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Full Moon Update 8-24-10

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Thanks Michele for sharing this with me. It's very pertinent, right now. Love you, Sis.

http://www.thepowerpath.com/index.php?option=com_content & view=article & id=281:full-moon-update-8-24-10 & catid=41:moon-updates & Itemid=122

Full Moon Update 8-24-10

Dear Friends,Full moon is Tuesday, August 24 at 11:05 AM Mountain Daylight Time. Think "expansion and opportunity". It is easy to get lost in the battle between convention and innovation. Guess what? Innovation will win this time around. It may take awhile but if you want to be on the winning side, move away from convention and towards innovation. So take stock of what is new and different in your life. Celebrate the innovation, expansion and tremendous opportunity of these times. Do something you have seriously never ever done before in your life and see how it feels. Give yourself a present, not from obligation but from a place of true generosity and because you value who you are.The second and very important aspect of this full moon time is to hold the line of any boundary you have recently put down around a major decision, change or intention. Recents insights and inspirations behind the choices were a long time brewing so honor them with a commitment to see them through.Blessings,LenaAstrological Notes:Written by LilesPATLILES@...Sun in Virgo 1º- Pisces Full Moon 1ºTues, Aug 24, 2010 11:05 AM MDTOur most prominent heavenly bodies, the Sun and the Moon are illuminating the themes of adaptation and surrender. Entering the sign of Virgo on Sunday, Aug 22, the Sun will catalyze our growing beyond the confines of the routines of our daily lives - routines of the day, of our emotional responses, of our engrained thinking, speaking, moving. We are adapting to new circumstances in our lives. The economy, culture, and work place and our relationships reflect the need for rapid adaptation, and though wrenching like growing pains, we're doing it! Virgo is the sign that governs the development of new skills. Have you tried to master a new form of digital technology lately? Of course you have! You can't communicate with your posse or do your banking or even share a photo of your dog without mastering new skills. It's not a time to be left behind.

Virgo, a mutable Earth sign, practical and analytical, rules the areas of life that govern work and health. We have support at this time of year to face those self-defeating (Pisces) psychological and health habits that keep us from the balance of body, mind, and spirit that Virgo excels at. Our bodies face the challenge of integrating at a higher frequency. They are up to the task, but are dense and material and need rest and support to do this deep work. So when your body vehicle shows up like a cranky child recognize that it's doing extreme growth work for you. Virgo like all the Earth signs is considered of the 'melancholic' humour; Virgo governs the spleen, hypochondrium, bowels, and small intestines and particularly rules the digestion. They favor the retentive-type illnesses like constipation, irritable bowel, and gastroenteritis, but also are gifted with powerful gut level instincts. Because Virgo is ruled by very mental Mercury, it can lean towards depression, anxiety, emotional tension. On the other hand, those gut level reactions can be routed through their analytical minds and the result is the reliable judgment and good memory that Virgo is renowned for.Pisces highlights the courageous act of surrender. The mutable, water element is symbolized by the two fishes bound together - self-undoing and self-sustainment. Letting go of what we can't control, surrendering it to Spirit - a constant lesson at this time - and a key to cultivating the compassion of Pisces and harnessing our attention to the Now. This too is a new skill we practice. We have the benefit of other Piscean influences softening the edges of the T-Square of Saturn-Uranus-Pluto. Uranus has already retrograded back to Pisces (as of Aug 14), and continues to travel with Jupiter who will also move into Pisces on Sept 9. Our intuition, compassion, and forgiveness become the guiding influence under Pisces. Here we transmute our fear and anger through our enlightened hearts accepting what comes up and surrendering it to the Earth, to the Sky, to that which is greater than our selves. We move as a planet together from a Solar Plexus/power focus to a Heart Center/love focus. More growing painsŠ Have great compassion for what you are going through now - the highs and the lows. We birth ourselves into an expanded cosmic awareness. When Neptune moves into its own sign, Pisces, in April 2011 to Aug 2011, then back again Feb 2012 until 2025 (14 years), we will feel the results of the work that we can't quite grasp yet. It most likely will be more than we can imagine. The legions of people doing their inner work will light up the Web of Life and psychic veils will dissolve and many dimensions of time and space will open up for our use and viewing pleasure! We will acutely grasp that what harms one, harms all and helping others, helps our selves. "I am another you".Yes, the Saturn-Uranus opposition continues squaring Pluto and creating the dynamic pressure of a T-Square. It means we are under tremendous pressure to evolve. You feel it in old programs surfacing from the very core of your being; you may not even know what they are, you don't have to. Sometimes you're triggered emotionally and recognize an old scenario from the past, sometimes it's personal, sometimes it's not you, but you're processing material for those around you or for the collective. The configuration makes us all very sensitive to breaking up what has gone before, as well as restless (Uranus) and pressured to expose the shadow side of our lives and reclaim personal power (Pluto) and to bring boundaries, responsibility and balance into our relationships (Saturn in Libra). The Full Moon is sextile Pluto in this chart, so there is an open channel for deep letting go on the subconscious and emotional levels especially where the feminine is concerned. Open to your feelings of vulnerability, as there is opportunity for deep union with the Divine when Pisces is highlighted. The Sun also trines Pluto benevolently bringing all of Virgo's strengths to play in facilitating our changes and easing our resistances. According to Deborah Houlding studying traditional sources "ŠVirgo bestows purity, diplomacy, a mastery of words, a discriminating intellect, a propensity for study, a talent for investigation and analysis, skillful creativity and a keen appreciation of the mysteries of nature." Go deep. Mars 16º and Venus 17º both in Libra, sign of relationship/partnership, relate in aspect to the Sun and Moon opposition urging us to use the mirror of relationships to recognize ourselves and practice acceptance and release. Mars says, make it a priority. Sept 8 Super New Moon 15º Virgo, 4:30 AM MDTSept 8 Jupiter retrogrades into Pisces until Jan 2011Sept 12 Mercury goes Direct 5º VirgoSept 22 Fall Equinox 9:08 PM MDTSept 23 Harvest Full Moon 3:17 AM MDT 0AriesWritten by LilesPATLILES@...

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