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OT: HPV Vaccine Dangers for those of you who have daughters

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This is a very important and interesting article but one that doesn't

surprise me. Taken from Dr. Mercola's website: www.mercola.com.



Prominent Scientist Warns of HPV Vaccine Dangers

Independent health researcher Grace Filby, who won a Churchill

Fellowship for her research into phage therapy, is calling on the

government for more research into the possible side-effects of the

HPV vaccine that is currently being given to teenage girls.

Filby believes that not enough is known about the effects of the

vaccine on children with pre-existing medical conditions and weakened

immune systems. She says, " We simply do not know whether the vaccine

interacts with other medication or medical conditions, and the

manufacturers have not studied it yet. This could be a very valid

reason why some families and schools might hesitate or opt out. "

She has this week written to UK education ministers and health

officials calling for urgent small-scale independent studies that

would highlight any health problems stemming from vaccinations

already carried out.


Medical News Today October 1, 2008

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

According to the CDC, the human papilloma virus (HPV) is the most

common sexually transmitted disease in America. More than 6 million

women contract it annually, yet cervical cancer claims less than

3,900 women – most of which are due to not getting regular Pap

smears. In the U.K., cervical cancer claims a mere 400 lives per year.

Why is your risk of dying from cervical cancer so low?

Because your immune system is usually strong enough to clear up this

kind of infection on its own, and does so in more than 90 percent of

all cases. The CDC even admits to this fact on their website.

And, as long as you're getting regular PAP smears, cervical cancer

can be caught in its early, and easily treatable, stages.

So, the question begs to be asked: WHY is the HPV vaccine being

pushed so vigorously when:

it prevents a type of cancer that is very rare to begin with

it protects against a virus that, 98 percent of the time, is not the

cause of cervical cancer

it prevents a type of cancer that can be easily caught and treated by

promoting regular gynecological exams

it offers less protection than what promotion of safe sex practices

could accomplish

it is promoted to girls years before becoming sexually active, even

though the vaccine may only offer about three years worth of


it prevents just 4 out of more than 100 strains of HPV; all of which

your body can clear up on its own in 90 percent of all cases anyway

it has NOT been proven safe. No one knows if it can cause cancer or

infertility, for example

And why would the feds go so far as to add Gardasil to the list of

vaccinations that all female immigrants ages 11 to 26 MUST get before

they can obtain a green card? We're not dealing with potential import

of bubonic plague here…

According to a New England Journal of Medicine study, the use of

condoms reduces the incidence of HPV by 70 percent, offering FAR

better protection than Gardasil, for example.

The HPV vaccine is a total head-scratcher of a mystery as far as what

its ultimate purpose is, because " curing the rampant health disaster

of cervical cancer " is certainly NOT it.

And since when do we have to be vaccinated against cancer in order to

be let into a country?

Does the HPV Vaccine LITERALLY Mean " One Less " ?

Marketing geniuses are known to play on words and create slogans with

quirky double meanings, and if you've been tracking the concerns

raised about the potential hazards of Gardasil and Cervarix, the

potential for these HPV vaccines to cause infertility – whether

purposely or inadvertently – is being heard with ever increasing


The federal government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System

(VAERS) has received over 9,000 reports of problems since the

vaccine's introduction in 2006, which include at least 28 spontaneous

abortions, and 27 deaths.

Is it possible that Gardasil's cry to fame, `One Less', is turning

out to be nothing but a sick, ironic play on words?

Anti-Fertility Vaccines

The World Health Organization (WHO) and its subsidiaries have been

actively researching and funding the development of contraceptive /

anti-fertility vaccines that prevent full-term pregnancies to take

place, for over 20 years. There's even a Task Force on Birth Control

Vaccines of the WHO!

However, no anti-fertility vaccine has ever been placed on the market

and promoted as such as of yet.

Instead, as described in a 1993 journal paper published in The

British Medical Bulletin, anti-fertility vaccines were being

engineered " incorporating tetanus or diphtheria toxoid linked to a

variety of hCG-based peptides. "

The authors of this article state,

" The fundamental principle behind this approach to contraceptive

vaccine development is to prevent the maternal recognition of

pregnancy by inducing a state of immunity against hGC, the hormone

that signals the presence of the embryo to the maternal endocrine

system. "

Free tetanus vaccines that were offered to young women of

childbearing age for years in countries such as Tanzania, Nigeria,

Mexico, and the Philippines, were found to contain human Chorionic

Gonadotrophin (hCG), which causes spontaneous abortions if the woman

becomes pregnant.

While the woman is not technically sterilized, once injected with

hCG, she may never be able to carry a child full term thereafter.

HCG-containing anti-fertility vaccines have also been pursued for

more than two decades by the Indian National Institute of Immunology,

and The Population Council of the Rockefeller University, among


In fact, there are no less than 50 research papers detailing research

on " contraceptive vaccines " in the PubMed database.

One disturbing paper published in the FASEB Journal in 1993 states:

" … we initiated studies relating to possible mechanisms of action and

potential side effects of this vaccine, which should be relevant to

world-wide regulation of population growth. "

So again, why the frantic push for the HPV vaccine, created for

young, fertile women, when there's NO solid, rational basis for its


Massive Brazilian Vaccination Program Raises Suspicions of Covert

Sterilization Plans

A much more recent case of illogical mass vaccinations against a

minor health problem is that of the massive, mandatory vaccination

program in Brazil, which has raised suspicions among international

pro-life activists, who note that the program is similar to other

vaccination programs in recent years that have included a hidden

sterilizing agent in the vaccines.

The campaign to " annihilate rubella " began in early August this year,

mandating rubella vaccinations for all women ages 12 to 49, and 12 to

39 for men; a total of 70 million people, despite the fact that only

17 Brazilian children per year suffer birth defects from the disease.

Adolfo Castañeda of Human Life International notes that just two

years ago, researchers found that the rubella vaccine used in a

similar campaign in Argentina was laced with human Chorionic

Gonadotropin (hCG).

" The suspicion that brought about the investigation [into the rubella

vaccine] was caused by the fact that there were very few cases of the

disease in Argentina, which didn't merit a large-scale campaign, "

Castañeda said, adding, " The ages for women are the same as those who

received the vaccines in Nicaragua, where they included a hormone

that sterilizes the woman who receives it, and similar to the age of

those who received another sterilizing hormone in the Philippines. "

Polysorbate-80 – One Less Mouse, Researchers Found

Now, let me state clearly that there's no proof of hCG being present

in any of the current HPV vaccines.

I am merely playing devil's advocate as I examine the similarities

between these other irrational vaccination programs in other

countries for relatively minor public health concerns -- that turn

out to have far more sinister agendas than mere greed – compared to

the fervent, irrational push behind the HPV vaccine here in the U.S.

However, Gardasil does contain Polysorbate-80 – a surfactant used in

pharmacology to deliver certain drugs or chemical agents across the

blood-brain barrier -- which has been linked to infertility in mice.

Researchers Gajdova et.al. found that administration of Polysorbate-

80 decreased the weight of the uterus and ovaries, and caused chronic

estrogenic stimulation. The ovaries of the mice were also without

corpora lutea (a mass of progesterone-secreting endocrine tissue that

forms immediately after ovulation) and had degenerative follicles.

So what might the estrogenic effects of Polysorbate-80 be on pre-

adolescent girls and pregnant women?

Anti-Fertility Vaccine Ingredient Also Has Clinical Application in

Cancer Vaccines…

A potential coincidence I find most disturbing is some of the more

recent research detailing the use of hCG, and other molecules, in

vaccines against hCG-producing cancers, such as – certain cervical


One 2005 paper titled, Recent advances in contraceptive vaccine

development: a mini-review published in the journal Human

Reproduction concludes:

" At the present time, studies are focused on increasing the

immunogenicity and efficacy of the birth control vaccine, and

examining its clinical applications in various HCG-producing cancers. "

But research published just a few months ago in the journal Molecular

Cancer states that the free & #946;-subunit of hCG (hCG & #946;) – which was

originally considered biologically non-functional -- has recently

been shown to stimulate tumor growth, and lead to more aggressive

tumors that are more resistant to therapy.

Again, I'm mentioning all of this because it just goes to show that

pharmaceutical companies have little or no clue of the extent of harm

these vaccines might cause, especially long-term. Something believed

to be completely non-functional or harmless can turn out to be a

MAJOR cause for concern after more thorough investigation.

For example, Gardasil also contains L-histadine, and histamines have

been found to increase clot production five-fold when combined with,

guess what? Surfactants! (L-histidine can also pass through your

placental wall to your fetus.)

Granted, this laboratory investigative report titled Surfactants

Attenuate Gas Embolism-induced Thrombin Production used surfactants

like Perftoran, not Polysorbate-80, in their trials, but could

Polysorbate-80 have a similar effect?

Could this explain why death from blood clots within hours or days is

the MOST COMMON form of death after receiving Gardasil?

The HPV vaccine clearly has a lot of questions left to be answered.

And those questions should be answered BEFORE pushing Gardasil on an

unsuspecting public at the rate that it's being done.

Be One Less to Get Gardasil

I think this would be a more appropriate message to send out to young

women: There is absolutely no reason to risk the serious side effects

of this vaccine to prevent an infection that goes away on its own 90

percent of the time. And there's no guarantee that you'll be

protected anyway, since you can still get HPV once you've had the

vaccine. It's really a no-win situation for those who receive it.

Of course, you can radically reduce your risk of getting HPV in the

first place if you follow safe-sex practices, or wait to have sex

until you're in a committed relationship. Then, keep your immune

system in tip-top shape, and it will be more than able to shake any

HPV virus that comes its way.

Related Articles:

The HPV Vaccine: Preventive Care or Human Sacrifice?

Thousands Have Gotten Sick from Gardasil HPV Vaccine

Why Use Vaccine for HPV When Green Tea Works?

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