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Invitation to Northwest Herbalists- Meeting in Manchester 21/01/12

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Dear All,Happy New Year.Wanted to extend:-AN INVITATION TO ALL HERBALISTS AND STUDENTS and INTERESTED PARTIES in the NorthWEST to :-NORTHWEST HERBAL MEETING on SATURDAY 21ST JANUARY 2012 in Central Manchester at FRIENDS MEETING HOUSE at 1:30pm - 3:30pm. The Agenda so far* Presentation on weightloss from Zest4life* Case studies on Gut Dysbiosis (please bring case studies) * 2012 and beyond for the NWH group? What would we would all like from a regional group?) * Diary of Herbal/ Health - events 2012 (HM week, MOSI etc)* AOBRSVP ASAP - TO Dalbinder 07841 393775/

dalbinderbains@... VENUE: Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount St, Manchester , M2 5NS(see link for map) http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/place?q=Friends'+Meeting+House,+Mount+Street,+Manchester & hl=en & cid=12546400396415601362 Thank YouDalbinder To: ukherbal group <ukherbal-list > Sent: Thursday, 5 January

2012, 17:01 Subject: BBC reply to my complaint

I have finally got a reply from the BBC concerning my complaint about the 'You and Yours' broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on 10 August. "You mention that “Prof Theo Raynor was interviewed on yesterday morning on Radio 4 talking about the dangers of herbal medicine†I have to say that I don’t think that was the case. Professor Raynor was talking about his research into badly labelled herbal medicine. He did not say that herbal medicine was dangerous, but that some herbal remedies were badly labelled and patients were sometimes buying products without full knowledge

of what the remedies contained.We recognise that there are strong opinions about the use of herbal remedies. We attempt to achieve a fair reflection of the various valid opinions on a large subject like this over a

period of time and we have regularly reported the views of bodies like The National Institute of Medical Herbalists." Anne

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