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It is great to have you here. I'm sure you can give others motivation

too since you are well on your way to completing a challenge.



> Hi everyone!


> I am a BFL Texas Member and I am also on BFL tracker. I found this

> group and joined because I LOVE BFLers. The program and the people are

> awesome.


> I am 35, married, mother of two. I am 5'8 and " used " to weigh 130-140

> with lots of muscle. However, child birth and life happened and I am

> now 155 and lacking the muscle tone I used to have.


> I have done BFL in the past after my first child (1998). I never

> finished the challenge. I am now on day 37 of my first official

> challenge. I went to Livin 10 (the Texas BFL Group) in September and

> was highly motivated. I met several BFL Champions and it gave me

> motivation to finish this challenge.


> I will post my " before " pictures today. I look forward to meeting

> everyone in this group.


> Carol


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HI Carol welcome to the group. There are a great bunch of people here,

willing to chime in and help. everyone has a " used to " weight. And if

you work at it, it can come back. I have a goal of 175, and really

need to egt back on track. I had an injury that was holding me back,

but finally it is all good.

time to hit it and get the real me back.

Good luck and any questions, comments, we're here...

take care




-- In bodyforlife , " Carol " wrote:


> Hi everyone!


> I am a BFL Texas Member and I am also on BFL tracker. I found this

> group and joined because I LOVE BFLers. The program and the people are

> awesome.


> I am 35, married, mother of two. I am 5'8 and " used " to weigh 130-140

> with lots of muscle. However, child birth and life happened and I am

> now 155 and lacking the muscle tone I used to have.


> I have done BFL in the past after my first child (1998). I never

> finished the challenge. I am now on day 37 of my first official

> challenge. I went to Livin 10 (the Texas BFL Group) in September and

> was highly motivated. I met several BFL Champions and it gave me

> motivation to finish this challenge.


> I will post my " before " pictures today. I look forward to meeting

> everyone in this group.


> Carol


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I'm always doing a " challenge " but it is no longer a BFL challenge. I

have one more big race to run with Hugh (at his pace). Then I hope to

give myself a few weeks to recover from what I have put my body

through this fall running 3 marathons and 1 ultra since September. Of

course recovery means doing my full weight workout and running some

easy miles. Then I am planning for next year:

Lose - 3 to 5 lbs (actually this year is good for this goal)

Increase average weekly running by 10 miles for 2008

Run the Boston Marathon in April

Run Berryman Trail 50 miler in May

Run Twin Cities Marathon in October

Of course there will be more races, but those are the main ones I'm

going to target.


> I'd like to hear from more folks and whether they are doing a

challenge or

> are in maintenance mode (which is really just a challenge in and of



> Brett

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  • 2 months later...

Hi everyone, I just joined several lists and wanted to introduce myself!

I am Mandy Landon and I am 27. I have gained a lot of weight due to

some family problems, and of course, just plain over eating! I want to

loose 100 to 120 pounds and keep it off! So, I have joined some lists

to help me through encouragement, ideas, and motivation. I am married

and we have two daughters and one boy. The girls are 3 and 5 and my

son is 1 and half. I want to set a good example for them. None of my

children have any weight problems and I want to insure we keep it that

way. I did not gain much weight with the first two, but, wow, my son

put almost 60 pounds on me. At least I am blaming it on him. Hehe

Anyway, thanks for letting me join the list. I most likely will just

lurk and learn, except for joining in on any " list activities " . I am

really serious about these 100 pounds! I am not in a hurry though. All

I want to lose is about 1 to 2 pounds a week, so I have given myself a

year to lose those 10 bowling balls. I just received my copy of the

" Steak and Sex Diet " book on CD. Just for fun I ordered it several

weeks ago, and gave it to my husband, who needs to lose about 60

pounds. He got a kick out of it when he opened it on Christmas Eve

after the kids were in bed. He promises to follow it, even the romance

part. I ordered the tame version, but, of course, he wants be to get

the not so tame version. We will see how it goes first! Has anyone

followed it?

Oh, I live in Iowa, and so it is a little hard to do any exercising

out doors for a while, or at least for me. I do not like to go out in

to the cold! Well my husband and I going to start on losing this

weight first thing in the morning, so tonight we are cleaning out the

refrigerator and cupboards. I am going to donate a lot of the stuff to

a senior center.

We are going to watch carbs and fats, and start exercising everyday.

My husband says that he is going to follow the steak and sex diet for

sure. Hehe I am not sure about it yet, but I will begin to look at the

day to day suggestions and recipes. I have read the first chapter and

it was not quite like the name suggests. Not as much emphasis on the

sex as I was afraid of! Of course, with the kids we could use some

help in that area, too. My husband told me Christmas that if we make

the effort to change our eating habits, he will get us an elliptical

machine. Has anyone used them and how do they help? Do you have to

purchase an expensive one? I looked at some at Sears day before

yesterday, and they looked like they were made well, and we have a

Sears card. Has anyone on the list used a Sear's machine?

I know, I know, eating right and exercise, is the key, right? We are

not really going to follow any " regular " diet plan, unless we find one

we like by joining these lists. We have agreed not try any fad diet,

but instead just quit eating as much, and change when we eat and of

course, start moving more.

Thanks again for letting me join, and I will be learning through your

posts and suggestion for sure.


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On the exercise equipment, I do not

The only exercise equipment I have is a yoga mat, stretchy bands, and light weights. And I LOVE FitTV - I get less bored with that than watching the same old tapes over and over, though I do sometimes do Sansome's Walk Away the Pounds. My favorite show is Namaste Yoga. I am completely hooked on it.

JanetStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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I love this group!


>> Hi, it's the newbie. I want to thank everyone for your nice comments> and encouragement, especially those that contacted my off list. I am> sorry that I probably will not be able to get back to everyone> individually. I had no idea that I would get that many emails.If you're viewing the group via email, every response will be sent asan email. it's perfectly Ok to not feel like answering everyone.> I also found out that it is not a> "sex" site or really a "diet", but a "change your life if you want to"> site. One of the first things she says is that diets do not work; only> life changes will. I agree with that, but I am a little slow about> changing my "life", or even wanting to. you only have to change 1 small step at a time :) decide what youwant to change at your own pace. dont let anyone rush you unless yourhealth has to make a decision for you.What I do like about this> "diet" is that the real emphasis is put on planning, planning those> life changes. I am finding that I really like reading what she says> about sex. It is not strange like I thought the title suggests. It> really is just about marriage and the importance of sex with in a> relationship. It is how she is starting me thinking about how sex is> important, but "planning" is the most important steps I can take. no one in my life ever talked about 'planning'. it was always about'dreaming' and then being sad because dreams didn't become reality.it's so good to talk with people on this group and think of things inever would have heard from my family> > Anyway, enough about that, we had a cat die, so I ate like a pig the> last day or so. I know, I know, it's an excuse, but I did just eat. So> now I am back to being serious. I think that means you are at a good place, you know what you did, youknow what you need to do, you know what you should have done andyou're already working on a resolution, that's pretty dang good in mybook.My husband and I did start exercising> everyday. We chose one of the easy fun exercises from the CD and we do> it together.now i'm jealous, i cant hardly get my husband to excercise with me atall. in fact one of my original reasons for my weight gain is becausewhen we were dating he wouldnt leave the house and i felt like i hadto choose between him or exercise. > > Oh, I found the web site for the SteakNSteak Diet: SteakNSex.com.> That's for everyone that asked about it.> > I got to go cook steak! Hehe My husband has told me that he wants to> have sex, I mean steak, every Monday evening like a date.> > Thanks again,> > Mandy he he, wish i could have a date every week with my hubby!laurie Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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> Hi, it's the newbie. I want to thank everyone for your nice comments

> and encouragement, especially those that contacted my off list. I am

> sorry that I probably will not be able to get back to everyone

> individually. I had no idea that I would get that many emails.

If you're viewing the group via email, every response will be sent as

an email. it's perfectly Ok to not feel like answering everyone.


I also found out that it is not a

> " sex " site or really a " diet " , but a " change your life if you want to "

> site. One of the first things she says is that diets do not work; only

> life changes will. I agree with that, but I am a little slow about

> changing my " life " , or even wanting to.

you only have to change 1 small step at a time :) decide what you

want to change at your own pace. dont let anyone rush you unless your

health has to make a decision for you.

What I do like about this

> " diet " is that the real emphasis is put on planning, planning those

> life changes. I am finding that I really like reading what she says

> about sex. It is not strange like I thought the title suggests. It

> really is just about marriage and the importance of sex with in a

> relationship. It is how she is starting me thinking about how sex is

> important, but " planning " is the most important steps I can take.

no one in my life ever talked about 'planning'. it was always about

'dreaming' and then being sad because dreams didn't become reality.

it's so good to talk with people on this group and think of things i

never would have heard from my family


> Anyway, enough about that, we had a cat die, so I ate like a pig the

> last day or so. I know, I know, it's an excuse, but I did just eat. So

> now I am back to being serious.

I think that means you are at a good place, you know what you did, you

know what you need to do, you know what you should have done and

you're already working on a resolution, that's pretty dang good in my


My husband and I did start exercising

> everyday. We chose one of the easy fun exercises from the CD and we do

> it together.

now i'm jealous, i cant hardly get my husband to excercise with me at

all. in fact one of my original reasons for my weight gain is because

when we were dating he wouldnt leave the house and i felt like i had

to choose between him or exercise.


> Oh, I found the web site for the SteakNSteak Diet: SteakNSex.com.

> That's for everyone that asked about it.


> I got to go cook steak! Hehe My husband has told me that he wants to

> have sex, I mean steak, every Monday evening like a date.


> Thanks again,


> Mandy

he he, wish i could have a date every week with my hubby!


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