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Fw: michele, Secret Chemicals. Babies Born In April Prone To MS. Cancer Danger With Airport X-Rays..

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From: Health Freedom Alliance <support@...>Subject: michele, Secret Chemicals. Babies Born In April Prone To MS. Cancer Danger With Airport X-Rays.."michele Horton" <epifany97523@...>Date: Friday, January 8, 2010, 11:15 AM

Health Freedom Alliance Alert: January 8, 2010

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January 8, 2010

Health Freedom Alert:

ish Study Suggests People Born In April Most At Risk Of MS

The Chemical Industry's Secret Chemicals

Cancer Danger In Airport 'Backscatter' X-Ray Machines

The FDA Encourages Big Pharma To Screw Us

For Those Of You Still On The Fence About MMS, You MUST Watch This Latest Video Featuring Guest: s Kalcker!

Forward this important newsletter to friends and family you care about!

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Miracle Mineral Solution January Match Special! Get Free Matching Premix (50%) Activator Bottles For Any Family 5 & 10 Pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Miracle Mineral Solution (Premium Pharmaceutical Grade)â„¢ Premixed 50% Citric Acid Solution. New 1 to 1 mixing (instead of 1 to 5)

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ish Study Suggests People Born In April Most At Risk Of MS

There are so many studies out there proving that the "Sunshine Vitamin," vitamin D, is beneficial to your health that it almost a full time job keeping up with them. Now a new study out of Scotland suggests Vitamin D is also benifial to your children before they are even born!

ish Scientists have discovered that babies born during April are at a higher risk of being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) later in life. The results of the study, , suggest that mothers pregnant during the dark autumn and winter months were most likely to give birth to those who would develop the condition. The reason is simple, no sunshine, no vitamin D!Click here for more information >>>http://blogs.healthfreedomalliance.org/scottish-study-suggests-people-born-in-april-most-at-risk-of-ms/

Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) is a powerful and selective biocide which will help you if you receive an attenuated vaccine. In the event that your vaccine carries Mercury, you may also benefit from the oxidative properties of ClO2. Chlorine Dioxide is FDA approved for municipalities to purify water and to be use as a sanitizer by meat, fish and vegetable packaging plants. It is quickly becoming the method of choice for state and private hospitals not just for its superior ability to kill all kinds of bacteria including but not limited to resistant strains ('superbugs'), viruses and other pathogens but also because of Chlorine Dioxide's harmless toxicity levels. With the publication of Jim Humble's book Chlorine Dioxide has been readily available to purchase on the internet under the name Miracle Mineral Solution or MMS. It is recommended that you buy from a reputable source such as http://www.MiracleMineral.us/

The Chemical Industry's Secret Chemicals

We HFA we have a file full of FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) requests sent to the EPA on your behalf. We like to consider ourselves guardians of truth when it comes to your health freedom. It is our job to warn our members about the hazardous chemicals that companies put into the environment.

However sometimes our job becomes almost impossible due to a subsection in the Toxic Substance Control Act that so far has allowed the chemical industry to stamp a "trade secret" claim on the identity of two-thirds of all chemicals introduced to the market in the last 27 years.

The public has no access to any information about approximately 17,000 of the more than 83,000 chemicals on the master inventory compiled by the EPA. These include substances used in numerous consumer and children's products.Click here for more information >>>http://blogs.healthfreedomalliance.org/the-chemical-industrys-secret-chemicals/

Cancer Danger In Airport 'Backscatter' X-Ray Machines

A short time ago there was a lot of controversy over the risks of radiation exposure due to mammograms, CT scans and all medical xrays. Today there seems to be a lot of controversy over the recent attempted terrorist attack on a plane bound for Detroit and how to prevent these attacks in the future. One of the solutions is full body scans, with you guessed it, a xray machine.

Right now the controversy seems to be centered around privacy issues . A so called virtual "strip search." But what nobody seems to be talking about is the dangers of radiation. Drawing on sources like The Mayo Clinic and The Radiological Society of North America as well as interviews with prominent radiologists, molecular biologists, and medical doctors, ionizing (penetrating) radiation in any dose, no matter how tiny, causes genetic mutations, which set all living cells exposed on the path to cancer. X-rays are considered ionizing radiation. Kind of makes you want to take a train.Click here for more information >>>http://blogs.healthfreedomalliance.org//cancer-danger-in-airport-backscatter-x-ray-machines/

The FDA Encourages Big Pharma To Screw Us

In a time when the government says they want to make healthcare cheaper it seems someone forget to tell the FDA. The government agency is on a mission to get all non approved FDA drugs off the market. Many of these drugs have been around a long time, are cheap and are helping patients that need them.

However the FDA is encouraging Big Pharma to apply for FDA approval of a "branded" version of drugs that are already on the market. Once this approval is given the new FDA approved version cost more and the old version is now illegal to sell and the pharmaceutical companies sue to keep it of the market.

A case in point is Philadelphia-based URL Pharma, one of many drug makers that used to sell a non approved drug called colchicine. But recently URL Pharma won FDA approval for a branded version of the drug called Colcrys, which sells for about $4.50 a tablet - nearly 50 times the price of the unapproved version and the company is now suing other drug makers to remove the very same unbranded version that they used to sell!Click here for more information >>>http://blogs.healthfreedomalliance.org/blog/the-fda-encorages-big-pharma-to-screw-us/

Food Inc.: A Participant Guide: How Industrial Food is Making Us Sicker, Fatter, and Poorer- And What You Can Do About It

Expanding on the film's themes, the book Food, Inc. will answer those questions through a series of challenging essays by leading experts and thinkers. This book will encourage those inspired by the film to learn more about the issues, and act to change the world.

Food, Inc. DVD - Hungry For Change?

Featuring interviews with such experts as Schlosser (Fast Food Nation), Pollan (The Omnivore's Dilemma) along with forward thinking social entrepreneurs like Stonyfield Farms' Hirschberg and Polyface Farms' Joe Salatin, Food, Inc. reveals surprising - and often shocking truths - about what we eat, how it's produced, who we have become as a nation and where we are going from here.

*The DVD will be shipped upon DVD release

Food Inc.: A Participant Guide & Food Inc. DVD

With this combination pack, you can read into the specifics of what the movie didn't include and also have the movie along side of it. This way you can enjoy the movie without thinking that there was something left out.

*The DVD will be shipped to you upon release

We feature a report exposing the failed link between vaccines and the reduction of childhood diseases (or flu). Indeed, the true credit for the reduction in childhood disease is shown to be more a function of improvements in sanitation and living with clean potable water than anything which could be attributed to vaccines. In this report, Dr. who served as director of NIH is quoted as saying "the only safe vaccine is one that is never used." It goes on to expose the dirty little secrets about vaccines. More >>> http://blogs.healthfreedomalliance.org/why-you-should-avoid-taking-vaccines/

For a small donation get "Vaccine Nation" produced by our good friend Null, Ph.D. This documentary film clearly illustrates the health damage suffered by our innocent children, due to unnecessary vaccinations and gives you the information you need to speak intelligently and forcefully on the subject of childhood vaccinations. We only have a limited supply of these DVD's so they are only available while supplies last.

For for a limited time receive a 2 Disk DVD set "The Future of Food" with your donation. Shot on location in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, THE FUTURE OF FOOD examines the complex web of market and political forces that are changing what we eat as huge multinational corporations seek to control the world's food system. The film also explores alternatives to large-scale industrial agriculture, placing organic and sustainable agriculture as real solutions to the farm crisis today.

Also for a limited time receive "Understanding MMS" with your donation. More than 200,000 Americans are using The Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS). Thousands of lives have been saved (Over 75,000 from Malaria in Africa alone). Reports of overcoming 'incurable' diseases are happening every day! With ever looming threat of bio-warfare and Bird flu (and now Swine Flu), MMS should be in every home. To read about Mirace Mineral Supplement follow the link below. http://blogs.healthfreedomalliance.org/miracle-mineral-supplement/ We've asked for a special

discount on MMS for HFA members and now have a special order page for members! Up to 15% savings on MMS! Go here to stock up while you can at this price http://MiracleMineral.us/?cid=hfa

Your donations make all of these timely advances possible! Your continued support is the fuel that drives Health Freedom Alliance. Thank you for forwarding emails to your friends and family! Keep up the good work!

We are all invested in this fight. Each of us will be affected by its outcome. Each of us can make a difference!Thank you Freedom Fighters!

Cowles IIMedia DirectorHealth Freedom AllianceHealth & Wellness FoundationCHAD Foundation

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