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RE: People's Vanguard of - Did Congressman Lungren Ignore Potential National

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Now isnt that a lovely piece of information.. I " wonder " why that just does not

suprise me one bit.


        " We The People "   

        If we dont pay attention " we " will loose our rights to our freedom.

From: tigerpaw2c <tigerpaw2c@...>

Subject: [] People's Vanguard of - " Did Congressman Lungren

Ignore Potential National

Date: Monday, October 27, 2008, 7:33 AM

People's Vanguard of - " Did Congressman Lungren Ignore

Potential National Security "

Bay Area Indymedia - San Francisco,CA*

by Repost

Sunday Oct 26th, 2008

http://www.indybay. org/newsitems/ 2008/10/26/ 18546751. php

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KC/ALL: This is one of the three huge projects that I have been working on over

the past three years. It is about ready to explode as you might guess.... and it

it all about mold exposures and human injury/illness. The story as to

Congressman Dan Lungren and his failure to respond to a major problem relating

to Homeland Security is very factual in this Vanguard story by my friend

Greenwald of , CA. has been instrumental in getting this information

out to the Sacramento area public. Bell, who is the gentleman that this

surfaced from during his California Worker's Compensation case has been exposed

to a number of micro fungi that is well documented by a company we allege has an

employee who transported foreign soils across federal lines bypassing federal

customs authorities, and further allege had no license for bringing foreign

soils in to the United States at the time of Bell's respiratory/sinus

illness. Since then, Mr. Bell has had four sinus operations and is on

disability. His mother, Sandi Trend has been one of the sharpest investigators I

have ever witnessed on a computer system in finding all kinds of information on

this subject. It is incredible to observe the many " pass the buck " or " skirt the

issue " tactics that have been played during this case from Yolo County

Environmental and Yolo County and Sacramento County Worker's Compensation Fraud

Unit detectives. Obviously they have the resources and funding to go after you

or I, should we attempt to fraudulently apply for Worker's Compensation benefits

in California, but they and the District Attorneys curb any investigation into a

totally illegal California Worker's Compensation system that does not even

comply with the California Constitution any longer, and is basically run by the

Insurance Industry. However, the main thrust of this story in addition, is that

Congressman Dan Lungren and his staff, after I met directly with them in

Congressman Lungren's Gold River California Office to explain why mutating

microbes in soils could virtually wipe out a city over time, literally has done

absolutely nothing about it. Congressman Lungren ® 3rd Congressional District,

is also the " Ranking Congressional Member on the Committee for Homeland

Security. " From what he states on his website below you would think that

something like this in the hands of a terrorist working in an unmonitored and

poorly restricted biopesticide laboratory would be of major interest as a major

dyke with lots of gaping holes in it; a flagrant " red flag " to address. Not

apparently to Dan Lungren who has to this date simply ignored it.

On Congressman Dan Lungren's website:

" The events of 9-11 prompted Dan's return to public service. Believing that each

of us had to respond in the most effective way to the terrorist threat, he

sought election to the Congress so that the lessons learned from his past

governmental experience might be added to the national debate.

To prevail in the fight against global terrorism, Dan believes that we must

develop and maintain unsurpassed training and equipment for our troops, provide

the resources for our intelligence community to adapt to the changing world,

provide adequate funding for forward looking defense programs, and create a

homeland security strategy based on rational risk assessment rather than pork

barrel politics.

Dan's lifetime belief that America's national defense is the number one

responsibility and priority of the federal government was affirmed on 9/11.

While he believes that America responded to 9/11 with resolve, determination and

a ferocity born of our love for freedom, Dan asserts that we must continue to

adapt to the changing tactics of our enemies and directly fight the

transnational Islamic fascism of those who elect terrorism as their weapon of


Dan is personally committed to enhancing the quality and depth of Congressional

oversight of our government's intelligence gathering and analysis and the

provision of homeland security. As a member of the House Judiciary Committee,

Homeland Security Committee and Budget Committee, Congressman Lungren is in a

unique position to make that a reality. "


http://lungren.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=13 & Itemid=32)

That is a complete laugh upon the American Citizens and our health and safety as

a whole. Apparently, Congressman Lungren has little or no idea of how serious

this matter, which needs to be fully investigated, is! We are really in great

hands with the people we have leading this Country if they all think the way

this man does!

One final thing. I am not, nor have I earned one red cent for what I am

investigating on this project now. I did, when it was in the Worker's

Compensation litigation process, but everything thereafter has been professional


R. Haney

Bio-Health Research Psychologist

Environmental Health Projects: Research & Consulting EHPROJECT1998@...

@...: tigerpaw2c@...: Mon, 27 Oct

2008 11:33:28 +0000Subject: [] People's Vanguard of - " Did

Congressman Lungren Ignore Potential National

People's Vanguard of - " Did Congressman Lungren Ignore Potential National

Security " Bay Area Indymedia - San Francisco,CA*by Repost Sunday Oct 26th, 2008

http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2008/10/26/18546751.phpThe Vanguard raised

questions about the environmental impact at the Kennedy Place location for

AgraQuest. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2008 Did Congressman Lungren Ignore Potential

National Security Threat Posed by AgraQuest's Importation of Foreign Soils?

Listen to Vanguard Radio tonight from 6 to 7 on KDRT 95.7 FM for more on this

topic. Our guests will include Sandi Trend, mother of Bell and Doug Haney.

Bell is scheduled to call in from Texas at 6:30. You can listen live on

the internet by clicking here. Callers are encouraged to ask questions:

530.792.1648. Last week, the Sacramento News and Review reported that an

AgraQuest worker Bell contracted a series of respiratory infections during

his time working for the company in 1999. Now nearly nine years later, he

continues to suffer from the debilitating illness. The Vanguard raised questions

about the environmental impact at the Kennedy Place location for AgraQuest.

Questions were most specifically brought forth from Mr. Bell himself who

informed the Vanguard that as an employee of AgraQuest he was told to dispose of

waste material on a concrete culvert. The Vanguard also showed photographic

evidence taken from several years later that suggests the possibility of

contamination of the outside worksite. In a follow up interview with Bell,

he warned us that the ventilation system at the 1105 Kennedy Place office

building needs to be fully investigated as well due to the activities that took

place in the building and the possibility that microbes ended up in the

ventilation system. During the course of the investigation into both Mr. Bell's

health and the workplace conditions, the Vanguard has learned that AgraQuest may

have been shipping soil and other biological samples into the United States on

commercial flights without proper licenses. Moreover, Bell reports that

employees at AgraQuest at the time of his employment bragged about sneaking a

green suitcase full of dirt past U.S. customs on a flight from Chile. Doug

Haney, an advocate for human and patients' rights, who specializes in mold and

microbe exposure, reported this to Congressman Dan Lungren in November of 2007

during a meeting with Gold River Field Office Staffers andria Snyder and

Panos. Congressman Lungren (R-CA) is the ranking Republican member on

the House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security. Interestingly

enough, in 2006 he co-authored the SAFE Act (Security and Freedom Enhancement

Act) with Congresswoman Jane Harman (D-CA), a bill that was designed to improve

security at U.S. ports. Despite warnings about the possible implications from

such lax customs handling in our war on terrorism, it appears at least from Mr.

Haney's viewpoint that neither Congressman Lungren nor his staff followed

through on these warnings. AGRAQUEST BUSINESS POLICIES There is a lengthy public

record on AgraQuest's practice of importing soils and other biological agents

into the United States from across the globe. In fact it is noted as a point of

pride in the articles written about AgraQuest over the course of the past ten

years. As early as 1997, a Sacramento Bee article entitled, " AgraQuest Growing

Its Own Success, " reports that: " They'll check out new samples of soils or plant

roots or lichen arriving from across the globe. " In 2002, on National Public

Radio's Morning Edition, the announcer reported that AgraQuest had gathered up

to 20,000 samples of various soils and other biological samples. " What they're

looking for are microorganisms that secrete naturally occurring pesticides. To

find them, over the past seven years they have gathered some 20,000 samples,

like this dirt and some bits of leaves Marrone finds in an old stump here. Each

sample usually contains many different types of microbes, which are grown up in

the lab and tested. " The Wall Street Journal in 2005 reported: " While many

biopesticide makers tinker with microbes discovered on university campuses,

AgraQuest is unusual because it searches fields and jungles for new compounds,

often finding them in dead bugs. It's painstaking work... Over the past decade,

Dr. Marrone estimates she's screened some 23,000 suspects. Tanks and storage

boxes filled with rotting vermin line the hallways at AgraQuest's headquarters. "

This particular article describes trips that AgraQuest's researchers take from

around the world noting Honduras, Mexico, and other exotic locations. What these

articles do not discuss of course is how they got these samples into the country

in those early days and whether or not they did so legally. Bell, who is

now suffering from a string of respiratory illnesses that he believes stem from

his work at AgraQuest became curious around 2004 or 2005 when he heard a story

about a man arrested by agents at APHIS for illegally smuggling soil into the

country. APHIS is the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Their primary

work is to defend America's animal and plant resources from agricultural pests

and diseases. However, they also serve as a sort of regulatory agency which

controls the animal, plant, disease, and soil specimens that come into the

United States. In order for companies to import such things as soil, pathogens,

and microbes, they must be licensed by APHIS. But according to Bell,

AgraQuest was not licensed in 1999 when he worked there. " I called them [APHIS]

up and asked them. " He continues: " They told me they had no permit on file, that

they would be contacting that company. " In fact, according to Mr. Bell, no APHIS

permit shows up at AgraQuest until 2003 or 2004--a full six or seven years after

they were reporting to have received soils from around the world in the

Sacramento Bee article. " Somewhere around there then a valid permit finally

shows up in the record. " And yet Mr. Bell became aware in 1999 - at least four

years before APHIS claims that AgraQuest had a valid license - that workers

claimed they had smuggled soil into the country. In fact, the workers bragged

about it. How did Bell find out? " I asked them what the hell the green

suitcase was for when they were unpacking the dirt out of it and that's when

they were laughing about how they got it into the country. " So they told him.

" Usually they would take off on a company business trip and come back with it

[soil] in a suitcase. They would check luggage full of dirt, soil. " Again, at

this time, AgraQuest apparently did not have a license to do this according to

APHIS. Moreover, they were able to basically sneak it past customs agents, at

least according to what Bell's co-worker Flannigan told him in

1999. Doug Haney: " While [] was [at Agraquest], a Flannigan had

brought in a suitcase of soils that he had obtained in a foreign country. At

that time, I did not know what the countries were, nor did I know what the soils

were, nor did I know what the microbes were, nor did anyone else know what the

microbes were that were in the soils, because indicated that Mr. Flannigan

had told everyone, and was bragging to everyone, that he had taken those soils,

on a commercial airplane, into the United States, over the border, and bypassed

the inspectors. This is a clear violation of licensure - if there is no

licensure - and laws pertaining to insects, plant life, and microbes. " Mr. Bell

also described the contents of the soils based on his knowledge of the soils

that he had examined: " It could clearly have any kind of pathogens. Dirt and

soil is a very dirty thing, especially when you are purposefully taking dirt

with animal feces on purpose. Yeah, God knows what could have been in it, to be

honest. Only AgraQuest knows that answer. " Where did the shipment come from?

" That particular time I believe it was coming from Chile. " There was another

time apparently when their trip did not work out quite as well. " I remember when

they (co-workers at AgraQuest) went over to England, they were extremely pissed

off due to heightened security having to take their shoes off, they couldn't

smuggle any dirt on that trip. They were very disappointed about that, that was

right about when that hoof and mouth disease was going on and they were making

people disinfect their shoes. They were really disappointed that they couldn't

bring the usual suitcase full of garbage back. " TERRORISM CONCERNS ARISE The

idea that a company such as AgraQuest could simply slip soil and other potential

biological agents containing microbes from around the world is alarming for

those who might fear the United States' susceptibility to a biological attack.

This apparently is not a situation that simply ended with 9/11 and its tighter

security measures. " There was a gentleman coming in from Texas, who was detained

at the airport for smuggling soils across federal lines. " Mr. Haney continued:

" That person was arrested, charged, and now [has] legal ramifications from that

aspect. " But as Mr. Haney pointed out later in our interview, if that individual

was caught smuggling at that time, you know that it probably was not the first

time he tried to do so and you also know that others can do so or have tried as

well. The difficulty in preventing the smuggling of a small bag of soil into

this country - not to mention many other substances - that have the potential to

be health threats is quite high. Mr. Haney was alarmed. " I felt with 21

years-plus of molecular sciences, there was a real gap of transfer of microbes

into the United States, into laboratories and genetically modifying them, that

there is a real possibility with terrorists taking those microbes, genetically

linking those microbes, and creating a hybrid that could destroy a city very

easily through disease... " CONGRESSMAN DAN LUNGREN As the result of these

concerns, Mr. Haney contacted Congressman Dan Lungren. Congressman Dan Lungren

is the ranking member on the House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and

Homeland Security. In 2006 he co-authored the SAFE Act with Congresswoman Jane

Harman (D-CA), a bill that was designed to improve security at U.S. ports.

Clearly this should have been an issue of interest to Congressman Lungren. In

November of 2007, Doug Haney, Sandi Trend, and several of their associates

attended Dan Lungren's townhall meeting in Folsom, California. Several of them

raised the AgraQuest issue during the course of the townhall meeting. A few

weeks prior to the townhall meeting Mr. Haney went about trying to set up a

meeting with Congressman Lungren. " I had called a couple of times to [Dan

Lungren's] staff asking if we could have a meeting with him away from the

presentation to inform him of what was going on at AgraQuest--the actual

bringing in illegally, of the microbes, into the United States... " Mr. Haney

then met with andra Snyder and Panos in Congressman Lungren's field

office. " I agreed to meet with Dan's [Lungren] staffer, andra, the head of

his staff in [Lungren's field office]. " What did he talk to them about? " I

brought papers in and I discussed it at length with her, knowing at that point

that Congressman Lungren was the [ranking member] of the Subcommittee on

Homeland Security. I talked to her as to how someone could come across the

borders, illegally bring in soils on commercial planes, and if they know

anything about genetics... they could actually cause a hybrid that could cause

major damage, illness, and death... " He continued: " We gave them documentation

because we wanted to keep this low key as to not really put a scare into the

community to get something done about it without tipping off foreign countries

as to how dangerous this really could be. " At that time they promised to look

into the situation, but according to Mr. Haney, " nothing " came of this meeting.

" I tried to contact andra Snyder - a couple of times- months later. The

instructions coming out of the meeting were that I would be contacted if my

assistance was needed or just to find out more information. " But he heard

nothing again. " I tried to call about three or four months later because I had

not heard anything from them, to check up and do another review of it. From that

point on there was no contact whatsoever with Dan Lungren. So as far as health

and safety, as far as national security involvement, I have heard absolutely

nothing. " Moreover: " Bottom line is because nothing is happening. A logical

thing is that if you have a real loophole in something as vital to America as

homeland security and you see that it has immediate ramifications you first

would investigate it to find out how true it is... " But again, nothing came of

this meeting and Ms. Snyder never returned Mr. Haney's calls. The Vanguard made

several attempts to speak with andra Snyder before talking to the media

spokesperson in Dan Lungren's Congressional office. Unfortunately, we have not

heard back from them at the time of press, however, we will add their response

if and when we receive it. SUMMARY COMMENTS It is worth noting that on

Congressman Lungren's campaign website they talk about his record on issues of

terrorism and national security: " Two years ago, Congressman Lungren authored

the Safe Port Act of 2006, which received widespread bi-partisan support and was

ultimately signed into law. This law represented a significant step forward in

strengthening our national security from terrorists, but it was just a start. As

a member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, Congressman Lungren has

continued working with both Democrats and Republicans to strengthen our borders

and pursue terrorists wherever they hide. " It is unfortunate that the

Congressman did not take a more proactive stance on what could really represent

a serious threat to national security. When the terrorists of 9/11 attacked the

United States they did not use conventional weaponry. Instead they were able to

turn commercial aircraft into bombs. What AgraQuest was allegedly doing was

importing microbes into the United States through soil. That represents a

potential threat on a number of levels. First, if they can slip soil into our

country, others can do it. Second, if they can slip soil into our country,

others can likely slip other things into our country. Are we really prepared for

the level of ingenuity the next terrorist attack may take the form of? We were

not prepared despite intelligence reports for 9/11. We worry about all sorts of

things to do with national security and yet, when we see a glaring hole in our

customs system, the first line of defense against a potential biological attack,

it appears that our elected officials have done very little. The Congressman can

brag all he wants about working across party lines on strengthening our borders,

but it appears he let a big potential issue slip right past him without adequate

inquiry. That is a concern. From the standpoint of it is also a concern

that AgraQuest, who apparently (stress on apparently) had no license during

their early years was slipping foreign species of microbes into our community

and then doing a number of genetic engineering and other manipulations on these

microbes. All of this in the name of creating so called organic pesticides.

Perhaps we ought to re-think what we call organic. In the meantime, we remain

concerned not only about the health of Bell but the safety for our

community and apparently for our nation. It is our hope that responsible leaders

will look at this situation anew and plug whatever holes they need to in order

to insure better security. --- M. Greenwald reporting POSTED BY DAVID M.




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