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Hot Flushes

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When a 49 year old woman came to see me with a serious case of nocturnal hot

flushes, my heart sank. I haven't had too many successes with menopausal

symptoms, which I have found very very irritating.

This time I decided to put her on a Rx just to crank up her elimination etc and

give her one of 's questionnaires to fill in so I could see whether

she had a hot or cold liver etc etc... then hopefully use the following 2 weeks

to match 'menopausal' remedies to her constitution so I could give her a proper

Rx at her next appointment, which was today.

But she came back today and told me that instead of having several hot flushes

every single night, in the 2 weeks of taking my tea and tincture she had just

had a couple of nights with mild flushes.

Plus, she loved the tincture and the tea.

To be honest, she quite took the wind out of my sails and I didn't know what to


It just goes to show how important the routes of elimination are, I suppose.


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MaggieIt's great when it works! I'm sure she was releived.What was her mix? To: ukherbal-list From: maggers_pope@...Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 12:04:11 +0000Subject: Hot Flushes

When a 49 year old woman came to see me with a serious case of nocturnal hot flushes, my heart sank. I haven't had too many successes with menopausal symptoms, which I have found very very irritating.

This time I decided to put her on a Rx just to crank up her elimination etc and give her one of 's questionnaires to fill in so I could see whether she had a hot or cold liver etc etc... then hopefully use the following 2 weeks to match 'menopausal' remedies to her constitution so I could give her a proper Rx at her next appointment, which was today.

But she came back today and told me that instead of having several hot flushes every single night, in the 2 weeks of taking my tea and tincture she had just had a couple of nights with mild flushes.

Plus, she loved the tincture and the tea.

To be honest, she quite took the wind out of my sails and I didn't know what to say....

It just goes to show how important the routes of elimination are, I suppose.


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Tr: Verbena/Tarax rad/Rumex/Arctium/SilybumTea: Motherwort/Calendula/Nettle/RoseNot my usual menopausal mix... Maggie Maggie Pope BSc [Hons] MNIMH MCPPSedgemoor House39 Taunton RoadBridgwaterSomerset TA6 3LPwww.growingmedicine.co.ukinfo@... Growing Medicine is a trading name of Comeytrowe Manor Ltd, Reg in England No. 7042776. Reg. Office 20 Larch

Close, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 2SF To: ukherbal-list Sent: Wednesday, 21 March 2012, 12:38 Subject: RE: Hot Flushes

MaggieIt's great when it works! I'm sure she was releived.What was her mix? To: ukherbal-list From: maggers_pope@...Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 12:04:11 +0000Subject: Hot Flushes

When a 49 year old woman came to see me with a serious case of nocturnal hot flushes, my heart sank. I haven't had too many successes with menopausal symptoms, which I have found very very irritating.

This time I decided to put her on a Rx just to crank up her elimination etc and give her one of 's questionnaires to fill in so I could see whether she had a hot or cold liver etc etc... then hopefully use the following 2 weeks to match 'menopausal' remedies to her constitution so I could give her a proper Rx at her next appointment, which was today.

But she came back today and told me that instead of having several hot flushes every single night, in the 2 weeks of taking my tea and tincture she had just had a couple of nights with mild flushes.

Plus, she loved the tincture and the tea.

To be honest, she quite took the wind out of my sails and I didn't know what to say....

It just goes to show how important the routes of elimination are, I suppose.


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Maybe it should be your usual menopausal mix then! It looks like a logical enough mix to me. I'm really surprised to hear that you would think of hot flushes as tricky because they've one of the symptoms where I feel at my most confident. I think my mixes for them do tend to be very heavy on liver herbs, although I'd probably also have a lot of adaptogenic support most times. 



Tr: Verbena/Tarax rad/Rumex/Arctium/Silybum

Tea: Motherwort/Calendula/Nettle/Rose

Not my usual menopausal mix...



Maggie Pope BSc [Hons] MNIMH MCPPSedgemoor House

39 Taunton Road

BridgwaterSomerset TA6 3LP



     Growing Medicine is a trading name of Comeytrowe Manor Ltd, Reg in England No. 7042776. Reg. Office 20 Larch      

 Close, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 2SF

To: ukherbal-list Sent: Wednesday, 21 March 2012, 12:38

Subject: RE: Hot Flushes


MaggieIt's great when it works! I'm sure she was releived.What was her mix? To: ukherbal-list

From: maggers_pope@...Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 12:04:11 +0000Subject: Hot Flushes


When a 49 year old woman came to see me with a serious case of nocturnal hot flushes, my heart sank. I haven't had too many successes with menopausal symptoms, which I have found very very irritating.

This time I decided to put her on a Rx just to crank up her elimination etc and give her one of 's questionnaires to fill in so I could see whether she had a hot or cold liver etc etc... then hopefully use the following 2 weeks to match 'menopausal' remedies to her constitution so I could give her a proper Rx at her next appointment, which was today.

But she came back today and told me that instead of having several hot flushes every single night, in the 2 weeks of taking my tea and tincture she had just had a couple of nights with mild flushes.

Plus, she loved the tincture and the tea.

To be honest, she quite took the wind out of my sails and I didn't know what to say....

It just goes to show how important the routes of elimination are, I suppose.


-- Robyn MNIMH

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Yes, I agree!I've tended to go for Cimicifuga/Salvia/Zizyphus/Humulus and that sort of thing, having been trained that way. But I've found in practice it doesn't seem to help many women with hot flushes at all.... Maggie Maggie Pope BSc [Hons] MNIMH MCPPSedgemoor House39 Taunton RoadBridgwaterSomerset TA6 3LPwww.growingmedicine.co.ukinfo@... Growing Medicine is a trading name of Comeytrowe Manor Ltd, Reg in England No. 7042776. Reg. Office 20 Larch Close, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 2SF To: ukherbal-list Sent: Wednesday, 21 March 2012, 12:50 Subject: Re: Hot Flushes

Maybe it should be your usual menopausal mix then! It looks like a logical enough mix to me. I'm really surprised to hear that you would think of hot flushes as tricky because they've one of the symptoms where I feel at my most confident. I think my mixes for them do tend to be very heavy on liver herbs, although I'd probably also have a lot of adaptogenic support most times.


Tr: Verbena/Tarax rad/Rumex/Arctium/Silybum

Tea: Motherwort/Calendula/Nettle/Rose

Not my usual menopausal mix...


Maggie Pope BSc [Hons] MNIMH MCPPSedgemoor House

39 Taunton Road

BridgwaterSomerset TA6 3LP



Growing Medicine is a trading name of Comeytrowe Manor Ltd, Reg in England No. 7042776. Reg. Office 20 Larch

Close, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 2SF

To: ukherbal-list Sent: Wednesday, 21 March 2012, 12:38

Subject: RE: Hot Flushes

MaggieIt's great when it works! I'm sure she was releived.What was her mix? To: ukherbal-list

From: maggers_pope@...Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 12:04:11 +0000Subject: Hot Flushes

When a 49 year old woman came to see me with a serious case of nocturnal hot flushes, my heart sank. I haven't had too many successes with menopausal symptoms, which I have found very very irritating.

This time I decided to put her on a Rx just to crank up her elimination etc and give her one of 's questionnaires to fill in so I could see whether she had a hot or cold liver etc etc... then hopefully use the following 2 weeks to match 'menopausal' remedies to her constitution so I could give her a proper Rx at her next appointment, which was today.

But she came back today and told me that instead of having several hot flushes every single night, in the 2 weeks of taking my tea and tincture she had just had a couple of nights with mild flushes.

Plus, she loved the tincture and the tea.

To be honest, she quite took the wind out of my sails and I didn't know what to say....

It just goes to show how important the routes of elimination are, I suppose.


-- Robyn MNIMH

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Hi Maggie,

I think it is because in the modern phytotherapy approach, we have become too

obsessed with the chemistry and look at them as plant drugs, which indeed they

are, and chemistry is important (before anyone raps my knuckles LOL !!) but we

soooo have to look at herbal energetics and the lovely patient and what is

actually required. I think you got it spot on. I don'y have much success with

cimicifuga for hot flushes per se, but use it a lot for spinal inflammation etc,

Sage, find it most effective as a cold tea for flushes myself. Interesting isn't

it ??

Best wishes




> > 

> >Tr: Verbena/Tarax rad/Rumex/Arctium/Silybum

> >Tea: Motherwort/Calendula/Nettle/Rose

> >

> >

> >Not my usual menopausal mix...

> > 

> > Maggie

> > 

> >Maggie Pope BSc [Hons] MNIMH MCPP

> >Sedgemoor House

> >39 Taunton Road

> >Bridgwater

> >Somerset TA6 3LP

> >

> >www.growingmedicine.co.uk

> >info@...

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >     Growing Medicine is a trading name of Comeytrowe Manor Ltd, Reg in

England No. 7042776. Reg. Office 20 Larch      

 Close, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 2SF

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >________________________________

> >

> >To: ukherbal-list

> >Sent: Wednesday, 21 March 2012, 12:38

> >Subject: RE: Hot Flushes

> >

> >

> >

> > 

> >Maggie

> >It's great when it works! I'm sure she was releived.

> >What was her mix? 

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >________________________________

> >To: ukherbal-list

> >From: maggers_pope@...

> >Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 12:04:11 +0000

> >Subject: Hot Flushes

> >

> > 

> >When a 49 year old woman came to see me with a serious case of nocturnal hot

flushes, my heart sank. I haven't had too many successes with menopausal

symptoms, which I have found very very irritating.

> >

> >This time I decided to put her on a Rx just to crank up her elimination etc

and give her one of 's questionnaires to fill in so I could see

whether she had a hot or cold liver etc etc... then hopefully use the following

2 weeks to match 'menopausal' remedies to her constitution so I could give her a

proper Rx at her next appointment, which was today.

> >

> >But she came back today and told me that instead of having several hot

flushes every single night, in the 2 weeks of taking my tea and tincture she had

just had a couple of nights with mild flushes.

> >

> >Plus, she loved the tincture and the tea.

> >

> >To be honest, she quite took the wind out of my sails and I didn't know what

to say....

> >

> >It just goes to show how important the routes of elimination are, I suppose.

> >

> >Maggie

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



> --

> Robyn MNIMH


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Hi All

I think that while endeavoring to understand the mechanisms of herb

actions, we have perhaps fallen into the trap of attempting to use

them as substitute drugs, rather than in the tailored approach that

is our strength.

Understandable, as the source of the investigations we read come from

the drug realm and are arguably relevant in that realm. I would

suggest that what we need to do, is to head in, fetch information,

don't get distracted, and return home to the task of restore/

balancing our patients' physiology....................

.........................Eliminate! Eliminate! You Will Be

Restored!!. (Ooops, frivolity and daleks......, back to my cleaning,


Sally Owen

ps, Lovely prescription, btw.

(Cimicifuga I find good sometimes, usually where there is associated

tiredness, vaginal problems, and/ or arthritis or chest problems.)

Verbena finds it's way into most every prescription I write for

women's hormonal problems. and migraine.

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Can someone expand on the hot and cold liver thing? Even post a link to 's questionnaire? As most liver herbs are bitter, most are cooling, so what would be used for a cold liver? What would the symptoms be? Helen From: M

To: ukherbal-list Sent: Wednesday, 21 March 2012, 12:04 Subject: Hot Flushes

When a 49 year old woman came to see me with a serious case of nocturnal hot flushes, my heart sank. I haven't had too many successes with menopausal symptoms, which I have found very very irritating.

This time I decided to put her on a Rx just to crank up her elimination etc and give her one of 's questionnaires to fill in so I could see whether she had a hot or cold liver etc etc... then hopefully use the following 2 weeks to match 'menopausal' remedies to her constitution so I could give her a proper Rx at her next appointment, which was today.

But she came back today and told me that instead of having several hot flushes every single night, in the 2 weeks of taking my tea and tincture she had just had a couple of nights with mild flushes.

Plus, she loved the tincture and the tea.

To be honest, she quite took the wind out of my sails and I didn't know what to say....

It just goes to show how important the routes of elimination are, I suppose.


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Helen, I am not sure what wrote about, but when a liverish patient is very chilly and has other signs of cold, I usually think of warming herbs with liver affinity such as Calendula and Curcuma. Craig From: ukherbal-list [mailto:ukherbal-list ] On Behalf Of hm.duxbury@...Sent: 22 March 2012 14:20To: ukherbal-list Subject: Re: Hot Flushes Can someone expand on the hot and cold liver thing? Even post a link to 's questionnaire? As most liver herbs are bitter, most are cooling, so what would be used for a cold liver? What would the symptoms be? Helen

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> Can someone expand on the hot and cold liver thing? Even post a link to

> 's questionnaire?

A quick writeup on my blog:


's energetics booklet, including the intake form:


's other texts, including the intake form (in two parts):




Henriette Kress, AHG Helsinki, Finland

Henriette's herbal homepage: http://www.henriettesherbal.com

New book: http://www.henriettesherbal.com/articles/pract-herbs.html

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