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Re: Re: Live complaints enough

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Hi Live,

I hope you can handle a little constructive criticism. Im sure i speak for a few

members of this group when i say some of your responses(not original posts) to

others posts are offensive at times. So im writing this to ask that you please

just understand that point and consider this before responding to others' posts

in the future. Thanks and i dont mean to sound condesending. If in fact you have

suffered from toxic mold exposure im sure you are more than welcome in this

group. God Bless


From: who <jeaninem660@...>

Subject: [] Re: MVOCs and your health

Date: Wednesday, October 8, 2008, 1:59 PM

really Live? and when exactly did you change your opinion? nov. 2007


IEQ you were strongly backing Croft's theory of mycotoxins being

volatile and the MW's long time run of the mill mouth swearing

that mycotoxins and only mycotoxins cause MCS. that's been almost a

year ago and I can't really recall you haveing said much of anything

about mvoc's in the last year,or pointing out as you do so well because

of your need for all things to be factual that MCS is caused by mvoc's

and voc's. just the never ending mycotoxins,mycotoxi ns. I had actually

came to the conclusion that you are Dr.Croft or Bill Croft, Mr aka 47

> >>

> >> http://home- improvement- on-a-budget. blogspot. com/2008/ 06/odors-


> > hidden-mold- and-your- health.html

> >>

> >> Odors From Hidden Mold And Your Health

> >>


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I'm not Bill Croft(!), have no vested interest in anybody except

myself, any service or any product! The last time I spoke with him was

last spring, and I think that you are really making a mountain out of

nothing. I don't even want to attempt trying to guess anymore and what

I am doing that bugs you because when I try to speculate, I always

seem to be wrong, so, whats the point. I have to just speak from the


Look, you are raving at me. I don't understand why you are angry. I

don't follow your situation closely enough to know everything, and

honestly, I have bigger problems that I need to focus on than pleasing

you. I would prefer to be on your good side, but given that I am not,

I am not going to anguish about it endlessly. I am trying to

understand what I am doing that is bugging you and address it, but you

are always very vague. Its not working for me, you have to be much

more explicit in explaining what I said when you have a problem. I

would be surprised if it wasn't a misunderstanding.

We all make mistakes, and I am sure I make *at least* my share of

them. I would venture to guess that the more any of us speak, the

higher a chance we have of making at least a few mistakes. Like me,

you are pretty opinionated on things, do I call you out when I think

you might be going up a blind alley? No, because I know from

experience that I might easily be wrong.

Okay, I can't guarantee this is always the case but I can tell you

what makes me tick, morally and scientifically.

I was lied to a lot about important things at various times in my life

and I have become sort of weird about people lying to me. It really

bugs me when I think I am being lied to. That is a problem. I wish I

could be less anal about that and also, not infrequently, I take

things way too seriously. Sometimes, I'm wrong. Its been a long time

since somebody hired me in any professional capacity, but when I have

been hired, I've tried to do my job, even if it means explaining

complicated dualities where things are not black or white. There are

often pros and cons to any path, or decision, and its complicated.

On these lists, things are not always binary, there are shades of

gray. The proper answer may be different, depending on who is asking

the question. I do the best that I can with the knowledge I have,

which isn't an authoritative set of information, and ts also not

tempered by as much experience as many other people here. On the other

hand, I do know enough to be opinionated. I know what its like to be

trying to solve these problems even if you aren't rich.. and I try to

help people the best that can.

Again, I am not selling anything or promoting anyone. Jeanine, if you

insist that I am somehow out to bother you I would be glad to speak

with you on the phone and try to hash out our differences, whatever

they are (! - I still don't really understand what it is that bothers

you!) if you want.

What else can I do? I have said many times before and I would be the

first to gladly admit again that I have gotten a LOT of good

information from your posts. I've also tried to send you papers that I

find that I think can help you, IMMEDIATELY, off list.. Things that

might be things you could use.

But, I don't really know the details of your situation that well.

Maybe not because you didn't post them, its because my memory is much

worse than it used to be and also, because I dont read every message

that is posted on this list.. I used to, but the percentage of posts I

read keeps getting lower and lower.. I'm sorry, I miss things for

that reason.

Also, I think we all sometimes focus on the things that we are

interested in at the moment and perhaps ignore worthwhile directions

that don't fit our mental models.

Thats why scientifically oriented groups often have opportunities to

learn from each other, and in the end, accomplish much more than any

one of them could accomplish on their own. The " hive mind " sees

(collectively) things that the individual mind does not see.

If we can try to understand the good aspects of these discussions and

take advantage of them, we will move the science ahead by being an

informed patient community. So many other illnesses have done that and

taken it SO much farther than we have. I think its because mold really

sucks the life out of people. We have to fight back, fight against IT,

not each other.

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