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Re: allergy shot!

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I am not a Dr. just a victim of mold but I can tell you that while in my

moldy environment the shots did not help. Actually I think I was worse but

perhaps you should try them to see what happens. Since I have left my school (5

yrs. ago) I have not had one shot or allergy problem. A few sneezes around the

spring and fall but nothing like I suffered before. After getting a shot my

arm would throb, hurt, and turn very red.

That was my experience. My allergist would NOT believe that my many other

symptoms could be caused from mold!!!



Saw my allergist today. My latest test results are back---negative

for Ige mold.

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Not me! I believe they actually made me worse. Arm would get red, hard,

warm, swollen and I still suffered. Now that I have been out of my moldy school

& under Dr. Shoemaker's care I haven't had one shot and hardly ever have a

problem. Some sneezing in the spring and fall but that's about it. Before I

would sneeze all day, runny nose/eyes, & chronic coughing.


Has anybody here EVER been helped by these allergy shots?

I can't remember

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Shots from my environmental doctor have helped me immensely. I had

breathing problems which started after work was done in the

theretofore undiscovered moldy attic of our house. We abandoned the

house soon after & the shots are the only thing that help me with my

breathing problems and other allergy symptoms.

--- In , LiveSimply <quackadillian@...>



> Has anybody here EVER been helped by these allergy shots?


> I can't remember


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What drug is he giving you in them?

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 10:46 PM, <smarshwar@...> wrote:

> Shots from my environmental doctor have helped me immensely. I had

> breathing problems which started after work was done in the

> theretofore undiscovered moldy attic of our house. We abandoned the

> house soon after & the shots are the only thing that help me with my

> breathing problems and other allergy symptoms.


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Alergy shots do not contain drugs, and are normally even preservative

free if you have a good EI doctor. Mine needed to stay frozen as they

contained no preservatives of any kind. Allergy shots are made from the

actual allergen that your body is reacting to. So, if you are allergic

to wheat, there is a small amount of wheat in the shot, enough

to " teach " your body to make antibodies to it, hence allowing your body

to not react to the allergen. I did allergy shots for a year and it

allowed my body some " relief " from my severe mold reactions. However,

there is a HUGE difference between mold allergy and mold toxicitiy. I

think we have had that discussion here before. In my opinion, a good

detox proram will help with your recovery better than allergy shots. Or

if need be, you could do them together to hit it from both angles. D

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I went to Dr Rae and I didn't understand how this would help me. For

example I have big allergy to algae but there is huge 100 year old tree

in my front yard FULL OF IT, so would taking an additional small amount

of it daily do anything, but increase my body's burden to it. Same

with cat allergy. I have two cats that give me my daily dose of cat

allergens. I guess if I could combine shots with " effective

avoidance " , then I can see it helping, maybe. I know I ran into people

down there with allergies that felt his allergy shots had helped them


--- In , " dianebolton52 " <dianebolton@...>



> Alergy shots do not contain drugs, and are normally even preservative

> free if you have a good EI doctor. Mine needed to stay frozen as they

> contained no preservatives of any kind. Allergy shots are made from

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Yes!  I was helped.  I had extensive mold exposure from living near a cotton

field.  Each year as the cotton plants dry out before picking, a lot of mold

grows under the leaves and boll.  My allergist tested and confirmed allergy to

that type of mold, and I took desentisization shots for several years.  It

completely resolved the problem...mostly I couldn't breathe.  I had other mold

exposures since, over many years, and didn't react until very recently, with a

new mold exposure in my home...now its bad, but this time I didn't react to the

5 types of mold the allergist tested.  So we are still trying to deal with this

issue.  I also have Lyme and co-infections that are being treated, so the

combination of toxins may be making this worse.

Thanks to those who posted the info about Lyme, and the ILADS presentation.  My

LLMD is a ILADS member, so he's up to speed on it. 


From: LiveSimply <quackadillian@...>

Subject: Re: [] allergy shot!

Has anybody here EVER been helped by these allergy shots?

I can't remember

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You must be tested for the type of mold you are atually allergic/sensitive to. 

I was recently tested for the 5 common types of mold that cause my symptoms, and

I wasn't allergic to them.  Now I'm considering having the mold itself tested to

determine it's actual, accurate scientific name.


From: " ssr3351@... " <ssr3351@...>

Subject: Re: [] allergy shot!

I am not a Dr. just a victim of mold but I can tell you that while in my moldy

environment the shots did not help.

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To:  ddbborr

From your description of your neighborhood it sounds like you could have been

exposed to Lyme Disease and/or it co-infections (I think there are 5 of them). 

Even if you never saw a tick or round tick bite, the baby ticks are so little

you'd be unlikely to see them, or identify a bite.  I suggest you get evaluated

by a Lyme Literate MD, most of whom are members if ILADS, the International Lyme

and Associated Disease Society.  You can find their website easily.

From my experience, and newly identified mold exposure, you could have reactions

to the toxins from both..


From: ddbborr <ddbborr@...>

Saw my allergist today. My latest test results are back---negative

for Ige mold. He told me that I could be reacting Igg. Anyone know

what this means?

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The shots are going to be a mix of trees(birch alder)dust mites(high

sensitivity)and molds.

> Shots from my environmental doctor have helped me immensely. I had

> breathing problems which started after work was done in the

> theretofore undiscovered moldy attic of our house.

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