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RE: Fainting and blood pressure

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HelloWhilst I was attempting to take a patients blood pressure

today, she said she felt faint and needed to lie down. Does anyone have any

insight on why this occurred? She is a new client, 25 years old, presenting with eczema who

has a history of anorexia, anaemia, anxiety, low blood pressure and fainting episodes on

a regular basis (sometimes weekly). I'm aware the fainting is no doubt a result

of the low bp but I was wondering why it was triggered by having her bp taken or is this more likely to be an anxiety reaction?

She was understandably reluctant to let me do it again, so I don't know what

her actual reading was but I've taken readings with people with low bp plenty

of times before without them fainting. Is this common reaction, has anyone else

had this happen?ThanksStephTo: ukherbal-list From: laura.stannard@...Date: Mon, 7 May 2012 11:42:19 +0000Subject: Re: Interesting Economist poll

Hi Kerry

I just had a look at this poll.

I wondered about the wording - says should CAm be taught in medical schools. It raises the question - what do they mean by that? I they mean should medical students be taught e.g. herbal medicine, then the answer is a definite no.

House of Lords Select Committee (was it 2000 or 2001?) recommended all doctors wanting to "train" should not do weekend courses etc, but undergo full and proper training. I agree with that.

But if they mean - should medical students have awareness raised, then the answer is 'yes'. And the best way would be by practitioners of the subject.

If they mean, should CAM be taught in any university, then again, the answer would be yes. Of course it raises the status of CAM, but it's important that happens and goes on to be the case. Weekend type courses = no proper training and lumps properly trained practitioners into the same category.

I voted. You get the figures when you vote.

Currently stands at roughly 12500 with a NO vote of 79%.

It's only a rough poll and with limited circulation but no doubt the skeptics will use it to further reduce support.

best wishes


> > http://www.economist.com/economist-asks/should-alternative-medicine-be-taught-medical-schools

> >

> >



> --

> Kerry Hackett, MNIMH, AHG, OHA

> Medical Herbalist

> www.kerryhackett.ca


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Hi Steph,

Any one of the conditions you mentioned in her past medical history

could have contributed to her fainting spell; perhaps it was just

bad timing that it happened during a BP reading. For instance, do

you think there might be a possibility of low blood sugar? What time

of the day did you see her? Had she eaten? How recently has she been

considered anorexic? Alternatively, how low are her iron levels?

Could her anxiety levels have contributed to her feeling faint?

Sounds like there are many layers there and lots to work with. In my

experience, it helps to work slowly with patients such as this as

trust can also be an issue.

Good luck!


Whilst I was attempting to take a

patients blood pressure

today, she said she felt faint and needed to lie down.

Does anyone have any

insight on why this occurred? She is a new client, 25

years old, presenting with eczema who

has a history of anorexia, anaemia, anxiety, low blood

pressure and fainting episodes on

a regular basis (sometimes weekly). I'm aware the

fainting is no doubt a result

of the low bp but I was wondering why it was triggered

by having her bp taken or is this more likely to be an

anxiety reaction?

She was understandably reluctant to let me do it again,

so I don't know what

her actual reading was but I've taken readings with

people with low bp plenty

of times before without them fainting. Is this common

reaction, has anyone else

had this happen?



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-- Kerry Hackett, MNIMH, AHG, OHA

Medical Herbalist


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