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RE: Re: Does Aspergillus Niger cause allergies?

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I am amazed! I just wrote nearly a whole article on the reason why doctors might

say this just the other day, and low and behold, here it is again as if my

article never had been read by anyone. Your doctor is right!

Molds are pathogens....

The mycotoxin chemicals they produce are allergens...

This is why " live-celled " molds that either are producing mycotoxins (or

bacteria producing exotoxins) are so dangerous to " susceptible " animals/humans

that come in contact with them. Once in a human body at 70-90 percent humidity

and a 98.6 degree temperature (low-grade 97.0-97.8 degrees in almost all of the

patients I have monitored in research/litigation consulting over the years),

these microorganic " disease influencing " PATHOGENS begin to colonize and are

very hard to deal with for medical professionals.

Now you can understand why I am literally SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS at

defense attorneys, judges, and " very unqualified - -Frye - almost

fraudulently qualified - so called defense purchased - 'medical experts " that

have, without much study ever as to factual immune system biochemical activity,

state unequivocally that, " IgG and IgA blood-serum titers are insignificant

factors in diagnosing fungal disease/inflammation in a " susceptible " exposed

human being. " How in the world can a judge during a " 402- -Fry " hearing

condone acceptance of these defense idiots, if the idiots can't tell the

difference between a human " pathogen " as opposed to a human " allergen " ? The

other problem is that these, so-called " highly trained " medical experts have

very minute actual training in the medical aspects of " probiotics " and as A.V.

Costantini, M.D. (World Health Organization) so aptly termed mold and yeast

studies, " fungalbionics. "

Just as in an " alcoholic " (behavior after drinking alcoholic beverages) at some

point reaches a state of " alcoholism " in his/her physical deterioration called

" disease, " a person who is " susceptible " to metabolic/genetic changes by these

same or similar molds/yeasts at some yet-undetermined " stage " of exposure, begin

the disease process. The symptoms that start to emerge and should allert the

medical experts are the immune IgG/IgA blood-serum and PCR (genetic) testing




stated this for years and years now, and invited a lawsuit to discuss whether I

am speaking factually or not, with my insults, and to date, I have not been

attacked! Why? For the same reason your doctor says that " mold does not

actually cause allergies. "

Let's face it. As long as people are running and volunteering in making money

for cancer research/the " cancer cause " and other non-profit organizations

supporting " idiopathic " (i.e., unknown cause, unknown cure " diseases which

employ literally thousands of researchers in both the medical and pharmaceutical

industry, it would be utterly foolish to " rock the boat " so to speak, wouldn't

it? For now, the medical field will continue to think of fungi " pathogens " in

terms of " fungi allergens " until the current science hits them like a " brilliant

flash of the obvious! "

I have been studying the fields of the Molecular Sciences for 23 years now. I

have stated and written many things now, and what I write is NOT TOO far above

anyone's head as I have been told. It is that people to not want to take the

time to learn for their own investment, because it is easier to " believe " or

" guess " that mold exposures are not as " unhealthy " as people have been lead to

" believe. " My educated guess is that I will be dead and gone when people finally

take this out of " total faith " in the medical field and hold their medical

doctors to a much higher standard of medical practice and molecular education.

Right now we are getting just as much out of our medical community on this

particular subject as we are getting more mileage from the extremely higher

price of gasoline we are paying. Your doctor at least is starting to understand

something vitally new about your human body's immune system.

Hope this helps.

Have a Blessed day.

Doug Haney

From: mcsisreal@...

Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 03:19:56 +0000

Subject: [] Re: Does Aspergillus Niger cause allergies?

My doctors says mold does not actually cause allergies - mold causes the body to

react erradicatically to foreign substances similar to an allergic reaction.

Sometimes these substances are things you been around your entire life without a


--- In , " heliotropium@... " <heliotropium@...>



> Hello,


> Can allergenic molds like aspergillus niger cause allergies? Or do they just

aggravate existing allergies?


> Thanks,




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Thanks, Doug. I always enjoy reading your posts because it's so refreshing to

hear the truth. Unfortunately, as you point out, there are some really big

stakeholders who have been fighting for many years to hide the truth about toxic

mold. It's just like the tobacco industry--they knew about the dangers of

tobacco for 50 years but they were able to hide the truth. The insurance

industry has been using that same strategy and some of those same experts to

hide the truth about toxic mold.

We are making progress in our efforts to expose the truth about toxic mold. We

just need to keep winning the small battles and we will eventually win the war.


From: Haney <_Haney52@...>

KC Members < >

Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2009 11:32:08 PM

Subject: RE: [] Re: Does Aspergillus Niger cause allergies?


I am amazed! I just wrote nearly a whole article on the reason why doctors might

say this just the other day, and low and behold, here it is again as if my

article never had been read by anyone. Your doctor is right!

Molds are pathogens... .

The mycotoxin chemicals they produce are allergens...

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Diane: Other than PCR (genetic) testing of suspected tissue in a biopsy I do not

believe there is a test at present to accurately determine fungal colonization

in the human body while one is still among the living. However, PCR testing of

urine or blood serum come the closest by determining a few species are alive and

doing well in the human body and the same for a few mycotoxins. Real Time

Laboratory in Dallas. The usual discovery is during an autopsy. This is why

medical mycologists seeking answers are often told to " treat before diagnosis if

molds are suspected in disease causation. " Of course they wouldn't share that

type of information with the public now, would they?

Hope that helps.

Have a Blessed coming week.

Doug Haney

From: dianebolton@...

Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 18:59:30 +0000

Subject: [] Re: Does Aspergillus Niger cause allergies?


Doug: Is there a specific test you can have done to see if the molds have

colonized in the body?? Thanks Diane Bolton

In , Haney <_Haney52@...> wrote:





> I am amazed! I just wrote nearly a whole article on the reason why doctors

might say this just the other day, and low and behold, here it is again as if my

article never had been read by anyone. Your doctor is right!


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Hi Doug,

I have a question about the biopsy testing, how accurate is it and what type

of prognosis can you expect based on a 50/50 dose? What does that even mean?

I know it is testing for Trichocethecene Mycotoxins, but what do the

percentages mean?



On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 8:01 PM, Haney



> Diane: Other than PCR (genetic) testing of suspected tissue in a biopsy I

> do not believe there is a test at present to accurately determine fungal

> colonization in the human body while one is still among the living. However,

> PCR testing of urine or blood serum come the closest by determining a few

> species are alive and doing well in the human body and the same for a few

> mycotoxins. Real Time Laboratory in Dallas. The usual discovery is during an

> autopsy. This is why medical mycologists seeking answers are often told to

> " treat before diagnosis if molds are suspected in disease causation. " Of

> course they wouldn't share that type of information with the public now,

> would they?


> Hope that helps.


> Have a Blessed coming week.



> Doug Haney


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