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This is not an NIMH forum

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I apologise if I am about to offend anyone, but every so often someone ends up

having to post a reminder that this is not an NIMH forum and this time I think

that person is me. So, whether you love, hate, join, leave, dedicate your life

to, or just don't give a monkeys (about the NIMH) please remember that there is

another place for your NIMH rants, discussions, praise, heart-felt (but way OTT)

defense, etc., etc., etc. - the NIMH Member's Forum, or you could create a 'I

used to be a member and still want to talk about the NIMH Forum'. The odd

mention here or there or the announcement of a seminar is one thing, but, in my

opinion (which I held when I was a member and hold even more strongly now I'm

not) is that this is not an appropriate place to discuss NIMH policies,

short-comings, successes, plans, etc. I'm sure some of the info is of interest

to non-NIMH members, but that, again in my opinion, is not a justification -

please remember this forum contains herbalists from all different backgrounds -

not just NIMH!

Gursewa Harrad.

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Hi Gursewa

Hi Gursewa

sad to hear you are no longer a confrere

quite agree that there has been too much NIMH discussion - but

personally I think it is probably a matter of balance. (and I know

I can be a bit OTT sometimes - but hey who's perfect?! (It's quite

tiring and time consuming actually, so.....I am working on it)

Heartfelt is however , I think, the only way to truth, but then, I am

a Leo. (Astrology alert, astrology alert - hide the


Personally, I'd quite like to hear general news from all the

herbalists groups, and I'd seriously hate to think of us all in

seperate huddles bitching about each other - Divide and be conquered

seems to be a historic theme

and I remember saying to me, near the beginning of

the SSR process, how important she felt it was for western herbalists

to work together, regard each other with respect, and learn from each

other. I completely agree with that sentiment, we all haqve our

areas of strength, and our blind spots. Biodiversity breeds

strength and resiliance

Hooray for Herbalists!!!

Sally O

> Hello,

> I apologise if I am about to offend anyone, but every so often

> someone ends up having to post a reminder that this is not an NIMH

> forum and this time I think that person is me. So, whether you

> love, hate, join, leave, dedicate your life to, or just don't give

> a monkeys (about the NIMH) please remember that there is another

> place for your NIMH rants, discussions, praise, heart-felt (but way

> OTT) defense, etc., etc., etc. - the NIMH Member's Forum, or you

> could create a 'I used to be a member and still want to talk about

> the NIMH Forum'. The odd mention here or there or the announcement

> of a seminar is one thing, but, in my opinion (which I held when I

> was a member and hold even more strongly now I'm not) is that this

> is not an appropriate place to discuss NIMH policies, short-

> comings, successes, plans, etc. I'm sure some of the info is of

> interest to non-NIMH members, but that, again in my opinion, is not

> a justification - please remember this forum contains herbalists

> from all different backgrounds - not just NIMH!


> Gursewa Harrad.



> List Owner: Graham White, MNIMH


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