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introducing myself; & question for BJ

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Hello everyone,

I've been " lurking " here for a couple months, and have found the discussions

very helpful. I'm grateful to have found this group.

I am a 41 y.o. woman, diagnosed with Hashimotos in October. I had been

suffering fatigue, joint pain, and even arthritis-like symptoms this past

summer, and finally checked it out in the fall when I started getting cold and

not being able to warm up (wearing a wool sweater over silk long underwear, wool

socks, and a hat to bed!).

My antibodies were over 1300 in October, but the first doctor did not know of

any treatment, so I sought out a second person, a nurse practitioner. In

December she started me on Armour at .25 grain, and then that was increased to

..50 grain by the end of December. My joint pain and feeling of being cold has

largely gone away, so I think this is the right dose for me. Though I'm still

tired often.

In addition, I'm on an adrenal supplement (dessicated cow adrenal), 300mg

curcurmin, 5000 Vit D, 2000 Krill oil, and 150 mg Low-dose Naltrexone. I went

grain and sugar free in August as part of an attempt to lose weight (which has

been very successful, nearly 40 lbs so far), so I was already doing gluten-free

before my diagnosis. I just started taking Selenium after reading the articles

referenced here--that was very helpful. In January I started following the GAPS

diet to hopefully address any " leaky gut " issues which seem to often be

correlated with autoimmune disease.

My question for BJ is this--what did you do to support your liver function? I

have a constantly white-coated tongue and I've had sinusitis since this summer.

I thought it would have cleared up by now, but perhaps my liver is in need of

more support....

Thanks for any advice!

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Hi ,

Welcome to the group! It appears that you advocating for yourself and on track

to improving your health. Far too many patients stick with uninformed or biased


I used and occasionally still use a supplement to support my liver and

gallbladder health called *Liver Rescue 4+* made by Heath Force Nutrition. There

are many good ones, make sure to get on that has Milk Thistle Seed Extract

standardized to at least 75% Silymarin.

I think the GAPS diet is similar to the Paleo diet, which I adhere to - both

should help detox the liver and digestive system.

Taking selenium when iodine is low can make things worse. Iodine and selenium

work together and should be kept in balance. I take both.

As for the sinus issue, it seems to me that you may very well have a fungal

infection. Despite treatment with antibiotics, many people's sinusitis returns.

Researchers have found that some cases of chronic sinusitis are not caused by

infection but are actually an immune disorder caused by fungus. Antibiotics can

make fungal infections worse. People who are prone to chronic sinusitis

experience an immune response.

Antifungal are sometimes needed. You may want to try washing the nasal cavities

with a solution of salt and room temperature purified water. We use colloidal

silver nasal spray at the first sign of sinus issues.

Also, avoid fungal toxin foods such as peanuts, cottonseeds, hard cheeses, sugar

and grains (corn, wheat, barley, rye, sorghum etc) and consuming raw garlic,

fish oil and coconut oil should help. Exercise is also recommended.

Consider talking to your health care provider and also testing for Candida

albicans. You need to entirely rule fungus out or your health may NOT improve.

Yeast is something that should NOT be overlooked in Hashis.

Eliminating sugar will improve health but will NOT get rid of yeast overgrowth.

One indication of a systemic yeast infection is oral thrush or a white coated

tongue. The toxins that the yeast puts into our system are responsible for the

varying conditions that each individual experiences.

Yeast may be why your autoimmune system is out of balance.

Best wishes and good luck,



> Hello everyone,


> I've been " lurking " here for a couple months, and have found the discussions

very helpful. I'm grateful to have found this group.


> I am a 41 y.o. woman, diagnosed with Hashimotos in October. I had been

suffering fatigue, joint pain, and even arthritis-like symptoms this past

summer, and finally checked it out in the fall when I started getting cold and

not being able to warm up (wearing a wool sweater over silk long underwear, wool

socks, and a hat to bed!).


> My antibodies were over 1300 in October, but the first doctor did not know of

any treatment, so I sought out a second person, a nurse practitioner. In

December she started me on Armour at .25 grain, and then that was increased to

..50 grain by the end of December. My joint pain and feeling of being cold has

largely gone away, so I think this is the right dose for me. Though I'm still

tired often.


> In addition, I'm on an adrenal supplement (dessicated cow adrenal), 300mg

curcurmin, 5000 Vit D, 2000 Krill oil, and 150 mg Low-dose Naltrexone. I went

grain and sugar free in August as part of an attempt to lose weight (which has

been very successful, nearly 40 lbs so far), so I was already doing gluten-free

before my diagnosis. I just started taking Selenium after reading the articles

referenced here--that was very helpful. In January I started following the GAPS

diet to hopefully address any " leaky gut " issues which seem to often be

correlated with autoimmune disease.


> My question for BJ is this--what did you do to support your liver function? I

have a constantly white-coated tongue and I've had sinusitis since this summer.

I thought it would have cleared up by now, but perhaps my liver is in need of

more support....


> Thanks for any advice!



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