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Hi, I'm new to the group! My name is and I'm here to learn a

little more about Chiara. I'm supposed to have a CT scan done this

week to see if it's the reason for all my symptoms.

I've had headaches my whole life, but they've just been getting worse

and worse. I've also had neck issues for years now, but they've always

been blown off as muscular problems. I've been to physical therapy,

massage therapy, and now the chiropractor. I've had Lidocaine injected

into the nerve bundles of my neck. I've had MRI's to check for

ruptured discs. No one can figure out what's wrong with my neck. I

have what I call " pressure points " at the base of my skull - mostly on

the right side. It hurts so bad, I can't even touch it. It feels how a

swollen gland in your throat feels (from the inside), but worse. It's

really hard to describe.

Two years ago, right after I had my daughter, my ears began to ring.

Both ears went within a day of each other. I remember a fluttering

noise (so loud, I ducked), then a pop, and then the ringing. The next

day, the left ear did the same thing. They haven't stopped ringing

since and continue to get worse. I have awful pressure and pain in

both ears, but no doctor can figure out why. I've been to an ENT and a

hearing specialist and they cannot find anything wrong with my ears.

Again - no answers.

Recently, I've been exhausted. I can sleep 12 hours a night, then need

a nap halfway through the day. I'm lucky if I'm awake 8 hours a day.

Then, the dizziness hit. So much dizziness that I'm nauseous all day.

I can't bend over or move my head too quickly. My vision has become so

blurred, I don't even like driving anymore. I noticed one day while

laying with my daughter that my vision comes in and out in sync with

the pounding in my head. My eyes feel like they're about to pop out of

my head and they hurt! The rush you get in your head from standing up

too fast is something I feel all day. And, I feel like someone hit me

in the back of the head with a baseball bat.

As I said, I've always had headaches. I had epilepsy from the age of 5

until I was 12 years old. The headaches were always chalked up to the

epilepsy and no one seemed concerned. I guess my headache had to get

bad enough to see the doctor, and coupled with the double vision and

dizziness, I knew something was wrong. I went to the doctor prepared

to ask for a CT scan, thinking I had intercranial hypertension or

something. After hearing my symptoms, my doctor went immediately to

the Chiari diagnosis - something I'd surprisingly never heard of. He

said he wasn't sure (obviously), but really wanted

to test for it, since I have all the classic symptoms.

The more I read about it, the more I realize how many symptoms I

actually do have. I've suffered from " fizzing " in my neck my whole

life. I've asked doctors about it and they look at me like I'm crazy,

so I've stopped mentioning it. I figured if it were serious, I'd get a

different reaction. From what I've read and people I've talked to, the

fizzing noise is a symptom of people with Chiari as well.

I also believe I know what might have caused the symptoms to emerge if

this is in fact the diagnosis. When I had my daughter 3 years ago, I

had an epidural. For weeks after, I had a horrible migraine. I never

sought medical attention for it, and I probably should have. My

midwife believes I had a post dural punture headache and probably

should have had a blood patch. From what I've read, not having a blood

patch when needed can cause the symptoms to emerge. And, they did. It

was right after I had my daughter that I realized elevators were no

longer my friend! I thought, " Wow, pregnancy really changes your

body! " and never thought much of it. After that, the symptoms just

kept coming.

So, there's my story. I still don't know when my CT scan will be (the

office schedules it for me), so I won't know anything until that's

done. I just have this feeling that I've finally found the cause of

all my issues, and I'm glad I found a doctor who will finally take me

seriously and not blow my headache off as merely a tension headache.

I'm glad to be here and learn more about the disorder, as well as get

advice and support if this is in fact what I have. Thanks for taking

the time to read my novel!

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