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Not Mold

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We got the results of our mold tests back today and they were all

considered " normal " levels. This of course puts me back to square 1

trying to find the source of my " Chronic Fatigue " . We've been suspicious

of our house, why?

1. We've noticed a damp, musty odor since the day we moved in

2. 6 months after living there I came down with a sinus infection that

gradually led into chronic fatigue, another sinus infection, shingles

(I'm 37) and more chronic fatigue. We've now been living there a year and

I still feel awful every day.

3. Our Cat died after getting sick just about the time I got sick. Her

lungs would fill with fluid until she couldn't breathe. We'd take her to

the vet and they would drain her lungs and keep her over night, but when

we brought her home, by the next morning she couldn't breathe.

4. My 5 year old daughter wakes up coughing every morning

But on the other hand.....

1. Mold tests came back normal

2. My 1 year old son and wife seem to be healthy

3. I don't have classic " allergy " symptoms (runny nose, sneezing watery

eyes). My symptoms are extreme fatigue, headache, weakness, light-

headedness, brain fog, difficulty concentrating, sleep problems.

4. I've been away from the house for as long as 5 days in a row without

feeling really any better ( although my understanding is that once

environmental illnesses reach a " chronic " stage, then there would need to

be a prolonged removal from the source - weeks or months - before

noticing improvement)

SO I don't know where to look from here. Every doctor I've been to says

there's nothing wrong with me, Anyone on this list have any ideas? Is

there anything else in my house that could be making me so sick, while

not really affecting my wife and son? Anything else I should test for?

Can anyone recommend a doctor in the Bay Area that might help track down

what is making me sick - house or otherwise? My wife's " Women's instinct "

tells her that it's something in our house...



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