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Newbie with questions re Hashi's and autoimmune?? Sorry long

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Timeline by age:

Teenager: irregular periods so started BCP at 18

32: tried getting pregnant but had difficulty and 1 MC but had success finally

at 34 and second pregnancy came easy 16 months later

35: After the birth of my second child, felt tired enough to start drinking

coffee (prior I was proud I never 'needed' coffee and caffine really affects me)

I had night sweats too that went away after several years

41+: started having enough mental fogginess, forgetfulness, confusion, fatigue,

coldness that I started went to GP

42: Went off BCP which helped migranes, floaters, muscle cramping but mental

issues continue, coldness, started getting dizzy upon standing (wrote of to

low/normal BP)

Currently I feel I still am mentally foggy, forgetful, slowly getting depressed,

unmotivated, tired, dizzy sometimes even when just standing or sitting,

moodiness/PMS, hypoglycemic, cold, anxious/fearful/nervous,

So over the last year I've seen various doctors, none of whom have really

addressed my issues. On prescribed Armour but only based on symptoms and TSH

and felt T3 and T4 were merely " academic " . I never tried the Armour though.

Another prescribed Synthroid which made me feel so horrible. I was so dizzy I

couldn't walk and had ears ringing all day so I stopped that. I just read " Why

do I still have thyroid symptoms when my lab tests are normal? " I love the

premise but can't find anyone in my area. My current endo is basically on the

wait and see plan until things get worse. With ANA and thyroid anitbodies it

seems to make sense to me that I have some autoimmune thing going on. I want to

go gluten free but concerned with a high gluten household and DH thinks GF is

borderline 'quackery.'

Here are highlights of my labs:

Weight: good (5'4 " and 140 but this seems to be worsening)

BP: Low/normal around 110/70 I think

Thyroid has small nodule on it

TSH - usally in mid 4's but sometimes lower

FT4 - between .90 and 1.0

FT3 - between 2.8 and 3.3

Thyroglobulin AB 132

TPO 12 (0-34)

ANA screen 1:160 positive speckled

TIBC 258 (250-450)

UIBC 170 (150-375)

Iron, serum 88 (35-155)

Iron sat 34 (15-55)

Ferritin, serum 106 (13-150)

Progesterone <0.5

Estrogens <50

Testosterone 9 (2-45)

I've always wondered things like why is my CO2 always at the bottom of the

normal range (21)? Also I've had some fluctuations in several areas like WBC

where it went from 6.9 to 5.2 over the last year. Some other labs that

decreased significantly (over 18%) over the year were ESR, Westergren and

AST/ALT. What does all that mean? Is there something the docs are missing?

Where do I find a 'good' doctor who will find the underlying problem and not

just treat symptoms? What foods should I stay away from?


in land

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