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About the kidneys and The Kidney Cleansing Recipes

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I've copied-pasted the info below, to make it a little clearer. Joy


The Kidney Cleansing Recipes

If you do not suffer kidney stones, (lower back pain), but you want to prevent them, DRINK A LOT OF WATER! EAT A LOT OF WATERMELON! Take Care what you are eating!

Sometimes, just a better diet with more water can be enough !

But, also any form of bowel cleansing will also help kidneys !

Lemonade diet is also a Kidney cleanse, Juice fasting is also a kidney cleanse, and any other form of fasting that incorporates a lot of liquids, will in the same time clean a kidney.

Do you need special herbs ?

Only if you have acute lower back pain, clear symptom of Kidney stones (sharp glass like crystals, made of phosphoric acid, or sometimes may include other acids).

In special occasions, you can get a kidney stone crystallized in less then a few days !!!

To melt a stone/stones, you may need a few weeks, or one day with Watermelon Cleanse.

Functions of the Kidney

The two kidneys are part of both the Urinary and Endocrine Systems. They are two of the most important internal organs in the body primarily functioning to filter blood, regulate the urinary system and produce hormones. The process by which the kidneys channel pollutants and chemicals out of our systems by filtering toxic and potentially toxic chemicals from the bloodstream produces urine that carries waste materials from the body. The kidneys maintain a stable chemical balance and internal physical environment for cells by regulating water, electrolyte and acid base balances in the body. [in site cross reference: Salts that heal and Salts that kill for my researched information on restoring acid base balances in the body with unrefined sea salt].

As the primary removal site for potentially toxic and toxic chemicals each kidney contains 1.2 million filtering units called nephrons. Each nephron is the functional unit of the kidney having a glomerulus. In a process called filtration, blood containing waste products enter the glomerulus where the cells extract the water and waste products as urine, as the blood leaves. Blood flows into a network of capillaries surrounding each tubule from the glomerulus where substances that the body still needs such as water and certain salts are restored to the blood. The purified blood is then returned to general circulation throughout the body and waste in the form of urine passes through the ureter into the bladder. Astonishingly the kidneys can filter 500 quarts of blood daily most all of which is reabsorbed returning to the bloodstream.

Elimination of metabolic wastes

Blood pressure regulation

Erythrocyte production - erythropoietin (stimulates red cell production)

Vitamin D activation

Prostaglandin synthesis

Acid - Base balance (excretes alkaline salts)

Fluid balance

Electrolyte balance

What is a "Kidney Cleanse" ?

A Kidney cleanse is a procedure aimed at dissolving Kidney stones - stones formed inside kidneys.

Kidney cleanse can also be used for improving kidney health by flushing out toxins accumulated inside kidney tissues.

There are many different kinds of Kidney stones. Sometimes, it can take days to dissolve them, sometimes it can take months. Sometimes, water is enough, sometimes, you may need several different remedies.

Crystals form in urine from various salts that build up on the inner surfaces of the kidney. Eventually these crystals become large enough to form stones in the kidney (called nephrolithiasis).

Such salts may include calcium oxalate, uric acid, cystine, or xanthine. These salts can become extremely concentrated under certain circumstances: if the volume of urine is significantly reduced (chronic thirst and dehydration); or if abnormally high amounts of crystal-forming salts are present (infection). When concentration levels reach the point at which the salts no longer dissolve, they precipitate out and form crystals.

Stones may also form in the ureter or the bladder. The salts that form these stones are made up of combinations of minerals and other chemicals, some of which are derived from a person's diet.

Signs and symptoms of Kidney stones and poor kidney health

Lower back pain, kidney pain, edema ("water holding"), like lungs edema, arms edema, legs edema, abdomen edema, blood in urine, ...

It takes a lot of liquid to "wash" the inside of your body. Taking it in the form of juice or herbal teas can give you some extra benefits and extra enjoyment, if you learn to make them with variations - especially if you need to produce a gallon of urine a day!

Any edema or "water holding", whether in lungs, arms, or abdomen, also requires strengthening of kidneys with kidney cleansing.

Main symptom of kidney stones is a pain in the lower and middle back (kidney area, or spine), but as that pain can be excruciating, some people may feel the pain in different parts of their body.

There are hundreds of herbal recipes, and many different homeopathic remedies used for cleansing kidney stones.

According to the first hand experience, the best recipe is Edgar Cayce's:

Watermelon Seed Tea for KIDNEY STONES - Kidney Cleanse

Remedy 1695-2

Watermelon Cleanse


The easiest way to cleanse Kidney is to purchase 20 - 100 kg of watermelon (few huge melons), sit in a bath filed with water, eat all the watermelon throughout a day (as much as you can), while continually empting your urinary bladder into the water.

In this way, people have dissolved big stones, and then passed small kidney stones (sand) out of their body

Watermelon seed tea is a diuretic recommended in the Cayce readings, particularly as a stimulant to cleanse and purify the kidneys and bladder.

INDICATIONS AND USAGE Watermelon seed tea was specifically recommended by Edgar Cayce for kidney stones. It was also suggested to simulate underactive kidneys.

CONTRAINDICATIONS No known contraindications.

DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION At least once a day, three days a week, take watermelon seed tea prepared by pouring a pint of boiling water over a tablespoonful of watermelon seed (ground or cut) and allowing it to steep. Let it cool, then strain and drink. If practical, the tea should be made fresh for each use.


But at least once a day, three days a week, do take watermelon seed tea as a part of the water. This would be prepared by pouring a pint of boiling water over a tablespoonful of watermelon seed (ground or cut) and allowing it to steep. Let it cool, then strain and drink. This will clarify those conditions that cause reactions in the kidneys and bladder, for, the lack of eliminations and the slowing up of the circulation causes a greater quantity of drosses to be held in the system, and these need to be eliminated from the body. More will be eliminated through using this stimuli for the kidney activity than in most any way.

Kidney Stones Cleansing Recipe

Celery Seed(Apium Graveolens)

Celery Seed Tea

At least once a day, three days a week, take Celery seed tea prepared by pouring a pint of boiling water over a tablespoonful of Celery seeds (freshly ground or cut) and allowing it to steep. Let it cool, then strain and drink. If practical, the tea should be made fresh for each use.

It is very potent in case of Kidney Stones, and chronic kidney diseases.

Avoid in pregnancy because it is a uterine stimulant!

Celery seeds have a direct action on the kidneys, increasing the elimination of water and speeding up the clearance of accumulated toxins from the joints and so is of benefit in any oedematous condition that accompanies arthritis. It is often administered with Taraxacum radix (Dandalion) to increase the efficiency of elimination by both the kidneys and the liver. Apium is also hypoglycaemic, and as such is helpful in diabetes; this action seems to involve a direct action on the pancreas and its production of insulin. Clinical studies in China have demonstrated a hypotensive action for the tincture, and this is accompanied by increased urine output. The flavonoid apigenin has exhibited significant anti-platelet activity in vitro.

Other common names: Garden Celery, Smallage, Wild Celery

Celery seeds are very helpful for people suffering from an over supply of uric acid. Celery has large amounts of potassium and organic sodium that help to rid the body of waste material by stimulating various sites such as the skin, bowels and kidneys. It re-balances the acid/alkaline in the system and may help prevent certain cancers.

Therapeutics and Pharmacology: Apium is known as a mild diuretic and urinary antiseptic and has been used in the treatment of urinary stones - calculi. It has a calming effect on the gut, and can be used in the relief of flatulence and griping pains. However, whilst it can reduce visceral spasm, it conversely stimulates the smooth muscle of the womb and can bring on delayed menstruation. After childbirth it helps the uterus readjust and encourages the flow of breast milk. The phthalides are the constituents responsible for the antispasmodic, sedative and diuretic actions. Apium has a direct action on the kidneys, increasing the elimination of water and speeding up the clearance of accumulated toxins from the joints and so is of benefit in any oedematous condition that accompanies arthritis. It is often administered with Taraxacum radix (Dandalion) to increase the efficiency of elimination by both the kidneys and the liver. Apium is also hypoglycaemic, and as such is helpful in diabetes; this action seems to involve a direct action on the pancreas and its production of insulin. Clinical studies in China have demonstrated a hypotensive action for the tincture, and this is accompanied by increased urine output. The flavonoid apigenin has exhibited significant anti-platelet activity in vitro.

The volatile oil in Apium has been shown to have antifungal activity, and it is active against many bacteria including Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus albus, Shigella dysenteriae, Salmonella typhi, Streptococcus faecalis, Streptococcus pyogenes and Pseudomonas solanacearum. No activity was observed against Escherichia coli or Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Combinations: Apium combines well with Menyanthes and/or Guaiacum in rheumatic disease. The therapeutic action of Apium is potentiated by Taraxacum.

Caution: Apium should be avoided in pregnancy because it is a uterine stimulant. The volatile oil in quantity is toxic to the kidneys and so should not be used in kidney disorders. Allergic reactions are rare.

Preparation and Dosage: (thrice daily)

GSL Schedule 1

Dried fruits: 0.5-3g or by 1:5 decoction

Tincture: 1:5 in 90% alcohol, 2-8ml

Liquid Extract: 1:1 in 90% alcohol, 0.5-2ml

Additional Comments: In Germany, celery preparations are used to treat loss of appetite loss and exhaustion, and also in the prophylaxis of nervous exhaustion.

More kidney cleases:

Kidney Cleanse from Dr. Hulda ’s book The Cure for All Diseases

Dr. Schulze 5 Day Kidney Cleansing and Detoxification Program

Corn-silk tea is great single herb for increasing urine flow and restoring the kidneys.

Parsley leavses and root tea is commonly used for kidney cleanse

Parsley seeds are also diuretics, and are used for dissolving kidney stones

Lemonade diet is also commonly used for Kidney cleanse

Juice fasting (vegetable juices) is used for cleansing kidneys

Water Cure

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