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The upheaval around here

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Hello everyone,

I would love to write to each of you, but time and health prevent it.

Love you all. My big wonderful cyber family!

I am going to share several post with you in one letter. I am so sorry, but

this is the only way I can write to you. They are parts and bits of letters

to all six of my children, who get one letter. Sorry to lump everyone.

First, I do want to comment on Sandie. I am so sorry she is having trouble

right now. I love her very much. From your letters I gather that she may have

Prinzemetal's or Variant Angina. I know exactly where she is coming from. I

was diagnosed with it in my early forties. It was caught during a treadmill

test. All of your descriptions are right on the money Sherrie. The biggest help

I have received was the channel blocker Cardizem. Now that I am in my mid

seventies I no longer have that pain. I do have trouble now with Gerd, but it is

not the same pain. I will say this in addition. No test show the tiny

capillaries or tips of the arteries. Women can look as if they are as healthy as


horse and are having pain from those tiny blocked arteries. This is a

relatively new finding.

I pray our dear Sharon M. is doing well, and Ron. Jan, I do hope all is

holding it's own with Jim. I haven't been able to keep up, so just know I do

think about you.

(1) July 18th

Hi dear children,

and I took Don to the doctor in Fredericksburg on the morning of the

18th. The Doctor Admitted Don right then and there. So we took him to the

nursing home. We went back again on the 23ed to do all the Medicaid work with

the Lady, and bring Don home, to be here for his surgery on the next morning.

In the mean time I spent many hours getting all the paper work together for


Thursday morning, the 24th, I flew around here getting things packed for me,

(yes, alone. 's family had plans to go to the coast, with my

blessing, as they had been given a free place to stay) I would take Don to have

surgery at 9:30 A.M. All the Squamous Cell Carcinomas were removed, and he has

done well. After the surgery I drove him up to Fredericksburg in a terrible


from the hurricane sending rain up here from the coast. After I got him

situated I told him I would be back for supper. I drove around looking for a

place to stay, and goodness at the prices!

It's a tourist town, and they didn't bat an eye when they told me their

prices. I found one dive at 34.50 a day, but it was filthy! So I stayed in one


one hundred, (and that was cheap) yet, I found a mouse dropping on the

floor. It was a beautiful place and the garden was a delight out my window.


daughter came to look in on me, and I ate fig bars and bananas, and told her

to tell Don I couldn't make it for supper. I was so tired after all the

driving in the rain, and looking for a place, that I went to sleep by six PM.


woke up at seven AM. Except for two trips to the bathroom, but I went right

back to sleep both times. So, I got my hundred dollars worth of sleep. How

about that!

I visited with Don and had lunch with him. We sat on the verandah talking

for quite a while, and it rung my heart out for him when he cried from being

lonely for me. I want to move near him as soon as I can find a reasonable

apartment. I want to keep the house so I can come back to it, but Katy can live

here while I am up there.

It is a terrible row to hoe to take the beginning steps for the end. I want

to be with him all I can. We were always two love birds and still are, so

while I can I intend to keep it so.

Love you all through very tired eyes and fingers,



I just talked to Don, and I could barely hear him some of the time, and at

other times I couldn't hear him at all. He has a picture of me, and said it

was his favorite. He also has my book that I just had bound. He said he has

read about twelve pages of it already. It is 361 pages so he has a lot of

reading, but then, it also has a lot of pictures. He loves his big chair to take

his naps in.

This is so hard on both of us, I just hope he doesn't start begging to stay

home. If he does, I'll relent and keep him here. But, I can't. I just can't.

Oh the agony!


Here is the latest, all you lovable people.

The day of Don's surgery the water main down the road had broken. NO water

for my bath, nor to flush the toilets, nor to brush our teeth. I had been

flying around packing to go up to the nursing home, so I got in Don's cold bath

water as he hadn't pulled the plug the night before. You talk about holler

from that cold water! Then we used it to flush the toilets. (I didn't have time

to heat it) Thank goodness I didn't realize he hadn't pulled the plug. He

bathed in the bath tub, as he felt safe in it.

Fortunately, I had some left over coffee that I heated in the Microwave. I

almost always set up the coffee pot the night before, but I was running my

legs off trying to help Don with his bath the night before, and to get his

clothes, and help him get ready for bed, plus pack some things for me. So I

neglected the coffee pot. We had a half jar of 7up that we used to brush our


Such as it was. Were we having fun yet? (It's a laugh now). I am going to

put a jar of water in the refrigerator.

Yesterday, I visited Don. He cried about being separated from me. He can't

express himself well, but did when he looked me in the eyes while crying, and

pleaded, " Green eyes please come and live with me. " Can you imagine how that

made me feel? I told him I would as soon as I could find a place that is

suitable all around. (clean, and the cost)

Don is fine and in the very best of hands. The man that bathes him and sees

to it that Don brushes his teeth, is superb, and of course Don's Daughter

looks after his other needs. As hard as it is, I am glad he is there.

I have to get my hearing aids, Monday. I find I MUST have them. That two

days with Don, and not being able to hear unless his cheek was touching mine,

was extremely stress producing. That is what wore me out so badly. I am going

to go up and be with Don as soon as I can on Tuesday after I get the hearing

aids. But, this weekend I am going to rest.

Yeah, right! I am doing three loads of laundry right now. Don's bed clothes,


And, I have to get ready by properly packing so I can be a little more


It is something when a situation is all over, how you can look back at the

ridiculousness of it and have a big belly laugh. I sure have over that cold

bath and teeth brushing.

I love you all,



Don was on a tear tonight, and his daughter let him talk to me on the phone.

He was coming to me right now! She let him talk awhile and told me it is

best if I don't

come often as he expects to go home. She told me to stay away until he

becomes adjusted. I have news for her!

He tore me apart with his pleading, and said he was coming to me right now!

He has always done best when I hug him a lot and reassure him. I told his

daughter that. I said he is a scared man-child, and needs lots of hugs. She

said one of the male aids was with him, and was averting his attention to the

TV. I just want to ball. But, I told Don, we both knew this was going to be

hard. Very hard. And, it is.

Tues. the 26th, (my daughter) knows how I feel. So even though Don's

daughter didn't think I should come around very much, took me up

there. We spent the day visiting Don, (which was wonderful,) and we looked for

apartments. We ate lunch and dinner (supper) with him. Sharon had the day off.

Today, Sharon called and said, " Daddy was so much better all day. " She

asked, " Are you are coming up on Friday? " I told her, " I sure am. " She was just

confirming what Don had told her. She said, " He is really looking forward to

your next visit, " and that she would be out of town Friday through the weekend.

It will be Aug 17 before I know how much money I will be getting from Social

Security. So, I can't rent a nice senior apartment near Don until I know. In

fact, I can't rent anything until I know. We found that out when apartment

looking. The woman said she needed a piece of paper stating my income.

Monday, I ran many errands, including pharmacy for Don, until Medicaid kicks

in. Tuesday, , and I, went up there, Joy, joy! We had quite a day!

Today, I drove all over the place trying to find the Social Security office to

find out how much I would actually have to work with.

I nearly fell through the floor. The man's words really upset me. I asked if

I would get even a portion of my husband's check. He said it has to go to the

nursing home. Finally, he said well, it depends on where your husband wants

his money sent. I said it has always gone into our checking account. He said

Well, you will still have to pay the nursing home. I thanked him for being

patient with me, and took my leave.

I tend to believe the woman that set up Medicaid for Don to start with. She

said I would get both of our checks, and that the month that Medicare should

have paid will be covered by Medicaid too. It's a small town and a lot of

strings were pulled to get help for Don. I will wait until the 17th when I have

it in writing and then get a place to live. I am going to be with him! (sleep

in the car? Yeah right!) (grin) I do wish I now had the old camper.

The food at the NH is excellent. A man told he thought so when she

waited for us in the Doctor's office. Well, one person's likes are not

necessarily everyone's. Believe me it IS very good. I am so glad. It is not



Don is wearing a bracelet so that he can't leave. He became very adamant

with me just before dinner, (really, supper to me). He wanted to go out the


way and go home right then! " Just do what I say and come on! " he ordered. So

I walked with him and said, " Honey, I am really, really hungry can we please

eat before we go? " Three more steps and he would have made a scene trying to

go out the door.

But, instead he turned around and we went to the dining hall. After eating

he felt better, and we kissed good-bye. He walked back to his room.

could hardly believe it. That was LBD in action. She has no idea

what went on here at home.

Love a big bunch, and then some more,


So Cyber family there you have it. He is torn up, I am torn up, but we had

to take

the help that has so generously been extended to us. I have my hearing aids

now, and will be able to hear Don. In fact I could when I was there Tuesday.

That was a real blessing.

I do plan to be with him. If I am not left enough money, then I will join

him in the nursing home. Let the kids have the house. Thank goodness I'm not


Love is far more important. And in six weeks I will be 76, so I can do it

just fine. I have already been there enough to know what the place is like.

Tomorrow I will see him, and hopefully stay a couple of days. 'Til later

" gators "

From time to time I will keep you posted. I sure hope this hasn't been too

long to go in one mailing,

Lift your hearts and do a happy dance in your mind (or for real). And

certainly I don't want to forget to tell all of you new family members, " HELLO,


big warm welcome from me "

Love a lot, and sing in your heart,


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Imogene, I can't believe it, but we are just about 30 miles from

Fredericksburg. I must be able to help you, some how. My daughter

has taken our spare room, but I am sure we would be able to manage

something. I know that she is planning to move to Dallas in the not

too distant future, and she doesn't spend every night here, don't do

anything in haste. If you'd like to talk I'll send you my telephone


, wife and cg of Fisher, aged 70. Once a strong and vibrant

man. Diagnosed in July of 2008, but well into it by now.


> Hello everyone,


> I would love to write to each of you, but time and health prevent


> Love you all. My big wonderful cyber family!


> I am going to share several post with you in one letter. I am so

sorry, but

> this is the only way I can write to you. They are parts and bits

of letters

> to all six of my children, who get one letter. Sorry to lump



> First, I do want to comment on Sandie. I am so sorry she is having


> right now. I love her very much. From your letters I gather that

she may have

> Prinzemetal's or Variant Angina. I know exactly where she is coming

from. I

> was diagnosed with it in my early forties. It was caught during a


> test. All of your descriptions are right on the money Sherrie. The

biggest help

> I have received was the channel blocker Cardizem. Now that I am in

my mid

> seventies I no longer have that pain. I do have trouble now with

Gerd, but it is

> not the same pain. I will say this in addition. No test show the


> capillaries or tips of the arteries. Women can look as if they are

as healthy as a

> horse and are having pain from those tiny blocked arteries. This is


> relatively new finding.


> I pray our dear Sharon M. is doing well, and Ron. Jan, I do hope

all is

> holding it's own with Jim. I haven't been able to keep up, so just

know I do

> think about you.


> (1) July 18th


> Hi dear children,


> and I took Don to the doctor in Fredericksburg on the

morning of the

> 18th. The Doctor Admitted Don right then and there. So we took him

to the

> nursing home. We went back again on the 23ed to do all the

Medicaid work with

> the Lady, and bring Don home, to be here for his surgery on the

next morning.

> In the mean time I spent many hours getting all the paper work

together for

> Medicaid.


> Thursday morning, the 24th, I flew around here getting things

packed for me,

> (yes, alone. 's family had plans to go to the coast, with


> blessing, as they had been given a free place to stay) I would

take Don to have

> surgery at 9:30 A.M. All the Squamous Cell Carcinomas were

removed, and he has

> done well. After the surgery I drove him up to Fredericksburg in a

terrible rain

> from the hurricane sending rain up here from the coast. After I

got him

> situated I told him I would be back for supper. I drove around

looking for a

> place to stay, and goodness at the prices!




> It's a tourist town, and they didn't bat an eye when they told me


> prices. I found one dive at 34.50 a day, but it was filthy! So I

stayed in one at

> one hundred, (and that was cheap) yet, I found a mouse dropping on


> floor. It was a beautiful place and the garden was a delight out my

window. Don's

> daughter came to look in on me, and I ate fig bars and bananas, and

told her

> to tell Don I couldn't make it for supper. I was so tired after all


> driving in the rain, and looking for a place, that I went to sleep

by six PM. and

> woke up at seven AM. Except for two trips to the bathroom, but I

went right

> back to sleep both times. So, I got my hundred dollars worth of

sleep. How

> about that!


> I visited with Don and had lunch with him. We sat on the verandah


> for quite a while, and it rung my heart out for him when he cried

from being

> lonely for me. I want to move near him as soon as I can find a


> apartment. I want to keep the house so I can come back to it, but

Katy can live

> here while I am up there.


> It is a terrible row to hoe to take the beginning steps for the

end. I want

> to be with him all I can. We were always two love birds and still

are, so

> while I can I intend to keep it so.


> Love you all through very tired eyes and fingers,

> Mama


> (2)


> I just talked to Don, and I could barely hear him some of the

time, and at

> other times I couldn't hear him at all. He has a picture of me, and

said it

> was his favorite. He also has my book that I just had bound. He

said he has

> read about twelve pages of it already. It is 361 pages so he has a

lot of

> reading, but then, it also has a lot of pictures. He loves his big

chair to take

> his naps in.


> This is so hard on both of us, I just hope he doesn't start

begging to stay

> home. If he does, I'll relent and keep him here. But, I can't. I

just can't.

> Oh the agony!


> (3)



> Here is the latest, all you lovable people.



> The day of Don's surgery the water main down the road had broken.

NO water

> for my bath, nor to flush the toilets, nor to brush our teeth. I

had been

> flying around packing to go up to the nursing home, so I got in

Don's cold bath

> water as he hadn't pulled the plug the night before. You talk

about holler

> from that cold water! Then we used it to flush the toilets. (I

didn't have time

> to heat it) Thank goodness I didn't realize he hadn't pulled the

plug. He

> bathed in the bath tub, as he felt safe in it.


> Fortunately, I had some left over coffee that I heated in the

Microwave. I

> almost always set up the coffee pot the night before, but I was

running my

> legs off trying to help Don with his bath the night before, and to

get his

> clothes, and help him get ready for bed, plus pack some things for

me. So I

> neglected the coffee pot. We had a half jar of 7up that we used to

brush our teeth.

> Such as it was. Were we having fun yet? (It's a laugh now). I am

going to

> put a jar of water in the refrigerator.


> Yesterday, I visited Don. He cried about being separated from me.

He can't

> express himself well, but did when he looked me in the eyes while

crying, and

> pleaded, " Green eyes please come and live with me. " Can you

imagine how that

> made me feel? I told him I would as soon as I could find a place

that is

> suitable all around. (clean, and the cost)


> Don is fine and in the very best of hands. The man that bathes him

and sees

> to it that Don brushes his teeth, is superb, and of course Don's


> looks after his other needs. As hard as it is, I am glad he is



> I have to get my hearing aids, Monday. I find I MUST have them.

That two

> days with Don, and not being able to hear unless his cheek was

touching mine,

> was extremely stress producing. That is what wore me out so badly.

I am going

> to go up and be with Don as soon as I can on Tuesday after I get

the hearing

> aids. But, this weekend I am going to rest.


> Yeah, right! I am doing three loads of laundry right now. Don's

bed clothes,

> etc.

> And, I have to get ready by properly packing so I can be a little


> organized.


> It is something when a situation is all over, how you can look

back at the

> ridiculousness of it and have a big belly laugh. I sure have over

that cold

> bath and teeth brushing.


> I love you all,

> Mama


> (4)


> Don was on a tear tonight, and his daughter let him talk to me on

the phone.

> He was coming to me right now! She let him talk awhile and told

me it is

> best if I don't

> come often as he expects to go home. She told me to stay away

until he

> becomes adjusted. I have news for her!


> He tore me apart with his pleading, and said he was coming to me

right now!

> He has always done best when I hug him a lot and reassure him. I

told his

> daughter that. I said he is a scared man-child, and needs lots of

hugs. She

> said one of the male aids was with him, and was averting his

attention to the

> TV. I just want to ball. But, I told Don, we both knew this was

going to be

> hard. Very hard. And, it is.



> Tues. the 26th, (my daughter) knows how I feel. So even

though Don's

> daughter didn't think I should come around very much, took

me up

> there. We spent the day visiting Don, (which was wonderful,) and

we looked for

> apartments. We ate lunch and dinner (supper) with him. Sharon had

the day off.


> Today, Sharon called and said, " Daddy was so much better all day. "


> asked, " Are you are coming up on Friday? " I told her, " I sure am. "

She was just

> confirming what Don had told her. She said, " He is really looking

forward to

> your next visit, " and that she would be out of town Friday through

the weekend.


> It will be Aug 17 before I know how much money I will be getting

from Social

> Security. So, I can't rent a nice senior apartment near Don until

I know. In

> fact, I can't rent anything until I know. We found that out when


> looking. The woman said she needed a piece of paper stating my



> Monday, I ran many errands, including pharmacy for Don, until

Medicaid kicks

> in. Tuesday, , and I, went up there, Joy, joy! We had quite

a day!

> Today, I drove all over the place trying to find the Social

Security office to

> find out how much I would actually have to work with.


> I nearly fell through the floor. The man's words really upset me.

I asked if

> I would get even a portion of my husband's check. He said it has to

go to the

> nursing home. Finally, he said well, it depends on where your

husband wants

> his money sent. I said it has always gone into our checking

account. He said

> Well, you will still have to pay the nursing home. I thanked him

for being

> patient with me, and took my leave.


> I tend to believe the woman that set up Medicaid for Don to start

with. She

> said I would get both of our checks, and that the month that

Medicare should

> have paid will be covered by Medicaid too. It's a small town and a

lot of

> strings were pulled to get help for Don. I will wait until the

17th when I have

> it in writing and then get a place to live. I am going to be with

him! (sleep

> in the car? Yeah right!) (grin) I do wish I now had the old camper.


> The food at the NH is excellent. A man told he thought so

when she

> waited for us in the Doctor's office. Well, one person's likes are


> necessarily everyone's. Believe me it IS very good. I am so glad.

It is not hospital

> food.


> Don is wearing a bracelet so that he can't leave. He became very


> with me just before dinner, (really, supper to me). He wanted to

go out the back

> way and go home right then! " Just do what I say and come on! " he

ordered. So

> I walked with him and said, " Honey, I am really, really hungry can

we please

> eat before we go? " Three more steps and he would have made a scene

trying to

> go out the door.

> But, instead he turned around and we went to the dining hall.

After eating

> he felt better, and we kissed good-bye. He walked back to his



> could hardly believe it. That was LBD in action. She has

no idea

> what went on here at home.


> Love a big bunch, and then some more,

> Mama


> So Cyber family there you have it. He is torn up, I am torn up, but

we had

> to take

> the help that has so generously been extended to us. I have my

hearing aids

> now, and will be able to hear Don. In fact I could when I was there


> That was a real blessing.


> I do plan to be with him. If I am not left enough money, then I

will join

> him in the nursing home. Let the kids have the house. Thank

goodness I'm not

> materialistic.

> Love is far more important. And in six weeks I will be 76, so I can

do it

> just fine. I have already been there enough to know what the place

is like.


> Tomorrow I will see him, and hopefully stay a couple of days. 'Til


> " gators "

> From time to time I will keep you posted. I sure hope this hasn't

been too

> long to go in one mailing,


> Lift your hearts and do a happy dance in your mind (or for real).


> certainly I don't want to forget to tell all of you new family

members, " HELLO, a

> big warm welcome from me "


> Love a lot, and sing in your heart,

> Imogene


























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My heart goes out to you and Don. I'd like to send the powers that be your

email and show them first hand how difficult it is to have one's loved one

placed in care and then have to figure out a way to be with them on a limited

income. You know, the so called leaders of this world talk a pretty line about

how much they care about the people but when I read stories such as yours I just

get so damned angry.

I do hope that God and good friends will come to your aid and help you and Don

out so that you can be near each other again. I wish there was something I

could do.

Hugs to you both,


The upheaval around here

Hello everyone,

I would love to write to each of you, but time and health prevent it.

Love you all. My big wonderful cyber family!

I am going to share several post with you in one letter. I am so sorry, but

this is the only way I can write to you. They are parts and bits of letters

to all six of my children, who get one letter. Sorry to lump everyone.

First, I do want to comment on Sandie. I am so sorry she is having trouble

right now. I love her very much. From your letters I gather that she may have

Prinzemetal's or Variant Angina. I know exactly where she is coming from. I

was diagnosed with it in my early forties. It was caught during a treadmill

test. All of your descriptions are right on the money Sherrie. The biggest


I have received was the channel blocker Cardizem. Now that I am in my mid

seventies I no longer have that pain. I do have trouble now with Gerd, but it


not the same pain. I will say this in addition. No test show the tiny

capillaries or tips of the arteries. Women can look as if they are as healthy

as a

horse and are having pain from those tiny blocked arteries. This is a

relatively new finding.

I pray our dear Sharon M. is doing well, and Ron. Jan, I do hope all is

holding it's own with Jim. I haven't been able to keep up, so just know I do

think about you.

(1) July 18th

Hi dear children,

and I took Don to the doctor in Fredericksburg on the morning of the

18th. The Doctor Admitted Don right then and there. So we took him to the

nursing home. We went back again on the 23ed to do all the Medicaid work with

the Lady, and bring Don home, to be here for his surgery on the next morning.

In the mean time I spent many hours getting all the paper work together for


Thursday morning, the 24th, I flew around here getting things packed for me,

(yes, alone. 's family had plans to go to the coast, with my

blessing, as they had been given a free place to stay) I would take Don to


surgery at 9:30 A.M. All the Squamous Cell Carcinomas were removed, and he has

done well. After the surgery I drove him up to Fredericksburg in a terrible


from the hurricane sending rain up here from the coast. After I got him

situated I told him I would be back for supper. I drove around looking for a

place to stay, and goodness at the prices!

It's a tourist town, and they didn't bat an eye when they told me their

prices. I found one dive at 34.50 a day, but it was filthy! So I stayed in one


one hundred, (and that was cheap) yet, I found a mouse dropping on the

floor. It was a beautiful place and the garden was a delight out my window.


daughter came to look in on me, and I ate fig bars and bananas, and told her

to tell Don I couldn't make it for supper. I was so tired after all the

driving in the rain, and looking for a place, that I went to sleep by six PM.


woke up at seven AM. Except for two trips to the bathroom, but I went right

back to sleep both times. So, I got my hundred dollars worth of sleep. How

about that!

I visited with Don and had lunch with him. We sat on the verandah talking

for quite a while, and it rung my heart out for him when he cried from being

lonely for me. I want to move near him as soon as I can find a reasonable

apartment. I want to keep the house so I can come back to it, but Katy can


here while I am up there.

It is a terrible row to hoe to take the beginning steps for the end. I want

to be with him all I can. We were always two love birds and still are, so

while I can I intend to keep it so.

Love you all through very tired eyes and fingers,



I just talked to Don, and I could barely hear him some of the time, and at

other times I couldn't hear him at all. He has a picture of me, and said it

was his favorite. He also has my book that I just had bound. He said he has

read about twelve pages of it already. It is 361 pages so he has a lot of

reading, but then, it also has a lot of pictures. He loves his big chair to


his naps in.

This is so hard on both of us, I just hope he doesn't start begging to stay

home. If he does, I'll relent and keep him here. But, I can't. I just can't.

Oh the agony!


Here is the latest, all you lovable people.

The day of Don's surgery the water main down the road had broken. NO water

for my bath, nor to flush the toilets, nor to brush our teeth. I had been

flying around packing to go up to the nursing home, so I got in Don's cold


water as he hadn't pulled the plug the night before. You talk about holler

from that cold water! Then we used it to flush the toilets. (I didn't have


to heat it) Thank goodness I didn't realize he hadn't pulled the plug. He

bathed in the bath tub, as he felt safe in it.

Fortunately, I had some left over coffee that I heated in the Microwave. I

almost always set up the coffee pot the night before, but I was running my

legs off trying to help Don with his bath the night before, and to get his

clothes, and help him get ready for bed, plus pack some things for me. So I

neglected the coffee pot. We had a half jar of 7up that we used to brush our


Such as it was. Were we having fun yet? (It's a laugh now). I am going to

put a jar of water in the refrigerator.

Yesterday, I visited Don. He cried about being separated from me. He can't

express himself well, but did when he looked me in the eyes while crying, and

pleaded, " Green eyes please come and live with me. " Can you imagine how that

made me feel? I told him I would as soon as I could find a place that is

suitable all around. (clean, and the cost)

Don is fine and in the very best of hands. The man that bathes him and sees

to it that Don brushes his teeth, is superb, and of course Don's Daughter

looks after his other needs. As hard as it is, I am glad he is there.

I have to get my hearing aids, Monday. I find I MUST have them. That two

days with Don, and not being able to hear unless his cheek was touching mine,

was extremely stress producing. That is what wore me out so badly. I am going

to go up and be with Don as soon as I can on Tuesday after I get the hearing

aids. But, this weekend I am going to rest.

Yeah, right! I am doing three loads of laundry right now. Don's bed clothes,


And, I have to get ready by properly packing so I can be a little more


It is something when a situation is all over, how you can look back at the

ridiculousness of it and have a big belly laugh. I sure have over that cold

bath and teeth brushing.

I love you all,



Don was on a tear tonight, and his daughter let him talk to me on the phone.

He was coming to me right now! She let him talk awhile and told me it is

best if I don't

come often as he expects to go home. She told me to stay away until he

becomes adjusted. I have news for her!

He tore me apart with his pleading, and said he was coming to me right now!

He has always done best when I hug him a lot and reassure him. I told his

daughter that. I said he is a scared man-child, and needs lots of hugs. She

said one of the male aids was with him, and was averting his attention to the

TV. I just want to ball. But, I told Don, we both knew this was going to be

hard. Very hard. And, it is.

Tues. the 26th, (my daughter) knows how I feel. So even though Don's

daughter didn't think I should come around very much, took me up

there. We spent the day visiting Don, (which was wonderful,) and we looked for

apartments. We ate lunch and dinner (supper) with him. Sharon had the day off.

Today, Sharon called and said, " Daddy was so much better all day. " She

asked, " Are you are coming up on Friday? " I told her, " I sure am. " She was


confirming what Don had told her. She said, " He is really looking forward to

your next visit, " and that she would be out of town Friday through the


It will be Aug 17 before I know how much money I will be getting from Social

Security. So, I can't rent a nice senior apartment near Don until I know. In

fact, I can't rent anything until I know. We found that out when apartment

looking. The woman said she needed a piece of paper stating my income.

Monday, I ran many errands, including pharmacy for Don, until Medicaid kicks

in. Tuesday, , and I, went up there, Joy, joy! We had quite a day!

Today, I drove all over the place trying to find the Social Security office to

find out how much I would actually have to work with.

I nearly fell through the floor. The man's words really upset me. I asked if

I would get even a portion of my husband's check. He said it has to go to the

nursing home. Finally, he said well, it depends on where your husband wants

his money sent. I said it has always gone into our checking account. He said

Well, you will still have to pay the nursing home. I thanked him for being

patient with me, and took my leave.

I tend to believe the woman that set up Medicaid for Don to start with. She

said I would get both of our checks, and that the month that Medicare should

have paid will be covered by Medicaid too. It's a small town and a lot of

strings were pulled to get help for Don. I will wait until the 17th when I


it in writing and then get a place to live. I am going to be with him! (sleep

in the car? Yeah right!) (grin) I do wish I now had the old camper.

The food at the NH is excellent. A man told he thought so when she

waited for us in the Doctor's office. Well, one person's likes are not

necessarily everyone's. Believe me it IS very good. I am so glad. It is not



Don is wearing a bracelet so that he can't leave. He became very adamant

with me just before dinner, (really, supper to me). He wanted to go out the


way and go home right then! " Just do what I say and come on! " he ordered. So

I walked with him and said, " Honey, I am really, really hungry can we please

eat before we go? " Three more steps and he would have made a scene trying to

go out the door.

But, instead he turned around and we went to the dining hall. After eating

he felt better, and we kissed good-bye. He walked back to his room.

could hardly believe it. That was LBD in action. She has no idea

what went on here at home.

Love a big bunch, and then some more,


So Cyber family there you have it. He is torn up, I am torn up, but we had

to take

the help that has so generously been extended to us. I have my hearing aids

now, and will be able to hear Don. In fact I could when I was there Tuesday.

That was a real blessing.

I do plan to be with him. If I am not left enough money, then I will join

him in the nursing home. Let the kids have the house. Thank goodness I'm not


Love is far more important. And in six weeks I will be 76, so I can do it

just fine. I have already been there enough to know what the place is like.

Tomorrow I will see him, and hopefully stay a couple of days. 'Til later

" gators "

From time to time I will keep you posted. I sure hope this hasn't been too

long to go in one mailing,

Lift your hearts and do a happy dance in your mind (or for real). And

certainly I don't want to forget to tell all of you new family members,

" HELLO, a

big warm welcome from me "

Love a lot, and sing in your heart,


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And I love you darling, Sharon,

hope Donnie has his schooling underway for a trucking job.

Love all the time,

Cyber Mom Imogene



> Subject: The upheaval around here

> To: LBDcaregivers

> Date: Thursday, July 31, 2008, 9:41 PM







> Hello everyone,


> I would love to write to each of you, but time and health prevent


> Love you all. My big wonderful cyber family!


> I am going to share several post with you in one letter. I am so

sorry, but

> this is the only way I can write to you. They are parts and bits of


> to all six of my children, who get one letter. Sorry to lump



> First, I do want to comment on Sandie. I am so sorry she is having


> right now. I love her very much. From your letters I gather that

she may have

> Prinzemetal' s or Variant Angina. I know exactly where she is

coming from. I

> was diagnosed with it in my early forties. It was caught during a


> test. All of your descriptions are right on the money Sherrie. The

biggest help

> I have received was the channel blocker Cardizem. Now that I am in

my mid

> seventies I no longer have that pain. I do have trouble now with

Gerd, but it is

> not the same pain. I will say this in addition. No test show the


> capillaries or tips of the arteries. Women can look as if they are

as healthy as a

> horse and are having pain from those tiny blocked arteries. This is


> relatively new finding.


> I pray our dear Sharon M. is doing well, and Ron. Jan, I do hope

all is

> holding it's own with Jim. I haven't been able to keep up, so just

know I do

> think about you.


> (1) July 18th


> Hi dear children,


> and I took Don to the doctor in Fredericksburg on the

morning of the

> 18th. The Doctor Admitted Don right then and there. So we took him

to the

> nursing home. We went back again on the 23ed to do all the Medicaid

work with

> the Lady, and bring Don home, to be here for his surgery on the

next morning.

> In the mean time I spent many hours getting all the paper work

together for

> Medicaid.


> Thursday morning, the 24th, I flew around here getting things

packed for me,

> (yes, alone. 's family had plans to go to the coast, with my

> blessing, as they had been given a free place to stay) I would take

Don to have

> surgery at 9:30 A.M. All the Squamous Cell Carcinomas were removed,

and he has

> done well. After the surgery I drove him up to Fredericksburg in a

terrible rain

> from the hurricane sending rain up here from the coast. After I got


> situated I told him I would be back for supper. I drove around

looking for a

> place to stay, and goodness at the prices!




> It's a tourist town, and they didn't bat an eye when they told me


> prices. I found one dive at 34.50 a day, but it was filthy! So I

stayed in one at

> one hundred, (and that was cheap) yet, I found a mouse dropping on


> floor. It was a beautiful place and the garden was a delight out my

window. Don's

> daughter came to look in on me, and I ate fig bars and bananas, and

told her

> to tell Don I couldn't make it for supper. I was so tired after all


> driving in the rain, and looking for a place, that I went to sleep

by six PM. and

> woke up at seven AM. Except for two trips to the bathroom, but I

went right

> back to sleep both times. So, I got my hundred dollars worth of

sleep. How

> about that!


> I visited with Don and had lunch with him. We sat on the verandah


> for quite a while, and it rung my heart out for him when he cried

from being

> lonely for me. I want to move near him as soon as I can find a


> apartment. I want to keep the house so I can come back to it, but

Katy can live

> here while I am up there.


> It is a terrible row to hoe to take the beginning steps for the

end. I want

> to be with him all I can. We were always two love birds and still

are, so

> while I can I intend to keep it so.


> Love you all through very tired eyes and fingers,

> Mama


> (2)


> I just talked to Don, and I could barely hear him some of the time,

and at

> other times I couldn't hear him at all. He has a picture of me, and

said it

> was his favorite. He also has my book that I just had bound. He

said he has

> read about twelve pages of it already. It is 361 pages so he has a

lot of

> reading, but then, it also has a lot of pictures. He loves his big

chair to take

> his naps in.


> This is so hard on both of us, I just hope he doesn't start begging

to stay

> home. If he does, I'll relent and keep him here. But, I can't. I

just can't..

> Oh the agony!


> (3)



> Here is the latest, all you lovable people.



> The day of Don's surgery the water main down the road had broken.

NO water

> for my bath, nor to flush the toilets, nor to brush our teeth. I

had been

> flying around packing to go up to the nursing home, so I got in

Don's cold bath

> water as he hadn't pulled the plug the night before. You talk about


> from that cold water! Then we used it to flush the toilets. (I

didn't have time

> to heat it) Thank goodness I didn't realize he hadn't pulled the

plug. He

> bathed in the bath tub, as he felt safe in it.


> Fortunately, I had some left over coffee that I heated in the

Microwave. I

> almost always set up the coffee pot the night before, but I was

running my

> legs off trying to help Don with his bath the night before, and to

get his

> clothes, and help him get ready for bed, plus pack some things for

me. So I

> neglected the coffee pot. We had a half jar of 7up that we used to

brush our teeth.

> Such as it was. Were we having fun yet? (It's a laugh now). I am

going to

> put a jar of water in the refrigerator.


> Yesterday, I visited Don. He cried about being separated from me.

He can't

> express himself well, but did when he looked me in the eyes while

crying, and

> pleaded, " Green eyes please come and live with me. " Can you imagine

how that

> made me feel? I told him I would as soon as I could find a place

that is

> suitable all around. (clean, and the cost)


> Don is fine and in the very best of hands. The man that bathes him

and sees

> to it that Don brushes his teeth, is superb, and of course Don's


> looks after his other needs. As hard as it is, I am glad he is



> I have to get my hearing aids, Monday. I find I MUST have them.

That two

> days with Don, and not being able to hear unless his cheek was

touching mine,

> was extremely stress producing. That is what wore me out so badly.

I am going

> to go up and be with Don as soon as I can on Tuesday after I get

the hearing

> aids. But, this weekend I am going to rest.


> Yeah, right! I am doing three loads of laundry right now. Don's bed


> etc.

> And, I have to get ready by properly packing so I can be a little


> organized.


> It is something when a situation is all over, how you can look back

at the

> ridiculousness of it and have a big belly laugh. I sure have over

that cold

> bath and teeth brushing.


> I love you all,

> Mama


> (4)


> Don was on a tear tonight, and his daughter let him talk to me on

the phone..

> He was coming to me right now! She let him talk awhile and told me

it is

> best if I don't

> come often as he expects to go home. She told me to stay away until


> becomes adjusted. I have news for her!


> He tore me apart with his pleading, and said he was coming to me

right now!

> He has always done best when I hug him a lot and reassure him. I

told his

> daughter that. I said he is a scared man-child, and needs lots of

hugs. She

> said one of the male aids was with him, and was averting his

attention to the

> TV. I just want to ball. But, I told Don, we both knew this was

going to be

> hard. Very hard. And, it is.



> Tues. the 26th, (my daughter) knows how I feel. So even

though Don's

> daughter didn't think I should come around very much, took

me up

> there. We spent the day visiting Don, (which was wonderful,) and we

looked for

> apartments. We ate lunch and dinner (supper) with him. Sharon had

the day off.


> Today, Sharon called and said, " Daddy was so much better all day. "


> asked, " Are you are coming up on Friday? " I told her, " I sure am. "

She was just

> confirming what Don had told her. She said, " He is really looking

forward to

> your next visit, " and that she would be out of town Friday through

the weekend.


> It will be Aug 17 before I know how much money I will be getting

from Social

> Security. So, I can't rent a nice senior apartment near Don until I

know. In

> fact, I can't rent anything until I know. We found that out when


> looking. The woman said she needed a piece of paper stating my



> Monday, I ran many errands, including pharmacy for Don, until

Medicaid kicks

> in. Tuesday, , and I, went up there, Joy, joy! We had quite

a day!

> Today, I drove all over the place trying to find the Social

Security office to

> find out how much I would actually have to work with.


> I nearly fell through the floor. The man's words really upset me. I

asked if

> I would get even a portion of my husband's check. He said it has to

go to the

> nursing home. Finally, he said well, it depends on where your

husband wants

> his money sent. I said it has always gone into our checking

account. He said

> Well, you will still have to pay the nursing home. I thanked him

for being

> patient with me, and took my leave.


> I tend to believe the woman that set up Medicaid for Don to start

with. She

> said I would get both of our checks, and that the month that

Medicare should

> have paid will be covered by Medicaid too. It's a small town and a

lot of

> strings were pulled to get help for Don. I will wait until the 17th

when I have

> it in writing and then get a place to live. I am going to be with

him! (sleep

> in the car? Yeah right!) (grin) I do wish I now had the old camper.


> The food at the NH is excellent. A man told he thought so

when she

> waited for us in the Doctor's office. Well, one person's likes are


> necessarily everyone's. Believe me it IS very good. I am so glad.

It is not hospital

> food.


> Don is wearing a bracelet so that he can't leave. He became very


> with me just before dinner, (really, supper to me). He wanted to go

out the back

> way and go home right then! " Just do what I say and come on! " he

ordered. So

> I walked with him and said, " Honey, I am really, really hungry can

we please

> eat before we go? " Three more steps and he would have made a scene

trying to

> go out the door.

> But, instead he turned around and we went to the dining hall. After


> he felt better, and we kissed good-bye. He walked back to his room.


> could hardly believe it. That was LBD in action. She has no


> what went on here at home.


> Love a big bunch, and then some more,

> Mama


> So Cyber family there you have it. He is torn up, I am torn up, but

we had

> to take

> the help that has so generously been extended to us. I have my

hearing aids

> now, and will be able to hear Don. In fact I could when I was there


> That was a real blessing.


> I do plan to be with him. If I am not left enough money, then I

will join

> him in the nursing home. Let the kids have the house. Thank

goodness I'm not

> materialistic.

> Love is far more important. And in six weeks I will be 76, so I can

do it

> just fine. I have already been there enough to know what the place

is like.


> Tomorrow I will see him, and hopefully stay a couple of days. 'Til


> " gators "

> From time to time I will keep you posted. I sure hope this hasn't

been too

> long to go in one mailing,


> Lift your hearts and do a happy dance in your mind (or for real).


> certainly I don't want to forget to tell all of you new family

members, " HELLO, a

> big warm welcome from me "


> Love a lot, and sing in your heart,

> Imogene


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Guest guest

What a wonderful person you are . Write to me personally and

I will get in touch. I am pulling out of here tomorrow morning, and

am going to Knopps #2. Don is in room 111.

Love so very much,


> >

> > Hello everyone,


> >

> > I would love to write to each of you, but time and health


> it.

> > Love you all. My big wonderful cyber family!

> >

> > I am going to share several post with you in one letter. I am so

> sorry, but

> > this is the only way I can write to you. They are parts and bits

> of letters

> > to all six of my children, who get one letter. Sorry to lump

> everyone.

> >

> > First, I do want to comment on Sandie. I am so sorry she is


> trouble

> > right now. I love her very much. From your letters I gather that

> she may have

> > Prinzemetal's or Variant Angina. I know exactly where she is


> from. I

> > was diagnosed with it in my early forties. It was caught during a

> treadmill

> > test. All of your descriptions are right on the money Sherrie.


> biggest help

> > I have received was the channel blocker Cardizem. Now that I am


> my mid

> > seventies I no longer have that pain. I do have trouble now with

> Gerd, but it is

> > not the same pain. I will say this in addition. No test show the

> tiny

> > capillaries or tips of the arteries. Women can look as if they


> as healthy as a

> > horse and are having pain from those tiny blocked arteries. This


> a

> > relatively new finding.

> >

> > I pray our dear Sharon M. is doing well, and Ron. Jan, I do hope

> all is

> > holding it's own with Jim. I haven't been able to keep up, so


> know I do

> > think about you.

> >

> > (1) July 18th

> >

> > Hi dear children,

> >

> > and I took Don to the doctor in Fredericksburg on the

> morning of the

> > 18th. The Doctor Admitted Don right then and there. So we took


> to the

> > nursing home. We went back again on the 23ed to do all the

> Medicaid work with

> > the Lady, and bring Don home, to be here for his surgery on the

> next morning.

> > In the mean time I spent many hours getting all the paper work

> together for

> > Medicaid.

> >

> > Thursday morning, the 24th, I flew around here getting things

> packed for me,

> > (yes, alone. 's family had plans to go to the coast, with

> my

> > blessing, as they had been given a free place to stay) I would

> take Don to have

> > surgery at 9:30 A.M. All the Squamous Cell Carcinomas were

> removed, and he has

> > done well. After the surgery I drove him up to Fredericksburg in


> terrible rain

> > from the hurricane sending rain up here from the coast. After I

> got him

> > situated I told him I would be back for supper. I drove around

> looking for a

> > place to stay, and goodness at the prices!

> >

> >

> >

> > It's a tourist town, and they didn't bat an eye when they told


> their

> > prices. I found one dive at 34.50 a day, but it was filthy! So I

> stayed in one at

> > one hundred, (and that was cheap) yet, I found a mouse dropping


> the

> > floor. It was a beautiful place and the garden was a delight out


> window. Don's

> > daughter came to look in on me, and I ate fig bars and bananas,


> told her

> > to tell Don I couldn't make it for supper. I was so tired after


> the

> > driving in the rain, and looking for a place, that I went to


> by six PM. and

> > woke up at seven AM. Except for two trips to the bathroom, but I

> went right

> > back to sleep both times. So, I got my hundred dollars worth of

> sleep. How

> > about that!

> >

> > I visited with Don and had lunch with him. We sat on the


> talking

> > for quite a while, and it rung my heart out for him when he cried

> from being

> > lonely for me. I want to move near him as soon as I can find a

> reasonable

> > apartment. I want to keep the house so I can come back to it, but

> Katy can live

> > here while I am up there.

> >

> > It is a terrible row to hoe to take the beginning steps for the

> end. I want

> > to be with him all I can. We were always two love birds and


> are, so

> > while I can I intend to keep it so.

> >

> > Love you all through very tired eyes and fingers,

> > Mama

> >

> > (2)

> >

> > I just talked to Don, and I could barely hear him some of the

> time, and at

> > other times I couldn't hear him at all. He has a picture of me,


> said it

> > was his favorite. He also has my book that I just had bound. He

> said he has

> > read about twelve pages of it already. It is 361 pages so he has


> lot of

> > reading, but then, it also has a lot of pictures. He loves his


> chair to take

> > his naps in.

> >

> > This is so hard on both of us, I just hope he doesn't start

> begging to stay

> > home. If he does, I'll relent and keep him here. But, I can't. I

> just can't.

> > Oh the agony!

> >

> > (3)

> >

> >

> > Here is the latest, all you lovable people.

> >

> >

> > The day of Don's surgery the water main down the road had


> NO water

> > for my bath, nor to flush the toilets, nor to brush our teeth. I

> had been

> > flying around packing to go up to the nursing home, so I got in

> Don's cold bath

> > water as he hadn't pulled the plug the night before. You talk

> about holler

> > from that cold water! Then we used it to flush the toilets. (I

> didn't have time

> > to heat it) Thank goodness I didn't realize he hadn't pulled the

> plug. He

> > bathed in the bath tub, as he felt safe in it.

> >

> > Fortunately, I had some left over coffee that I heated in the

> Microwave. I

> > almost always set up the coffee pot the night before, but I was

> running my

> > legs off trying to help Don with his bath the night before, and


> get his

> > clothes, and help him get ready for bed, plus pack some things


> me. So I

> > neglected the coffee pot. We had a half jar of 7up that we used


> brush our teeth.

> > Such as it was. Were we having fun yet? (It's a laugh now). I am

> going to

> > put a jar of water in the refrigerator.

> >

> > Yesterday, I visited Don. He cried about being separated from


> He can't

> > express himself well, but did when he looked me in the eyes


> crying, and

> > pleaded, " Green eyes please come and live with me. " Can you

> imagine how that

> > made me feel? I told him I would as soon as I could find a


> that is

> > suitable all around. (clean, and the cost)

> >

> > Don is fine and in the very best of hands. The man that bathes


> and sees

> > to it that Don brushes his teeth, is superb, and of course Don's

> Daughter

> > looks after his other needs. As hard as it is, I am glad he is

> there.

> >

> > I have to get my hearing aids, Monday. I find I MUST have them.

> That two

> > days with Don, and not being able to hear unless his cheek was

> touching mine,

> > was extremely stress producing. That is what wore me out so


> I am going

> > to go up and be with Don as soon as I can on Tuesday after I get

> the hearing

> > aids. But, this weekend I am going to rest.

> >

> > Yeah, right! I am doing three loads of laundry right now. Don's

> bed clothes,

> > etc.

> > And, I have to get ready by properly packing so I can be a


> more

> > organized.

> >

> > It is something when a situation is all over, how you can look

> back at the

> > ridiculousness of it and have a big belly laugh. I sure have over

> that cold

> > bath and teeth brushing.

> >

> > I love you all,

> > Mama

> >

> > (4)

> >

> > Don was on a tear tonight, and his daughter let him talk to me


> the phone.

> > He was coming to me right now! She let him talk awhile and told

> me it is

> > best if I don't

> > come often as he expects to go home. She told me to stay away

> until he

> > becomes adjusted. I have news for her!

> >

> > He tore me apart with his pleading, and said he was coming to me

> right now!

> > He has always done best when I hug him a lot and reassure him. I

> told his

> > daughter that. I said he is a scared man-child, and needs lots


> hugs. She

> > said one of the male aids was with him, and was averting his

> attention to the

> > TV. I just want to ball. But, I told Don, we both knew this was

> going to be

> > hard. Very hard. And, it is.

> >

> >

> > Tues. the 26th, (my daughter) knows how I feel. So even

> though Don's

> > daughter didn't think I should come around very much,


> me up

> > there. We spent the day visiting Don, (which was wonderful,) and

> we looked for

> > apartments. We ate lunch and dinner (supper) with him. Sharon


> the day off.

> >

> > Today, Sharon called and said, " Daddy was so much better all

day. "

> She

> > asked, " Are you are coming up on Friday? " I told her, " I sure

am. "

> She was just

> > confirming what Don had told her. She said, " He is really


> forward to

> > your next visit, " and that she would be out of town Friday


> the weekend.

> >

> > It will be Aug 17 before I know how much money I will be getting

> from Social

> > Security. So, I can't rent a nice senior apartment near Don


> I know. In

> > fact, I can't rent anything until I know. We found that out when

> apartment

> > looking. The woman said she needed a piece of paper stating my

> income.

> >

> > Monday, I ran many errands, including pharmacy for Don, until

> Medicaid kicks

> > in. Tuesday, , and I, went up there, Joy, joy! We had


> a day!

> > Today, I drove all over the place trying to find the Social

> Security office to

> > find out how much I would actually have to work with.

> >

> > I nearly fell through the floor. The man's words really upset


> I asked if

> > I would get even a portion of my husband's check. He said it has


> go to the

> > nursing home. Finally, he said well, it depends on where your

> husband wants

> > his money sent. I said it has always gone into our checking

> account. He said

> > Well, you will still have to pay the nursing home. I thanked him

> for being

> > patient with me, and took my leave.

> >

> > I tend to believe the woman that set up Medicaid for Don to


> with. She

> > said I would get both of our checks, and that the month that

> Medicare should

> > have paid will be covered by Medicaid too. It's a small town and


> lot of

> > strings were pulled to get help for Don. I will wait until the

> 17th when I have

> > it in writing and then get a place to live. I am going to be


> him! (sleep

> > in the car? Yeah right!) (grin) I do wish I now had the old


> >

> > The food at the NH is excellent. A man told he thought


> when she

> > waited for us in the Doctor's office. Well, one person's likes


> not

> > necessarily everyone's. Believe me it IS very good. I am so


> It is not hospital

> > food.

> >

> > Don is wearing a bracelet so that he can't leave. He became very

> adamant

> > with me just before dinner, (really, supper to me). He wanted to

> go out the back

> > way and go home right then! " Just do what I say and come on! " he

> ordered. So

> > I walked with him and said, " Honey, I am really, really hungry


> we please

> > eat before we go? " Three more steps and he would have made a


> trying to

> > go out the door.

> > But, instead he turned around and we went to the dining hall.

> After eating

> > he felt better, and we kissed good-bye. He walked back to his

> room.

> >

> > could hardly believe it. That was LBD in action. She has

> no idea

> > what went on here at home.

> >

> > Love a big bunch, and then some more,

> > Mama

> >

> > So Cyber family there you have it. He is torn up, I am torn up,


> we had

> > to take

> > the help that has so generously been extended to us. I have my

> hearing aids

> > now, and will be able to hear Don. In fact I could when I was


> Tuesday.

> > That was a real blessing.

> >

> > I do plan to be with him. If I am not left enough money, then I

> will join

> > him in the nursing home. Let the kids have the house. Thank

> goodness I'm not

> > materialistic.

> > Love is far more important. And in six weeks I will be 76, so I


> do it

> > just fine. I have already been there enough to know what the


> is like.

> >

> > Tomorrow I will see him, and hopefully stay a couple of

days. 'Til

> later

> > " gators "

> > From time to time I will keep you posted. I sure hope this hasn't

> been too

> > long to go in one mailing,

> >

> > Lift your hearts and do a happy dance in your mind (or for real).

> And

> > certainly I don't want to forget to tell all of you new family

> members, " HELLO, a

> > big warm welcome from me "

> >

> > Love a lot, and sing in your heart,

> > Imogene

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > **************Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign


> for

> > FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

> > (http://www.fanhouse.com/fantasyaffair?ncid=aolspr00050000000020)

> >

> >

> >

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Darling Courage, your moral support is enough, Thanks you.

Love you,



> Imogene,


> My heart goes out to you and Don. I'd like to send the powers that

be your email and show them first hand how difficult it is to have

one's loved one placed in care and then have to figure out a way to

be with them on a limited income. You know, the so called leaders of

this world talk a pretty line about how much they care about the

people but when I read stories such as yours I just get so damned


> I do hope that God and good friends will come to your aid and help

you and Don out so that you can be near each other again. I wish

there was something I could do.

> Hugs to you both,

Love you


> Courage


> The upheaval around here



> Hello everyone,


> I would love to write to each of you, but time and health prevent


> Love you all. My big wonderful cyber family!


> I am going to share several post with you in one letter. I am so

sorry, but

> this is the only way I can write to you. They are parts and bits

of letters

> to all six of my children, who get one letter. Sorry to lump



> First, I do want to comment on Sandie. I am so sorry she is

having trouble

> right now. I love her very much. From your letters I gather that

she may have

> Prinzemetal's or Variant Angina. I know exactly where she is

coming from. I

> was diagnosed with it in my early forties. It was caught during a


> test. All of your descriptions are right on the money Sherrie.

The biggest help

> I have received was the channel blocker Cardizem. Now that I am

in my mid

> seventies I no longer have that pain. I do have trouble now with

Gerd, but it is

> not the same pain. I will say this in addition. No test show the


> capillaries or tips of the arteries. Women can look as if they

are as healthy as a

> horse and are having pain from those tiny blocked arteries. This

is a

> relatively new finding.


> I pray our dear Sharon M. is doing well, and Ron. Jan, I do hope

all is

> holding it's own with Jim. I haven't been able to keep up, so

just know I do

> think about you.


> (1) July 18th


> Hi dear children,


> and I took Don to the doctor in Fredericksburg on the

morning of the

> 18th. The Doctor Admitted Don right then and there. So we took

him to the

> nursing home. We went back again on the 23ed to do all the

Medicaid work with

> the Lady, and bring Don home, to be here for his surgery on the

next morning.

> In the mean time I spent many hours getting all the paper work

together for

> Medicaid.


> Thursday morning, the 24th, I flew around here getting things

packed for me,

> (yes, alone. 's family had plans to go to the coast, with


> blessing, as they had been given a free place to stay) I would

take Don to have

> surgery at 9:30 A.M. All the Squamous Cell Carcinomas were

removed, and he has

> done well. After the surgery I drove him up to Fredericksburg in

a terrible rain

> from the hurricane sending rain up here from the coast. After I

got him

> situated I told him I would be back for supper. I drove around

looking for a

> place to stay, and goodness at the prices!




> It's a tourist town, and they didn't bat an eye when they told me


> prices. I found one dive at 34.50 a day, but it was filthy! So I

stayed in one at

> one hundred, (and that was cheap) yet, I found a mouse dropping

on the

> floor. It was a beautiful place and the garden was a delight out

my window. Don's

> daughter came to look in on me, and I ate fig bars and bananas,

and told her

> to tell Don I couldn't make it for supper. I was so tired after

all the

> driving in the rain, and looking for a place, that I went to

sleep by six PM. and

> woke up at seven AM. Except for two trips to the bathroom, but I

went right

> back to sleep both times. So, I got my hundred dollars worth of

sleep. How

> about that!


> I visited with Don and had lunch with him. We sat on the verandah


> for quite a while, and it rung my heart out for him when he cried

from being

> lonely for me. I want to move near him as soon as I can find a


> apartment. I want to keep the house so I can come back to it, but

Katy can live

> here while I am up there.


> It is a terrible row to hoe to take the beginning steps for the

end. I want

> to be with him all I can. We were always two love birds and still

are, so

> while I can I intend to keep it so.


> Love you all through very tired eyes and fingers,

> Mama


> (2)


> I just talked to Don, and I could barely hear him some of the

time, and at

> other times I couldn't hear him at all. He has a picture of me,

and said it

> was his favorite. He also has my book that I just had bound. He

said he has

> read about twelve pages of it already. It is 361 pages so he has

a lot of

> reading, but then, it also has a lot of pictures. He loves his

big chair to take

> his naps in.


> This is so hard on both of us, I just hope he doesn't start

begging to stay

> home. If he does, I'll relent and keep him here. But, I can't. I

just can't.

> Oh the agony!


> (3)



> Here is the latest, all you lovable people.



> The day of Don's surgery the water main down the road had broken.

NO water

> for my bath, nor to flush the toilets, nor to brush our teeth. I

had been

> flying around packing to go up to the nursing home, so I got in

Don's cold bath

> water as he hadn't pulled the plug the night before. You talk

about holler

> from that cold water! Then we used it to flush the toilets. (I

didn't have time

> to heat it) Thank goodness I didn't realize he hadn't pulled the

plug. He

> bathed in the bath tub, as he felt safe in it.


> Fortunately, I had some left over coffee that I heated in the

Microwave. I

> almost always set up the coffee pot the night before, but I was

running my

> legs off trying to help Don with his bath the night before, and

to get his

> clothes, and help him get ready for bed, plus pack some things

for me. So I

> neglected the coffee pot. We had a half jar of 7up that we used

to brush our teeth.

> Such as it was. Were we having fun yet? (It's a laugh now). I am

going to

> put a jar of water in the refrigerator.


> Yesterday, I visited Don. He cried about being separated from me.

He can't

> express himself well, but did when he looked me in the eyes while

crying, and

> pleaded, " Green eyes please come and live with me. " Can you

imagine how that

> made me feel? I told him I would as soon as I could find a place

that is

> suitable all around. (clean, and the cost)


> Don is fine and in the very best of hands. The man that bathes

him and sees

> to it that Don brushes his teeth, is superb, and of course Don's


> looks after his other needs. As hard as it is, I am glad he is



> I have to get my hearing aids, Monday. I find I MUST have them.

That two

> days with Don, and not being able to hear unless his cheek was

touching mine,

> was extremely stress producing. That is what wore me out so

badly. I am going

> to go up and be with Don as soon as I can on Tuesday after I get

the hearing

> aids. But, this weekend I am going to rest.


> Yeah, right! I am doing three loads of laundry right now. Don's

bed clothes,

> etc.

> And, I have to get ready by properly packing so I can be a little


> organized.


> It is something when a situation is all over, how you can look

back at the

> ridiculousness of it and have a big belly laugh. I sure have over

that cold

> bath and teeth brushing.


> I love you all,

> Mama


> (4)


> Don was on a tear tonight, and his daughter let him talk to me on

the phone.

> He was coming to me right now! She let him talk awhile and told

me it is

> best if I don't

> come often as he expects to go home. She told me to stay away

until he

> becomes adjusted. I have news for her!


> He tore me apart with his pleading, and said he was coming to me

right now!

> He has always done best when I hug him a lot and reassure him. I

told his

> daughter that. I said he is a scared man-child, and needs lots of

hugs. She

> said one of the male aids was with him, and was averting his

attention to the

> TV. I just want to ball. But, I told Don, we both knew this was

going to be

> hard. Very hard. And, it is.



> Tues. the 26th, (my daughter) knows how I feel. So even

though Don's

> daughter didn't think I should come around very much,

took me up

> there. We spent the day visiting Don, (which was wonderful,) and

we looked for

> apartments. We ate lunch and dinner (supper) with him. Sharon had

the day off.


> Today, Sharon called and said, " Daddy was so much better all

day. " She

> asked, " Are you are coming up on Friday? " I told her, " I sure

am. " She was just

> confirming what Don had told her. She said, " He is really looking

forward to

> your next visit, " and that she would be out of town Friday

through the weekend.


> It will be Aug 17 before I know how much money I will be getting

from Social

> Security. So, I can't rent a nice senior apartment near Don until

I know. In

> fact, I can't rent anything until I know. We found that out when


> looking. The woman said she needed a piece of paper stating my



> Monday, I ran many errands, including pharmacy for Don, until

Medicaid kicks

> in. Tuesday, , and I, went up there, Joy, joy! We had

quite a day!

> Today, I drove all over the place trying to find the Social

Security office to

> find out how much I would actually have to work with.


> I nearly fell through the floor. The man's words really upset me.

I asked if

> I would get even a portion of my husband's check. He said it has

to go to the

> nursing home. Finally, he said well, it depends on where your

husband wants

> his money sent. I said it has always gone into our checking

account. He said

> Well, you will still have to pay the nursing home. I thanked him

for being

> patient with me, and took my leave.


> I tend to believe the woman that set up Medicaid for Don to start

with. She

> said I would get both of our checks, and that the month that

Medicare should

> have paid will be covered by Medicaid too. It's a small town and

a lot of

> strings were pulled to get help for Don. I will wait until the

17th when I have

> it in writing and then get a place to live. I am going to be with

him! (sleep

> in the car? Yeah right!) (grin) I do wish I now had the old



> The food at the NH is excellent. A man told he thought so

when she

> waited for us in the Doctor's office. Well, one person's likes

are not

> necessarily everyone's. Believe me it IS very good. I am so glad.

It is not hospital

> food.


> Don is wearing a bracelet so that he can't leave. He became very


> with me just before dinner, (really, supper to me). He wanted to

go out the back

> way and go home right then! " Just do what I say and come on! " he

ordered. So

> I walked with him and said, " Honey, I am really, really hungry

can we please

> eat before we go? " Three more steps and he would have made a

scene trying to

> go out the door.

> But, instead he turned around and we went to the dining hall.

After eating

> he felt better, and we kissed good-bye. He walked back to his



> could hardly believe it. That was LBD in action. She has

no idea

> what went on here at home.


> Love a big bunch, and then some more,

> Mama


> So Cyber family there you have it. He is torn up, I am torn up,

but we had

> to take

> the help that has so generously been extended to us. I have my

hearing aids

> now, and will be able to hear Don. In fact I could when I was

there Tuesday.

> That was a real blessing.


> I do plan to be with him. If I am not left enough money, then I

will join

> him in the nursing home. Let the kids have the house. Thank

goodness I'm not

> materialistic.

> Love is far more important. And in six weeks I will be 76, so I

can do it

> just fine. I have already been there enough to know what the

place is like.


> Tomorrow I will see him, and hopefully stay a couple of

days. 'Til later

> " gators "

> From time to time I will keep you posted. I sure hope this hasn't

been too

> long to go in one mailing,


> Lift your hearts and do a happy dance in your mind (or for real).


> certainly I don't want to forget to tell all of you new family

members, " HELLO, a

> big warm welcome from me "


> Love a lot, and sing in your heart,

> Imogene


> **************Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign

up for

> FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

> (http://www.fanhouse.com/fantasyaffair?ncid=aolspr00050000000020)



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