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I didn't know about Walmart's meat recall. Maybe I forgot.

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HERBAL HEALER UPDATE**** 4-HERB TEA - PLEASE READ! Never mix equal parts!**** RECENT FOOD RECALLS Eggs and Walmart Packaged Lunch Meats**** NASTY E-MAILS**** NATURAL SUPPLEMENT VICTORY OVER FDA**** URBAN FARMS POPPING UP**** PLANETARY NUCLEAR DETONATION VIDEO**** NEW HOMEOPATHIC FLU NOSODE 2010/11**** INTERNET QUICK SPECIALS END SEPT 2nd.**** SUMMER SPECIALS ENDING OCT. 13th**** MEMORY LANE ARTICLES4-HERB TEA - WARNING REGARDING PREPARATIONI recently had an emergency call from someone who did not buy the 4-Herb formula from us, but had purchased the individual herbs from a health food store. He and his friend had gotten sick from taking it. I was able to determine that someone had given him a bad recipe on how to make the tea. Now this person was told to use equal parts of the 4-Herbs. They used 2 oz. of each herb and mixed in a gallon of water! Good Lord, no wonder they had severe diarrhea and cramps! The 4-Herb tea is a specific formula and ratio and should never be mixed in equal parts. The turkey rhubarb can be toxic in high doses and will for sure, cause severe diarrhea. This is exactly why I have measured each herb out and bagged them separately over the years, so you could see the correct ratio! Never mix these herbs equal parts!Another thing. Why is it that people think that more is better? When a recommended dose is given on a natural product, that is exactly what you should follow, unless you have been told by a natural medicine professional that an increase is safe to take. More is not better. The recommended doses are given so that you can safely use the product with no adverse side-effects. Everything, even natural products can be toxic if not used correctly.RECENT FOOD RECALLSIn case you have not seen these550 MILLION EGGS RECALLED IN 22 STATEShttp://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE67M1TT20100823Hamburg's advice for consumers was to prepare food properly, keep the eggs refrigerated, wash hands before and after handling eggs and cook the egg thoroughly. "No more runny egg yolks for mopping up with toast," she said. Salmonella is killed in the cooking process, but many people do not fully cook the eggs.<><><>NATIONWIDE MEAT RECALL FOR WALMARThttp://www.cnn.com/2010/US/08/24/meat.recall/index.html380,000 pounds of deli meat that may be contaminated with bacteria that can cause a potentially fatal disease, Listeria. "Consumption of food contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes can cause listeriosis, an uncommon but potentially fatal disease," according to the USDA. "Healthy people rarely contract listeriosis. However, listeriosis can cause high fever, severe headache, neck stiffness and nausea."Listeriosis can also cause miscarriages and stillbirths, as well as serious and sometimes fatal infections in those with weakened immune systems, such as infants, the elderly and persons with HIV infection or undergoing chemotherapy," the USDA said.Note: I disagree with the USDA on the "healthy people rarely contract listeriosis". A few years ago my son and husband had some sliced turkey from the local deli, a week before the official recall. They became deathly sick, both running a fever to 105! Both were very healthy!<><><><>NASTY E-MAILSHere is a sample of the one of nasty e-mails we receive at HHA. This one came in today. Some of them are way worse that this and too nasty to publish. It is sad people don't have anything better to do with their lives.Quote:"I have forwarded your false claiming catalog to the State of ArkansasAttorney General...add to his already large user information."membership_status: I am a GuestFirstName: UnitedLastName: States Governmentaddress: 123 up yourscity: WashingtonState: DCZipCode: 20066<><><><>NATURAL SUPPLEMENT VICTORY OVER FDAThe FDA has never liked qualified health claims. It wants food and supplements to be treated like drugs and forced to submit to the full FDA approval process in order to make any health claims. Of course this is crazy. Food and supplements, being natural, cannot usually be patented, and nobody can afford to spend a billion dollars to gain FDA approval of claims on an unpatented product that anyone else can sell.http://www.anh-usa.org/court-finds-for-anh-usa-in-stunning-victory-over-fda-thank-you-jonathan-emord/<><><><>URBAN FARMS POPPING UPCool video

DETONATIONS VARIOUS PARTS OF THE PLANETTake the time to watch this video clip. This is the number of nuclear explosions conducted in various parts of the globe from 1954-1998. You will see which countries detonated them and where. It is a mindopener!http://www.blip.tv/file/1662914<><><><>JUST IN - FLU 2010 - 2011 HOMEOPATHICFlu Nosode - 2010-2011 - Ingredients: Influenzinium V2-Grippe, Influenzinium V76- Grippe, Adenovirus (respiratory), Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Pneumococcinium, Hong Kong flu virus, 12X, 30X, 60X, 100X, Influenzinium Virus 2010/2011 30X, 60X - 20% alcohol and purified water.http://www.herbalhealer.com/homeopathy.html<><><><>DON'T MISS QUICK INTERNET SPECIALSEND SEPT 2nd. Great Prices onSuper X, Natural Detox, COQ10 with Hawthorn,OxyPower, 75 Compete Minerals and 4-Herb caps.http://www.herbalhealer.com/internetonly.html<><><><>ALSO SUMMER SPECIALS ENDING OCT 13th.http://www.herbalhealer.com/postcards.htmlDon't forget to stock up on your colloidal silver, while its on sale,before the freezing weather starts. This product is a waterbase and will freeze in the winter unless send viathe US Post Office (extra charges)<><><><>NEW!!! MEMORY LANE ARTICLESI have many articles that a great deal of members have never seenbecause they were printed in the earlier years in the snail mailnewsletters. I will be posting them on-line in the newsletter archivesand I hope you enjoy the trip back down memory lane at HHA.http://www.herbalhealer.com/newsletters/memorylane1.html<><><><>HHA SURVIVAL COURSEThe Time Is Now!This course does qualify for an elective in our Naturopathic Program.This will be a must for any of you that want to learn skills to survivalin any type of situation. The course covers all areas of survival andeven features a 500 page - Do it yourself book for self-reliance,sustainability and surviving the long emergencies.http://www.herbalhealer.com/survival.html****** HHA DHEA - 10 mg.The source of DHEA is natural turmeric root tuber.http://www.herbalhealer.com/dhea.html****** HHA ACAI Palmberry - 100 Vegicaps - 500 mg.http://www.herbalhealer.com/acai.htm*****Love Marijah McCainWorld Class NaturopathHerbal Healer Academy - since 1988http://www.herbalhealer.com-------We do NOT send unsolicited email... You are receiving this mail because you signed up to receive our monthly newsletter.Please DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE. If you need to contact Herbal Healer, use the form at http://www.herbalhealer.com/inquiries.htmlTo unsubscribe send a blank email to:leave-update@...You are currently subscribed to update as: bjoyful@...
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HERBAL HEALER UPDATENov. 22, 2010*** HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE A sobering note from Doc*** INTERNET SUPER SPECIALS end Nov. 30th*** MORE NEWS ON SILVER Look what's coming!*** COLLOIDAL SILVER WILL FREEZE Please read - very important*** 2010/2011 FLU NOSODE IS IN*** NEW - RESVERATROL - See video*** SURVIVAL COURSE - It's a must do!HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONEThis year it is so important to include all Americans in your prayers.Millions are without jobs and in my opinion severe hardship hasfallen on our country. One of the latest ones being the unconstitutional screening of Americans at the airports. First of all, these X-ray machines are very toxic to the body and secondly thepat downs are down right criminal. The writing on the wall for America is a bit grim at this point, especially with trillions ofdollars being printed that actually lowers the value of our currency even more and brings on inflation. Higher prices are not what we need when so many people are without work. Where are the American jobs you ask? They went overseas because of tax incentives given by our government for off shore companies and cheaper wages. Billions of dollars of American money went to support the so called wars inIraq and Afganistan as well. I won't go on, because I could write for days, but the important point here is as Americans we have the spirit inside us that no other country has. The spirit to choose and choose we must in the coming days. Every American will be called upon to make a stand against corruption and tyranny and the destruction of America's freedoms. You must do this with youractions. Educating yourself and others, write letters, saying no and opting out of certain things that you don't agree with, etc. We are a great nation of American people and the problem is that the people in control do not respect us any longer. In my opinion this will be their biggest mistake. This Thanksgiving remember what the true America stands for - Liberty And Justice For All andin God We Trust!<><><><><><>INTERNET SUPER SPECIALSend Nov. 30th4-HERB CAPSULES - 90 ct. - Only $10.00COQ10 with HAWTHORN - 30 Vcaps - Only $16.00!DR. CHI'S ASPARAGUS EXTRACT - Only $25.00!HHA GRAPEFRUIT SEED Extract - 1 oz. - Only $10.00http://www.herbalhealer.com/internetonly.html<><><><><><>MORE NEWS ON SILVER!!!Because our customers have asked for thesewe are going to make them available for you.Coming Very SoonAMERICAN EAGLES - #1 Silver Coin in Worldand 10 ounce PURE SILVER BARShttp://www.herbalhealer.com/silver.html<><><><><>COPIED FROM ARTICLE ON MONEXSILVER PRICESThe extraordinarily bullish (means it is going up) fundamentals of the Silver Market suggest, at current prices, that investing in silver could offer investors one of the single best long-term investments today.Worldwide market demand for silver is growing, while supplies of silver are quickly disappearing. New high-tech uses for silver will further strain already-tight supplies in the future. World demand for silver now exceeds annual production and has every year since 1990,depleting above-ground stockpiles of silver. The U.S. government, once the largest stockpiler of silver on the planet, dumped billions and billions of ounces of silver onto the world market over the years, resulting in depressed silver prices. Today, that government silver hoard is gone, and now the U.S. government is a buyer of silver atprevailing world silver prices.<><><>ONE OUNCE OF SILVER: ONE MONTH'S WAGEOne Ounce of Gold: One Year's Wage, One Ounce of Silver: one month'swage!!!http://news.goldseek.com/GoldSeek/1285509600.php<><><>COLLOIDAL SILVER WILL FREEZEColloidal Silver is a water based product andfreezes and breaks in the winter months, if notshipped via the post office. If you need colloidalsilver make a separate order for it and give usan address to a P.O. Box of a place where someonewill be there to receive the package. It can notsit outside. Understand we do not cover freezebreakage, so it is important to make sure youunderstand this. In the really cold winter monthswe can not ship the Colloidal Minerals either.They are also water based.<><><><>HOMEOPATHIC FLU NOSODE IS INHOMEOPATHIC Flu Nosode - 2010-2011Ingredients: Influenzinium V2-Grippe, Influenzinium V76- Grippe, Adenovirus (repiratory), Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Chlamydiapneumoniae, Pneumococcinium, Hong Kong flu virus, 12X, 30X, 60X, 100X, Influenzinium Virus 2010/2011 30X, 60X - 20% alcohol and purified water.Preventative Dose for adults: 5 drops under the tongue once a day for 2 weeks. If you have flu symptoms 10 drops under tongue threetimes a day. Scale dose back for children by weight.http://www.herbalhealer.com/homeopathy.html<><><><>NEW - RESVERATROLThis product is worth taking a look at folks. Some mainstreamresearch is coming in on it now. See the 60 minute video link. Itake 1 twice a day.http://www.herbalhealer.com/resveratrol.html<><><><>NEW - COMPLETE 75 PLANT MINERALS - Intro Special - $16.95120 Vegetarian capsuleshttp://www.herbalhealer.com/colloidalminerals.html<><><><><>HHA SURVIVAL COURSEThe Time Is Now!This course does qualify for an elective in our Naturopathic Program.This will be a must for any of you that want to learn skills to survivalin any type of situation. The course covers all areas of survival andeven features a 500 page - Do it yourself book for self-reliance,sustainability and surviving the long emergencies.http://www.herbalhealer.com/survival.html<><><><><>May God bless you all with a miracle this Thanksgiving.Love ** Marijah McCainWorld Class NaturopathHerbal Healer Academy - since 1988http://www.herbalhealer.com-------We do NOT send unsolicited email... You are receiving this mail because you signed up to receive our monthly newsletter.Please DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE. If you need to contact Herbal Healer, use the form at http://www.herbalhealer.com/inquiries.htmlTo unsubscribe send a blank email to:leave-update@...You are currently subscribed to update as: bjoyful@...

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HERBAL HEALER UPDATEDec 1, 2010*** NEW FOOD SAFETY BILL 10 Biggest Lies about S.510 Payoffs in Politics! It's Rigged, says Senator!*** THE NEW VITAMIN D3 LIE*** NEW - HHA GIFT CERTIFICATES*** MORE NEWS ON SILVER Silver Eagles and Silver 10 oz. bars are in! Great Gift Idea For Friends and Love Ones!*** COLLOIDAL SILVER WILL FREEZE Please read - very important*** 2010/2011 FLU NOSODE IS IN*** NEW - RESVERATROL - See video*** SURVIVAL COURSE - It's a must do!NEW FOOD SAFETY BILL S.510NaturalNews) Despite an incredible outpouring of public opposition to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) "Food Safety ModernizationAct", or S. 510, the Senate voted 73 to 25 to pass the bill anyway. And data presented by Maplight.org, a nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization, shows that big industry groups and large food producers spent millions of dollars buying off Congressmen to garner support forit. Senators that ended up supporting the bill received nearly $10 million in political contributions from interest groups.http://www.naturalnews.com/030586_S_510_corruption.html<><><><>TOP TEN LIES ABOUT NEW FOOD BILLOnce again Mike from Natural News has posted an article thatyou should read outlining the top 10 lies (not the only ones) that mainstream is spewing.http://www.naturalnews.com/030587_Senate_Bill_510_Food_Safety.html<><><><><><>U.S. SENATOR SAYS ON TAPE "IT'S ALL RIGGED!""There's nothing about -- because it's all rigged," Bennet wasrecorded as saying. "I mean, the whole conversation is rigged. The fact that we don't get to a discussion before the break about what we're going to do in the lame duck -- is just rigged. This stuff's rigged." Of course, Bennet had no idea that he was in front of a livemicrophone when he said this. And once he realized it, he quickly shut it off.http://www.naturalnews.com/030585_lame_duck_session_Senate.html<><><><><><>LIES ABOUT VITAMIN D IN MAINSTREAM PRESS THIS WEEKThe "Food and Nutrition Board" committee that compiled the reportbasically came to the conclusion that current recommended daily intake (RDI) levels for vitamin D (which are typically no more than 400 international units (IU) of the vitamin a day) are good enough. The committee also had the audacity to suggest that the only benefit tobe derived from vitamin D is to maintain healthy bones when consumed along with calcium.THIS IS FROM MY JULY 2007 NEWSLETTERThe importance of taking Vitamin D as a daily supplement, especially in preventing cancer. Anyone sitting inside behind a desk all week needsthis!!!This Vitamin D article talking about how Vitamin D can reduce therisk of some cancers was released in the UK on Dec 28th, the same day that the US released an article cautioning Americans against taking too much Vitamin D. Now proper doseage in an natural supplement is important, but I think it is rather telling, that theUS makes a specific point to counter this article that comes out by publishing a scare news release on Vitamin D. This article did not make US press, but just in case it did, they want to be sure everyone would just ignore it. After I posted the link to the article I findout that the whole article is no longer available unless you pay for a subscription. I have e-mailed them requesting to buy the rights to print this in my snail mail newsletter this Spring. The article has such profound implications, that is really makes me mad that thisinformation is not easy to get and is always so hard to find. The other thing that is important to understand is that Vitamin D is very inexpensive and to help prevent 50% of cancers with a daily dose of a supplement that only costs pennies does not fit into thecurrent cancer treatment scenario in the US. With that said, please take time to read this article that I have copied for educational and fair use and make a personal copy.VITAMIN D - UK Research Says Can Prevent Cancer!THE PILL THAT PREVENTS CANCER!Published: 28 December 2005"A daily dose of vitamin D could cut the risk of cancers of thebreast, colon and ovary by up to a half, a 40-year review of research has found. The evidence for the protective effect of the "sunshine vitamin" is so overwhelming that urgent action must be taken by public health authorities to boost blood levels, say cancer specialists.A growing body of evidence in recent years has shown that lack of vitamin D may have lethal effects. Heart disease, lung disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, schizophrenia and multiplesclerosis are among the conditions in which it is believed to play a vital role. The vitamin is also essential for bone health and protects against rickets in children and osteoporosis in the elderly.Vitamin D is made by the action of sunlight on the skin, which accounts for 90 per cent of the body's supply. But the increasing use of sunscreens and the reduced time spent outdoors, especially by children, has contributed to what many scientists believe is anincreasing problem of vitamin D deficiency.After assessing almost every scientific paper published on the link between vitamin D and cancer since the 1960s, US scientists say thata daily dose of 1,000 international units (25 micrograms) is needed to maintain health. " The high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency combined with the discovery of increased risks of certain types of cancer in those who are deficient, suggest that vitamin D deficiencymay account for several thousand premature deaths from colon, breast, ovarian and other cancers annually," they say in the online version of the American Journal of Public Health.The dose they propose of 1,000 IU a day is two-and-a-half times the current recommended level in the US. In the UK, there is no official recommended dose but grey skies and short days from October to March mean 60 per cent of the population has inadequate blood levels by theend of winter.The UK Food Standards Agency maintains that most people should be able to get all the vitamin D they need from their diet and "bygetting a little sun". But the vitamin can only be stored in the body for 60 days.High rates of heart disease in Scotland have been blamed on the weaksunlight and short summers in the north, leading to low levels of vitamin D. Differences in sunlight may also explain the higher rates of heart disease in England compared with southern Europe. Some experts believe the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet may haveas much to do with the sun there as with the regional food.In the latest study, cancer specialists from the University of San Diego, California, led by Professor Cedric Garland, reviewed 63scientific papers on the link between vitamin D and cancer publishedbetween 1966 and 2004. People living in the north-eastern US, where it is less sunny, and African Americans with darker skins were more likely to be deficient, researchers found. They also had higher cancerrates.The researchers say their finding could explain why black Americans die sooner from cancer than whites, even after allowing for differences in income and access to care. Professor Garland said: "Apreponderance of evidence from the best observational studies... has led to the conclusion that public health action is needed. Primary prevention of these cancers has been largely neglected, but we now have proof that the incidence of colon, breast and ovarian cancer canbe reduced dramatically by increasing the public's intake of vitamin D." Obtaining the necessary level of vitamin D from diet alone would be difficult and sun exposure carries a risk of triggering skin cancer. "The easiest and most reliable way of gettingthe appropriate amount is from food and a daily supplement," they say. The UK Food Standards Agency said that taking Vitamin D supplements of up to 1,000 IU was " unlikely to cause harm".WHAT VITAMIN D CAN DO*** Heart disease - Vitamin D works by lowering insulin resistance, which is one of the major factors leading to heart disease.*** Lung disease - Lung tissue undergoes repair and "remodelling" inlife and, since vitamin D influences the growth of a variety of cell types, it may play a role in this lung repair process.*** Cancers (breast, colon, ovary, prostate) - Vitamin D is believedto play an important role in regulating the production of cells, a control that is missing in cancer. It has a protective effect againstcertain cancers by preventing overproduction of cells.*** Diabetes - In type 1 diabetes the immune system destroys its owncells. Vitamin D is believed to act as an immunosuppressant.Researchers believe it may prevent an overly aggressive response from the immune system.*** High blood pressure - Vitamin D is used by the parathyroid glandsthat sit on the thyroid gland in the neck. These secrete a hormone that regulates the body's calcium levels. Calcium, in turn, helps to regulate blood pressure, although the mechanism is not yet completely understood.*** Schizophrenia - The chance of developing schizophrenia could belinked to how sunny it was in the months before birth. A lack ofsunlight can lead to vitamin D deficiency, which scientists believecould alter the growth of a child's brain in the womb.*** Multiple sclerosis - Lack of vitamin D leads to limited productionof 1.25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, the hormonal form of vitamin D3 which regulates the immune system, creating a risk for MS.Rickets and osteoporosis - The vitamin strengthens bones, protectingagainst childhood rickets and osteoporosis in the elderly.<><><><><>AMERICAN ARTICLE - ABC News - June 15, 2007New research published today in the American Journal of ClinicalNutrition suggests that vitamin D supplements may have another benefit: a 60 percent to 77 percent lower risk of cancer."Our study shows that with adequate vitamin D, cancer can beprevented -- or a high incidence of it can," said Joan Lappe, a professor of nursing and medicine at Creighton University and the lead author of the study."This is the first study that shows, in a clinical trial, that adequate levels of vitamin D can reduce the risk of cancer." Theresearch may already be impacting public health policy in at least one country. According to a release posted on its Web site, the Canadian Cancer Society is planning an announcement Friday that all adultsshould start taking vitamin D supplements. It's the first-ever move by a major public health organization to endorse daily use of the vitamin as a cancer-prevention therapy for an entire population.http://www.abcnews.go.com/Health/CancerPreventionAndTreatment/story?id=3256349 & page=1<><><><><>HHA VITAMIN D 3 - 100 IU - 180 softgels - only $10.95Our Vitamin D-3 softgels supply recommended levels of this keyvitamin in a highly absorbable liquid softgel form. Vitamin D is normally obtained from the diet or produced by the skin from the ultraviolet energy of the sun. However, it is not abundant in food.As more people avoid sun exposure, vitamin D-3 supplementation becomes even more necessary to ensure that your body receives an adequate supply. Ingredients: Vitamin D3 as Cholecalciferol, Olive Oil.Contains no sugar, salt, starch, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, soy, milk, egg, shellfish or preservatives. These are small softgels and very easy to swallow. By the way, I personally take 4,000 IU a dayin the winter.http://www.herbalhealer.com/monthly.html<><><><><><>NEW! HHA GIFT CERTIFICATESWe will send your friends or family a Herbal Healer Gift Certficateas a gift from you. Simply put your name in the top of the order and their name and address in the "send to" in the shopping cart. We will send them a Herbal Healer Gift Certificate from you in the mail. Youcan also type any comments you have in the box before check out. We will also send a free membership to them if they are not a member.http://www.herbalhealer.com/giftcertificates.html<><><><><><>MORE NEWS ON SILVER!!!These make awesome gifts for the Holiday Season!Silver reaching new highs this week. We nowhave in stock beautiful 1 oz. AMERICAN EAGLESThese are the #1 Silver Coin in World!Also 10 ounce PURE SILVER BARS are in.All American Eagles will be shipped in protectiveair tight coin case.http://www.herbalhealer.com/silver.html<><><><><>COPIED FROM ARTICLE ON MONEXSILVER PRICESThe extraordinarily bullish (means it is going up) fundamentals ofthe Silver Market suggest, at current prices, that investing in silver could offer investors one of the single best long-term investmentstoday.Worldwide market demand for silver is growing, while supplies of silver are quickly disappearing. New high-tech uses for silver will further strain already-tight supplies in the future. World demand forsilver now exceeds annual production and has every year since 1990, depleting above-ground stockpiles of silver. The U.S. government, once the largest stockpiler of silver on the planet, dumped billions andbillions of ounces of silver onto the world market over the years, resulting in depressed silver prices. Today, that government silver hoard is gone, and now the U.S. government is a buyer of silver atprevailing world silver prices.<><><>ONE OUNCE OF SILVER: ONE MONTH'S WAGEOne Ounce of Gold: One Year's Wage, One Ounce of Silver: one month'swage!!!http://news.goldseek.com/GoldSeek/1285509600.php<><><>COLLOIDAL SILVER WILL FREEZEColloidal Silver is a water based product andfreezes and breaks in the winter months, if notshipped via the post office. If you need colloidalsilver make a separate order for it and give usan address to a P.O. Box of a place where someonewill be there to receive the package. It can notsit outside. Understand we do not cover freezebreakage, so it is important to make sure youunderstand this. In the really cold winter monthswe can not ship the Colloidal Minerals either.They are also water based.<><><><>HOMEOPATHIC FLU NOSODE IS INHOMEOPATHIC Flu Nosode - 2010-2011Ingredients: Influenzinium V2-Grippe, Influenzinium V76- Grippe,Adenovirus (repiratory), Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Pneumococcinium, Hong Kong flu virus, 12X, 30X, 60X, 100X,Influenzinium Virus 2010/2011 30X, 60X - 20% alcohol and purified water.Preventative Dose for adults: 5 drops under the tongue once a day for2 weeks. If you have flu symptoms 10 drops under tongue three times a day. Scale dose back for children by weight.http://www.herbalhealer.com/homeopathy.html<><><><>NEW - RESVERATROLThis product is worth taking a look at folks. Some mainstreamresearch is coming in on it now. See the 60 minute video link. Itake 1 twice a day.http://www.herbalhealer.com/resveratrol.html<><><><>NEW - COMPLETE 75 PLANT MINERALS - Intro Special - $16.95120 Vegetarian capsuleshttp://www.herbalhealer.com/colloidalminerals.html<><><><><>HHA SURVIVAL COURSEThe Time Is Now!This course does qualify for an elective in our Naturopathic Program.This will be a must for any of you that want to learn skills to survivalin any type of situation. The course covers all areas of survival andeven features a 500 page - Do it yourself book for self-reliance,sustainability and surviving the long emergencies.http://www.herbalhealer.com/survival.html<><><><><>Have a Safe and Enjoyable Holiday Season Everyone.Love ** Marijah McCainWorld Class NaturopathHerbal Healer Academy - since 1988http://www.herbalhealer.com-------We do NOT send unsolicited email... You are receiving this mail because you signed up to receive our monthly newsletter.Please DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE. If you need to contact Herbal Healer, use the form at http://www.herbalhealer.com/inquiries.htmlTo unsubscribe send a blank email to:leave-update@...You are currently subscribed to update as: bjoyful@...

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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!*** HUNDREDS OF HERBS TO BE BANNED IN UK*** MARIJAH RANT*** NEWS ON SILVER*** NEW COPPER ROUNDS*** NEW! CHI GI - Intestinal Distress*** SURVIVAL COURSE - The time is now!*** COLLOIDAL SILVER WILL FREEZE Please read - very importantHUNDREDS OF HERBS BANNED IN UKHundreds of herbal medicinal products will be banned from sale in Britain next year under what campaigners say is a "discriminatory and disproportionate" European law. With four months to go before the EU-wide ban is implemented, thousands of patients face the loss of herbal remedies that have been used in the UK for decades. From 1 May 2011, traditional herbal medicinal products must be licensed or prescribed by a registered herbal practitioner to comply with an EU directive passed in 2004. The directive was introduced in response to rising concern over adverse effects caused by herbal medicines.http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/europe-to-ban-hundreds-of-herbal-remedies-2171781.htmlMARIJAH RANTIt is criminal what the controllers in the medical and pharmaceutical companies have done and are doing in suppressing the use of herbal remedies on a global scale. As you know, natural remedies work and do not kill you in the process, like the damn experimental drugs they spoon out do. The other problem with these genocidal maniacs is they could care less about finding cures. In case you haven't noticed, they don't cure anything. They specialize in treating symptoms is all they do. By the way, they cleverly tout their reason as protecting people from "adverse side effects" of natural remedies. These lying genocidal maniacs could care less about side effects!!! Check out any drug they sell. Most have side effects worse than your original problem! Oh, and they always say "serious side effects are uncommon". Another lie.The study on adverse effects looked at 12 cancer drugs "targeted" at specific cancers and approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration between 1997 and 2006. By 2009, 76 serious side effects had been identified--many of them highlighted in the FDA's most grave "black box" warnings on labels, and half of them potentially deadly.http://www.nationalpost.com/news/canada/Side+effects+cancer+drugs+played+down+study/4039230/story.htmlI have been involved in natural medicine for over 30 years now. When I started Herbal Healer I was very confident that we could change the way people were being poisoned by pharmaceutical drugs. I spent years educating people and providing solutions, which you can see by our members reports, have been very effective. But that change did not happen like I had hoped. After operation " Cure All" that was implemented by the US criminals in 2001, natural medicine was pushed further and further from mainstream view. They tried to put me out of business back then as well, but failed. Just more thug booted criminals squashing the true healers and people that could revolutionize the healing industry.Here is a good page to read about Operation Cure All by Guptahttp://www.newmediaexplorer.org/chris/2003/12/11/operation_cureall_whose_cure.htmFolks, it is getting worse by the minute. How did this happen? Complacency, that's how. You see the corruption in high places everywhere now. Just look at the airports and the ungodly TSA treatment that the US is doing to us. The corruption at the bankinglevels, with huge bailouts for criminals, you name the area and it's there. Chemtrails for 10 years is another good one. Poisoned from the sky! One thing you need to get into your minds, is the people in control don't care about you and they could care less if you suffer or die as long as they get as much of your money as they can. This means that you have to look after yourself. This is going to be much more important in the days ahead.The first priority is your health! There are millions of web pages out in computer land where you can find articles to help you with any current problem you might have. Learn to google. Type in natural treatment for ..., Natural cures for..., etc. Understand that for everyone out there trying to help you, there are a 100 trying to debunk anything good. Use your intuition. You know what feels right for you! In the coming newsletters I will address some important changes that you will need to make to protect your health and your future.<><><><><><>SILVER UPDATESilver is going up fast and is breaking record highs. Our prices will be going up in a couple of days. We are still waiting for the stagecoach bars that have been paid for from the mint since September. They just e-mailed us that they may ship them at the end of January. Second time the mint has delayed the shipment. They are saying that they are running very far behind, but common, since September? I think we may be starting to see some shortages in silver to the mints. We do expect silver to be over $100 per ounce in a year. Much higher after that. The important thing about these coins is to get them in your possession now.NEW COPPER COINS - Ground Floor Opportunity!These Lakota Copper 1 oz. rounds are spectacular. Copper has been rising faster than silver and as all the metals is limited on this planet. Scroll down to the bottom of the silver page and have a read and a look. Introductory price is only $5.00 each. Limit 10. Don't Miss These!http://www.herbalhealer.com/silver.html<><><><><><>ONE OUNCE OF SILVER: ONE MONTH'S WAGEOne Ounce of Gold: One Year's Wage, One Ounce of Silver: One Month'sWage!!! Interesting article.http://news.goldseek.com/GoldSeek/1285509600.php<><><>NEW!!! GI CHI capsulesI have many people now who are having stomach problems, especially colitis and I would recommend you give a bottle of this herbal formula a try. Testing in China has been extensive on this product with great results.GI CHI herbs have been traditionally used to treat diarrhea, intestinal bleeding, vomiting, abdominal pain, gastritis and dysentery. It is also recommended for colitis and stomach infections. Ingredients: GI Chi contains the herbs Sanguisorba officinalis, Euphoria, Phellodendron amurense. Individually, each herb has separate gastrointestinal effects. Euphoria has been shown, in Chinese studies, to inhibit bacteria such as streptococcus, E. coli, spirillum, and may inhibit some parasites by blocking purine transferase. The herb Sanguisorba helps control bleeding. It has anti-microbial effects against E. coli, streptococcus, etc. The herb Phellodendron has antiseptic action against bacteria, yeasts, viruses and amoebas and has yielded a range of activity levels from mild suppression to potent action. In particular, it demonstrated significant anti-pathogenic microbial activity against bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoans (trichomonads), helminths, and chlamydia. Its inhibition of giardia and candida are of particular interest by researchers right now. It also has anti-pyretic and anti-inflammatory functions.Adult dose: 3 capsules - 3 times a day or as needed. 120 capsules - 500mg.http://www.herbalhealer.com/drchi.html<><><><><>HHA SURVIVAL COURSEThe Time Is Now!This course does qualify for an elective in our Naturopathic Program.This will be a must for any of you that want to learn skills to survivalin any type of situation. The course covers all areas of survival andeven features a 500 page - Do it yourself book for self-reliance,sustainability and surviving the long emergencies.http://www.herbalhealer.com/survival.html<><><><><><>COLLOIDAL SILVER WILL FREEZEColloidal Silver is a water based product andfreezes and breaks in the winter months, if notshipped via the post office. If you need colloidalsilver make a separate order for it and give usan address to a P.O. Box of a place where someonewill be there to receive the package. It can notsit outside. Understand we do not cover freezebreakage, so it is important to make sure youunderstand this. In the really cold winter monthswe can not ship the Colloidal Minerals either.They are also water based.May 2011 Be Your Best Year Yet!!!Love **. Marijah McCainWorld Class NaturopathHerbal Healer Academy - since 1988http://www.herbalhealer.com-------We do NOT send unsolicited email... You are receiving this mail because you signed up to receive our monthly newsletter.Please DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE. If you need to contact Herbal Healer, use the form at http://www.herbalhealer.com/inquiries.htmlTo unsubscribe send a blank email to:leave-update@...You are currently subscribed to update as: bjoyful@...

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