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Re: Weigh Ins?

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If they do have weigh ins, I have never heard of it, the answer would be a qualified "no".

Weigh Ins?

Did someone say this group has weigh ins on Thursdays?I apologize if I have dragged this group too far afield off topic. I really am interested in walking and weight loss and I will try to get to that subject!Janet

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Hi , Janet, Elaine, Jane and everyone else: I have been enjoying the off topics very much and I hope you keep it up.

To me---it would be very boring just talking constantly about our weight problems. Although, I do like to read suggestions and recipes and how differently we all are about the way we go about TRYING to reach our goals.

Now about the subjects of animal cruelty. I am glad people are getting involved with that. It is heart breaking to see how some animals, dogs especially, are mistreated. For the life of me I can't understand why people want to have dogs and then keep them cooped up for days on end in a tiny little fence and very little shelter. It gets very hot and humid down here in the summer and people have dogs cooped up in tiny fences in the hot sun. They probably don't even have fresh water. Then there is the other extreme where people DROP OFF animals in someone's yard hoping they will take them in and take care of them. If I could afford to I would take them all in.

I live with my sister in a 100 year old house that needs lots of work but I love it. BUT MOST OF ALL I love that we have 7 acres of land with LOTS of trees - there is an OLD barn that is about ready to fall it and of course we can't afford to fix it up. We are lucky that we have all of this but yet we are right in town - right on the highway with the water tower right across the highway from us with fire hydrants right there. I can take my two dogs AND cat for a walk down the driveway and they get quite a bit of exercise. I do this three times a day. We live less than a mile from a walking biking trail that used to be an old railroad track. I haven't walked it since I had my knee surgery but I am hoping to start doing it this spring.

We had a lab mix (half black lab half german shepherd) her name was Moon. I don't know why she was named that but the people that had her supposedly named her that after moon dogs (a hot dog stand I think). I took care of her as a tiny puppy when I had my pet-sitting business. The couple were professionals and they traveled a lot. When they were in town I just walked her at her place but when they were out of town I brought her to my house (UP NORTH - a Chicago suburb) - eventually the couple decided since they hardly ever saw each other anyway they would separate. They wanted to make sure Moon would be taken care of so they asked if I would take her. They paid me $500.00 to take her BUT I would have taken her anyway. We loved her very much - She loved nothing better than to play ball. I have a picture of her carrying a BIG plastic flower pot around in the yard. She loved gallon milk jugs also. We lost her last year - She was 14 or 15 years old and her kidneys started failing. She got to where she couldn't stand up and she wouldn't OR couldn't eat. We took her back and forth to the vet and had all kinds of tests done but they couldn't help her. We had to have her put to sleep. It was heartbreaking. However, NOW we still have her playmate, Sasha, part Golden Retriever and part sheep dog of some kind - WE THINK. Also we got a Border Collie, named Lexie, that some people were wanting to get rid of as a puppy. She is a year old now and FULL of energy - she sure keeps Sasha active. Sasha is about 15 now. We have a black cat, named Gizmo, that thinks he is a dog. When I walk the dogs, Gizmo has to walk with us. Gizmo must have been a DROP OFF. We walked out one morning and he was up in a tree meowing. We kept him as an outside cat and fed him and outside until one night he got hit by a car out on the highway. It cost us $500.00 to have his leg set. He has a pin in it. He is NOW an inside cat at night. He loves to go outside and play in the leaves and run around but he is ready to come in at night at feeding time.

WELL - I guess I sure have WRITTEN ENOUGH. I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed ALL the postings and especially the fact that we don't have any of the old sarcastic ones that we used to get. I, too, miss and wonder what happened to her AND and Beth and some of the others that used to write but I can't remember all the names.

I am going to close and go put my black bean soup on for supper tonight. --- Shirley from Southern Illinois

**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape. http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?NCID=aolcmp00300000002489

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Occasionally a few people have done this voluntarily, thinking it would help them keep on track or accountable, but it seldom lasted long.

Did someone say something to you about being off topic?


Did someone say this group has weigh ins on Thursdays?I apologize if I have dragged this group too far afield off topic. I really am interested in walking and weight loss and I will try to get to that subject!


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If they do have weigh ins, I have never heard of it, the answer would be a qualified "no".

ok, I must be confusing this group with a group I joined on Sparkpeople. Sorry about that.

JanetStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Did someone say something to you about being off topic

No Elaine, I was just concerned about it because this is a new group for me and I when I get on the subject of animal welfare I know I get on my soap box and get carried away and I did not want to offend anyone. People who have known me for a while know about this weakness, but I did not intend to make it apparent quite so soon!

JanetStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Janet, it is a human weakness....do you mean to tell us you are human?!?!?!? lololol We really do not care, I can think of nothing duller then people who only discuss one subject. Besides, it is all about weight if you realize it, because it is part of who we are and what makes us that way. One of the things about this group that keeps me here is the fact that we all have such similar AND varying view points. And that most of us accept that.


In a message dated 1/7/2008 12:58:21 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, elrolegmail writes:

Did someone say something to you about being off topic

No Elaine, I was just concerned about it because this is a new group for me and I when I get on the subject of animal welfare I know I get on my soap box and get carried away and I did not want to offend anyone. People who have known me for a while know about this weakness, but I did not intend to make it apparent quite so soon!


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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still get a little guilty, panicky feeling gong off

See what I mean??? And I'm new here!

JanetStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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had amazed me that people had joined the group and when they didn't like what they found here, complained as though we should all change for them. It would have

My dog group used to be strict about people getting too far off topic, but now people have known each other for several years and the rules have really relaxed. My Reiki group puts out a warning every week to people to STAY ON TOPIC. They want you talking about nothing but Reiki, but I can understand that with that particular group. I had no idea how things are in here of course.

JanetStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Remember when we would get lambasted by people for getting off topic? Not , of course, she is a sweetheart. BTW, what happened to her? Is she not the moderator here anymore? I still get a little guilty, panicky feeling gong off topic, but have been feeling so strongly about the subject that I type on.


Re: Weigh Ins?

Occasionally a few people have done this voluntarily, thinking it would help them keep on track or accountable, but it seldom lasted long.

Did someone say something to you about being off topic?


Did someone say this group has weigh ins on Thursdays?I apologize if I have dragged this group too far afield off topic. I really am interested in walking and weight loss and I will try to get to that subject! Janet

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yes, I remember it well, . That's why I asked Janet if anyone had said something to her. It had amazed me that people had joined the group and when they didn't like what they found here, complained as though we should all change for them. It would have been hard to mold ourselves into what each complainer wanted us to be, lol. Then what, they would have to change themselves for the next complainer? I belong to another group where people join, complain, then ask us to help them find the type of group they are looking for. People are too much, is what I always say, lol.

I miss as well and wonder about her. When we were so fortuate to hear from Shirley I began to hope that , and Beth (and who else?) was lurking out there and were going to speak up. Hope everyone is okay.


Remember when we would get lambasted by people for getting off topic? Not , of course, she is a sweetheart. BTW, what happened to her? Is she not the moderator here anymore? I still get a little guilty, panicky feeling gong off topic, but have been feeling so strongly about the subject that I type on.



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enjoying the off topics very much and I hope you keep it up

Hello Shirley,

Nice to meet you! It's nice to hear about you and all of your animals. There is little danger of me shutting my mouth as long as I find a warm and friendly environment to chat in. My mother swears that unlike other little children, there were no "first words" for me. I just opened my mouth when I was nine months old and started talking in complete sentences and have not shut up since. And I'm starting to get the feeling there are a few people in here who like to chat also! I do get overwhelmed during the week sometimes and don't even turn the computer on for a few days, but I make up for it when I sit down on the weekend on Sunday morning! lol

I was not here when the mean and sarcastic people were but I am so glad they are not here now. I have never understood why some people seem to have to be that way online. Are they that way in their "real" life as well or do they simply come online and say all the nasty things they don't dare to say to real people. It's sad, I have seen them ruin some lovely groups

JanetStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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I can think of nothing duller then people who only


Thank you! I am finding this a delightful group! (after all, people put up with me! lol)

JanetStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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e, can you remember the pagan priestess from England?

This is why we get the reminders to stay on topic every week in my Reiki group. When you get into topics like energy healing you run into a lot of people like this lol

JanetStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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I also share your interesting in living green although I am not a disciplined or proactive

I'm not either , but I am trying to make one thing at a time a habit. I have changed all my ligh bulbs and have a couple of canvas bags to take to the grocery store, but need a couple more. I have almost stopped using paper towels and I am thinking about making a compost heap for table scraps out behind my back fence

JanetStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Elaine, can you remember the pagan priestess from England? What was her name? She had some unusual ideas, but a brilliant mind and a was superb writer.

Re: Weigh Ins?

yes, I remember it well, . That's why I asked Janet if anyone had said something to her. It had amazed me that people had joined the group and when they didn't like what they found here, complained as though we should all change for them. It would have been hard to mold ourselves into what each complainer wanted us to be, lol. Then what, they would have to change themselves for the next complainer? I belong to another group where people join, complain, then ask us to help them find the type of group they are looking for. People are too much, is what I always say, lol.

I miss as well and wonder about her. When we were so fortuate to hear from Shirley I began to hope that , and Beth (and who else?) was lurking out there and were going to speak up. Hope everyone is okay.


On 1/7/08, labtrek1941 <labtrek1941bellsouth (DOT) net> wrote:

Remember when we would get lambasted by people for getting off topic? Not , of course, she is a sweetheart. BTW, what happened to her? Is she not the moderator here anymore? I still get a little guilty, panicky feeling gong off topic, but have been feeling so strongly about the subject that I type on.



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Shirley, Sounds like your fur-friends are well loved. Wish we could share some of that black bean soup with you. Sounds perfect for a chilly night. So good to have you back.

Re: Weigh Ins?

Hi , Janet, Elaine, Jane and everyone else: I have been enjoying the off topics very much and I hope you keep it up.To me---it would be very boring just talking constantly about our weight problems. Although, I do like to read suggestions and recipes and how differently we all are about the way we go about TRYING to reach our goals.Now about the subjects of animal cruelty. I am glad people are getting involved with that. It is heart breaking to see how some animals, dogs especially, are mistreated. For the life of me I can't understand why people want to have dogs and then keep them cooped up for days on end in a tiny little fence and very little shelter. It gets very hot and humid down here in the summer and people have dogs cooped up in tiny fences in the hot sun. They probably don't even have fresh water. Then there is the other extreme where people DROP OFF animals in someone's yard hoping they will take them in and take care of them. If I could afford to I would take them all in. I live with my sister in a 100 year old house that needs lots of work but I love it. BUT MOST OF ALL I love that we have 7 acres of land with LOTS of trees - there is an OLD barn that is about ready to fall it and of course we can't afford to fix it up. We are lucky that we have all of this but yet we are right in town - right on the highway with the water tower right across the highway from us with fire hydrants right there. I can take my two dogs AND cat for a walk down the driveway and they get quite a bit of exercise. I do this three times a day. We live less than a mile from a walking biking trail that used to be an old railroad track. I haven't walked it since I had my knee surgery but I am hoping to start doing it this spring.We had a lab mix (half black lab half german shepherd) her name was Moon. I don't know why she was named that but the people that had her supposedly named her that after moon dogs (a hot dog stand I think). I took care of her as a tiny puppy when I had my pet-sitting business. The couple were professionals and they traveled a lot. When they were in town I just walked her at her place but when they were out of town I brought her to my house (UP NORTH - a Chicago suburb) - eventually the couple decided since they hardly ever saw each other anyway they would separate. They wanted to make sure Moon would be taken care of so they asked if I would take her. They paid me $500.00 to take her BUT I would have taken her anyway. We loved her very much - She loved nothing better than to play ball. I have a picture of her carrying a BIG plastic flower pot around in the yard. She loved gallon milk jugs also. We lost her last year - She was 14 or 15 years od and her kidneys started failing. She got to where she couldn't stand up and she wouldn't OR couldn't eat. We took her back and forth to the vet and had all kinds of tests done but they couldn't help her. We had to have her put to sleep. It was heartbreaking. However, NOW we still have her playmate, Sasha, part Golden Retriever and part sheep dog of some kind - WE THINK. Also we got a Border Collie, named Lexie, that some people were wanting to get rid of as a puppy. She is a year old now and FULL of energy - she sure keeps Sasha active. Sasha is about 15 now. We have a black cat, named Gizmo, that thinks he is a dog. When I walk the dogs, Gizmo has to walk with us. Gizmo must have been a DROP OFF. We walked out one morning and he was up in a tree meowing. We kept him as an outside cat and fed him and outside until one night he got hit by a car out on the highway. It cost us $500.00 to have his leg set. He has apin in it. He is NOW an inside cat at night. He loves to go outside and play in the leaves and run around but he is ready to come in at night at feeding time.WELL - I guess I sure have WRITTEN ENOUGH. I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed ALL the postings and especially the fact that we don't have any of the old sarcastic ones that we used to get. I, too, miss and wonder what happened to her AND and Beth and some of the others that used to write but I can't remember all the names.I am going to close and go put my black bean soup on for supper tonight. --- Shirley from Southern Illinois**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?NCID=aolcmp00300000002489

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I think you are in good company, Janet. I have held back on talking about animals all the time I have been a part of this group, and it is delightful to find like minded people. I also share your interesting in living green although I am not a disciplined or proactive as I would wish.

Re: Weigh Ins?

In a message dated 1/7/2008 12:58:21 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, elrolegmail writes:

Did someone say something to you about being off topic

No Elaine, I was just concerned about it because this is a new group for me and I when I get on the subject of animal welfare I know I get on my soap box and get carried away and I did not want to offend anyone. People who have known me for a while know about this weakness, but I did not intend to make it apparent quite so soon!


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Your animals and 7 acres sound wonderful, Shirley. It's so nice to read your long post and learn more about you.

I've belonged to a list in the past that was oriented to losing weight and that's pretty much what people talked about. Very nice people. But there's just so much to say about it. There's little new under the sun about weight loss, other than the newest fad diet and that never interested me. Eventually it just frizzled out.

But we keep this one going by talking about whatever we want to and when something comes up about weight loss or exercise, we are here to talk about that as well.


Hi , Janet, Elaine, Jane and everyone else: I have been enjoying the off topics very much and I hope you keep it up.To me---it would be very boring just talking constantly about our weight problems. Although, I do like to read suggestions and recipes and how differently we all are about the way we go about TRYING to reach our goals.

Now about the subjects of animal cruelty. I am glad people are getting involved with that. It is heart breaking to see how some animals, dogs especially, are mistreated. For the life of me I can't understand why people want to have dogs and then keep them cooped up for days on end in a tiny little fence and very little shelter. It gets very hot and humid down here in the summer and people have dogs cooped up in tiny fences in the hot sun. They probably don't even have fresh water. Then there is the other extreme where people DROP OFF animals in someone's yard hoping they will take them in and take care of them. If I could afford to I would take them all in. I live with my sister in a 100 year old house that needs lots of work but I love it. BUT MOST OF ALL I love that we have 7 acres of land with LOTS of trees - there is an OLD barn that is about ready to fall it and of course we can't afford to fix it up. We are lucky that we have all of this but yet we are right in town - right on the highway with the water tower right across the highway from us with fire hydrants right there. I can take my two dogs AND cat for a walk down the driveway and they get quite a bit of exercise. I do this three times a day. We live less than a mile from a walking biking trail that used to be an old railroad track. I haven't walked it since I had my knee surgery but I am hoping to start doing it this spring.

We had a lab mix (half black lab half german shepherd) her name was Moon. I don't know why she was named that but the people that had her supposedly named her that after moon dogs (a hot dog stand I think). I took care of her as a tiny puppy when I had my pet-sitting business. The couple were professionals and they traveled a lot. When they were in town I just walked her at her place but when they were out of town I brought her to my house (UP NORTH - a Chicago suburb) - eventually the couple decided since they hardly ever saw each other anyway they would separate. They wanted to make sure Moon would be taken care of so they asked if I would take her. They paid me $500.00 to take her BUT I would have taken her anyway. We loved her very much - She loved nothing better than to play ball. I have a picture of her carrying a BIG plastic flower pot around in the yard. She loved gallon milk jugs also. We lost her last year - She was 14 or 15 years old and her kidneys started failing. She got to where she couldn't stand up and she wouldn't OR couldn't eat. We took her back and forth to the vet and had all kinds of tests done but they couldn't help her. We had to have her put to sleep. It was heartbreaking. However, NOW we still have her playmate, Sasha, part Golden Retriever and part sheep dog of some kind - WE THINK. Also we got a Border Collie, named Lexie, that some people were wanting to get rid of as a puppy. She is a year old now and FULL of energy - she sure keeps Sasha active. Sasha is about 15 now. We have a black cat, named Gizmo, that thinks he is a dog. When I walk the dogs, Gizmo has to walk with us. Gizmo must have been a DROP OFF. We walked out one morning and he was up in a tree meowing. We kept him as an outside cat and fed him and outside until one night he got hit by a car out on the highway. It cost us $500.00 to have his leg set. He has a pin in it. He is NOW an inside cat at night. He loves to go outside and play in the leaves and run around but he is ready to come in at night at feeding time.

WELL - I guess I sure have WRITTEN ENOUGH. I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed ALL the postings and especially the fact that we don't have any of the old sarcastic ones that we used to get. I, too, miss and wonder what happened to her AND and Beth and some of the others that used to write but I can't remember all the names.

I am going to close and go put my black bean soup on for supper tonight. --- Shirley from Southern Illinois**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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I do remember her, Shan. She provided some interesting reading. Too bad she's not here now (or is she lurking?) as she would be ablel to give Steve a lot to think about on his current subject.


Elaine, can you remember the pagan priestess from England? What was her name? She had some unusual ideas, but a brilliant mind and a was superb writer.


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Thanks for your good memory, Elaine. I really enjoyed her postings. Shan, if you are out there, we miss you.


Re: Weigh Ins?

I do remember her, Shan. She provided some interesting reading. Too bad she's not here now (or is she lurking?) as she would be ablel to give Steve a lot to think about on his current subject.


On 1/7/08, labtrek1941 <labtrek1941bellsouth (DOT) net> wrote:

Elaine, can you remember the pagan priestess from England? What was her name? She had some unusual ideas, but a brilliant mind and a was superb writer.


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We are almost completely using energy saving lightbulbs, and Becca, my daughter keeps a couple of compost piles going, using leaves, grass clippings and table scraps and occasionally horse manure from the barn. I used to use the canvas bags and sort of stopped. Thanks for reminding me. The paper towels, I use too many and suspect I am not going to get much better on that. I pay a fixed amount for water and so am not as careful as I should be. That is my bad habit that bothers me most and, I think, that will be my #1 New Years resolution.


Re: Weigh Ins?

In a message dated 1/8/2008 2:11:06 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, labtrek1941bellsouth (DOT) net writes:

I also share your interesting in living green although I am not a disciplined or proactive

I'm not either , but I am trying to make one thing at a time a habit. I have changed all my ligh bulbs and have a couple of canvas bags to take to the grocery store, but need a couple more. I have almost stopped using paper towels and I am thinking about making a compost heap for table scraps out behind my back fence


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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I'm going to start carrying thin cloth sacks with me. They squish up small so having one in a pocket or purse is easy. Then whenever I need a bag, i can pull that out. I esp like that when I need a bag for a small item, but for some reason no bag isn't possible. There's that in-between stage that bugs me to have to use a bag from the store.

When possible, I always tell them I don't want a bag. So often the clerk will put the item in a bag, then say, " oh you don't want a bag " or my personal favorite (I say sarcastically) " huh? " Then they take it out of the bag, hand me the item and throw away the bag. Geez, it would have been better to have taken the bag.


We are almost completely using energy saving lightbulbs, and Becca, my daughter keeps a couple of compost piles going, using leaves, grass clippings and table scraps and occasionally horse manure from the barn. I used to use the canvas bags and sort of stopped. Thanks for reminding me. The paper towels, I use too many and suspect I am not going to get much better on that. I pay a fixed amount for water and so am not as careful as I should be. That is my bad habit that bothers me most and, I think, that will be my #1 New Years resolution.



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in the article about the woman who lost all the weight on the

internet, she talked about how a community of online friends gave her

the friendship to lift her low self esteem and bolster her confidence.

Having something to do online gave her a purpose and she started

taking control of her life again. I can only see going off topic as a

benefit in that regard.

We need friends to succeed and as long as people aren't being

negative, getting too hot under the collar or shouting at each other,

I dont have any problems with it. I also dont mind if anyone politely

says they've heard enough and know that no one else here minds either

when someone says they've heard enough.

i also have a hard time keeping up on certain topics because of work &

commuting, I like being informed by such caring people about what's

going on in the world.


> Did someone say this group has weigh ins on Thursdays?


> I apologize if I have dragged this group too far afield off

topic. I

> really am interested in walking and weight loss and I will try

to get

> to that subject!


> Janet














> No virus found in this incoming message.

> Checked by AVG Free Edition.

> Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.17.13/1213 - Release Date:

1/7/2008 9:14 AM


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thanks for the post shirley, i'm so forgetful if people dont repost

their biographies and geographies, i forget everything.

your place sounds lovely and i'm so glad you're another soul who helps

take care of god's little creatures.



> Hi , Janet, Elaine, Jane and everyone else: I have been

enjoying the off

> topics very much and I hope you keep it up.

> To me---it would be very boring just talking constantly about our


> problems. Although, I do like to read suggestions and recipes and

how differently

> we all are about the way we go about TRYING to reach our goals.


> Now about the subjects of animal cruelty. I am glad people are getting

> involved with that. It is heart breaking to see how some animals,

dogs especially,

> are mistreated. For the life of me I can't understand why people

want to

> have dogs and then keep them cooped up for days on end in a tiny

little fence and

> very little shelter. It gets very hot and humid down here in the

summer and

> people have dogs cooped up in tiny fences in the hot sun. They

probably don't

> even have fresh water. Then there is the other extreme where people


> animals in someone's yard hoping they will take them in and take

care of

> them. If I could afford to I would take them all in.


> I live with my sister in a 100 year old house that needs lots of

work but I

> love it. BUT MOST OF ALL I love that we have 7 acres of land with


> trees - there is an OLD barn that is about ready to fall it and of

course we can't

> afford to fix it up. We are lucky that we have all of this but yet

we are

> right in town - right on the highway with the water tower right

across the

> highway from us with fire hydrants right there. I can take my two

dogs AND cat for

> a walk down the driveway and they get quite a bit of exercise. I do


> three times a day. We live less than a mile from a walking biking

trail that

> used to be an old railroad track. I haven't walked it since I had

my knee

> surgery but I am hoping to start doing it this spring.


> We had a lab mix (half black lab half german shepherd) her name was

Moon. I

> don't know why she was named that but the people that had her

supposedly named

> her that after moon dogs (a hot dog stand I think). I took care of

her as a

> tiny puppy when I had my pet-sitting business. The couple were


> and they traveled a lot. When they were in town I just walked her

at her

> place but when they were out of town I brought her to my house (UP


> Chicago suburb) - eventually the couple decided since they hardly

ever saw each

> other anyway they would separate. They wanted to make sure Moon

would be taken

> care of so they asked if I would take her. They paid me $500.00 to

take her

> BUT I would have taken her anyway. We loved her very much - She

loved nothing

> better than to play ball. I have a picture of her carrying a BIG


> flower pot around in the yard. She loved gallon milk jugs also. We

lost her last

> year - She was 14 or 15 years old and her kidneys started failing.

She got

> to where she couldn't stand up and she wouldn't OR couldn't eat. We

took her

> back and forth to the vet and had all kinds of tests done but they


> help her. We had to have her put to sleep. It was heartbreaking.

However, NOW

> we still have her playmate, Sasha, part Golden Retriever and part

sheep dog of

> some kind - WE THINK. Also we got a Border Collie, named Lexie,

that some

> people were wanting to get rid of as a puppy. She is a year old now

and FULL of

> energy - she sure keeps Sasha active. Sasha is about 15 now. We

have a

> black cat, named Gizmo, that thinks he is a dog. When I walk the

dogs, Gizmo has

> to walk with us. Gizmo must have been a DROP OFF. We walked out

one morning

> and he was up in a tree meowing. We kept him as an outside cat and

fed him

> and outside until one night he got hit by a car out on the highway.

It cost us

> $500.00 to have his leg set. He has a pin in it. He is NOW an

inside cat at

> night. He loves to go outside and play in the leaves and run around

but he

> is ready to come in at night at feeding time.


> WELL - I guess I sure have WRITTEN ENOUGH. I just wanted to let you


> that I enjoyed ALL the postings and especially the fact that we

don't have any of

> the old sarcastic ones that we used to get. I, too, miss and


> what happened to her AND and Beth and some of the others that

used to

> write but I can't remember all the names.


> I am going to close and go put my black bean soup on for supper

tonight. ---

> Shirley from Southern Illinois




> **************

> Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


> http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?NCID=aolcmp00300000002489


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Here is another one that is soooo easy if we would just make it a habit. I try but some days I forget. Just click on these two sites daily Click to Give @ The Animal Rescue Site and Click to Give @ The Rainforest Site . I always do those two and there are some others at the Click to give as well.

JanetStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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