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I always go with whatever is the higher points...Don't

want to add any extra pounds.


--- Diane Loupe wrote:

> Hey, I'm a newbie, too, and I say, go with whatever

> gives you the lowest

> points!


> I don't know about the headaches. I usually get them

> from allergies.




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I always go with whatever is the higher points...Don't

want to add any extra pounds.


--- Diane Loupe wrote:

> Hey, I'm a newbie, too, and I say, go with whatever

> gives you the lowest

> points!


> I don't know about the headaches. I usually get them

> from allergies.




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I always go with whatever is the higher points...Don't

want to add any extra pounds.


--- Diane Loupe wrote:

> Hey, I'm a newbie, too, and I say, go with whatever

> gives you the lowest

> points!


> I don't know about the headaches. I usually get them

> from allergies.




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Chrissy, Everytime I email Dr. Levin he emails me straight back soon after.

He even tried calling one night but couldnt get through. I have never seen

this man. nor talked to him on the phone and he is so helpful. Your Dr. is

the first bad thing I have heard on Dr. Levin. Evrything else is GREAT news.

I've done my research and Dr. Levin seems the best for the surgery to me.

He knows what hes doing. He seems to care also. I've heard from some of the

women that has had the surgery say that hes called from his cell phone just

to check on them. Sounds like to me your DR. may not want you to go through

with this TR. Tubal PG can happen to anyone. Its not dr. levins fought the

lady had a tubal pg. Just do some research and you'll find out that dr.

levin is really good, you can even email him yourself and ask him anything

and he'll email you back and answer anything you wanna know. well I hoped I


hugs and baby wishes,

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  • 1 month later...
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OK i am at the end of my rope and it has only been 9 days and I am starting

to have regrets. I have never threw up but I seem to always have a yucky

taste in my mouth and I just don't feel good. I did this to be healthy and

right now I feel like S**t. I am losing weight but I know I am losing muscle

too. I did get my protein today (thanks ) and that seemed to stay

down but it seems like it will come up any min

is there anything I can eat that doesn't have sugar substitute in it? that

seems to make me feel worse. I have tried Jell-O, frozen pops but after I eat

them I feel sick. I also tried those s/f drinks you ladies were talking about

Helena Beasley

post-Op Open RNY

5'2 " 247 lb. BMI 46

Surgery February 20, 2002

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Helena...I know what you are going through...I said to myself the EXACT same

thing! I think it is a normal feeling because your body and mind are trying to

adjust. Trust me...once the 'pain' is gone then it will get better. It seems

that I find peace in walking...I get out everyday to somewhere different and

just go at it. Today before they discharged me from the hospital I made 10 laps

around the hospital wing that I was in. The nurses all said " your making me

tired, go take a nap " ! I had to chuckel to my self. The thing I do is take my

sip bottle of water with me and walk and sip. For some reason it seems it helped

me to relearn my 'intake' of things. Maybe you are drinking to fast , that can

cause a yukky feeling. But I have never thrown up until the other night in the

hospital and that was because of my migraine. I had had nothing to eat or drink

for days. But trust in your body and allow it the time to heal that it needs. It

will get better...I am wishing on the same star....annee

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HELENA--Of course you feel lousy, hon; you've just had major surgery

and you're completely changing around your entire eating system! Your

body's telling you that that makes it cranky!

Try drinking--sipping--water; I think you're drinking the flavored

drinks a little too fast because they taste good. Try upping your

protein too, if you can in case your body is hungry for more. Right

now, with no/few carbs, you'll be going into ketosis, I think, as

your body burns up all that fat. Ketosis DOES put a bad taste in our

mouths, so brush and floss more frequently. Drinking lots of water

helps; artificial sweetener always put a bad taste in my mouth too!

Yes, now is the time we most frequently regret our decision. We

remember how it felt pre op and now, post op, we don't think we'll

ever feel normal again like that. Not true, sweetheart! You'll be

healing for about 4-6 weeks; you'll be trying out different foods and

our new way of eating for maybe another month or so. After that,

you'll feel more and more normal. One day--maybe 3 mo./6 mo./surely

after that, you'll realize that you feel just like you did before

your operation.

Honest, things will get better! I am sending you my info sheet on the

Hibernation Syndrome in case you don't have it. If you do have it,

read it again1 Write in often, hon, we're concerned about ya!

Love, Ava Lee

In GastricBypass-InfoCentral@y..., hell606@a... wrote:

> OK i am at the end of my rope and it has only been 9 days and I am


> to have regrets. I have never threw up but I seem to always have a


> taste in my mouth and I just don't feel good. I did this to be

healthy and

> right now I feel like S**t. I am losing weight but I know I am

losing muscle

> too. I did get my protein today (thanks ) and that seemed

to stay

> down but it seems like it will come up any min

> is there anything I can eat that doesn't have sugar substitute in

it? that

> seems to make me feel worse. I have tried Jell-O, frozen pops but

after I eat

> them I feel sick. I also tried those s/f drinks you ladies were

talking about


> Helena Beasley

> post-Op Open RNY

> 5'2 " 247 lb. BMI 46

> Surgery February 20, 2002




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I knew but I thought I was ready to stop my nasty habits but it was very hard

and doing your protein shakes stops a lot of that nonsense cravings

Re: Re: Help

Thanks so much for you kind words. I wish I had known about this before the

surgery. seems no one tells you how hard the first few weeks are. well at

least I know I am not alone and I am not crazy

Helena Beasley

post-Op Open RNY

5'2 " 247 lb. BMI 46

Surgery February 20, 2002

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So, did you call the doc today? If not, call Monday and I think really insist

on being seen. A marginal ulcer is not a big deal if treated promptly. It is a

VERY big deal if just ignored. Ask .



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OK i am at the end of my rope and it has only been 9 days and I am starting

to have regrets. I have never threw up but I seem to always have a yucky

taste in my mouth and I just don't feel good. I did this to be healthy and

right now I feel like S**t. I am losing weight but I know I am losing muscle

too. I did get my protein today (thanks ) and that seemed to stay

down but it seems like it will come up any min

is there anything I can eat that doesn't have sugar substitute in it? that

seems to make me feel worse. I have tried Jell-O, frozen pops but after I eat

them I feel sick. I also tried those s/f drinks you ladies were talking about

Helena Beasley

post-Op Open RNY

5'2 " 247 lb. BMI 46

Surgery February 20, 2002

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Dear Helena,

I am glad to hear that you are calling the doc and getting seen on Monday..

Be persistent.. learn from my mistakes..


open RNY 12/12/00

revision 04/18/01

revision 02/07/02


cw 218




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Dear Annee

Helena is having different symptoms than you.. water and ice hurts when it

goes down.. She needs to see the doc and get checked for marginal ulcer..

I did have what you had and was ballooned in Oct ... my blockage was 6 in

below my stoma..


open RNY 12/12/00

revision 04/18/01

revision 02/07/02


cw 218




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Hey Lou I wanted to welcome you out of lurkdome and I will keep you in my

prayers and you just post often and know you are loved here .Oh and you will

lose weight no worry there just learn to work your program early dear and you

will lose all you want .


I've been reading the posts for a long time. Thank you all for sharing your

stories and questions. Now , I need to ask for help and prayers. My surgery

is scheduled for Thursday,March 14. It's been a long road. Over a year and a

half of doctors, tests, medifast and etc. My problem is my blood pressure is

high and if it doesn't get under control by next week they may cancel on me.

I'm taking my medicine and finally my doctor here is calling in something

new today and I'm praying it does the trick. This time before surgery I have

so many things to do and visits to hospitals and doctor and wonderful enemas

to take. I'm asking that on my surgery day, would you please pray for God to

bless the doctors and me with a safe surgery . I keep wondering about the

pain and what if I fail. What if I don't lose a lot of weight? What if I can

never eat normal food again? I'm praying that this surgery will help me to

get off of a lot of the medicines I take and that I can become healthier and

more active. But yes, I'm also hoping that down the road I can eat normal

food in small portions. I'll never be thin or probably not normal weight but

just to be in the hundreds would be wonderful. I'm short 5'1 " and at my

highest was 365. I have lost hundreds of pounds only to put them back on and

more. I'm hoping this time , the weight won't come back on. I was dieting

again before and while I was on this wait list. Our doctor puts you on

medifast for a month before surgery. So as of now I'm 300 pounds. Sorry, I'm

rambling nervous and want support. Thank you. Lou

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  • 9 years later...
Guest guest

Thank you for your advice. It all does make sense and I have managed to get his

father to read the responses. His mother is not mistreating him in any way, just

not engaging with him at all and giving direction,teaching. She just leaves him

to isolate and doesn't challenge any behaviours as she has no time for the

fight!!! His father struggles to challenge her and is in no position to take on

his son, due to his own AS. I am doing what I can however I am finding it is

hard enough communicating with my partner let alone trying to suggest things we

should be doing for his son. It is becoming a bit of a drama triangle with me

becoming the victim and being blamed for everything. Anyway, thanks again for

the advice.



> > Anyone give me a clue or some inspiration?

> > Its a long story but just for now, I have a step son who is diagnosed with

AS. His father, my partner is self diagnosed, Stepson is 14 and only diagnosed 6

months ago. His mother refuses to acknowledge anything about him or his

behaviour, has made little effort in his parenting from and early age, just left

him to it. Little discipline, no rules. easier for her to let him rant and

rave.She does little if nothing to accomodate for his AS. Anyways. In His home

environment he is shouted at alot of the time,no one can say anything to him at

all without him taking it as criticism. He has a meltdown like a three year old,

if he feels criticised. Am I and his father expecting to much of him to want him

to catch these meltdowns before they occur? sHOULD WE BE ABLE TO EXPECT HIM TO

MANAGE THIS?as I say he is 14 but very immature.I would put him at a 10 year

old. I fear he will get himself into lots more trouble if he can't control this

stuff.He is already getting into trouble at school. He does not show a high HQ

in relation to his academic ability, but has all the other AS traits. He repeats

himself alot, has special subjects that he bores people with,Logical responses,

no idea of personal space for others. Every time he comes to us, bi-weekly it is

constant tension, my own partner becomes overwhelmed. Any suggestions?

> >

> >


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Thank you for your advice. It all does make sense and I have managed to get his

father to read the responses. His mother is not mistreating him in any way, just

not engaging with him at all and giving direction,teaching. She just leaves him

to isolate and doesn't challenge any behaviours as she has no time for the

fight!!! His father struggles to challenge her and is in no position to take on

his son, due to his own AS. I am doing what I can however I am finding it is

hard enough communicating with my partner let alone trying to suggest things we

should be doing for his son. It is becoming a bit of a drama triangle with me

becoming the victim and being blamed for everything. Anyway, thanks again for

the advice.



> > Anyone give me a clue or some inspiration?

> > Its a long story but just for now, I have a step son who is diagnosed with

AS. His father, my partner is self diagnosed, Stepson is 14 and only diagnosed 6

months ago. His mother refuses to acknowledge anything about him or his

behaviour, has made little effort in his parenting from and early age, just left

him to it. Little discipline, no rules. easier for her to let him rant and

rave.She does little if nothing to accomodate for his AS. Anyways. In His home

environment he is shouted at alot of the time,no one can say anything to him at

all without him taking it as criticism. He has a meltdown like a three year old,

if he feels criticised. Am I and his father expecting to much of him to want him

to catch these meltdowns before they occur? sHOULD WE BE ABLE TO EXPECT HIM TO

MANAGE THIS?as I say he is 14 but very immature.I would put him at a 10 year

old. I fear he will get himself into lots more trouble if he can't control this

stuff.He is already getting into trouble at school. He does not show a high HQ

in relation to his academic ability, but has all the other AS traits. He repeats

himself alot, has special subjects that he bores people with,Logical responses,

no idea of personal space for others. Every time he comes to us, bi-weekly it is

constant tension, my own partner becomes overwhelmed. Any suggestions?

> >

> >


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Alison, I'm sorry we didn't have more helpful information and advice for you. You can only do your best, and evaluate whether this situation works for you. If your stepson's parents won't step up and deal with his behavior, there isn't much you can do in two weekends a month as a step-parent. Since this is a list for people with Asperger's and their partners, you might get more responses with advice about how to handle the relationship with your partner. I think your post may have gotten confused with the previous one titled "help me understand." Perhaps you would get more responses with a more descriptive title? Just a thought, if you would like to hear from more people.Again, I hope you find the resources that

help you get to a good place for yourself.BeccaTo: aspires-relationships Sent: Tue, May 10, 2011 2:30:08 PMSubject: Re: Help

Thank you for your advice. It all does make sense and I have managed to get his father to read the responses. His mother is not mistreating him in any way, just not engaging with him at all and giving direction,teaching. She just leaves him to isolate and doesn't challenge any behaviours as she has no time for the fight!!! His father struggles to challenge her and is in no position to take on his son, due to his own AS. I am doing what I can however I am finding it is hard enough communicating with my partner let alone trying to suggest things we should be doing for his son. It is becoming a bit of a drama triangle with me becoming the victim and being blamed for everything. Anyway, thanks again for the advice.



> > Anyone give me a clue or some inspiration?

> > Its a long story but just for now, I have a step son who is diagnosed with AS. His father, my partner is self diagnosed, Stepson is 14 and only diagnosed 6 months ago. His mother refuses to acknowledge anything about him or his behaviour, has made little effort in his parenting from and early age, just left him to it. Little discipline, no rules. easier for her to let him rant and rave.She does little if nothing to accomodate for his AS. Anyways. In His home environment he is shouted at alot of the time,no one can say anything to him at all without him taking it as criticism. He has a meltdown like a three year old, if he feels criticised. Am I and his father expecting to much of him to want him to catch these meltdowns before they occur? sHOULD WE BE ABLE TO EXPECT HIM TO MANAGE THIS?as I say he is 14 but very immature.I would put him at a 10 year old. I fear he will get himself into lots more trouble if he can't control this stuff.He is

already getting into trouble at school. He does not show a high HQ in relation to his academic ability, but has all the other AS traits. He repeats himself alot, has special subjects that he bores people with,Logical responses, no idea of personal space for others. Every time he comes to us, bi-weekly it is constant tension, my own partner becomes overwhelmed. Any suggestions?

> >

> >


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Alison, I'm sorry we didn't have more helpful information and advice for you. You can only do your best, and evaluate whether this situation works for you. If your stepson's parents won't step up and deal with his behavior, there isn't much you can do in two weekends a month as a step-parent. Since this is a list for people with Asperger's and their partners, you might get more responses with advice about how to handle the relationship with your partner. I think your post may have gotten confused with the previous one titled "help me understand." Perhaps you would get more responses with a more descriptive title? Just a thought, if you would like to hear from more people.Again, I hope you find the resources that

help you get to a good place for yourself.BeccaTo: aspires-relationships Sent: Tue, May 10, 2011 2:30:08 PMSubject: Re: Help

Thank you for your advice. It all does make sense and I have managed to get his father to read the responses. His mother is not mistreating him in any way, just not engaging with him at all and giving direction,teaching. She just leaves him to isolate and doesn't challenge any behaviours as she has no time for the fight!!! His father struggles to challenge her and is in no position to take on his son, due to his own AS. I am doing what I can however I am finding it is hard enough communicating with my partner let alone trying to suggest things we should be doing for his son. It is becoming a bit of a drama triangle with me becoming the victim and being blamed for everything. Anyway, thanks again for the advice.



> > Anyone give me a clue or some inspiration?

> > Its a long story but just for now, I have a step son who is diagnosed with AS. His father, my partner is self diagnosed, Stepson is 14 and only diagnosed 6 months ago. His mother refuses to acknowledge anything about him or his behaviour, has made little effort in his parenting from and early age, just left him to it. Little discipline, no rules. easier for her to let him rant and rave.She does little if nothing to accomodate for his AS. Anyways. In His home environment he is shouted at alot of the time,no one can say anything to him at all without him taking it as criticism. He has a meltdown like a three year old, if he feels criticised. Am I and his father expecting to much of him to want him to catch these meltdowns before they occur? sHOULD WE BE ABLE TO EXPECT HIM TO MANAGE THIS?as I say he is 14 but very immature.I would put him at a 10 year old. I fear he will get himself into lots more trouble if he can't control this stuff.He is

already getting into trouble at school. He does not show a high HQ in relation to his academic ability, but has all the other AS traits. He repeats himself alot, has special subjects that he bores people with,Logical responses, no idea of personal space for others. Every time he comes to us, bi-weekly it is constant tension, my own partner becomes overwhelmed. Any suggestions?

> >

> >


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Alison, I'm sorry we didn't have more helpful information and advice for you. You can only do your best, and evaluate whether this situation works for you. If your stepson's parents won't step up and deal with his behavior, there isn't much you can do in two weekends a month as a step-parent. Since this is a list for people with Asperger's and their partners, you might get more responses with advice about how to handle the relationship with your partner. I think your post may have gotten confused with the previous one titled "help me understand." Perhaps you would get more responses with a more descriptive title? Just a thought, if you would like to hear from more people.Again, I hope you find the resources that

help you get to a good place for yourself.BeccaTo: aspires-relationships Sent: Tue, May 10, 2011 2:30:08 PMSubject: Re: Help

Thank you for your advice. It all does make sense and I have managed to get his father to read the responses. His mother is not mistreating him in any way, just not engaging with him at all and giving direction,teaching. She just leaves him to isolate and doesn't challenge any behaviours as she has no time for the fight!!! His father struggles to challenge her and is in no position to take on his son, due to his own AS. I am doing what I can however I am finding it is hard enough communicating with my partner let alone trying to suggest things we should be doing for his son. It is becoming a bit of a drama triangle with me becoming the victim and being blamed for everything. Anyway, thanks again for the advice.



> > Anyone give me a clue or some inspiration?

> > Its a long story but just for now, I have a step son who is diagnosed with AS. His father, my partner is self diagnosed, Stepson is 14 and only diagnosed 6 months ago. His mother refuses to acknowledge anything about him or his behaviour, has made little effort in his parenting from and early age, just left him to it. Little discipline, no rules. easier for her to let him rant and rave.She does little if nothing to accomodate for his AS. Anyways. In His home environment he is shouted at alot of the time,no one can say anything to him at all without him taking it as criticism. He has a meltdown like a three year old, if he feels criticised. Am I and his father expecting to much of him to want him to catch these meltdowns before they occur? sHOULD WE BE ABLE TO EXPECT HIM TO MANAGE THIS?as I say he is 14 but very immature.I would put him at a 10 year old. I fear he will get himself into lots more trouble if he can't control this stuff.He is

already getting into trouble at school. He does not show a high HQ in relation to his academic ability, but has all the other AS traits. He repeats himself alot, has special subjects that he bores people with,Logical responses, no idea of personal space for others. Every time he comes to us, bi-weekly it is constant tension, my own partner becomes overwhelmed. Any suggestions?

> >

> >


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