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occult tethererd cord

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Let me take a moment to explain my daughter's situation before I post a

question. My daughter, , is 17 years old. She was diagnosed with

Chiari Malformation 4 years ago after chronic headaches. At that time

she was referred to Dr. Weigard at s Hopkins. Dr. Weingard said

surgery was an option, but decided she could live with the

symptoms. Since that time developed chronic bladder and back pain.

She has been under the care of a urologist for over 18 months now. The

urologist recently diagnosed her with pelvic floor spasms and neurogenic

bladder. He is recommending sacral root testing and a possible implant.

Part of her evaluation was an MRI of the brain to rule out MS. Her

chiari, which is very prevalent, was brought up again. We then followed

up with the neurosurgeon who strongly recommended decompression surgery.

Pursuing a second opinion we took to the Chiari Institute on Long

Island. After a moring of testing, they told she has occult

tethered cord syndrome and recommended surgery to free her spinal cord.

They feel this will correct her bladder/pelvic problems as well as

provide some relief from her headaches. So in less than a year we have

had 3 different surgical procedures recommended. My question is

whether anyone has had occult tethered cord diagnosed; apparently it is

a very controversial diagnosis? And has anyone with chiari and bladder

problems had this surgery with relief from symptoms? Thank you JoAnn

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