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I've been ill for over 6 years now. This last year I have

progressively gotten worse. I have been on disabiity since April

08'.My symptoms are low body temp, gluten, casein sensitivity, brain

fog, numb and tinglin feet, fatigue, insomnia, weakness, shortness

of breath--etc..,. I've been dx latent celiac-b12 deficient-

hyperthyroid-high blood pressure, allergies (includes mold) all

within a couple of years. We know we have a moldy bathroom floor

(shower door leaks) and I just found mold on the outside of house

(siding) on my bedroom wall.Since April I have been to at least 10

Specialist had Mri's bloodwork, everything and the Dr's are stumped.

Only positive was Iga 79 showed gluten intolerance(testing showed

not Celiac).My question is simple---How do I know I am reacting to

mold and that this is what is causing my illness? I have been on a

roller coater of possible diagnosis and frankly I have lost

credibility with my family and Dr. At this stage they believe I'm

either Hypochondriac or Nuerotic. I've had a toxic mold panel test

10 most frequent molds-neg! Have a home mold test done-awaiting

results. What blood test will show that I am reacting to a mold? My

symptoms are more toxic in nature but I find some releif with

prescription Allegra and Singular-Am I dealing with an allergy or

toxic reaction to molds? Thank You all for your help, I believe I've

finally found my answers just need help with direction!

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