Guest guest Posted February 1, 2012 Report Share Posted February 1, 2012 A friend sent me this and I thought it might be of interest to the list Dore Subject: Indian spices for all diseases Spice Remedies for All Disease COLDS Mix a gram of dalchini/cinnamon powder with a teaspoon of honey tocure cold. Prepare a cup of tea to which you should add ginger, clove, bayleaf and black pepper.. This should be consumed twice a day. Reduce theintake as the cold disappears. GINGER FOR COLDS. Ginger tea is very good to cure cold. Preparation of tea: cut gingerinto small pieces and boil it with water, boil it a few times and thenadd sugar to sweeten and milk to taste, and drink it hot. DRY COUGHS. Add a gram of turmeric (haldi) powder to a teaspoon of honey forcuring dry cough. Also chew a cardamom for a long time. BLOCKED NOSE. For blocked nose or to relieve congestion, take a table spoon ofcrushed carom seeds (ajwain) and tie it in a cloth and inhale it. SORE THROAT. Add a tea spoon of cumin seeds (jeera) and a few small pieces of dryginger to a glass of boiling water. Simmer it for a few minutes, andthen let it cool. Drink it twice daily. This will cure cold as well assour throat. AJWAIN/AJMO FOR ASTHMA. Boil ajwain in water and inhale the steam. CURE FOR BACKACHE.. Rub ginger paste on the backache to get relief. GARLIC FOR HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. Have 1-2 pod garlic (lasan) first thing in the morning with water HONEY AND GINGER FOR HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. Mix 1 table spoon and 1 table spoon ginger (adrak) juice, 1 tablespoon of crushed cumin seeds (jeera), and have it twice daily. MIGRAINE. For the cure of migraine or acute cold in the head; boil a tablespoonof pepper powder, and a pinch of turmeric in a cup of milk, and have itdaily for a few couple of days. BITTER GOURD/KARELA IS GOOD.. A tablespoon of amla juice mixed with a cup of fresh bitter gourd(karela) juice and taken daily for 2 months reduces blood sugar. TURMERIC/ ARAD CURE FOR INJURIES For any cut or wound, apply turmeric powder to the injured portion tostop the bleeding. It also works as an antiseptic. You can tie abandage after applying haldi/turmeric. CRAMPS You must do a self-massage using mustard oil every morning. Just takea little oil between your palms and rub it all over your body. Then takea shower. This is especially beneficial during winter. You could alsomix a little mustard powder with water to make a paste and apply this onyour palms and soles of your feet. HEADACHES. If you have a regular migraine problem, include five almonds alongwith hot milk in your daily diet. You could also have a gram of blackpepper along with honey or milk, twice or thrice a day. Make an almond pasteby rubbing wet almonds against a stone. This can be applied to forehead. Eat an apple with a little salt on an empty stomach everyday and seeits wonderful effects. OR When headache is caused by cold winds, cinnamonworks best in curing headache. Make a paste of cinnamon by mixing inwater and apply it all over your forehead TURMERICFOR ARTHRITIS. Turmeric can be used in treating arthritis due to itsanti-inflammatory property. Turmeric can be taken as a drink other than adding to dishesto help prevent all problems. Use one teaspoon of turmeric powder percup of warm milk every day. It is also used as a paste for localaction.GOOD FOR THE HEART Turmeric lower cholesterol and by preventing the formation of theinternal blood clots improves circulation and prevents heart diseaseand stroke. Turmeric can be taken as a drink other than adding to dishesto help prevent all problems. Use one teaspoon of turmeric powder per cupof warm milk every day. It is also used as a paste for local action. GOOD FOR INDIGESTION Turmeric can be used to relieve digestive problems like ulcers,dysentery. Turmeric can be taken as a drink other than adding todishes to help prevent all problems. Use one teaspoon of turmeric powder percup of warm milk every day. It is also used as a paste for localaction.HONEY IS A GOOD CURE FOR ALL DISEASES Mix 1 teaspoon honey with ? teaspoon cinnamon powder and have at night.HICCUPS Take a warm slice of lemon and sprinkle salt, sugar and black pepperon it.. The lemon should be eaten until the hiccups stop. HIGH BLOOD CHOLESTEROL In 1 glass of water, add 2 tbsps of coriander/dhania seeds and bringto a boil. Let the decoction cool for some time and then strain. Drinkthis mixture two times in a day. OR Sunflower seeds are extremelybeneficial, as they contain linoleic acid that helps in reducing the cholesteroldeposits on the walls of arteries. PILES Radish juice should be taken twice a day, once in the morning andthen later in the night. Initially drink about ? cup of radish juice andthen gradually increase it to ? cup. OR Soak 3-4 figs in a glass of water.Keep it overnight. Consume the figs on an empty stomach, the next dayin the morningVOMITING Take 2 cardamoms/elachi and roast them on a dry pan (tava). Powder thecardamoms and thereafter add a tsp of honey in it. Consume itfrequently. It serves as a fabulous home remedy for vomiting. OR Inthe mixture of 1 tsp of mint juice and 1 tsp limejuice, add ? tsp ofginger juice and 1 tsp honey. Drink this mixture to prevent vomiting. ORLimejuice is an effective remedy for vomiting. Take a glass of chilledlimejuice and sip slowly. To prevent vomiting, drink ginger tea. OR In1 glass water, add some honey and drink sip by sip. WARTS Apply castor oil daily over the problematic area. Continue forseveral months. OR Apply milky juice of fresh and barely-ripe figs a number oftimes a day. Continue for two weeks. OR Rub cut raw potatoes on theaffected area several times daily. Continue for at least two weeks. ORRub cut onions on the warts to stimulate the circulation of blood.. ORApply milk from the cut end of dandelion over the warts 2-3 times aday. OR Apply oil extracted from the shell of the cashew nut over thewarts. OR Apply Papaya juice OR Apply Pineapple juice.URINARY TRACT INFECTION In 8 oz of water, put ? tsp of baking soda and drink it. OR Drinkplenty of water, as it aids in flushing out the waste products from the body.OR Drink Cranberry juice. You can also add some apple juice for taste.SINUSITIS Mango serves as an effective home remedy for preventing the frequentattacks of sinus, as it is packed with loads of vitamin A. OR Anotherbeneficial remedy consists of consuming pungent foods like onion andgarlic, as a part of your daily meals. OR Fenugreek/methi leaves areconsidered valuable in curing sinusitis. In 250 ml water, boil 1 tspof Fenugreek seeds and reduce it to half. This will help you to perspire,dispel toxicity and reduce the fever period. OR Tie a tsp of blackcumin seeds in a thin cotton cloth and inhale.TONSILLITIS Take a fresh lemon and squeeze it in a glass of water. Add 4 tsp ofhoney and ? tsp of salt in it. Drink it slowly sip by sip. OR Milk hasproved beneficial in treating tonsillitis. In 1 glass of pure boiledmilk, add a pinch of turmeric powder and pepper powder. Drink it everynight for about 3 days. v> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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