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wiped out

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hi again friends,

last week fri and sat i was more tired than usual falling asleep watching t.v.

and going to bed early and getting up late. by monday, i was totally wiped

out. don't know what else to call it. totally fatigued, in bed as tho i had

a flu but no cold or flu symptoms.

about a month ago i was taken off synthroid, because doc was concerned about my

weight gain, and put on cytomel 2.5mcg, morning and evening.

on cytomel, i noticed that my pulse went slower at 52 in the a.m and moved up

during the day to 82 in the evening. this week pulse changed to the 60s all

day long, same as it was before i began any thyroid med.

on synthroid my pulse was about 88, up from my usual 60s before treatment.

i am so sluggish it's hard to even get myself out of the bed.

if anyone has any idea of what could have happened i would appreciate any


history: diagnosed with hashimotos early this year.

thank you. lois

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