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Hi all,

I've just had a call from a rather pushy guy at Netsearch Media, offering to

target women over 21 who've discussed health problems on Facebook with a pop-up

ad with my website on it. This would cost £100 for one month, and he claimed

other herbalists had already taken up the offer; he mentioned one in Leeds.

Does anyone know anything about this? If you've done it, was it worth it? I

don't like being pushed ('No, we can't phone you back on Monday'), and I'm not

sure about the ethics of Facebook pop-ups, though I know it's the way a lot of

marketing works these days.

All comments gratefully received!


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Hi Su,

I had similar pushy phone call from them last week - although I think

they were suggesting £200 to me.

Having succumbed to some pushy sales from Yell last year and got

precisely zero clients from them (I always ask and note down how people

found out about me), I am personally steering well clear of all these

pushy sales types from now on.

I think the only people who make money out of this are Netsearch and,

presumably, facebook.


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> I've just had a call from a rather pushy guy at Netsearch Media, offering to

> target women over 21 who've discussed health problems on Facebook with a

> pop-up ad with my website on it.

That's against fb advertising rules: you're not allowed to target ads by

gender, race, age, financial setting etc. etc. etc.

(Also, I think advertising as a therapist is worthless: hands up, those of you

who've picked your massage therapist (or similar) from an ad. It's the same

for herbalists ... NOBODY picks you from ads. They ask friends for tips.)



Henriette Kress, AHG Helsinki, Finland

Henriette's herbal homepage: http://www.henriettesherbal.com

New book: http://www.henriettesherbal.com/articles/pract-herbs.html

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I've had a couple of calls about advertising through facebook. Its very expensive and you would have to gain enough business to cover the costs.

£100 for 1 month? - I was quoted £99 for a year and it still didn't make economic sense for me in my location.


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