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cancer Here's how zeolite works. It absorbs toxins

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Here's how zeolite works.


Zeolite is a negatively charged volcanic mineral that naturally

attracts positively charged toxins to it, (all toxins are positively

charged) and traps them in its cage-like structure. It absorbs

toxins. Zeolite's ionic charge turns slightly positive when it is

full of the positively charged toxins it has absorbed. Normal cells

have a neutral charge while cancer cells have a slightly negative

electrical charge. So the now slightly positively charged zeolite

molecule is attracted to cancer cells. Once inside the cancer cells,

it does a couple of things that kill the cancer cells.

Zeolite activates the p21 gene. The function of the p21 gene is to

tell the cancer cell to die. P21 acts as a tumor suppressor as it

controls cell cycle progression. The activation of P21 appears to

halt the growth of tumors by directly suppressing growth signals. In

in-vitro studies, all cancer cells tested were destroyed in 72 hour.

There are no side effects because it specifically targets cancer

cells as it is not attracted to normal healthy cells.

Another thing can happen once zeolite is pulled inside a cancer

cell. The tri metallic part of the zeolite may destroy the nucleus

of the cell or the cytoplasmic organelles. Some cancer cells are

destroyed in an outward burst of the cytoplasm. In other cases cells

are destroyed when their wall and membrane collapse after the

nucleus is destroyed. Most often, after the nucleus and the

cytoplasm are destroyed, the entire cellular contents dissipate into

the surrounding environment. The membrane of these now dead cancer

cells remain intact, but no cellular structures are left.

Again, because of its ionic charge, zeolite is attracted to cancer

cells only. It does not get into ordinary, healthy cells.

Additional benefits from taking zeolite.

Ammonia is a toxin that has no place in a healthy body. Thousands of

people with liver and kidney disease die every year from too much

ammonia in their blood. The average person can handle low levels of

ammonia in their blood, but even a low level adds stress to the

immune system, and compromises health.

Most ammonia in the body forms when protein is broken down by un-

friendly bacteria in the intestines. It is also produced by

parasites, yeasts and molds. These organisms produce ammonia both as

a waste product, but also as a mechanism to keep their host (your

body) in an unhealthy state. And as candida yeast is almost always

overgrown and infecting people with cancer, you may well have high

levels of ammonia in your body.

A healthy liver converts ammonia into urea, which is then eliminated

in urine. A key benefit of dietary zeolite is its ability to remove

ammonia directly from your body, which means less stress on your

liver and kidneys. A big bonus for your health. Of course, reduced

ammonia is also a bonus for healthy digestion, pathogens and

parasites are weakened, and beneficial bacteria can better


For this reason the use of dietary zeolite may be very helpful if

your liver is not working properly. Ammonia that remains unprocessed

because the liver is not working up to par can enter the bloodstream

and invade the central nervous system, causing many dangerous

symptoms. Even your brain can be affected. In advanced cases of

liver disease, for example, the ammonia may cause at first a mild

mental aberration which can progress to coma, and ultimately, death.

Increased levels of ammonia in the blood are characteristic of liver


Some of the people giving the testimonies in this section were using

the original activated liquid zeolite, what we call Cellular

Zeolite. It comes in a half ounce bottle and has proven to be an

excellent product. Zeolite really does work. It's just a matter of

maximizing absorption into the body and into cancer cells. Our

recommended supplier still sells what we call Cellular Zeolite for

folks who want it. Most don't, because now there is a much better

liquid zeolite called...

So again, to avoid confusion, the enhanced zeolite with DHQ we

recommend is only carried by the supplier in the resources section

of this report.


Zeolite Safety

There are some people who claim zeolite is neither safe nor

effective. As you will see, they are misguided and somewhat

confused. To look at it simply, there is no question that a high

quality zeolite is remarkably effective against cancer. Years of use

prove this. This particular type of zeolite has been used for many

years by humans for prevention of diarrhea so it has a history of

safety and use behind it. So safe, it is on the Generally Listed As

Safe list of the FDA. So what's the problem?

Confusion is caused because there are many different types of

zeolite minerals. The specific type used in Zeolite Enhanced and

other zeolites marketed for human consumption as a detoxifier has

been proven to be safe. But some people don't do enough research and

get confused, and give some bad advice. Or maybe like some doctors,

some nutritionists don't like something new that interferes with

their program. And zeolite is relatively new. But let's go into some

details to further relieve your mind.

If you get scared off by bad information, and don't use zeolite in

fighting your cancer, you are missing out on a remarkable anti-

cancer agent.

One manufacturer of a powdered zeolite claims that the heat and acid

bath that goes into making up the original activated liquid zeolite

breaks down the zeolite so that heavy metals in the zeolite are

released in the body. And that the powder is as well absorbed and is

equally capable of getting into cells. He sounds convincing. Rest

easy, the liquid zeolite used in Zeolite Enhanced does not use this

activation process of heat and acid.

Of course, this is not really an issue because the original

activated zeolite doesn't break down and release toxins in the body

like this manufacturer claims. It has been used by detoxification

clinics where they test heavy metal and other toxic loads before and

after use, and their testing shows that it actually works very well

at getting rid of toxins. So much for that argument. And I've talked

to chemists and folks who specialize in minerals and zeolite who say

that it is much harder to absorb and assimilate the powder. Our

feedback from talking to many people who have used both is the

liquid works faster and better.

Another site writes, " Mineral crystals - both fibrous and non-

fibrous - have a long history of causing disease. For instance,

silica crystals - ordinary fine sand - cause lung cancer and a fast-

acting deadly lung disease called silicosis that kills cement

workers and miners. " Clinoptilolite, the type of zeolite used in

zeolite supplements is not one of the types that causes lung damage,

as the writer must well know. In addition, you are not breathing in

the zeolite, which you have to do to get lung damage with some of

the dangerous types of zeolite. You are taking it internally.

He then writes that there is " electron microscope data indicating

that the crystals of this product have sharp edges. " and that a

principal of the company " states that these crystals enter the

bloodstream (presumably through the small intestine), cells, and

intercellular spaces, and that they are highly reactive. " Again,

studies quoted below and a history of use by humans and animals show

no safety concerns, no matter what type edges it has. And it is

highly reactive, but only to attracting heavy metals and other

toxins to it, because of its ionic charge. Not to biochemical

interactions as he implies in the questions below.

This particular form of zeolite used in both the liquid and powdered

version we recommend, clinoptilolite, has been labelled 100% safe

and non-toxic by the FDA. Just like with mushrooms, many types of

zeolite are harmful, some aren't. There are more than 100 different

zeolites. As an example, asbestos is a zeolite and causes cancer

when inhaled as a fine powder. The zeolites we are talking about

have been proven to be safe. They are a naturally-occurring non-

fibrous clinoptilolite zeolite and are considered to be extremely

safe and entirely non-toxic (even when inhaled).

A study published in 1993 concluded that " clinoptilolite type

zeolite had no carcinogenic activity. " (Tatrai E, Ungvary G. Study

carcinogenicity of clinoptilolite type zeolite in Wistar rats. Pol J

Occup Med Environ Health. 1993;6(1):27-34.)

Another study noted that the absence in this zeolite " of fibrous

particles capable of producing hydroxyl radicals makes this zeolite

sample non-toxic and noncarcinogenic, at least when applied orally. "

(Pavelic K, et al Natural zeolite clinoptilolite: new adjuvant in

anticancer therapy. J Mol Med. 2001;78(12):708-20.)

Additionally, detractors suggest that there are no long-term animal

or human toxicity studies. This is also incorrect. This type of

zeolite has been used in water filtration, air purification, plant

fertilizers and animal feed for more than thirty years in the United

States. Hundreds of published studies and articles outline its uses

and benefits in humans and animals. A Med line search

for " clinoptilolite " has no fewer than 140 articles on the uses of

zeolite: removing heavy metals, improving the health of animals,

treating viral disorders, removing fungal toxins, remediation of

soil and treating cancer. In fact, there has been extensive testing

done on this type of zeolite for use as an anti-diarrhea drug for


They claim that the aluminium that makes up the structure of the

zeolite molecule is a danger. Again, they get it wrong. The zeolite

molecule is composed of silica and aluminium oxides, one AlO4 four

SiO4 molecules. It is a crystal with a pyramid structure

(tetrahedral) with the small Al-O4 in the centre of the four Silica

molecules. The aluminium is trapped by the silica in this virtually

indestructible particle. The aluminium is NEVER bioavailable.

Another website claims that research shows that zeolite is virtually

insoluble in the body, and that if it did get into the body it would

be the " scientific marvel of the year. " Perhaps this writer ignored

or was not aware of the research with one liquid zeolite showing

that 60% of it was excreted through the kidneys - a clear indication

that 60% of it was getting into the bloodstream. Another clear

indication that even the micronized powder gets into the rest of the

body is the fact that it has been sold for several years in the USA

for hangovers as it rapidly detoxifies the toxins alcohol produces

in the body. Rapid results with autistic children using liquid

zeolite shows that it works in the brain.

Then the article goes on to criticize the research that went into

the patent. Calls the stage 4 cancer study with the 78% cure rate

one of the " coincidental anomalies " . Wouldn't you like to have a 78%

chance of being an anomaly. And claims that it couldn't really have

happened with the way medical research is conducted. (This wasn't a

standard medical study.) Finally says that who knows if the people

in the study really had 6 weeks to live. I agree with the writer

entirely on this. It's got to be just a rough estimate. But does it

really matter to you if it were 6 weeks or 3 months. People in the

study answered an ad asking for people the doctors had given up on.

And the liquid zeolite proved to be very beneficial to them.

Anecdotal evidence supports the ability of zeolite to pull heavy

metals from the body. Three children in one family had over a 60%

decrease in their elevated heavy metal levels in just 3 weeks of

taking 6 to 8 drops of a liquid Zeolite 3 times a day, based on a

before and after immunoassay of saliva and urine. Children with

autism have experienced improvements within days of taking as little

as a drop a day of the liquid zeolite - a clear indication those

heavy metals and other toxins are being pulled from their brains.

There are claims that the clinoptilolite zeolite to be

indiscriminate in what it adsorbs - that it will absorb nutrients.

This too is incorrect. Dozens of published studies outline the

reactivity series of zeolite, (what it absorbs). It has a preference

for the heavier metals and larger compounds that carry a positive

charge. The reactivity series starts with mercury (Hg). It is: Hg,

Pb, Sn, Cd, As, Al, Sb, Fe, Ni and so on. Smaller compounds may go

into the zeolite, but will not be trapped. In fact, several animal

studies show that adding clinoptilolite zeolite to animal feed

actually increases overall nutritional health of the animal rather

than making it worse.

Clearly, Zeolite Enhanced is a remarkable product for fighting

cancer. Its non-toxic, a great detoxifier, helps to improve pH

levels, and the vibrational frequencies in it greatly increase the

effectiveness of the zeolite at killing cancer cells. If the drug

companies had drugs that would come anywhere close to zeolite in

effectiveness, they'd have every doctor prescribing them for cancer.

There's no reason not to take this powerful cancer fighter. It has

been successfully used with chemotherapy and radiation though you

must stop it three days before any chemotherapy that uses a heavy

metal such as platinum or lithium and wait 3 days after the

chemotherapy so that it will not pull out the platinum or lithium.

These include Cisplatin, Carboplatin, and Oxaliplatin for the

platinum based therapies. Lithium may sometimes be given in

conjunction with platinum chemotherapy.

(Consult your oncologist on any medical question.)

Of course, Zeolite Enhanced – Now with DHQ must be taken in large

enough quantities to make a difference. Again, if used on its own to

fight cancer, use three to four bottles a month of Zeolite Enhanced

with DHQ. You can take less, maybe two to three bottles monthly when

using it in conjunction with other high quality cancer fighters. And

you can take more, up to 8 bottles a month before maxing out its


Zeolite has its own section in this report because it is a unique

and powerful cancer killer that didn't really fit in any other

section. There is another product that is a remarkable cancer


Decades ago, two researchers at the National Cancer Institute, Dean

Burn and Mark Woods, (Dean translated some of Warburg's speeches)

conducted a series of experiments where they measured the

fermentation rate of cancers that grew at different speeds. What

they found supported Dr. Warburg's theory. The cancers with the

highest growth rates had the highest fermentation rates. The slower

a cancer grew, the less it used fermentation to produce energy.

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