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Re: Introduction

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Hi Leigh! Congrats! When Adde was born they tested 20 of her cells.  I can't

remember to well, but I think that only 8 of them was affected with the extra

chromosome, out of the 20 they tested. Where are you guys from? Maybe there's

another family here that is from the same area that could recommend a better

genetic doctor. ...But I would have more then 5 cells tested. How is his health?

My only question is, why did they think mosaic in the first place?



Take care, mom to Adde 23 months 

Subject: Introduction

To: MosaicDS

Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 12:16 PM

Hi, my name is Leigh and my brother and his wife just gave birth Sat.

to a beautiful baby boy with DS. At first they told them that is was

Mosaic but now are saying it's not. They only tested 5 cells. Is this


Also, what does knowing if it is Mosaic or not do? Is this something

they should persue and find out for sure? I'm trying to do as much

research for them as I can. My sil is only 20 years old. They just

don't know where to start. Thanks for any advice.


New Aunt

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i just wanted to let you know that i am first of all, laughing so hard right now

at your blog. the toilet pic is hilarious....anyone else reading this post

should really check out her blog..the kiddos are CUTE....  anyhow, i am

currently almost 30 wks preggo, with baby #3  he has been diagnosed with mosaic

ds, 24 of 27 cells, i have however been praying which i was not a regular at

until this diagnosis. i did have a friend tell me this week that her twins were

diagnosed with mosaic ds during pregnancy by amnio. they are 8 years old today

and not ONE SINGLE SIGN of ds, except they test positive in the blood. I am not

sure how all this works, but my geneticists  told me the same thing. that it is

possible for that to happen. regardless, i know that we are expecting

complications due to his heart, but other than that my dr says everything is

looking good. we have also been told that he will now not have to have open

heart surgery til after he is 12 lbs.

his cystic hygroma is completely gone, and one of the holes in his heart is

almost closed. SO PRAYER WORKS....   i hope everyone is having a very happy and

blessed holiday season and ill be back online soon. let me know if i can help

you find anything as i am doing my own research here in florida  :)

Subject: Re: Introduction

To: MosaicDS

Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 5:32 PM

I think because his features are not very pronounced.  Unfortunately (for me)

they live in Nashville and we are in MS.  I have only seen pictures.  I am going

to go up there in Feb to help them find support and resources.


www.ourquiverfull. blogspot. com

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Hi Leigh,

When Vinny was born they didn't even know that he had mds until his 2

month check up and I believe that if I hadn't pointed out that one of

his eyes were smaller that the other we still wouldn't know till this

day (hes 11 months old). Just make sure they ask alot of questions

and NEVER take the docs word for it, I found that most docs have no

idea about MDS and they just base their diagnosis on DS especially in

Florida. When they did a dna test on Vinny they tested 20 cells and

found 13 were affected by DS and that is how they found out about the

MDS. Make sure they sign up for anything the state/county offers

them, when I found out I jumped right on it, especially

SSI/disability and believe it or not he was denied for that, but he

has early intervention and physical therapy right now. I believe the

earlier you start with these programs your child will get all the

help he needs even if he doesn't need them. Vinny was signed up at 3

months and he was right at his age except for the torticolis but now

is when he is needing the help. Hes not crawling yet and he just

strated trying to feed himself with small food like cheerios. We

think he is at a normal 7 month old is some aspects but in others he

is right where he should be such as the walker and other actions that

a 11 month old should be doing. Sorry when I get started on him I

can't stop I guess I'm just a proud mother!!! Anyway, I saw the

responce that had given and I would like to know where in

Florida she is doing research because if she is close to me I would

like to try to meat her. If your out there let me know!!!!

Vinny - 11 months



> Subject: Re: Introduction

> To: MosaicDS

> Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 5:32 PM







> I think because his features are not very pronounced. 

Unfortunately (for me) they live in Nashville and we are in MS.  I

have only seen pictures.  I am going to go up there in Feb to help

them find support and resources.


> Leigh

> www.ourquiverfull. blogspot. com



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FIVE CELLS? Are you kidding me? Tell them they need to demand

(yes " demand " , because they will tell them it is not necessary.) FIVE

HUNDRED CELL COUNT. With a 500 cell count, there is only a 1% missed



> Hi, my name is Leigh and my brother and his wife just gave birth Sat.

> to a beautiful baby boy with DS. At first they told them that is was

> Mosaic but now are saying it's not. They only tested 5 cells. Is


> enough?


> Also, what does knowing if it is Mosaic or not do? Is this something

> they should persue and find out for sure? I'm trying to do as much

> research for them as I can. My sil is only 20 years old. They just

> don't know where to start. Thanks for any advice.


> Leigh

> New Aunt


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Hello Leigh,

What a good sister you are. 

My 12 yr old daughter 's diagnosis is not unlike the other families you

have heard from.  She was diagnosed at 1 - 20 cells tested - 4 were affected. 

Little ears (which we call her seashells) alerted a new doc - aside from her

petite ears, she has one eye that is prone to tearing, very small upper palate 

(oye the braces), acid reflux.  Otherwise, no health implications- 99% of people

who are part of our daily lives, have no idea that has a form of DS. 

The early intervention that the last Mom spoke of is absolutely critical. 

's diagnosis also has a huge impact on her education, it makes her

eligible for special education.  For , her biggest challenge is learning -

about 2 years behind her grade level.  But we are blessed with an incredible

school system and has thrived academicly.  It may take her longer to read

a book and  learning math through practicality, etc..  (A week ago I called home

for a measurement for a piece of furniture I was about to pick up.  I called

home and , completely independenlty reported 50 1/2 " - using a tape

measure- I was really proud of her - I am glad I called -the table was 2 inches

too short). 

Getting back to some of your other concerns -- I also recommend seeing a

geneticist.  There may be specific tests they will run.  To this day, has

only had her initial diagnosis.  We spent many years wondering if we should

retest..  For several reasons we left it at that.  Our pediatrician immediately

contacted a geneticist.

Best wishes,

Pattie (Mom to 12 and 18)

Subject: Re: Introduction

To: MosaicDS

Date: Friday, December 26, 2008, 9:49 AM

Hi Leigh,

When Vinny was born they didn't even know that he had mds until his 2

month check up and I believe that if I hadn't pointed out that one of

his eyes were smaller that the other we still wouldn't know till this

day (hes 11 months old). Just make sure they ask alot of questions

and NEVER take the docs word for it, I found that most docs have no

idea about MDS and they just base their diagnosis on DS especially in

Florida. When they did a dna test on Vinny they tested 20 cells and

found 13 were affected by DS and that is how they found out about the

MDS. Make sure they sign up for anything the state/county offers

them, when I found out I jumped right on it, especially

SSI/disability and believe it or not he was denied for that, but he

has early intervention and physical therapy right now. I believe the

earlier you start with these programs your child will get all the

help he needs even if he doesn't need them. Vinny was signed up at 3

months and he was right at his age except for the torticolis but now

is when he is needing the help. Hes not crawling yet and he just

strated trying to feed himself with small food like cheerios. We

think he is at a normal 7 month old is some aspects but in others he

is right where he should be such as the walker and other actions that

a 11 month old should be doing. Sorry when I get started on him I

can't stop I guess I'm just a proud mother!!! Anyway, I saw the

responce that had given and I would like to know where in

Florida she is doing research because if she is close to me I would

like to try to meat her. If your out there let me know!!!!

Vinny - 11 months


> From: Leigh <wilsondlp@. ..>

> Subject: Re: Introduction

> To: MosaicDS@yahoogroup s.com

> Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 5:32 PM







> I think because his features are not very pronounced. 

Unfortunately (for me) they live in Nashville and we are in MS.  I

have only seen pictures.  I am going to go up there in Feb to help

them find support and resources.


> Leigh

> www.ourquiverfull. blogspot. com



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Hi Leigh

It is important for them to test more cells to determine what kind of Down

syndrome the child has. The reason is mainly because it is the parent's right to

know the actual diagnosis. In most cases, if the doctor suspected mosaic Down

syndrome in the first place, then that is what it is. In some cases, children

with mosaic Down syndrome have a different speech problem than those with Down

syndrome, and because of this we are working to get a different system going for

babies with MDS to have a specific speech therapy. So, without the actual

diagnosis, this could be left untreated until it is much later, thus making the

speech delay harder to overcome.


Also, in most cases children with MDS meet their developmental milestones at a

much faster rate than those with Down syndrome. Because of this, the parent

often does not feel comfortable to share their child's milestones with the

parents of children with Ds. That is why we have IMDSA--for parents to get the

support they need and have a comfortable place to share their joys as well as

their concerns.


I highly recommend that the parents ask the geneticist for another test with at

least 100 cells analyzed. (if not more) This way, they will have a proper

diagnosis and know where to go for support.


Please ask any questions you or your family have and we will all be happy to

answer your questions.


Kristy Colvin

IMDSA President


International Mosaic Down Syndrome Association


Toll Free: 1-888-MDS-LINK




Subject: Introduction

To: MosaicDS

Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 11:16 AM

Hi, my name is Leigh and my brother and his wife just gave birth Sat.

to a beautiful baby boy with DS. At first they told them that is was

Mosaic but now are saying it's not. They only tested 5 cells. Is this


Also, what does knowing if it is Mosaic or not do? Is this something

they should persue and find out for sure? I'm trying to do as much

research for them as I can. My sil is only 20 years old. They just

don't know where to start. Thanks for any advice.


New Aunt

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Kristy, I am curious to hear more about the speech problem differences between

MDS and DS. 

From: & Leigh <wilsondlpyahoo (DOT) com>

Subject: Introduction

To: MosaicDS@yahoogroup s.com

Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 11:16 AM

Hi, my name is Leigh and my brother and his wife just gave birth Sat.

to a beautiful baby boy with DS. At first they told them that is was

Mosaic but now are saying it's not. They only tested 5 cells. Is this


Also, what does knowing if it is Mosaic or not do? Is this something

they should persue and find out for sure? I'm trying to do as much

research for them as I can. My sil is only 20 years old. They just

don't know where to start. Thanks for any advice.


New Aunt

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