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If anyone you love is suffering from obesity, pain and inflammation,

chronic bronchitis, learning disabilities, depression, heart

problems, cancer, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, lupus,

fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple chemical sensitivity...

Each year, millions of people, especially the elderly, are

poisoned by food-borne mold toxins called mycotoxins. Knowledge

about how to avoid and get rid of stealth mycotoxins is critically

important to your health and longevity. Yet, no practical and

natural solutions and methods of cleansing the body of mycotoxins

are found in the literature.

Some of the harmful health-destroying effects of these food

poisons are obesity, increased pain and inflammation, chronic

bronchitis, learning disabilities, mental deficiencies, heart

problems, cancer, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, lupus,

fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple chemical sensitivity,

bleeding lungs and much more.

Since ancient times, the horror of deadly mold plaques has

threatened man's health. Insidiously and imperceptibly these slow-

motion killers enter the food chain and are difficult to control and

medically diagnose. Because doctors spend most of their time using

pharmaceutical weapons against the symptoms of mycotoxicosis, they

rarely identify that today's most deadly ailments are a result of

accumulated food-borne molds in our bodies.

Hence, many people are either unaware, ignorant, or in denial

about severe health hazards of food-borne mycotoxins. However,

mycotoxicosis explains why diets don't work and why medicine cannot

cure many of today's high profile diseases. Numerous mycotoxicosis

epidemics have been reported for centuries. However, modern medicine

treats symptoms over causes, failing to recognize this long-

standing, slow-burning mycotoxicosis epidemic. Bad genes and bad

environments have been have often been falsely accused of the

symptoms of mycotoxicosis. As you will learn, food-borne mold is the

primary offender. As long as the true culprit of mycotoxicosis is

not suspected, millions will live their lives in needless pain and


In this bold and visionary book, world renown authority and

found of Quantum Medicine™ Yanick makes the astonishing and

profound argument that challenges our modern beliefs about disease:

it is mold—not germs and genes—that make us sick and shorten our


What Scientists & Doctors are saying about Dr. Yanick's Conclusions:

R. Gray, MD of the Arizona State Division of Emergency

Medical Services, states that mycotoxicosis " has been extensively

described in peer-reviewed literature in the early and mid 20th

century -- although this literature is not readily accessible on

computerized databases, such as Medline and Toxline search systems,

because these sources often do not include titles before the 1960's.

Nonetheless, mycotoxicosis has clearly been demonstrated to have

been the cause of several major human epidemics, usually involving

ingestions of foods prepared with mold infested grains and cereals,

or from the consumption of livestock which had been fed mold

infested feed. "

Iris R. Bell, MD from the University of Arizona Health Sciences

Center and other researchers measured abnormal brain wave activity

after a mycotoxin exposure. Abnormalities on EEGs and other

objective neurophysiologic modalities within fifteen seconds of an

exposure, even when administered in a double blind fashion. (1992.

Biol Psychiatry, 32 218-42; 1990 Bull Psychomanic Sci 28:405.8; 1968

Scand J Clin Lab Invest 21(97):77-89).

A.V. Constantini, MD from the University of California, School of

Medicine, San Francisco " The dietary connection to environmental

health is increasingly being made clear in that the causation of the

major diseases related to diet are not due to the food but rather to

the fungi and mycotoxins present in the food chain. "

For the first time ever, Food: Nutrition or Poison? tells

· the shocking truth of how many foods, nutritional products

and other health myths propagated by the medical and health industry

are actually the leading cause of death and epidemic diseases in the


· the shocking truth of how hidden molds and doctor-

prescribed antibiotic or natural anti-infective herbs are killing

over 90-95% of the cells in our body. The " friendly and beneficial "

bacteria in our bodies, called commensal cells are the predominate

cells of the human body. By killing them off, we stay sick and

enslaved to pharmaceuticals and nutraceutical stimulants.

· tells the author's personal success story against two near

fatal illnesses caused by mycotoxins

" Food: Nutrition or Poison "

WILL change your life FOREVER and may help you to:

Weigh less…Sleep better…Be Energized…Age Gracefully and Healthfully

and Feel Terrific**

ACT NOW and SAVE $50

Shatter your past limitations with conventional supplements and

diets. Imagine not having to worry about shelf life nutrient

losses, the nutrient depletion and stealth mold caused by food

irradiation, processing, cooking and packaging methods. This

breakthrough 150-page e-book can be yours now for only $29! Act now

and learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones from insidious

effects of food-borne mold. Regular retail price $79. Act now and

SAVE $50… only with this special internet offer!

Use the empowering information in the e-book to help you build

the kind of HEALTH that delivers remarkable results so you can age

healthfully and gracefully! Eliminating toxic mold stored in your

body may result in...

ü LESS Body FAT; MORE Energy; less pain and inflammation**

ü Improved Digestion and Elimination and less toxicity**

ü Medical Bills being DRASTICALLY REDUCED**

ü Less anxiety and a SHARPER mind; IMPROVED Circulation & BETTER

Muscle Tone**

To order this E-book Click below.

** DISCLAIMER These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent

any disease. Consumers are cautioned to read all labels and follow

all directions. Always ask your doctor before taking this product.

©Copyright 1997 - 2008 QuantaFoods. LLC.


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