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Friend is mad as Hadies and is not going to take it anymore! ExCDC Contractor!

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If you're reading this, it's because you're in my contacts list as someone

who understands the issues with sick buildings, mold, and other environmental

health issues. It's not my intention to impose, and I won't be sending these

often. Please let me know if I should remove you from this list.

It has been over 4 years since I was injured while working in a

water-damaged building at the CDC. I have spent those years fighting for

recognition of

this problem, and I'm happy to say that with many of us working together, the

GAO has finally issued its report recommending federally-funded research be

coordinated and handled by the CIAQ office. Please support efforts to get this

recommendation mandated and funded through Congress!

On the personal front, I have also spent these years battling the insurance

companies and Social Security - which is the topic of this announcement. I am

so very, very tired. And there is so much yet to be done. But I won't back

down. After waiting, filing papers, appealing, doing whatever was demanded of

me, I'm heading back to Atlanta (slowly, slowly) to duke it out with them or

die trying. It's that simple. To get the policy benefits I paid for year in

and year out, and to get the Social Security benefits I worked for decade

after decade when I could still work.

Most people do not realize that over 16,000 Americans have died waiting for

Social Security Disability Benefits that never arrived. Some of them were

like me - people whose illnesses were misunderstood or outright ignored. And

that's not ok. I don't know when bureaucracy became more important than the

people it was supposed to serve, but it's time for that to end. If I do


I will become one of the casualties. So. Off I go. If they will not do the

right and honorable thing because it's the right and honorable thing, then

we'll see if they do it out of public embarassment.

-Announcing the SSDI Due Process Crawl-

Starting on November 9th, I began a personal trek I call The Social

Security Disability Crawl. Other causes have 'marches', 'walks' or

'runs'. But if I could do those? Then I wouldn't be dealing with Social


Due to brain injury, I have a very hard time with numbers, but my

calculations show that as of today, November 8, 2008, IT HAS BEEN 1,351 DAYS

since I

became disabled and unable to work.

It has been just about as long since I applied for Social Security

Disability benefits, but they have let my claim sit, despite inquiries

from my congressman and actions by my lawyers and my doctors on my


IT HAS BEEN 635 DAYS since UNUMProvident wrongfully dropped my claim to the

Long Term Disability policy I paid for years on end. They sent a

letter claiming I did not suffer from a disease which doesn't even

exist. Which is true. I don't duffer from any made-up diseases. But I do

suffer from the very real ones I claimed, and those were ignored. In that time,

UNUMProvident has violated the MultiState Settlement agreement they signed in

lieu of being tried under the RICO (organized crime) statutes more than a

dozen times, just within my own claim. On October 23 of this year,

UNUMProvident was found guilty by a federal jury of defrauding the American

government by

knowingly forcing ineligible claimants to file for Social Security

Disability benefits - clogging the system even more, and making God alone knows


many people suffer through this.

IT HAS BEEN 396 DAYS since I became homeless due to these lies,

failures, and outright abuses. I have lost everything I ever worked for

- my home, car, profession - everything. I get no help from my home

state of Georgia. Georgia, like some states, has contracted with the

Social Security Administration to make its disability determinations -

and we can see how well that works out.

So today, I say enough is enough! I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take

it any more. I've followed the rules, I've done everything I was asked.

I've been patient. I've written letters. I've waited my turn like a

civilized person. I'm not a bum or a greedy person. I worked hard for

nearly 40 years and tried to make sure I did the responsible things

about preparing for a situation such as this, just like a lot of working

people have done. I liked what I did for a living. And I'd do it today,

if I only could. But now I'm just sick. And so very, very tired. And now

I know what happens to Joe the Plumber when he can't be Joe the Plumber any

more. It isn't pretty.

But I know I'm not alone. There thousands upon thousands of us being

treated like this, and others who understand what is happening to us.

I'm just thankful I can at least make one last ditch effort to bring

this sorry situation to a halt. It might not be pretty. But neither was

the Boston Tea Party or the march on Birmingham. I might not succeed at

all. In which case, I won't have anything to worry about any more. But I

will not go quietly. And at least I'll know I've done my best.

I invite you to follow along with me on this journey I call The Social

Security Disability Crawl.

You can see the blog and video family and friends are helping with here:



This will be updated as I go, hopefully daily.

And you can send me email at:

_pushcrash@..._ (mailto:pushcrash@...)

I would love to hear from you! You'll never know how much your good

wishes mean to me and what strength they give me when I think I can't move

even one more inch.


P.S. - I will not ask you for money. I don't want your money. I only want

mine - the benefits I worked for and paid into for all those years, that's all.


Follow along with me on The SSDI Due Process Crawl.



_ (http://sites.google.com/site/ssdicrawl/)

The Daily Crawl Blog:

_http://pushcrash.wordpress.com/_ (http://pushcrash.wordpress.com/)

Sharon Noonan Kramer

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