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Fw: Please Open: On the Way to Codex; Stop the Shot Case Developments, Urgent Actions

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From: Natural Solutions Foundation <dr.laibow@...>Subject: Please Open: On the Way to Codex; Stop the Shot Case Developments, Urgent Actionsepifany97523@...Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 1:02 PM

Money Bomb! Rima and Bert on the Way to Codex: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3686

News, alerts, and other information related to your health freedom.Action Items You Can Take Now October 28, 2009 The Voice of Global Health Freedomâ„¢ Permalink to this blast: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3903

Dr. Laibow and Gen. Stubblebine are "in the air" right now, on their way to a Codex Alimentarius (so-called, World Food Code) meeting in Germany. Stay tuned for reports, YouTube videos and tweets...


Stop the Shot Law Suit: Judge Issues 'Show Cause Order' to Prove We Have a Right to Be in Court

There are many wrongs under the law, but not everyone has the right to contest them all. Law suits can require plaintiffs (that's us - the people bringing the suit and making the formal complaint) to show that they have a reason to bring this suit, or, in legal terms,that we have "standing". We believe that this Show Cause Order is a positive move that gets the issue of standing, which the other side will surely use to try to get the suit dismissed, out of the way before our November 5 hearing.

Yesterday, Judge Reggie B. Walton of the US District Court, District of Columbia, issued a "Show Cause Order" giving us 48 hours to show why we have standing so that the case 1:09-cv--1924-RBW v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the "STOP THE SHOT" law suit, can continue.

You can imagine that we have a team of highly skilled, dedicated lawyers and scholars working very hard, indeed right now to create . What's at stake? Out ability to stop the FDA from releasing any more of the dangerous vaccines for a non-existent pandemic and, in fact, a powerful legal challenge against ALL influenza vaccines. They don't work, they are not safe and they cause harm. We want them off the market.

We are doing our part to Stop the Shot. What's your part?

You know that good immune function requires large amounts of Vitamin D. Did you know that health freedom requires the Three Vitamin D's of Activism?

To keep your health freedom intact, you need to take large doses of them. The Three D's of Health Freedom are:




Do These Action Items:

1. Tell President Obama to Rescind Dangerous, Unnecessary Health Emergency giving unprecedented powers to Secretary Sebelius to set us a medical internment system without appeal or protections. Take this item once for every member of your householdhttp://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/t/1128/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=1610

2. If you are a Health Care Worker, student or in any allied profession, take theHealth Keeper's Oath

now to prevent the Medical System from becoming a tool to imprison and kill as happened in Nazi Germany. Whether you are a Health Care Worker or not, forward this information to every Health Care Worker you can reach:


Disseminate This InformationFar and Wide

Our impact is enormous because our voices are raised in a chorus millions strong. Push Back is a numbers game: you have to be right AND have might. The other side has enormous resources and buys public policy. We have the courage, the information and the will to correct that dangerous public policy and to protect ourselves from its impact. But that means spreading the word and mobilizing people who still believe that we are too small to make REAL change we can survive with happen.

Send this email to everyone you know with a brief note telling them that this is vitally important to you, and to them, as well.

More about the Health Care Oath Keepers:



Health Freedom Money Bomb Helps to Keep Health Freedom Free!

Watch the Money Bomb here:http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3686

Donate here: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?page_id=189

Our Money Bomb has given us the resources to go to Codex (we are leaving for the airport in just 6 hours as I write this) and we thank you. We'll be there for you, observing, building alliances for health and reporting daily. Thank you.

We are not anywhere near the funding mark, however, to prosecute this case for you so that you do not have to face the threat of what these dangerous vaccines can do to you and your loved ones, or the threat of living in a society devastated by either a man-made plague or the devastation of medical gulags and a police state.

We need you continuing help, large or small. If you have already donated to help STOP THE SHOT, thank you. If not, do it now. The law suit is for us all. We all need to do our part.

All donations to the Natural Solutions Foundation are 100% tax deductible.


Thanks for taking the Triple Dose of Vitamin D!

Correction and Repeat Opportunity

In our last Health Freedom Action eAlert I told you about the book written by my remarkable friend, Dr. Leonard Coldwell, The Only Answer to Cancer. I urge you to get a copy of this remarkable book now for yourself and another for anyone you know facing the threat of cancer. But you cannot do it at the link I gave you: I made a mistake. Here is the correct link:


Click here to watch Dr. Coldwell's critically important video: http://www.youtube.com/user/


Cancer is a terrifying diagnosis. Dr. Coldwell has a better idea: cure cancer quickly and permanently. I strongly suggest that you get this remarkable book into your hands.

Giving Silver to Save Silver


Nano Silver is safe, effective and a profound threat to the massive antibiotic industry. Most antibiotics are fed to animals to keep them alive in factory "farm" conditions, creating superbugs and sick food for you and your family. Human antibiotics are over used and increasingly ineffective. Your donations will help us prepare comments for, attend, and, we hope, testify at the EPA's Scientific Advisory Committee 3 day hearing. Their intent is to ban Nano Silver in the US. Ours is to preserve your right to use it if you so choose. Help us keep this part of your health freedom free.

Donate Here


Important Article

Dr. Null, one of the plaintiffs in the STOP THE SHOT lawsuit, and Gale have written an important summary of why the Swine Flu vaccines are a scientific travesty, including the statement from Dr. Laver, who invented influenza vaccines, saying that they are worthless. It is a must read. Click here, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3901.

Thanks for your activism. Thanks for being able to handle tough facts and take action. Thanks for being the Voice of Global Health Freedom.

Oh, one more thing: Health Freedom's Coffee. The holidays are coming - what better gift for yourself, your corporate clients, your friends and your family than Valley of the Moon Coffee, www.ValleyoftheMoonCoffee.org. It is the visible, drinkable evidence that the Natural Solutions Foundation is helping to reclaim the production of food.

We grow it without any toxic chemicals on our shade grown, GMO free, pesticide free magnificent coffee farm in the Highlands of Panama. It is Friendly Food Certified because it is friendly to the workers, the environment and you, the consumer.

Wake up to Health Freedom - Valley of the Moon Coffee. Every bag supports the Natural Solutions Foundation and is 80% tax deductible. It's a little bit of heaven in a cupâ„¢ - www.ValleyoftheMoonCoffee.org.

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD

Medical Director

Natural Solutions Foundation



Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project





CLICK: Take the HealthKeeper's Oath: refuse to participate in using the medical system to create a police state

CLICK: Tell President Obama to rescind dangerous, unnecessary Health Emergency

CLICK: Tell Congress You Want Safe, Labeled Non GM Food! Get Congressional Co-Sponsors for Vital GMO Label, Safety Bills

CLICK: Force FDA to Allow Information About Health and Foods!

CLICK: Stop Compulsory Vaccination

CLICK: Tell Your Legislators to Oppose All Restrictions on Nutritional Free Speech

CLICK: Tell Legislators to Protect You From Dental Mercury

CLICK: Become a Health Freedom Community Organizer

CLICK: Say NO! to Forced Vaccines Sign the Tiburon Declaration


CLICK: Treat Yourself to Health Freedom's Coffee!

CLICK: Shop Our Online Organic Store

CLICK: Visit Our New Marketplace of Recommended Products

CLICK: Order "Nutricide: The DVD" Today

CLICK: Order Codex eBook

CLICK: Order Silver Solution (Go to Products tab and then Silver Solution in left column)

CLICK: Detox Pads are Here! Detox While You Sleep!

CLICK: Increase Stem Cells Naturally

CLICK: Have a Product or Service You Want to Put In Front of Health Freedom Supporters?


CLICK: Join No-Forced-Vaccine Forum

IMPORTANT! Keep Health Freedom Free. Make Your Recurring Donation Now

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