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Re: Stealth Virus, Bacteria and Fungi

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Hi there,

Sorry my mold affected brain couldn't grasp all the info in the article[?]? I

have a hard time disseminating information any more. My nutritionist has

put me on Vitamin D as mine was very low, should I continue taking it? I

have MCS and problems with my autonomic nervous system.

Thank you, .

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 11:52 PM, dana dana <gsgrl2000@...> wrote:





> Stealth Virus, Bacteria and Fungi

> Part Two


> The Vitamin D Receptor is a 423-residue long protein consisiting of two

> domains: DNA binding

> domain and ligand binding domain (LBD), the latter one pictured above. The

> VDR belongs to the

> nuclear receptor (NR) superfamily including receptors for the steroid,

> retinoid and thyroid hormones.

> Dr. Trevor Marshall and others believe that the ability of the Th1

> pathogens to proliferate in the body is directly related to the vitamin D

> receptor (VDR). Critically important to the body, the Vitamin D Receptor

> (VDR) controls the innate immune system – the body’s first line of defense

> against infection. The VDR is also responsible for turning on/off a wide

> array of genes and chemical pathways. Another of the VDR’s myriad jobs is to

> control expression of several families of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs),

> proteins that kill bacteria, viruses and fungi by a variety of mechanisms

> including disrupting membranes, interfering with metabolism, and targeting

> components of the machinery inside the cell.

> Dr. Marshall and associates come up with a very allopathic way of

> treatment to root out these L bacteria or fungi or whatever pathogen names

> you want to call them by. But would anyone who has an inclination toward

> natural medicines want anything to do with the Marshall Protocol of sun and

> vitamin D deprivation 1 along with long term low dosage antibiotic

> administrations? Their approach is to totally cut patients off from the sun

> in a most radical way and to not take any vitamin D supplement to remove

> pressure on the Vitamin D Receptors and then to treat with a myriad of low

> dose antibiotics. Their treatments provoke what are experienced as detox

> reactions during the months and even years the treatments takes, which are

> explained or rationalized to be yeast or L-bacteria die offs. Dr. Marshall

> though started out on the exact right point 2 and that is the effort to go

> right into the heart of cells and to join in battle with the enemy within,

> infections, colonies of living protein alien to our biology. For certain

> classifications of patients this is as important as breathing air.

> The active form of vitamin D binds to intracellular receptors that

> then function as transcription factors to modulate gene expression. Like the

> receptors for other steroid hormones and thyroid hormones, the vitamin D

> receptor has hormone-binding and DNA-binding domains. The vitamin D receptor

> forms a complex with another intracellular receptor, the retinoid-X

> receptor, and that heterodimer is what binds to DNA. In most cases studied,

> the effect is to activate transcription, but situations are also known in

> which vitamin D suppresses transcription and this is what the Marshall

> Protocol of sunlight deprivation seeks to control.

> But sunlight triggers formation of antimicrobial peptides, which are

> potent and broad spectrum antibiotics. Interestingly the factor most

> associated with increased melanoma risk was the use of sunscreens, which

> suppresses vitamin D formation and increase toxic loads due to transdermal

> penetration. Subjects who often used sunscreens had triple the melanoma risk

> compared with subjects who never used sunscreens. Skin color and higher

> numbers of sunbaths were significant protective factors. Subjects who took

> more than 30 sunbaths per year were ten times less likely to have melanoma,

> compared with subjects who took less than 20 sunbaths per year. However,

> sunbaths had no protective value when they were associated with sunburns.3


> A molecular model comparing the structure of 25-D and of 1,25-D

> Based on whole body sufficiency for iodine, the US population is

> severely deficient in this essential element and that is a factor left out

> of the Marshall Protocol that is important because iodine plays a role in

> vitamin D metabolism and has a modulating effect on target organ response to

> calcitriol, the normal range of serum 25-OH-[D.sub.3] would need

> re-evaluation in whole body iodine sufficient individuals, according to Dr.

> Guy E. Abraham and Dr. D. Flechas. Vitamin D is essentially a steroid

> and iodine affects receptor responsiveness to estrogens and other steroids.4

> Whole body iodine sufficiency has a direct bearing on the conversion

> of 25-OH-[D.sub.3] to the active hormone calcitriol. These doctors also

> point out that magnesium increases the 1-hydroxydase activity of the

> kidney.5 Therefore adequate magnesium intake would lower the serum

> 25-OH-[D.sub.3] levels required for adequate calcitriol synthesis.6 One

> would expect a magnesium sufficient individual to achieve normal calcitriol

> levels with lower serum 25-OH-[D.sub.3] than in a magnesium deficient

> individual. These doctors have used iodine successfully for the treatment of

> fibromyalgia (FM) pain and associated discomfort, one of the same diseases

> that the Marshall Protocol seeks to alleviate.7

> Fungi make things. They spit out these chemical mycotoxins as readily as we

> exhale carbon dioxide. These toxins can cause cancer, destroy our organs,

> alter our immune system, and affect our hormonal balance. There are

> mycotoxins

> that laboratory scientists can inject into animals and cause them to have

> both Type

> 1 diabetes and insulin resistance. That information alone is enough to make

> front-page headlines, yet in which newspaper have you seen this discovery

> boldly displayed?


> Dr. Dave Holland

> Normally, candida albicans lives peacefully in our intestines and

> elsewhere, in harmony with other flora that keep the yeast in check. Take an

> antibiotic and all this changes. By suppressing the normal flora, candida

> takes over and problems begin. In its mild form the result is diarrhea or a

> yeast infection. Dr. Elmer Cranton says that, “Yeast overgrowth is partly

> iatrogenic (caused by the medical profession) and can be caused by

> antibiotics and cortisone medications. A diet high in sugar also promotes

> overgrowth of yeast. A highly refined diet common in industrialized nations

> not only promotes growth of yeast, but is also deficient in many of the

> essential vitamins and minerals needed by the immune system. Chemical

> colorings, flavorings, preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers, etc., add

> more to stress on the immune system.”

> Magnesium chloride is the only form of

> Mg known to have anti-infectious properties.

> The connection between bacteria and calcification in heart disease has

> already been noted. Researchers at the Hospital Das Clinicas in Brazil found

> significantly higher concentrations of Chlamydia pneumoniae and Mycoplasma

> pneumoniae in calcified nodes of blood vessels throughout the body,

> including the heart and the aorta - causing them to suggest that “these

> bacteria may be associated with the development of calcification and

> inflammation.” L-form bacteria in the brain cause the release of cytokines

> that damage the tissues. Sometimes the resulting inflammation damages blood

> vessels and promotes calcification, but it is the L-form bacteria, not the

> calcium that is the true culprit. One has to be very careful when laying

> blame on minerals. The real problem with calcium is when it is in excess

> relative to magnesium thus deficient magnesium leads to calcium excess and

> inflammation.

> Iodine is utilized by every hormone receptor in the body.

> The absence of iodine causes a hormonal dysfunction that

> can be seen with practically every hormone inside the body.


> Dr. Flechas

> Over 30 years ago, two ophthalmologists observed that a combination

> tablet called " Iodo-niacin " (iodide 120 milligrams, niacin 15 milligrams)

> taken for several months could actually reverse atherosclerotic clogging of

> arteries. They proved this effect by taking pictures of clogged arteries in

> the backs of the eyes (retinal photomicrographs) before and after treatment.

> The published photographs showed a significant lessening of the

> cholesterol-laden artery clogging in the " after " pictures. Iodine is an

> anti- inflammatory because it destroys most single cell pathogens and even

> biofilms on contact. Iodine is an essential mineral important for many

> crucial components of healthy human physiology so it makes a far better

> antibiotic, anti fungal and weapon against stealth viruses including

> L-bacteria or mycoplasmas than pharmaceuticals.

> Today we have to change our perceptions about infections and

> infectious processes. We need to shift away from the competing paradigms of

> pathogen vs. terrain. We need to deal simultaneously with pathogen, terrain

> and poison. Mercury provides the ideal environment for viruses, bacteria,

> fungi and yeast infections. Though most are in denial, we are being overrun

> by mercury pollution, which is everywhere in the air, water, food, vaccines,

> dental amalgam and even beauty products. Practitioners are now looking at

> autism as an issue of both “infections and toxins.” Interestingly doctors

> involved with the treatment of autism with heavy metal chelation find that

> when they go after viruses they get heavy metal excretions. When they go

> after metals they find that they are getting rid of viruses, bacteria, and

> fungus as well.

> Part of our infection fighting arsenal needs to include selenium and ALA

> (Alpha

> Lipoic Acid) and this is critical not only for maintaining glutathione

> levels but

> also for the neutralization of mercury. Alpha Lipoic acid is a potential

> first

> agent for protection from mycotoxins and treatment of mycotoxicosis.8

> You cannot treat infectious diseases in effective ways without dealing

> with the soil of the infection, with the mercury and other chemical

> toxicities that are driving the pathogens in the first place. A doctor needs

> to know his poisons but most are in denial of the fact that most

> pharmaceuticals are mitochondrial poisons. Modern medicine in the United

> States and a great part of the world is lost when it comes to dealing with

> mercury and in fact endorses its use in vaccines and dental medicine.

> Certainly the government does not think it’s worth the effort to control the

> fifty tons of mercury that come out of its coal fired electrical plants,

> spilled into the air each year.

> Garlic is one food that has powerful anti-bacterial

> and anti-fungal properties and some scientific studies

> have found it to be at least as effective as the popular

> anti-fungal drug, Nystatin, in destroying candida albicans.

> In a practical applications chapter called Combining Oral with

> Transdermal - Dose Sensitivity & Therapeutic Effect, we find that when using

> nutritional medicines like magnesium chloride, iodine, sodium bicarbonate,

> vitamin C and alpha Lipoic Acid, the dose does make the effect but in a

> sense opposite to the allopathic paradigm. In Natural Allopathic Medicine we

> often take doses to exceedingly high levels without the side effects found

> in pharmaceuticals that are an ever present danger even at very low dosages.

> In allopathic medicine everything, even water and vitamin C are placed

> on a scale of toxicity with everything being defined as poisonous. And

> though it’s true, one can drown in water a large person can safely drink a

> gallon of it a day and one can put pounds of magnesium chloride in one’s

> bath and take very high dosages of iodine safely for infectious disorders

> without the serious and dangerous downside of antibiotics.

> It is more than possible to cure incurable diseases if we take the

> right approach that deals with all sides of the equation when one uses the

> right dosages of iodine, magnesium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, Alpha

> Lipoic Acid, selenium and vitamin C and this is not an exhaustive list. The

> key to successful treatment is found in the concentration when using such

> nutritional medicines, which is the opposite of The Marshall Protocol which

> follows the allopathic tradition but goes even lower in its use of poisons

> (antibiotics).

> One of the reasons I built the foundation of my medical approach

> called Natural Allopathic Medicine on transdermal medicine is that

> transdermal application of magnesium chloride offers the strongest and most

> effective way that magnesium can be administered safely and economically.

> Iodine also can be used transdermally for great effect. Transdermal medicine

> is ideal when treating children because it is easy to administer. With

> strong therapeutic baths one can load the body not only with magnesium but

> also with sodium bicarbonate and sodium thiosulfate. Natural Allopathic

> Medicine stresses nutritional medicine but its main thrust is the use of

> concentrated nutritional substances that effectively replace most of the

> dangerous drugs allopathic medicine uses.

> With partial legal immunity, Big Pharma has been able to market practically

> any

> poison as a " drug, " regardless of how many people were killed. The Supreme

> Court of the United States has just changed all of that making the

> companies

> responsible for damages even if their drugs have been approved by the FDA.

> Many decades ago The American Cancer Society said, " Cancer is not

> caused or cured by any known diet. " Nothing has changed in all these years

> and the American Diabetes Association maintains a similar position with

> diabetes. This pathology of wrongness gets expressed by attacking the use of

> vitamin and mineral supplements and the attack takes the form of

> publications in the medical media about studies that use dosages that are

> way too low for therapeutic affect. Codex and major medical organizations

> are conspiring to keep vitamin and mineral dosages to a minimum when in fact

> they should be maximized.

> We can more easily see now why modern medicine has not been able to

> cure any chronic disease even with hundreds of billions of dollars in

> misplaced research. In the case of cancer and diabetes it has been blind to

> the infectious side of the question. And because the medical industrial

> complex uses heavy metals like mercury it remains blind to low levels of

> toxicity from metals, chemicals, drugs and even ionizing radiation, which

> are used in many of its testing procedures and in cancer treatment.

> It is truly sad that modern medicine has turned its back on iodine and

> tragic that one of its most powerful and effective emergency room medicines

> for cardiac arrest and stroke, magnesium chloride, continues to be ignored

> in the treatment of chronic diseases. Even sodium bicarbonate, an

> extraordinarily effective antifungal used constantly with chemo therapy is

> ignored for the powerful medicine it actually is. Certain doctors like Dr.

> Burt Berkson, licensed by the FDA to study intravenous use of ALA understand

> how it can be used when concentrated.

> Click on the books for information.


> I wrote and published my Survival Medicine for the 21st Century

> compendium a few years ago because we are living in an era of great medical

> challenge that sees a large percentage of humanity falling victims to

> chronic diseases. We cannot take survival for granted anymore and with the

> present financial and economic collapse ready to break the back of modern

> medicine as well as modern civilization we cannot afford expensive medical

> treatments that are ineffective and dangerous.


> Coming Soon!

> Now I am publishing Natural Allopathic Medicine, which explains to

> professionals and patients alike the basic principles and practices that are

> expressed in many of my other published and soon to be published books on

> diabetes and pediatrics. I have been as quickly as possible stepping down

> the 2,500 pages of Survival Medicine into digestible and more polished

> finished forms that addresses the more specific needs of practitioners and

> patients to more effectively and safely confront both chronic and acute

> illness. A great advantage for all practitioners of my medical approach is

> that it uses common substances that are easily purchased without

> prescription, substances used for many common purposes so they will not be

> easily controlled by Codex or anyone else.

> Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

> Director International Medical Veritas Association

> http://www.winningcancer.com/

> Professor Sircus (honorary doctor of Oriental medicine) is the Director of

> Natural Allopathic and Oriental Medical studies at the DaVinci College of

> Holistic Medicine, which is accredited by the Complementary Medicine

> Association in the United Kingdom and a member of the International

> Association for Distance Learning.

> Click on the books for information.



> _________________________________________


> 1 http://bacteriality.com/2007/09/15/vitamind/#identifier_34_53


> 2 Dr. Cannell writes about the Marshall Protocol: It is true

> that in some diseases, high doses of vitamin D may be harmful. For example,

> in the early part of last century, the AMA specifically excluded pulmonary

> TB from the list of TB infections that ultraviolet light helps. They did so

> because many of the early pioneers of solariums reported that acutely high

> doses of sunlight caused some patients with severe pulmonary TB to bleed to

> death. Thus, these pioneers developed very conservative sun exposure regimes

> for pulmonary TB patients in which small areas of the skin were

> progressively exposed to longer and longer periods of sunlight. Using this

> method, sunlight helped pulmonary TB, often to the point of a cure.

> Furthermore, it is well known that sunlight can cause high blood calcium in

> patients with sarcoidosis. In fact, sarcoidosis is one of several

> granulomatous diseases with vitamin D hypersensitivity where the body loses

> its ability to

> regulate activated vitamin D production, causing hypercalcemia. Cronin CC,

> et al. Precipitation of hypercalcaemia in sarcoidosis by foreign sun

> holidays: report of four cases. Postgrad Med J. 1990 Apr;66(774):307–9.

> Furthermore, although medical science is not yet convinced, some common

> autoimmune diseases may have an infectious etiology. I recently spoke at

> length with a rheumatologist who suffers from swollen and painful joints

> whenever he sunbathes or takes high doses of vitamin D. As long as he limits

> his vitamin D input his joints are better. To the extent vitamin D

> upregulates naturally occurring antibiotics of innate immunity, sunlight or

> vitamin D supplements may cause the battlefield (the joints) to become hot

> spots. I know of no evidence this is the case but it is certainly possible.

> However, if Dr. Marshall's principal hypothesis is correct, that low

> vitamin D levels are the result of disease, then he is saying that cancer

> causes low vitamin D levels, not the other way around. The problem is that

> Professor Joanne Lappe directly disproved that theory in a randomized

> controlled trial when she found that baseline vitamin D levels were strong

> and independent predictors of who would get cancer in the future. The lower

> your levels, the higher the risk. Furthermore, increasing baseline levels

> from 31 to 38 ng/ml reduced incident cancers by more than 60% over a four

> year period. Therefore, advising patients to become vitamin D deficient, as

> the Marshall protocol clearly does, will cause some patients to die from

> cancer. Lappe JM, Travers-Gustafson D, Davies KM, Recker RR, Heaney RP.

> Vitamin D and calcium supplementation reduces cancer risk: results of a

> randomized trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Jun;85(6):1586–91.


> 3 Wolf P et al. Phenotypic markers, sunlight-related factors and sunscreen

> use in patients with cutaneous melanoma: an Austrian case-control study.

> Melanoma Res. 1998 Aug;8(4):370-8.


> 4 findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FDL/is_1_15/ai_n25152241/pg_5


> 5 Abraham GE. " The importance of magnesium in the management of primary

> postmenopausal osteoporosis. " J Nut Med, 1991; 2:165-178.


> 6 Bioactive vitamin D or calcitriol is a steroid hormone that has long been

> known for its important role in regulating body levels of calcium and

> phosphorus, and in mineralization of bone. More recently, it has become

> clear that receptors for vitamin D are present in a wide variety of cells,

> and that this hormone has biologic effects which extend far beyond control

> of mineral metabolism.


> 7 findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FDL/is_1_15/ai_n25152241


> 8 SA. Northeast Center for Environmental Medicine, Sarasota,

> Florida. Arch Environ Health. 2003 Aug;58(8):528-32.

> Legal Notice:The Author specifically invokes the First Amendment rights of

> freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. The information

> written is published for informational purposes only under the rights

> guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States

> of America, and should not in any way be used as a substitute for the advice

> of a physician or other licensed health care practitioner. The statements

> contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed

> herein are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease.

> Images, text and logic are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly

> reserved without prejudice, and no part of this essay may be reproduced

> except by written consent.

> ©2008 by Mark Sircus


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Guest guest

I'm not a doctor but the sun is the best way to get your D but if you can't for

some reason get it the natural way then supplements are okay if you can tolerate

it and it doesn't interfere with any illness that D would make worse... It's up

to you and your doctor/s.



> Hi there,

> Sorry my mold affected brain couldn't grasp all the info in the article[?]? I

> have a hard time disseminating information any more. My nutritionist has

> put me on Vitamin D as mine was very low, should I continue taking it? I

> have MCS and problems with my autonomic nervous system.

> Thank you, .


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