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The rest of Trey's story

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When he began school is where I left off...He first started in regular ed with

inclusion then it was decided that Treys ADHD was keeping him as well as other

students from learning. At 5 we tried Trey on Straterra it it worked but he

began to  out grow it. We went from reg ed to inclusion to having an aid with

him all day in class to now in full special ed with only Science in a regular

class..Science, talk about confusion.  Trey has no real medical defects other

than PDA, he has been able to participate in regular sports such as baseball and

football. My fear is that Trey is not being challenged enough...in class he is

read to instead of him reading he is in 5th with a reading level of 3.5...his

spelling level is normal and his math is a 3.? but all he is working on is

addition and subtraction...I have asked for a communication binder but still

have not recived one and this year the rest of the students got a agenda from

the school our special ed kids

did not and when I asked the teacher why, she replied that she did not think it

was needed.My son is highly functioal and until recently wasnt even allowed to

make his own lunch choices nor choose cho milk over white milk...we have been

back to school 4 wks and Trey came home with over 40 pictures of animals and

other stuff that he had drawn I asked him when did he have time to not only draw

but color these perfectly...he replied after I finish my work for the day... he

should have down time but I feel alot of precious time is  wasting...I don't

know where to begin I have had my IEP meetings and the end of school last year

at our IEP I was so upset at how my son was being treated (like he was in boot

camp) I walked out of the meeting after telling them that if Trey had to be in

the prevocatioal class next year we would find a different school...and guess

where he is, I feel very strongly with " if you don't use you loose it " and I am

very afraid that is

what is happing to my Treyman..any suggestions?

Pam Cook


Momma of Trey(MDS) 11, Hannah 9 and 2

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