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Re: ionisers for hay fever?

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Hi Annetteno experience of ionisers, but i did see a piece of research which showed good results for the method of putting a little ointment on the edges of the nostrils to trap pollen.Do you use Glechoma, Hydrastis and/or Hydrocotle? (I expect you do, but they are my last resort hayfever herbs)Sally owen Hihas any one any experience regarding the benefits or not of ionisers for hay fever type symptoms. I have for the 2nd year running developed these symptoms- chronic nasal congestion mainly with bouts of sneezing but cannot get any relief from my normal herbs - weird as Ive never had problems dealing with it in patients!its driving me mad and last year lasted for months. I even resorted to trying an otc anti histamine which did very little either!thanks ,annette

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hi Sally

yes Id heard about using " vaseline" before. ive used glechoma( which just seemed to make everything too dried out!) and hydrastis but not tried hydrocotyl in this instance but will give it a go - thanks!


Re: ionisers for hay fever?

Hi Annette

no experience of ionisers, but i did see a piece of research which showed good results for the method of putting a little ointment on the edges of the nostrils to trap pollen.

Do you use Glechoma, Hydrastis and/or Hydrocotle? (I expect you do, but they are my last resort hayfever herbs)

Sally owen


has any one any experience regarding the benefits or not of ionisers for hay fever type symptoms. I have for the 2nd year running developed these symptoms- chronic nasal congestion mainly with bouts of sneezing but cannot get any relief from my normal herbs - weird as Ive never had problems dealing with it in patients!

its driving me mad and last year lasted for months. I even resorted to trying an otc anti histamine which did very little either!

thanks ,annette

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Cool - also I find if things are too , that hyssop and strong lemon and honey tend to help.sally hi Sallyyes Id heard about using " vaseline" before. ive used glechoma( which just seemed to make everything too dried out!) and hydrastis but not tried hydrocotyl in this instance but will give it a go - thanks!annette Re: ionisers for hay fever?Hi Annetteno experience of ionisers, but i did see a piece of research which showed good results for the method of putting a little ointment on the edges of the nostrils to trap pollen.Do you use Glechoma, Hydrastis and/or Hydrocotle? (I expect you do, but they are my last resort hayfever herbs)Sally owen Hihas any one any experience regarding the benefits or not of ionisers for hay fever type symptoms. I have for the 2nd year running developed these symptoms- chronic nasal congestion mainly with bouts of sneezing but cannot get any relief from my normal herbs - weird as Ive never had problems dealing with it in patients!its driving me mad and last year lasted for months. I even resorted to trying an otc anti histamine which did very little either!thanks ,annette No virus found in this message.Checked by AVG - www.avg.comVersion: 2012.0.1913 / Virus Database: 2114/4910 - Release Date: 04/02/12

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too dry, that is Cool - also I find if things are too , that hyssop and strong lemon and honey tend to help.sally hi Sallyyes Id heard about using " vaseline" before. ive used glechoma( which just seemed to make everything too dried out!) and hydrastis but not tried hydrocotyl in this instance but will give it a go - thanks!annette Re: ionisers for hay fever?Hi Annetteno experience of ionisers, but i did see a piece of research which showed good results for the method of putting a little ointment on the edges of the nostrils to trap pollen.Do you use Glechoma, Hydrastis and/or Hydrocotle? (I expect you do, but they are my last resort hayfever herbs)Sally owen Hihas any one any experience regarding the benefits or not of ionisers for hay fever type symptoms. I have for the 2nd year running developed these symptoms- chronic nasal congestion mainly with bouts of sneezing but cannot get any relief from my normal herbs - weird as Ive never had problems dealing with it in patients!its driving me mad and last year lasted for months. I even resorted to trying an otc anti histamine which did very little either!thanks ,annette No virus found in this message.Checked by AVG - www.avg.comVersion: 2012.0.1913 / Virus Database: 2114/4910 - Release Date: 04/02/12

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Hi Annette,I have found thyme and Baikal skullcap useful in some cases, plus max dose of Ephedra. I used an ioniser years ago for tiredness, with no dramatic results. Also, there are some nasal filters for sale on internet, which helped one of my patients. There may be more info on those in the archives. To: ukherbal-list Sent: Monday, 2 April 2012, 17:51 Subject: ionisers for hay fever?


has any one any experience regarding the benefits or not of ionisers for hay fever type symptoms. I have for the 2nd year running developed these symptoms- chronic nasal congestion mainly with bouts of sneezing but cannot get any relief from my normal herbs - weird as Ive never had problems dealing with it in patients!

its driving me mad and last year lasted for months. I even resorted to trying an otc anti histamine which did very little either!

thanks ,annette

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Hi Annette

I use comfrey or calendula ointment for patients rather than vaseline.

Must be ointment though as cream doesn't trap the pollen.

I use calendula if they have very inflamed nostrils but mostly comfrey.

What are your 'usual suspects'?

I give patients 50:50 Epherda and Urtica to take drops prn. With max number of

times obviously. Symptomatic relief as long as no contra-indications.

Scutellaria baicalensis is also very helpful.






> Hi

> has any one any experience regarding the benefits or not of ionisers for

hay fever type symptoms. I have for the 2nd year running developed these

symptoms- chronic nasal congestion mainly with bouts of sneezing but cannot get

any relief from my normal herbs - weird as Ive never had problems dealing with

it in patients!

> its driving me mad and last year lasted for months. I even resorted to

trying an otc anti histamine which did very little either!

> thanks ,annette









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> Version: 2012.0.1913 / Virus Database: 2114/4910 - Release Date: 04/02/12


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yes I didnt mean I personally would use vaseline - just that Id heard suggestions years ago that people had found it helpul.problem with applying anything up the nose is that in order to breathe I keep needing to blow my nose so it doesnt stay there very long!

well my usual suspects have been mainly large doses of ephedra,plus urtica, scut baical , hydrastis and teas of nettle,elderflower,yarrow, chamomile. heroic doses of vit c.

ive also dabbled with plantago ,epilobium and glechoma....

not a jot of difference.

regards ,annette

Re: ionisers for hay fever?

Hi AnnetteI use comfrey or calendula ointment for patients rather than vaseline. Must be ointment though as cream doesn't trap the pollen.I use calendula if they have very inflamed nostrils but mostly comfrey.What are your 'usual suspects'? I give patients 50:50 Epherda and Urtica to take drops prn. With max number of times obviously. Symptomatic relief as long as no contra-indications.Scutellaria baicalensis is also very helpful. > > >  > > > Hi> has any one any experience regarding the benefits or not of ionisers for hay fever type symptoms. I have for the 2nd year running developed these symptoms- chronic nasal congestion mainly with bouts of sneezing but cannot get any relief from my normal herbs - weird as Ive never had problems dealing with it in patients!> its driving me mad and last year lasted for months. I even resorted to trying an otc anti histamine which did very little either!> thanks ,annette> > > > > > > > > No virus found in this message.> Checked by AVG - www.avg.com> Version: 2012.0.1913 / Virus Database: 2114/4910 - Release Date: 04/02/12>

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Hi Annette,

Like you I have tried just about everything herbal for hayfever

including calendula ointment (beeswax and olive oil based - with

eucalyptus & chamomile EOs to help the breathing) which does help a


Other things I have tried with a little success are Bupleureum tincture

and ox-eye daisy infusion (with mint, nettle, elderflower) - still not

100% but more effective than the more usual suspects (ephedra in max

dose stops sneezing and itchy eyes for about 10mins then its back).

This year I am reverting to homeopathy (which used to work for me years

ago) - starting now to build up (July is my peak period) - just Boots

New Era rhinitis tabs.

Best of luck!


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Hi Annette,

Yes, I've used an ioniser and it has been very effective for clearing the nose, easier breathing AND clearing the head.

A patient of mine, who suffers badly from sinus congestion throughout the year, also swears by his ioniser.

The one I have I got from a company called (I think) Salin UK which uses a system based on the salt caves used in the middle east for breathing problems and asthma. If you want more information I can look it up.


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hi anne

thats interesting as I have tried a salt pipe which again did nothing so wonder if the ioniser would be better. trouble is they are not cheap so dont want to invest if its not going to help!

thanks for everyones ideas.

regards ,annette

Re: ionisers for hay fever?

Hi Annette,

Yes, I've used an ioniser and it has been very effective for clearing the nose, easier breathing AND clearing the head.

A patient of mine, who suffers badly from sinus congestion throughout the year, also swears by his ioniser.

The one I have I got from a company called (I think) Salin UK which uses a system based on the salt caves used in the middle east for breathing problems and asthma. If you want more information I can look it up.


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I know you asked about ionisers but as there seem to be several contributions about hayfever in general I thought I would offer my two pennorth:-)In my experience most people with hay fever are dairy intolerant - get rid of the dairy and the hayfever resolves. It is just one more load on the immune system and when you ease it by removing dairy it is enough to allow the body to cope with pollen more successfully.

Herbally I use two different regimes depending on the person - for those who are helped by anti histamines I make the standard nettle/plantain/elderflower type mix, usually as a tea.For the others I generally find that trikatu really helps - ginger, black pepper and pippali. Taken as a powder, can be mixed with honey or put into capsules, and taken 20 mins before eating three times a day.

best wishes -- Herbert Herbalist and allergy therapist15 Queens StSpooner RowNorfolk NR18 9JU01953 603056www.christineherbert.co.uk

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Haven't seen anyone recommend Quercitin yet. Best if started before

the season but still helpful if taken later. 400-500 mg twice a day

before meals.

Kind regards,


-- Kerry Hackett, MNIMH, AHG, OHA

Medical Herbalist


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been there ,done that --aargh !!

regards ,annette

Re: Re: ionisers for hay fever?

Haven't seen anyone recommend Quercitin yet. Best if started before the season but still helpful if taken later. 400-500 mg twice a day before meals.Kind regards,Kerry

-- Kerry Hackett, MNIMH, AHG, OHA

Medical Herbalist


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I have tried going dairy and gluten free - maybe not for long enough ( 3 -4 weeks )but again no difference. I might try the trikatu but as Im already in general of a hot constitution dont know if that would make me worse. ( the mucus is very thick ,sticky and yellow )I do have a lot of hot spices in my diet generally though.

Oh dear Im sounding like one of those " heart -sink " patients arent I !!

regards ,annette

Re: Re: ionisers for hay fever?

I know you asked about ionisers but as there seem to be several contributions about hayfever in general I thought I would offer my two pennorth:-)

In my experience most people with hay fever are dairy intolerant - get rid of the dairy and the hayfever resolves. It is just one more load on the immune system and when you ease it by removing dairy it is enough to allow the body to cope with pollen more successfully.

Herbally I use two different regimes depending on the person - for those who are helped by anti histamines I make the standard nettle/plantain/elderflower type mix, usually as a tea.

For the others I generally find that trikatu really helps - ginger, black pepper and pippali. Taken as a powder, can be mixed with honey or put into capsules, and taken 20 mins before eating three times a day.

best wishes

-- Herbert Herbalist and allergy therapist15 Queens StSpooner RowNorfolk NR18 9JU01953 603056www.christineherbert.co.uk

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Oh well. How about a hepa-filter in the house to pick up microscopic

bits of dust, mold, etc.?



been there ,done that

--aargh !!

regards ,annette


Re: ionisers for hay fever?


Haven't seen anyone recommend Quercitin yet. Best if

started before the season but still helpful if taken

later. 400-500 mg twice a day before meals.

Kind regards,


-- Kerry Hackett, MNIMH, AHG, OHA

Medical Herbalist


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Thick sticky and yellow - sounds like infection (sinuses maybe) in addition to hay fever, assuming it's totally seasonal. And a spicy diet on top of a hot constitution? Sounds like the last thing you need! Helen To: ukherbal-list Sent: Wednesday, 4 April 2012, 19:04 Subject: Re: Re: ionisers for hay fever?


I have tried going dairy and gluten free - maybe not for long enough ( 3 -4 weeks )but again no difference. I might try the trikatu but as Im already in general of a hot constitution dont know if that would make me worse. ( the mucus is very thick ,sticky and yellow )I do have a lot of hot spices in my diet generally though.

Oh dear Im sounding like one of those " heart -sink " patients arent I !!

regards ,annette

Re: Re: ionisers for hay fever?

I know you asked about ionisers but as there seem to be several contributions about hayfever in general I thought I would offer my two pennorth:-)

In my experience most people with hay fever are dairy intolerant - get rid of the dairy and the hayfever resolves. It is just one more load on the immune system and when you ease it by removing dairy it is enough to allow the body to cope with pollen more successfully.

Herbally I use two different regimes depending on the person - for those who are helped by anti histamines I make the standard nettle/plantain/elderflower type mix, usually as a tea.

For the others I generally find that trikatu really helps - ginger, black pepper and pippali. Taken as a powder, can be mixed with honey or put into capsules, and taken 20 mins before eating three times a day.

best wishes

-- Herbert Herbalist and allergy therapist15 Queens StSpooner RowNorfolk NR18 9JU01953 603056www.christineherbert.co.uk

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hello Annetteyou can make trikatu for hot constitutions by substituting aniseed for the pippali, it cools it quite well. I'd give up dairy 100% for at least 3 months. I have found it to be less important with most people's hay fever to give up gluten

wish you well



I have tried going dairy and gluten free - maybe not for long enough ( 3 -4  weeks )but again no difference. I might try the trikatu but as Im already in general of a hot constitution dont know if that would make me worse. ( the mucus is very thick ,sticky and yellow )I do have a lot of hot spices in my diet generally though.

Oh dear Im sounding like one of those " heart -sink " patients arent I !!

regards ,annette



Re: Re: ionisers for hay fever?


I know you asked about ionisers but as there seem to be several contributions about hayfever in general I thought I would offer my two pennorth:-)

In my experience most people with hay fever are dairy intolerant - get rid of the dairy and the hayfever resolves. It is just one more load on the immune system and when you ease it by removing dairy it is enough to allow the body to cope with pollen more successfully.

Herbally I use two different regimes depending on the person - for those who are helped by anti histamines I make the standard nettle/plantain/elderflower type mix, usually as a tea.

For the others I generally find that trikatu really helps - ginger, black pepper and pippali. Taken as a powder, can be mixed with honey or put into capsules, and taken 20 mins before eating three times a day.

best wishes


-- Herbert Herbalist and allergy therapist15 Queens StSpooner RowNorfolk NR18 9JU01953 603056www.christineherbert.co.uk

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-- Herbert Herbalist and allergy therapist15 Queens StSpooner RowNorfolk NR18 9JU01953 603056www.christineherbert.co.uk

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Hi Annette,

Looked up the invoice for when I bought my ioniser and it cost £49.98 in

September 2010.

Would one of 's snuffs help, I wonder?


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Hi anne

ill have a look around and see what it might cost now. Im really reluctant to say this at the risk of overdoing the negative but I have tried the snuffs and they made it worse !

really appreciate peoples thoughts despite the frustrating responses Im giving!

regards ,annette

Re: ionisers for hay fever?

Hi Annette,Looked up the invoice for when I bought my ioniser and it cost £49.98 in September 2010. Would one of 's snuffs help, I wonder?Anne

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