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multiple system atrophy

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Hi Dalbinder, I am currently

treating a patient diagnosed with this condition. He initially came to me in

2001 diagnosed with prostrate cancer aged 57. He has recovered from that and

returned to me in Sept 2011 suffering from MSA. He has cerebellar dysfunction.

He presented suffering with postural hypotension;

urinary incontinence and retention; cold extremities, particularly his arms and

especially his left arm. Sleep disturbance and apnoea. He has difficulty

standing up straight and is very fumbly with his hands e.g. finds it difficult

to fasten buttons on his shirt.

His allopathic medication is Cipralex

(anti-depressant) 10mg; Desmopressin nasal spray 10mg; Solpadol 500mg

(painkiller as required) He takes 4 p.d.

He was also taking Macuna pruriens 350mg; Glucosamine

MSM and Chrondroitin.

When he came in September he was going downhill

rapidly. He had been diagnosed in 2010 but was told he has had the condition

for 3 years. His ultimate prognosis was in 7 yrs after which his speech would

go and he would become immobile. His full mental faculties would remain. His

b.p. was very low resulting in loss of balance and when walking he tended to

want to tilt one way or the other.

I took his b.p. It was 115/95, pulse 52

(cardiovascular index 11,000)

I prescribed Atropa 1-2 dr tds working up to 6dr tds.

Hyoscyamus 4-12 dr tds

His main prescription weekly dose was Schizandra 10, Ginkgo 15,

Bacopa 15, Stachys 15, Scut. lat 15, Ocimum sanctum 15, Rosmarinus 7.5,

Centella 7.5 Dose: 5ml tds ac

He initially took double the prescribed dose of the

main prescription by accident and I had to post him more.

The second

consultation after one month he reported feeling better during the first two

weeks but then his speech deteriorated again after three weeks. He found he had

to think what he was going to say before speaking otherwise his speech was incoherent.

I repeated the total prescription in at this November and posted out the same prescription again in

December. He has telephoned me today to order another batch of medicine and has

reported that the herbs are really helping him.

I hope this is useful for you. Anne

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