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Kidnet stones

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Does anyone has any info or ideas about herbs dissolving kidney stones? Or suggest where I could find more information, research studies etc.

I have a male patient , late 50s, who had a large kidney stone stuck in his ureter. In hospital they tried to remove it by inserting a stent but have pushed the stone back into the kidney and now want to break it down with ultra sound. Patient is adamant he does not want this treatment cos of side effects. His consultant is willing to leave things till August ie leave the stent in place to see if herbs etc will dissolve the stone. Apparently the stent has a sort of cup on the end in the kidney which has tiny perforations so the stone cannot pass whole into it.

My question is, is it possible to dissolve the stone with herbs. (The composition of the stone is not known.)

I have given him a mixture of Parietaria, onia, Hydrangea, Daucus and Agropyron. Also a soothing tea of Zea and Althaea rad. He's doing lots of other things eg lemon juice,olive oil, vitamins etc

Any thoughts, suggestions very welcome,


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All the things I would do, but I would also make sure he has a mag cit supplement. Take to bowel tolerance. J Fidler, MCPP, (RH) AHGHerbalist To: ukherbal-list Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2012 12:10 PM Subject: Kidnet stones

Does anyone has any info or ideas about herbs dissolving kidney stones? Or suggest where I could find more information, research studies etc.

I have a male patient , late 50s, who had a large kidney stone stuck in his ureter. In hospital they tried to remove it by inserting a stent but have pushed the stone back into the kidney and now want to break it down with ultra sound. Patient is adamant he does not want this treatment cos of side effects. His consultant is willing to leave things till August ie leave the stent in place to see if herbs etc will dissolve the stone. Apparently the stent has a sort of cup on the end in the kidney which has tiny perforations so the stone cannot pass whole into it.

My question is, is it possible to dissolve the stone with herbs. (The composition of the stone is not known.)

I have given him a mixture of Parietaria, onia, Hydrangea, Daucus and Agropyron. Also a soothing tea of Zea and Althaea rad. He's doing lots of other things eg lemon juice,olive oil, vitamins etc

Any thoughts, suggestions very welcome,


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Hein Zeylstra gave an anecdote about madder root tea drunk until the urine turns

red and continued for 10 days. He said a stag horn stone disappeared. 15 years

after hearing it I am still waiting to find enough madder root and a willing

victim to try it.......


Medical Herbalist (MCPP Dip. Phyt.)

Buteyko Breathing Practitoner

Carlingcott Pharmaculture Orchard

" Wild Drugs " 'A Foragers Guide to Healing Plants' Gaia 2010


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Hi Pam,            Had three clients pass kidney stones two very painfully. All presented with chronic urinary disturbances and it wasn't clear that stones were the issue initially. Similar type of treatment to what you're using, but to take double doses with any flare ups/disturbance, and hey presto within 2-3 months stone away.

After recovery in all cases urinary symptoms disappeared.To actually dissolve stones there's the obvious Western herbal stuff you're using and not to be under estimated. There's also something called the three 'Golds' as each name features Jin - gold in Chinese. One is illegal - animal origin the others:

Jin Qian Cao and Hai Jin Cao (possible carcinogen) formula is called San Jin Tang. Said to have a great reputation is dissolving many stones not just kidney. 

However I never needed to go outside the Western herbal tradition in the cases mentioned. I presume however in the case you mentioned that passing the stone would not be an option.



Does anyone has any info or ideas about herbs dissolving kidney stones? Or suggest where I could find more information, research studies etc.


 I have a male patient , late 50s, who had a large kidney stone stuck in his ureter.  In hospital they tried to remove it by inserting a stent but have pushed the stone back into the kidney and now want to break it down with ultra sound.  Patient is adamant he does not want this treatment cos of side effects.  His consultant is willing to leave things till August ie leave the stent in place to see if herbs etc will dissolve the stone.  Apparently the stent has a sort of cup on the end in the kidney which has tiny perforations so the stone cannot pass whole into it. 


My question is,  is it possible to dissolve the stone with herbs.  (The composition of the stone is not known.)


I have given him a mixture of Parietaria, onia, Hydrangea, Daucus and Agropyron.  Also a soothing tea of Zea and Althaea rad.  He's doing lots of other things eg lemon juice,olive oil, vitamins etc


Any thoughts, suggestions very welcome,



-- Lorraine Hodgkinson AHG MRCHMHERBS AND HELPERS6, Butts Fold, Cockermouth,Cumbria, CA13 9HY. UK.Tel: +44 (0) 1900 826392Mobile: 07761 489838 (O2)


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> Hein Zeylstra gave an anecdote about madder root tea drunk until the urine

> turns red and continued for 10 days. He said a stag horn stone disappeared.

> 15 years after hearing it I am still waiting to find enough madder root and

> a willing victim to try it.......

For madder root you'll have to ask the people who dye yarns. They have kgs of

madder root ...

.... the victim needs only be told by the docs " no time for you right now, come

back next week. " " But the kidney might be damaged by then! " " No worries, you

do have two kidneys ... "

(One mom gave Lycopodium greens + salvia for her daughters kidney stones.

The stones were gone " next week " , when the docs finally had some time for a

15 year old girl with kidney stones.)



Henriette Kress, AHG Helsinki, Finland

Henriette's herbal homepage: http://www.henriettesherbal.com

New book: http://www.henriettesherbal.com/articles/pract-herbs.html

Now also on Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/9526757505

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