Guest guest Posted January 26, 2009 Report Share Posted January 26, 2009 Stimulus package... _ ( pdf pg 170 (or there abouts) I cannot count this high. much money is being allocated to improve school buildings? Is it $6 billion with $6 million for oversight? Also, a new position being created (pg 395). National Health Information Technology (HIT)Director. Reports directly to Daschle. 16 SCHOOL MODERNIZATION, RENOVATION, AND REPAIR 17 For carrying out section 9301 of this Act, 18 $14,000,000,000: Provided, That amount available under 19 section 9301 of this Act for administration and oversight 20 shall take the place of the set-aside under section 1106 21 of this Act. 22 HIGHER EDUCATION MODERNIZATION, RENOVATION, 23 AND REPAIR 24 For carrying out section 9302 of this Act, 25 $6,000,000,000: Provided, That amount available under VerDate 0ct 09 2002 22:48 Jan 23, 2009 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00164 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 C:\TEMP\HR1.XML HOLCPC January 23, 2009 (10:48 p.m.) F:\IBF\111\HR1.XML f:\VHLC\012309\012309.236.xml (421348|6) 165 1 section 9302 of this Act for administration and oversight 2 shall take the place of the set-aside under section 1106 3 of this Act. 4 GENERAL PROVISIONS, THIS SUBTITLE 5 SEC. 9301. 21ST CENTURY GREEN HIGH-PERFORMING PUB6 LIC SCHOOL FACILITIES. 7 (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: 8 (1) The term ‘‘Bureau-funded school’’ has the 9 meaning given to such term in section 1141 of the 10 Education Amendments of 1978 (25 U.S.C. 2021). 11 (2) The term ‘‘charter school’’ has the meaning 12 given such term in section 5210 of the Elementary 13 and Secondary Education Act of 1965. 14 (3) The term ‘‘local educational agency’’— 15 (A) has the meaning given to that term in 16 section 9101 of the Elementary and Secondary 17 Education Act of 1965, and shall also include 18 the Recovery School District of Louisiana and 19 the New Orleans Public Schools; and 20 ( includes any public charter school that 21 constitutes a local educational agency under 22 State law. 23 (4) The term ‘‘outlying area’’— 24 (A) means the United States Virgin Is25 lands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Com- VerDate 0ct 09 2002 22:48 Jan 23, 2009 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00165 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 C:\TEMP\HR1.XML HOLCPC January 23, 2009 (10:48 p.m.) F:\IBF\111\HR1.XML f:\VHLC\012309\012309.236.xml (421348|6) 166 1 monwealth of the Northern na Islands; 2 and 3 ( includes the freely associated states of 4 the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Fed5 erated States of Micronesia, and the Republic 6 of Palau. 7 (5) The term ‘‘public school facilities’’ includes 8 charter schools. 9 (6) The term ‘‘State’’ means each of the 50 10 States, the District of Columbia, and the Common11 wealth of Puerto Rico. 12 (7) The term ‘‘LEED Green Building Rating 13 System’’ means the United States Green Building 14 Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental 15 Design green building rating standard referred to as 16 the LEED Green Building Rating System. 17 (8) The term ‘‘Energy Star’’ means the Energy 18 Star program of the United States Department of 19 Energy and the United States Environmental Pro20 tection Agency. 21 (9) The term ‘‘CHPS Criteria’’ means the 22 green building rating program developed by the Col23 laborative for High Performance Schools. VerDate 0ct 09 2002 22:48 Jan 23, 2009 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00166 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 C:\TEMP\HR1.XML HOLCPC January 23, 2009 (10:48 p.m.) F:\IBF\111\HR1.XML f:\VHLC\012309\012309.236.xml (421348|6) 167 1 (10) The term ‘‘Green Globes’’ means the 2 Green Building Initiative environmental design and 3 rating system referred to as Green Globes. 4 ( PURPOSE.—Grants under this section shall be for 5 the purpose of modernizing, renovating, or repairing pub6 lic school facilities, based on their need for such improve7 ments, to be safe, healthy, high-performing, and up-to8 date technologically. 9 © ALLOCATION OF FUNDS.— 10 (1) RESERVATIONS.— 11 (A) IN GENERAL.—From the amount ap12 propriated to carry out this section, the Sec13 retary of Education shall reserve 1 percent of 14 such amount, consistent with the purpose de15 scribed in subsection (— 16 (i) to provide assistance to the out17 lying areas; and 18 (ii) for payments to the Secretary of 19 the Interior to provide assistance to Bu20 reau-funded schools. 21 ( ADMINISTRATION AND OVERSIGHT.— 22 The Secretary may, in addition, reserve up to 23 $6,000,000 of such amount for administration 24 and oversight of this section. 25 (2) ALLOCATION TO STATES.— VerDate 0ct 09 2002 22:48 Jan 23, 2009 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00167 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 C:\TEMP\HR1.XML HOLCPC January 23, 2009 (10:48 p.m.) F:\IBF\111\HR1.XML f:\VHLC\012309\012309.236.xml (421348|6) 168 1 (A) STATE-BY-STATE ALLOCATION.—Of 2 the amount appropriated to carry out this sec3 tion, and not reserved under paragraph (1), 4 each State shall be allocated an amount in pro5 portion to the amount received by all local edu6 cational agencies in the State under part A of 7 title I of the Elementary and Secondary Edu8 cation Act of 1965 for fiscal year 2008 relative 9 to the total amount received by all local edu10 cational agencies in every State under such part 11 for such fiscal year. 12 ( STATE ADMINISTRATION.—A State 13 may reserve up to 1 percent of its allocation 14 under subparagraph (A) to carry out its respon15 sibilities under this section, including— 16 (i) providing technical assistance to 17 local educational agencies; 18 (ii) developing, within 6 months of re19 ceiving its allocation under subparagraph 20 (A), a plan to develop a database that in21 cludes an inventory of public school facili22 ties in the State and the modernization, 23 renovation, and repair needs of, energy use 24 by, and the carbon footprint of such 25 schools; and VerDate 0ct 09 2002 22:48 Jan 23, 2009 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00168 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 C:\TEMP\HR1.XML HOLCPC January 23, 2009 (10:48 p.m.) F:\IBF\111\HR1.XML f:\VHLC\012309\012309.236.xml (421348|6) 169 1 (iii) developing a school energy effi2 ciency quality plan. 3 © GRANTS TO LOCAL EDUCATIONAL 4 AGENCIES.—From the amount allocated to a 5 State under subparagraph (A), each local edu6 cational agency in the State that meets the re7 quirements of section 1112(a) of the Elemen8 tary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 9 shall receive an amount in proportion to the 10 amount received by such local educational agen11 cy under part A of title I of that Act for fiscal 12 year 2008 relative to the total amount received 13 by all local educational agencies in the State 14 under such part for such fiscal year, except that 15 no local educational agency that received funds 16 under part A of title I of that Act for such fis17 cal year shall receive a grant of less than 18 $5,000. 19 (D) SPECIAL RULE.—Section 1122©(3) 20 of the Elementary and Secondary Education 21 Act of 1965 shall not apply to subparagraph 22 (A) or ©. 23 (3) SPECIAL RULES.— 24 (A) DISTRIBUTIONS BY SECRETARY.—The 25 Secretary of Education shall make and dis- VerDate 0ct 09 2002 22:48 Jan 23, 2009 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00169 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 C:\TEMP\HR1.XML HOLCPC January 23, 2009 (10:48 p.m.) F:\IBF\111\HR1.XML f:\VHLC\012309\012309.236.xml (421348|6) 170 1 tribute the reservations and allocations de2 scribed in paragraphs (1) and (2) not later than 3 30 days after the date of the enactment of this 4 Act. 5 ( DISTRIBUTIONS BY STATES.—A State 6 shall make and distribute the allocations de7 scribed in paragraph (2)© within 30 days of 8 receiving such funds from the Secretary. 9 (d) USE IT OR LOSE IT REQUIREMENTS.— 10 (1) DEADLINE FOR BINDING COMMITMENTS.— 11 Each local educational agency receiving funds under 12 this section shall enter into contracts or other bind13 ing commitments not later than 1 year after the 14 date of the enactment of this Act (or not later than 15 9 months after such funds are awarded, if later) to 16 make use of 50 percent of such funds, and shall 17 enter into contracts or other binding commitments 18 not later than 2 years after the date of the enact19 ment of this Act (or not later than 21 months after 20 such funds are awarded, if later) to make use of the 21 remaining funds. In the case of activities to be car22 ried out directly by a local educational agency (rath23 er than by contracts, subgrants, or other arrange24 ments with third parties), a certification by the 25 agency specifying the amounts, planned timing, and VerDate 0ct 09 2002 22:48 Jan 23, 2009 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00170 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 C:\TEMP\HR1.XML HOLCPC January 23, 2009 (10:48 p.m.) F:\IBF\111\HR1.XML f:\VHLC\012309\012309.236.xml (421348|6) 171 1 purpose of such expenditures shall be deemed a 2 binding commitment for purposes of this subsection. 3 (2) REDISTRIBUTION OF UNCOMMITTED 4 FUNDS.—A State shall recover or deobligate any 5 funds not committed in accordance with paragraph 6 (1), and redistribute such funds to other local edu7 cational agencies eligible under this section and able 8 to make use of such funds in a timely manner (in9 cluding binding commitments within 120 days after 10 the reallocation). 11 (e) ALLOWABLE USES OF FUNDS.—A local edu12 cational agency receiving a grant under this section shall 13 use the grant for modernization, renovation, or repair of 14 public school facilities, including— 15 (1) repairing, replacing, or installing roofs, in16 cluding extensive, intensive or semi-intensive green 17 roofs, electrical wiring, plumbing systems, sewage 18 systems, lighting systems, or components of such 19 systems, windows, or doors, including security doors; 20 (2) repairing, replacing, or installing heating, 21 ventilation, air conditioning systems, or components 22 of such systems (including insulation), including in23 door air quality assessments; 24 (3) bringing public schools into compliance with 25 fire, health, and safety codes, including professional VerDate 0ct 09 2002 22:48 Jan 23, 2009 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00171 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 C:\TEMP\HR1.XML HOLCPC January 23, 2009 (10:48 p.m.) F:\IBF\111\HR1.XML f:\VHLC\012309\012309.236.xml (421348|6) 172 1 installation of fire/life safety alarms, including mod2 ernizations, renovations, and repairs that ensure 3 that schools are prepared for emergencies, such as 4 improving building infrastructure to accommodate 5 security measures; 6 (4) modifications necessary to make public 7 school facilities accessible to comply with the Ameri8 cans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 9 et seq.) and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 10 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794), except that such modifica11 tions shall not be the primary use of the grant; 12 (5) asbestos or polychlorinated biphenyls abate13 ment or removal from public school facilities; 14 (6) implementation of measures designed to re15 duce or eliminate human exposure to lead-based 16 paint hazards through methods including interim 17 controls, abatement, or a combination of each; 18 (7) implementation of measures designed to re19 duce or eliminate human exposure to mold or mil20 dew; pg 395 ‘‘© OTHER AREAS FOR CONSIDER15 ATION.—In making recommendations under 16 subparagraph (A), the HIT Policy Committee 17 may consider the following additional areas: 18 ‘‘(i) The appropriate uses of a nation19 wide health information infrastructure, in20 cluding for purposes of— 21 ‘‘(I) the collection of quality data 22 and public reporting; 23 ‘‘(II) biosurveillance and public 24 health; VerDate 0ct 09 2002 22:48 Jan 23, 2009 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00415 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 C:\TEMP\HR1.XML HOLCPC January 23, 2009 (10:48 p.m.) F:\IBF\111\HR1.XML f:\VHLC\012309\012309.236.xml (421348|6) 416 1 ‘‘(III) medical and clinical re2 search; and 3 ‘‘(IV) drug safety. 4 Sharon Noonan Kramer **************Know Your Numbers: Get tips and tools to help you improve your credit score. 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