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Re: I m sertain I have mold and Im really sick!! How do I get answers???

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No, you are not crazy for being sick, but you are crazy if there is

any chance you could move and you still stay.

Its very hard to move when you are sick but you need to do it.. Mold

causes a sort of deer in the headlights effect,

nobody wants to throw out most of what they own and start over but

sometimes, that is the only way to get better.

Landlords will try to blame things on you to divert attention from

their treatment of you and other tenants. Sometimes, you wont be able

to stop it, they will take your deposit, try to sue you for remaining

rent on a lease. But you need to get out of there or you could end up

sick for the rest of your life.

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" I can see visible black hair mold in window cills, plants(now

removed),toilet tank, basement (poor atempt at a clean up) Im certain

its behind the bath room wall(i can see it growing over fresh pait

right at the top of the crack).

I rent my upstairs appartment... "

Thank God you don't own that house, you do not have to fix it or pay

for trying to fix it. The only loss you will have is your rent,

deposit, etc, and maybe some belongings you may not be able to live with.

Really, really try to find another place to live for awhile, even if

it is someone else's couch. If you can get the heck out of Dodge for a

2 or 3 weeks you will feel much better, and think more clearly, and be

in much better condition to make the decisions about your life.

You don't sound crazy, you sound like you are suffering from mold

toxicity- you can check off a whole list of symptoms. Getting away

from it will get you better faster than anything else.


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Hi sweety,

All the symptoms and problems you mentioned are symptoms of toxic mold exposure.


If not you will continue to get worse. You must tell your Doctors you need anti

fungal medication immediately. They will look at you like your crazy but do not

take no for an answer. Your friends and loved ones will not believe you so dont

rely on them right now. Just rely on yourself and get out and get the right meds

immediately. After you take some anti fungal meds take a med called

Cholestyramine. Your body will not naturally remove the poisens so if you are

not proactive now you will continue to grow worse even long after you move out

of the original mold source. And sorry to tell you this but i recommend leaving

everything behind otherwise you might cross contaminate your new home with toxic

mold spores.

If you need some more help please email me/us.

God Bless


From: onechance_oneearth <onechance_oneearth@...>

Subject: [] I m sertain I have mold and Im really sick!! How do I

get answers???

Date: Monday, November 10, 2008, 5:35 PM

Hello group, I come here in hope that maby you guys are wearing

your " I survived MOLD " shirts. Lord knows I hope to wear one!

I would actually like to write all kinds of things about whats going

on with me but I can barley put together any thaughts without

tremendous pressure. I have my moniter dimmed almost as low as it can


I can see visible black hair mold in window cills, plants(now

removed),toilet tank, basement (poor atempt at a clean up) Im certain

its behind the bath room wall(i can see it growing over fresh pait

right at the top of the crack).

I rent my upstairs appartment, downstairs my land lord has his

office, and his shop! He has been doing furniture, apoulsrty, and

carpets for at lest 30 years. I know they used all kinds of chemicals

down there, when I had planted my garden I found all kinds of aseptis

in the ground allong with some weird black stuff. So i belive he

might not be very earth freindly. Ive seen water down in there this

summer, and I also am aware of pipe work all in neighboorhood being

done? Also plauged by sewer flies and moisquetios, I live in vermont

and its probally 30 right now. Bathroom smellssssssssss! !! I dont

like the bathroom anymore! Or my beautiful


So Im past the itchy skin, red eyes,cough, hair falling out, rashy

scalp, dermitides,( im not past it, its just like very 8 months ago)

now i have chonic head ace completly week and spent, cant hold my

arms up,pulminaries, joint pain,hands swell,hand and arms tingle go

numb, burn(thats the new thing) burning in my chest, neck ,arms,and

stomach. I get extremly bloated when i eat, bolwes are scarry,

constant pain in my gut/groin area, hurts to sit,cough,laugh,

axiaety, severe panic attacks, went to the er turns out my potassium

is low and sudium. I dont use salt cause i know ther is enough there

already but i do eat healthy!!!went to the allergy doc today turns

out im allergic to mold, allong with wheat, soy, and other thing i

was never allergic to before. I wonder if these new allergies are

braught on by mold, cause they are foods mold natuarlly accurrs in?

so i cant really think now,mmmmm my doc isnt buying the mold thing,

yet i just got the allergy test today, hopefully ill get better

results now. still have to where the heart moniter once the last guy

is done using it(my doc only has one) see what the damedge is. i

called the town friday, today is monday they came and looked around

and they said ill get a report in 1 to 2 days, so ill call tomarrow.

any advise, tips ,am i crazy???? everyone i know has been hearing

about the mold problem sence i noticed it was a bigger problem then i

thaught, and the more i look into it the more i know its mold!!! Im

convinced! But everyone else is not taking my seriously, freinds, co-

workeers,my boy freind who lives here with me, medical personell

(except the allergie doc) its tough!! well i must go find someting to

eat with no wheat or soy! lol please help me

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No one has to tell us when we're exposed to mold. We know it.

Suddenly we feel quite sick when never before. We surmise it's

somewhere in our environment...bit it takes time to prove and we don't

have the extra time.

If you can, pack a bag and get out. Then after a few days, go back

(wear a mask and old clothes) and get rid of everything/anything you

can. Yes it's costly, but your health will remain poor, if not

deadly, if you don't do this. llaci

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Im back, like mold! I went to the doc today about sever abdominal

pain, and i mentioned the mold , again, and told him i had all the

syptoms of mold illness and i sugested an antifugal. He shot me down

again! But at least he is doing an ultra sound.

I think i should put myself on a mold diet/antifungal regimin. Is

that wise? I feel like that is whats up, i belive it!!

are you aware of any herbal suplements I should take?? Should I

identify what kinds are present first? Do i have time to wait for

results? Oooooo im a mess here, and i have no where to go other then

a new appartment, and there is only 3 in the paper and & I cant

afford them right now, i cant work right now, and im about to get

laid off for the year. Are ther local places whom might help me a

little?? im spent i need sleep.. thanks for your time... i appreiate



Hi sweety,


> All the symptoms and problems you mentioned are symptoms of toxic

mold exposure.





> If not you will continue to get worse. You must tell your Doctors

you need anti fungal medication immediately. They will look at you

like your crazy but do not take no for an answer. Your friends and

loved ones will not believe you so dont rely on them right now. Just

rely on yourself and get out and get the right meds immediately.

After you take some anti fungal meds take a med called

Cholestyramine. Your body will not naturally remove the poisens so if

you are not proactive now you will continue to grow worse even long

after you move out of the original mold source. And sorry to tell you

this but i recommend leaving everything behind otherwise you might

cross contaminate your new home with toxic mold spores.


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Hi again sweety!

 What city state are you in? We can help you find some local help. It sounds

like you need to get a different Doctor immediately. The best thing i found is

to call around to different Doctors office and ask if they have any experience

with treating toxic mold exposure and if not if they are willing to prescribe

anti fungal meds. There is a website you need to check out, its Dr Shoemakers

website at http://www.chronicneurotoxins.com/

Also you can do a Doctor search here http://www.mold-survivor.com

Please please do not rely on nutritional supplements, that was my mistake and i

just got worse. Ofcourse dont exclude them either as they do help a little.

But keep in mind the longer you stay in that sick building the longer your

exposing yourself to deadly neurotoxins. It could damage your brain severely if

it hasnt already. GET OUT NOW!

God Bless You


From: onechance_oneearth <onechance_oneearth@...>

Subject: [] Re: I m sertain I have mold and Im really sick!! How do

I get answers???

Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2008, 7:47 PM

--- In , E E <photoguys2003@ ...>



Im back, like mold! I went to the doc today about sever abdominal

pain, and i mentioned the mold , again, and told him i had all the

syptoms of mold illness and i sugested an antifugal. He shot me down

again! But at least he is doing an ultra sound.

I think i should put myself on a mold diet/antifungal regimin. Is

that wise? I feel like that is whats up, i belive it!!

are you aware of any herbal suplements I should take?? Should I

identify what kinds are present first? Do i have time to wait for

results? Oooooo im a mess here, and i have no where to go other then

a new appartment, and there is only 3 in the paper and & I cant

afford them right now, i cant work right now, and im about to get

laid off for the year. Are ther local places whom might help me a

little?? im spent i need sleep.. thanks for your time... i appreiate



Hi sweety,


> All the symptoms and problems you mentioned are symptoms of toxic

mold exposure.





> If not you will continue to get worse. You must tell your Doctors

you need anti fungal medication immediately. They will look at you

like your crazy but do not take no for an answer. Your friends and

loved ones will not believe you so dont rely on them right now. Just

rely on yourself and get out and get the right meds immediately.

After you take some anti fungal meds take a med called

Cholestyramine. Your body will not naturally remove the poisens so if

you are not proactive now you will continue to grow worse even long

after you move out of the original mold source. And sorry to tell you

this but i recommend leaving everything behind otherwise you might

cross contaminate your new home with toxic mold spores.


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