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Different thinking styles

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linda,i need to add a load of health warnings here.critical thinking is a style of thinking almost a philosophy- look it up I'm sure it exists online somewhere.to answer your question - why can't the two exist?clinical thinkers try and see and solve problems- critical thinkers just identify problems- there is a big difference.... Forensic Scientist, Veterinarian.www.forensicvet.comThe information

in this document is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this document by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, except for the purpose of delivery to the addressee, is prohibited and may be unlawful. This document and the content remains the intellectual property of To: "aspires-relationships " <aspires-relationships > Sent:

Wednesday, 11 July 2012, 1:31 Subject: Different thinking styles :I love what you wrote. Why can't both thinking styles have a place at the table? Why does it have to be one or the other. I know you did not suggest this in your post. You just pointed out different thinking styles. Nicely done.Just me.Bill and others would have a clinical approach.....the two thinking styles ( critical versus clinical) can be used to read the same piece of information and get different interpretations. 40 AS critical thinker wannabe..damned biologist by default.The information in this document is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this document by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended

recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, except for the purpose of delivery to the addressee, is prohibited and may be unlawful. This document and the content remains the intellectual property of ________________________________To: aspires-relationships Sent: Wednesday, 11 July 2012, 1:18Subject: Re: Roche has signed an agreement with Seaside Therapeutics to develop new treatmentBill,> > Roche has signed an agreement with Seaside Therapeutics to develop new treatments for autism and other neurodevelopmental conditions such as Asperger's syndrome.> > http://www.inpharm.com/news/173056/roche-signs-research-deal-autism-spectrum-disorders>> Helen, it's the dissemination of articles like this one which *fosters> ignorance* of what autism really is.<snipped>LOL! Didn't I *say* "don't shoot the messenger?"Are you suggesting we practice censorship for the sake of the odd concrete and literal thinker, or do we raise the bar a little higher?

I give our membership credit for a lot more intelligence.Many readers (like myself) may not have an extensive clinical education or background in working with special needs adults but we have *lived* in this world and our communities and we are quite capable of critical thinking.Some members will probably skip over this article entirely, but those who read it, especially those who are advocating for a loved one, or are self advocates, and self advocacy groups like ASAN, would want to know about "research" like this, for a number of reasons. ASAN's concerns are mainly ethical, but also to raise public awareness that the charity dollars you donate to large autism groups, and the dollars you lobbied the government for to be directed towards autism, may not be going to support the autistic and their families, but rather, to research like this.PT Barnum said there's one born every minute, but thinking folks know that Big Pharma

wouldn't be pursuing this if there was no potential to make gain a profit. Desperate parents may cling to the hope promised by snake oil salesmen, but the reality is that autism can't be "cured" - especially not with a pill. It's what a person IS. Groups like ASAN make that very clear.That being said, it's good to have someone with the professional background who can explain "why" such research is flawed. Many members here with more than a passing acquaintance with autism will know that proceeding from the premise that what helps Fragile X will also help autism is wrong. By now most of us have heard about the 2.3 billion dollar settlement against Pfizer Inc. for promoting off-label use of medications. A cautionary tale for Roche. But I digress. Again, to have someone explain exactly "why" it is wrong without having spend hours with "Google" is a time saver. Thanks for that. And we will continue to pass these items on for comment.-

Helen------------------------------------ "We each have our own way of living in the world, together we are like a symphony.Some are the melody, some are the rhythm, some are the harmony It all blends together, we are like a symphony, and each part is crucial.We all contribute to the song of life." ...Sondra We might not always agree; but TOGETHER we will make a difference. ASPIRES is a closed, confidential, moderated list.Responsibility for posts to ASPIRES lies entirely with the original author. Do NOT post mail off-list without the author's permission. When in doubt, please refer to our list rules at: http://www.aspires-relationships.com/info_rules.htm ASPIRES ~ Climbing the mountain TOGETHER http://www.aspires-relationships.com

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your not taking me there linda.....i read it and stopped reading after the tenth sequential adjective....critical thinkers find out the problem......thats my interpretation of it. 40 AS everyone has a solution........very few know the problem. Forensic Scientist, Veterinarian.www.forensicvet.comThe information in this document is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this document by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to

be taken in reliance on it, except for the purpose of delivery to the addressee, is prohibited and may be unlawful. This document and the content remains the intellectual property of To: "aspires-relationships " <aspires-relationships > Sent: Wednesday, 11 July 2012, 1:45 Subject: Different thinking styles


How do U define critical thinking? This is just one explanation. http://www.criticalthinking.org/pages/defining-critical-thinking/766


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Since i have been back in school, critical thinking has been the pitch. NEVER

accept what someone says. Fact check it. Ask questions, think outside of the


Just me.

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,The distinction you posit regardingclinical and critical thinking are interesting. Both types of thinking depend on howwe define things. Clinical thinking is done based on ahypothesis that leads to actions to prove or disprove. either outcomeis a direction to establishing further understanding.Critical thinking requires no hypotheticalrestriction in general. It does not have to prove or disprove anything,just establish logically the potential or possibility. The clinicalthinker then needs to take it further. They are both valuable but are bestemployed as key thinking structures that should be used together.Greg dx AS at 53To: " aspires-relationships " <aspires-relationships >, Date: 11/07/2012 10:42 AMSubject: Re: Different thinking stylesSent by: aspires-relationships linda,i need to add a load of health warnings here.critical thinking is a style of thinkingalmost a philosophy- look it up I'm sure it exists online somewhere.to answer your question - why can't the twoexist?clinical thinkers try and see and solve problems-critical thinkers just identify problems- there is a big difference.... Forensic Scientist, Veterinarian.www.forensicvet.comThe information in this document is confidential and is intended solelyfor the addressee. Access to this document by anyone else is unauthorized.If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distributionor any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, except forthe purpose of delivery to the addressee, is prohibited and may be unlawful.This document and the content remains the intellectual property of To: " aspires-relationships " <aspires-relationships >Sent: Wednesday, 11 July 2012, 1:31Subject: Different thinking styles:I love what you wrote. Why can't both thinking styles have a placeat the table? Why does it have to be one or the other. I knowyou did not suggest this in your post. You just pointed out differentthinking styles. Nicely done.Just me.Bill and others would have a clinical approach.....the two thinkingstyles ( critical versus clinical) can be used to read the same piece ofinformation and get different interpretations. 40 AS critical thinker wannabe..damned biologist by default.The information in this document is confidential and is intended solelyfor the addressee. Access to this document by anyone else is unauthorized.If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distributionor any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, except forthe purpose of delivery to the addressee, is prohibited and may be unlawful.This document and the content remains the intellectual property of ________________________________To: aspires-relationships Sent: Wednesday, 11 July 2012, 1:18Subject: Re: Roche has signed an agreement withSeaside Therapeutics to develop new treatmentBill,> > Roche has signed an agreement with Seaside Therapeutics to developnew treatments for autism and other neurodevelopmental conditions suchas Asperger's syndrome.> > http://www.inpharm.com/news/173056/roche-signs-research-deal-autism-spectrum-disorders>> Helen, it's the dissemination of articles like this one which *fosters> ignorance* of what autism really is.<snipped>LOL! Didn't I *say* " don't shoot the messenger? " Are you suggesting we practice censorship for the sake of the odd concreteand literal thinker, or do we raise the bar a little higher? I give ourmembership credit for a lot more intelligence.Many readers (like myself) may not have an extensive clinical educationor background in working with special needs adults but we have *lived*in this world and our communities and we are quite capable of criticalthinking.Some members will probably skip over this article entirely, but those whoread it, especially those who are advocating for a loved one, or are selfadvocates, and self advocacy groups like ASAN, would want to know about " research " like this, for a number of reasons. ASAN's concernsare mainly ethical, but also to raise public awareness that the charitydollars you donate to large autism groups, and the dollars you lobbiedthe government for to be directed towards autism, may not be going to supportthe autistic and their families, but rather, to research like this.PT Barnum said there's one born every minute, but thinking folks know thatBig Pharma wouldn't be pursuing this if there was no potential to makegain a profit. Desperate parents may cling to the hope promised by snakeoil salesmen, but the reality is that autism can't be " cured " - especially not with a pill. It's what a person IS. Groups like ASAN makethat very clear.That being said, it's good to have someone with the professional backgroundwho can explain " why " such research is flawed. Many members herewith more than a passing acquaintance with autism will know that proceedingfrom the premise that what helps Fragile X will also help autism is wrong.By now most of us have heard about the 2.3 billion dollar settlement againstPfizer Inc. for promoting off-label use of medications. A cautionary talefor Roche. But I digress. Again, to have someone explain exactly " why " it is wrong without having spend hours with " Google " is a timesaver. Thanks for that. And we will continue to pass these items on forcomment.- Helen------------------------------------ " We each have our own wayof living in the world, together we are like a symphony.Some are the melody, some are the rhythm, some are the harmony It all blends together, we are like a symphony, and each part is crucial.We all contribute to the song of life. " ...Sondra We might not always agree; but TOGETHER we will make a difference.ASPIRES is a closed, confidential, moderated list.Responsibility for posts to ASPIRES lies entirely with the original author. Do NOT post mail off-list without the author's permission. When in doubt, please refer toour list rules at: http://www.aspires-relationships.com/info_rules.htm ASPIRES ~ Climbingthe mountain TOGETHER http://www.aspires-relationships.com

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