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thyroid issues

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hey everyone i havent posted in a while...long story. ok i dont know if

this is relevent to my question but i will list just in case. oh yea i

go the 15th for a second opinion (neurosyrgeon)

acm diagnoses I

c3-c6 bulging disks. some with narrowing of foramen.

syrinx from c5-t1 moderate sized syrinix measuring .6x.7x5cm in size

herniated disks at t7-t8, t10-11

alport syndrom (kidney)

also l3-4 bulge and l4-5 herniated

i am allergic to certian drugs and manage (hahalmao) my pain with

tramadol (ultram) and tylenol following up with phenergen. ok i went to

doc thursday with edema done some test and have now thyroid issues on

top if that wasnt enough. oh yea have gained about 55 pounds since

onset of symptoms. my question is does acm have anything to do with

thyroid issues that anyone knows about? any one out there that has

conditions simialar to mine? i could list all of the symptoms but they

are the run of the norm i guess. i have been haveing tremors lately

which is new but do not know if it is from acm or disc probs. please

respond if you dont mind and let me know what you think. thanks alot


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i dont have the same conditions as you but i do have an underactive

thyroid - i have for about 8years now........i was diagnosed as i

was so so tired and sleeping all the time and putting on more and

more wieght! but since then i have had carpul tunnel operations and

now the chiari...i have read somewhere the carpul tunnel can be

linked to the thyroid - but then i think the carpul tunnel was

actually partly due to the chiari so i guess in a way they are all

linked in some way.

its a simple blood test to check the tyroid so i guess its best to

check it out! the more i read and the more i think about things i

guess they all have to be linked in some way - i hope you sort it

out - having the underactive thyroid hasnt really affected me - it

just means i have to take medicine every day for it!

good luck - i hope you sort thigns out!

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