much about his facility? I do. If you don't look it up. As

I previously

stated, he does a fine job, there are different levels he treats on.

What has happened occasionally is he has had people living in such a sterile

setting, it

caused further problems. You cannot live in a totally sterile surroundings and

expect to

venture out of them for most any reason. Some of the people he has treated, and

again, it

is a VERY VERY VERY small number of people, can no longer venture out into the


world. EVERYTHING affects them.

While none of us live a normal life, most of us can go outside and do the basic

things like

go buy food, etc.

Some of the patients he has treated can no longer even do the basics in life.

Again, it is a

very very very small amount of people, but it does happen.

I have seen the news special on him giving people injections of different


including jet fuel, and frankly, he does do that

That is what allergy shots are, They are combinations of the things you are

allergic or

sensitive to injected into your body to try to build your immune system up to

gain a

tolerance to them.

Simple allergy shots. It is the way the media portraits him that is so bad.


> Why should " normal living standards " be abnormal?


> Nobody can say that toxic poisons are normal- They are often xenobiotic,

> they don't exist in nature. Or, like mold, they are never concentrated like

> they are in WDBs, in composting facilities, etc. in nature. People get made

> sick by high concentrations and time. They aren't going to be MADE sick by

> walking in the woods in the fall. But ONCE THEY ARE SICK, things like fall

> exposures can push people into relapses. That is why they can never live a

> normal life again.


> Just like the people who were babies in 1919 and were exposed to the flu

> virus still have strong antibodies to that 1919 virus, so will we still have

> strong antibodies to mold until we die. Thats why avoidance - at levels

> higher than found in nature.. or cholestyramine and avoidance and perhaps

> moving to an extremely arid climate (i.e. cleaner than most nature) will be

> the only solutions (aside possibly from whole body irradiation and then bone

> marrow transplants.. i.e. an immune system transplant)


> We lived for millions of years without toxics. Its only in closed buildings

> that people get megadoses high enough to hypersensitize them. Toxic

> chemicals and closed buildings are not normal.




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Yes, and he gives allergy shots, vials of small amounts of what you are allergic

to, to inject.

SIMPLE ALLERGY SHOTS. All allergy shots are small amounts of what you are

allergic to.

> >

> > 'Bubble' house doctor in trouble

> >

> > <http://www.mcall.com/news/local/all-

> b1_5bubble.6623151oct14,0,5836114.story

> > ?track=rss>

> > http://www.mcall.com/news/local/all-

> b1_5bubble.6623151oct14,0,5836114.story?

> > track=rss

> > He prescribed structure for ill South Whitehall woman.

> >


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What you write is true. He puts people in an environment where they

have none of their exposures at all, and then he exposes them rather

intensely (with provocation or what you call allergy shots).

The body has an adaptive mechanism that is useful. If given the chance

to " learn " it will adapt to a chemical, so that a later exposure won't

kill it--whereas without the adaptation the exposure would be fatal.

Now of course you can overadapt (masking) etc.

However a friend of mine who is quite prominent in the nutrition

industry and a PhD went to his clinic decades ago and got much sicker,

got sensitized to so many things. He had to work hard to improve

himself. But he is healthy today. But he didn't do it at that

clinic--that clinic made him worse.


> Now, addressing your closed minded opinionated reply to my post.


> First, do you know much about his facility? I do. If you don't

look it up. As I previously

> stated, he does a fine job, there are different levels he treats on.


> What has happened occasionally is he has had people living in such a

sterile setting, it

> caused further problems. You cannot live in a totally sterile

surroundings and expect to

> venture out of them for most any reason. Some of the people he has

treated, and again, it

> is a VERY VERY VERY small number of people, can no longer venture

out into the outside

> world. EVERYTHING affects them.


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Dear semco...

No, I am not a medical professional. Just look at my ridiculous handle.

Do I look like I am trying to inspire your confidence or take your money?


Also, you're right on my bitchiness and I'm really sorry.

I'm sorry, unfortunately I've often hit the send key and then realized that

I had misinterpreted the post

I was responding to. I'm often tired and bitchy. I don't mean to be that

way, but I am. I'm strugglng to get better.

When I get better I will probably be a lot less bitchy.

Okay, now responding to your post. I'd like to see the problems you describe

spelled out in more detail.

There are defintely interactions between all of these things. Like Sharon, I

don't know enough to understand a lot of this stuff so like her I will say

that as far as medicine, I'm in way over my head. My field before I got sick

was not even related to medicine, although I have some knowledge of how

science decides things.. and maybe more respect for the scientific process

and less fear of scientists than some.. (they can be like big babies,


But back to my point, I *have* seen studies showing that children who are

raised on farms, for example, (exposed to fairly high levels of allergens

and endotoxins) are somewhat less prone to allergies later in life than

children raised in ultra-clean surroundings. But can that be extended to

apply to people in their adult lives, who have been hypersensitized to a

chemical or chemical from fungi or some chemical like formaldehyde..

Studies I've seen on animals DO show that the immature developing immune

system NEEDS exposure to *germs* in order to develop normally. Thats

logical, don't you think?

I think that similar mechanisms may apply to some allergens, but I don't

know enough to comment on these problems. Do you have references?

I don't know at all if the analogy you seemed maybe to draw - basically, the

hormesis argument that Barb has brought up a few times, (am I right, Barb?)

applies to this situation, and since the financial motive some people have

to discredit it is so strong, I tend to want to see references to explain

things like that, and then see them verified by others.. There is a lot of

conflict of interest out there now.

And there is a lot of evidence that avoidance is the only way people become

less ill. Not just Dr. Rea, Dr Shoemaker's therapy is also based on ending

exposures and then removing toxins from people's bodies so they can begin to


Given the amount of toxic and inflammatory potential trigger molds (and

chemicals) in sick buildings, and even plain air in some regions of some

parts of the country, and even increasingly, many American homes, so I think

he may be right in setting up an ultra-clean environment to help jump start

patients recovery. It may be the only way, but I can see how it working

threatens some.

Do you have any references that you remember?

I'm inteerested in what these problems with Dr. Rea's avoidance treatment


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Dr Rae

When Doctors do something different, there is a learning curve for

them also. Perhaps he should shorten the time over which people

avoid these allergens, or change his program in some way but I give

him and other doctors who go beyond the 'physician desk reference' to

try to give better care and who listen to their patients and believe

them, rather than treat them as hypochondriacs, or as Dr Marinkovich

used to say 'treat them as malingerers'.

I went to his Dallas Clinic but only for 10 days, which is much

shorter than they advise, so there were many things he wanted me to

do that I just didn't have the time to do. I had to pay at time of

service to the Clinic and then submit my expensive to my insurance

company for consideration of reimbursement. They accepted some

charges and denied others. I realized they would, but as evidence of

them 'looking for problems' with this doctor I received a letter

later inquiring about my care there, what I thought of Dr Rae and the

treatment I received, and whether I intended to go back. I'll tell

you something, if I always got a letter like that when I saw a new

doctor, they would get ALOT of complaints from me lack of medical

care, or concern, as my experience with MOST doctors is not good and

I would like them to care about my experience with traditional

doctors too. I'm not going to write about it to them on my own

because in many cases I go to the best doctors around here and I

don't want to burn bridges because most alternative doctors do not do

hospital care, etc, and I will need my internist, who while has never

solved a problem for me, but he has never *made me worse* as some

doctors definately do, usually refers me to specialist if he is

unsure and is listed as a top doctor every year by his patients. The

difference between them and me, is that they accept that their

condition can't get better and they have to take all the pills all

their life and I don't accept that.

I've been prescribed by my allergist a prescription strenght 24 hour

allergy medicine that I am supposed to take every 12 hours of every

day. I never had it filled. I never the less feel better as I work

on my house to get the allergens out of my house affecting me, dust

mites, cat dander, etc. I am supposed to take every day a proton

pump inhibitor for GERD which I never believed I had and didn't fill

that prescription either and ulcers I had cleared up on their own,

and sore throat is less and I am quit sure the sore throat, some days

just irritated, is due to inhaling fiber glass insulation that got

down into my house after adding vents to an unvented attic and

allowed insulation to get down into the house through unrepaired

cracks in the plaster walls here. How could GERD medicine help

that. Anyway, I file most all my prescriptions. Some times I take

something like an antibiotic for 10 days since my immune system is

weak and I need help for things like that but take a probiotic during


I've rambled on, but point is that they are holding Dr Rae under a

microscope looking for something to pin on him. They need to hold

that microscope over traditional medicine also. The U.S. has the

most expensive health care system in the world and our health in one

of the worse in industrialized nations, so where is the concern about

that? Work on my house and work on my health is keeping me busy but

if I ever get beyond this alive, I'd like to put some time in on

causing them some trouble.

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