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Re: OT: President Obama: Protect US from Medical Fascism: Economic Stimulus Bill

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I totally agree. I think the problem is that many people who have enjoyed good

health or young like the Obama just don't realize all the problems of health

care and how many inaccurate diagnosis go on. In talk he gave the other day

about stimulus plan, the only thing I disagreed on was what he referred to as

computerizing medical records so their is less chance for errors in medical

care. Unfortunately the information on the computer is ....only as good as the

person who input it, which is pretty bad in my experience, so I agree here.

I think if there is one mistake being made it is trying to get too much

through at once. I think they could get smaller packages through right away and

then work on additional stimulus packages, just to get some going. Every day a

stimulus package is not passed is a step toward a crisis gets bigger.

>> go to http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ to send letters or call

letting Obama and his administration know your concerns about the

provisions in the stimulus package. this will not be good for anybody!

> __________________________________________________________


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It possibly would be a good thing if it was blood test results and

results of mri's, catscans and the like and not include diagnosis. So

many diagnosis are wrong. Blood tests can give false positives and

negatives but everyone knows that so I think that could be a good

thing. Of course positive test on a disease may hurt employment

opportunities. One could lobby to make things like that illegal to

protect people with serious diseases that could still work.

If they just made records accessible to doctors only and not

employers that might be helpful but since many companies have potential

employees go to a doctor of their choice to have pre-employment health checkups,

so that doctor could access everything about person and give to company, or

anyone else for that matter, who hires a doctor.

I think it could be okay if everything that was going to go on computer was

first given to patient to look over and a chance to clear inaccuracies, or was

handled like your credit records where patient ALSO has access to these records

and has a way of clearing inaccuracies. The medical field now makes it harder

and harder for patients to get copies of their own medical records.

I think though it is inevitable that medical information will be online, whether

formally or informally decided upon.

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Ya well that is step one to communism. That is all I will inject here but you

that have not read this bill have no idea what is happening behinf=d the sences.


   Sickbuilding Syndrome should be one of your greatest concerns.    


I think the problem is that many people who have enjoyed good health or young

like the Obama just don't realize all the problems of health care and how many

inaccurate diagnosis go on.

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   Sickbuilding Syndrome should be one of your greatest concerns.    


go to http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ to send letters or call letting Obama

and his administration know your concerns about the provisions in the stimulus

package. this will not be good for anybody!


Big Brother Health Care Provisions Slipped Into Economic Stimulus Bill



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Hi Dana,

According to your posting, (partial below), you feel that the

new " Big Brother " health care provisions of the new stimulus bill,

are, at the same time, both " Fascism " and " Communism " . I am old

enough (age 66) to remember that those two political philosophies are

the exact opposite of each other.

Though I have not yet had the time to read the health provisions of

this bill, I am sure that what it is implementing, is a system

similar to the one that has been in use, in Great Britain, for many

years. Their National Insurance plan issues " GUIDELINES " for medical

professionals. Nothing is forced on anybody. Even the acronym for

their National Insurance guidelines is " NICE " (National Insurance

something, something).

I am also old enough to remember what American medical treatment was

like, BEFORE Medicare. Old people simply died, because they could not

AFFORD to go to the doctor. I know that I can not convince you with

any rational explanation of why you have nothing to fear from these

new stimulus healthcare provisions, so I will tell you a joke that

was taught to me, by my REALLY Communist Grandfather, who lived

during the period of the Russian Revolution.

" Two revolutionaries are talking about what improvements they can

expect from the revolution.

Revolutionary #1: Comrade, how will I be better off, AFTER the


Revolutionary #2: After the revolution, you will be able to eat

strawberrys and cream. (strawberrys were a luxury)

Rev #1: But comrade, I don't LIKE strawberrys and cream.

Rev #2: After the revolution, you will LIKE strawberrys and cream. "

Dana, after the revolution in health care, under this new stimulus

bill, you will LIKE strawberrys and cream.




> go to http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ to send letters or call

letting Obama and his administration know your concerns about the

provisions in the stimulus package. this will not be good for anybody!

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I wouldn't be afraid either because it depends on what provisions are

written. Really pursuit of profits is the enemy in medicine which is

government leaving the market alone. When I went to Dallas center, I

had to pay alot of the bills myself. They said too bad you don't have

Medicare, because they paid most of the charges there. I also found

out that Medicare pays for many different alternative cancer treatments

for people who want to try alternatives to chemo, even if patient seeks

treatment outside the U.S., whereas no private insurance does that.

Whether it is evil or benevolent depends on how it is set up.

Right now the profit drive in medicine is really hurting us. If

lobbiest are thrown out of Capitol Hill, which new administration says

they will be, might be a new better page in health care. We will see.

They is alot of talk about government being inefficient and bumbling

everything but that is generally from corporations who like to have a

free hand and we have seen what they do with their freedom.

I personally have always been impressed that I can put 42

cents on an envelope, put it on my porch, and someone

comes in person to pick it up, then it is delivered in person to

wherever it is going in person, however remote, no place at all it cannot be

delivered, in a few day, and they never fail to show up. I don't remember any

day of my life, that the mail failed to come.

Try to get Fedex to your door to hand pick up and delivery something for 42


Unless you are very, very, very rich person, people need government.

We need a bit of socialism and capitalism. I think it's finding the

right balance in between, but I think health care primarily out of hte profit

driven sector. Noone should be profiting off of illness, which is the set up

now. It should be an expense where solving the health problem relieves

expenses, so that what is 'good for provider is good for patient'. If there is

too much 'big brother', too little liberty in the bill, there can be changes

made, one can go to Civil Liberties union and congressman to make tweeks in

provisions. It seems right now, if it is in stimulus plan, there really isn't

time. If it is computerized records, I have my reservations but it probably is

hoped that this will

make health care more efficient and for many people it probably will be

better, to avoid mistakes and duplications...test already done. For

us, not so hot, but if records are going to be computerized, I would

like to seek more access to records by patient. It gets harder and

harder for me just to get my own records. We should be able to check

our medical records ourselves any time and frequently to make sure

there are no errors, or to get a second opinion on something we

disagree with. That's my opinion, for what it is worth.


> According to your posting, (partial below), you feel that the

> new " Big Brother " health care provisions of the new stimulus bill,

> are, at the same time, both " Fascism " and " Communism " .

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