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Re: New Lymie needs advice on rife machine

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Hi ,

Have you ever considered if the doctor suggesting you had abused your wife had

decided to

contact the authorities, how a bad Lyme situation could have become drastically

worse and fast!

Your wife is so Lyme and hers and your situation is so common, meaning that most


have no clue what chronic Lyme is and this equates to them mistreating their

patients without

any real intent to do so... Anyone can be ignorant about any situation, I think

when a doctor

is clueless as your wife's various docs are/were, they should stand aside and

refer her to

someone else who may be able to help or just stop talking and listen to their

patients and spouses

have to say. I've seen some doctors take such a strong stand as they feel they

can't be wrong,

and this can really be dangerous for their patients. I can honestly say early on

when I had undxd

gut pain, my local docs referred me to a teaching hospital, being completely

honest saying

they don't know everything and my chances were much greater getting help from a


at a teaching hospital. At least there a label was put on my pain and a dx of

gut dismotility was

given. I don't mind going from doctor to doctor if progress is made along the

way.. But in your wife's

case, nothing was happening until I presume you hooked up with Dr. C in MO...

He's another

very good LLMD... Unfortunately anyone with chronic Lyme who is not treated

correctly and immediately.

their health worsens as they spend valuable time trying to find a doctor who can


Just from what you've written, you and your wife clearly have been put through

the chronic

Lyme maze... Really shameful isn't it? And this is common. You go to see a

specialist for help and walk away feeling even more confused. I know these guys

are busy and they can't possibly know everything, their

decisions unfortunately affects their patients lives.

And can you believe, today the correct Lyme testing protocol is first the ELISA,

if positive, then

the Western Blot, if it is positive, it is Lyme!! But like you say, the ELISA is

mostly worthless, and

the WB still can show inaccurate results... And since many doctors base their

decisions as to whether

patients have Lyme or not based on the results of these test, many unfortunately

are told they don't have Lyme, the test was negative, they are sent home and

will continue to worsen to the point such as

your wife where Lyme has taken over the body. Not only does this affect the

patient and his/her family,

but it also skews the correct reporting of Lyme disease to the CDC. They show

about 30,000 new cases of Lyme yearly, many in the Lyme community believes this

number is up to 10 times higher... The CDC at one point even made this very same


Trust in what you learn and what works!!

Take care,



> Bettina,


> I don't think I can offer any better advise than Jim and the others have

provided, but I just wanted to let you know about our experience, so you know

you're not alone.


> My wife was having a lot of neurological problems, pain, aggression, ADD, etc.

At one point, she could not complete a sentence, because by the time she got

from the subject to the verb, she could not remember what the object was;


> She received numerous diagnoses from MD's, but the 3 neuorologists she saw had

3 of the most interesting ones.


> The first asked why she was in a wheelchair. When told that she could not

stand because of the pain, that she could not straighten her neck and back, and

great fatigue, and after a few little neuorlogical tests, she was told there was

" nothing wrong with her " , and she was " healthy enough to run a marathon. "


> The second asked her to stand and raise her arms. Since her pain had become so

intense, for so long, she could not force her left arm away from her side. He

even tried to force it up, and couldn't do it (Intense pain!). His diagnosis was

" frozen shoulder " ; nothing neorological.


> The third decided that all this was from something that had happened in her

past, or possibly that I was abusing her, and diagnosed her with " comversion

disorder " or " conversion reaction " . He wanted to give her Sodium Amitol " (truth

serum) and find out what I was doing to her. Fortunately, she's a tough chick,

and did not let them do that to her.


> Later the next year, we found Dr. C in MO, who easily diagnosed her, even

before her tests came back. The abx and especially the IV abx saved her life.

Later, the abx stopped helping, so we had to move on to other things. That's why

I'm here. The rife type technology  has helped her quite a bit.


> By the way, did your son get a Western Blot test? The ELISA test is really

worthless - lots of false negatives. There are a few other tests out there,

including the Bowen test that might help convince your husband (and sometimes

insurance companies). But the bottom line is that Lyme is diagnosed " clinically "

(by symptoms) with only support from lab work. I would trust a doctor who has

seen hundreds of Lyme patients more than one who has seen just a few.


> By the way, infectious disease specialists, who should be better, are some of

the worst. One that saw my wife made the idiotic statement, that since she had

taken some antibiotics, it was going to be impossible to tell whether she had

neurological Lyme.


> Good luck with your son,



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