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Thyroid and Hashimotos help

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I have been struggling with my health for about a year in a half now. I was

feeling really bad last winter and finally was diagnosed with hypothyroid. I was

on 25 mcg levothyroxine. After a month or two of being on it, I felt better than

I had in years. I realized my thyroid problem was probably going on longer than

I knew, I guess I eventually just crashed. I felt like I was dying, the energy

to take a shower was too much.

It was about 4 months later that I switched pharmacies ( from Walgreens to

Walmart) because the meds were cheaper. A few months later I started not feeling

so hot again. I figured I needed to get my thyroid levels checked again, but I

just kept putting it off. Then come August things got worse, and by early

September I was unable to function again. I have been sick since. This is taking

such an awful toll on me. I went to the dr, and he said thyroid is fine don't

change a thing (tsh was 3.5 then). I got so bad all I did for two months was see

doctors. Unable to work or care for my 3 year old. I went to my gp and all he

did was try to put me on Xanax and SSRI's. I begged him to put me in the

hospital because I felt so sick. I left that doc and went to an internest. She

put be through the ringer with tests, because she said absolutely do not

increase your thyroid meds. Eventually she told me there was nothing more she

could do for me. 8 trips to the ER, and no help there either. I saw 2 endos at

that point because I figured all my tests are fine, it has to be my

thyroid...these doctors are wrong. They diagnosed me at that point with hashi's.

But said this changes nothing. I switched to synthroid upon their


I was still feeling very ill, so I found an endo at Northwestern in Chicago, who

I figured had to be more knowledgeable then these quacks I've been seeing. She

upped my dose to 50mcg. I started to feel better. I still did not feel good, but

I was able to at least function, even though not at my normal level. I wait 7

weeks to get my tsh checked and at that point was feeling quite crappy again.

Upped my dose to 75mcg after tsh came back 2.05. (sorry I don't have all the

reference ranges, I have piles of tests I would have to go through). Within a

few days I felt the brain fog lift, and felt a bit better, then I got way worse

again. I switched back to levothyroxine from Walgreens, because I knew I had no

problem on that particular kind. It's been 5 days on that, and I am starting to

feel normal. But after this long I don't even know what it is like to feel

normal...or what normal even is for that matter.

I have had a few days of better before, so I'm anxious that its not going to

last. But I'm really hoping it does. My doctor also told me that hashimotos

means nothing. I am very confused by this because I have been reading the

opposite. My thyroid has actually been hurting the last few days too, which is

odd. Even the fancy dr. at Northwestern didn't seem any more knowledgeable

about my condition than anyone else. It's seems if your symptoms are more than

tired and itchy and weird periods then they assume it's not your thyroid. How

can they not know that it makes people feel so incredibly ill? I guess at this

point I'm looking for advice. I don't know where to turn anymore, I wish I could

find a dr. that understood more and if hashimotos matters or not? Thanks for


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